Trump wants to buy Greenland

Wanna cut off Mississippi or Alabama? They generally get more aid than Puerto Rico.
/——/ Mississippi and Louisiana actually produce goods and services people want.
Yeah? But Puerto Rico doesn't? Even though they produce tons of prescription drugs and medical devices?
Expanding welfare isn’t productive haha
Don't be stupider than you have to be kid.
My fcuking sisters are PR and both are welfare whores,, I grew up down the street where they filmed a latin Kings documentary, my high school baseball team was alll Spanish.. all on welfare... I was just in a store behind one she was using her MASS WELFARE CARD to buy her food...

Stop with the ad hominem and debate
You said Puerto Rico didn't produce anything we wanted, I pointed out that they did, you threw out some garbage about expanding welfare, a complete non sequitur meant to distract from facts. You ended the debate before it started.
Doubt if Denmark will sell it, but it would be a great deal. The rare earth deposits alone are worth many many millions.
Hey was Trump that promised an amazing cheap and effective healthcare plan...take it up with him, not me.
yeah..after the demonrats block and obstruct him and every turn eh? right....nope, we need to win the house back and keep the presidency than shit will get done...not that that is questionable with that field of lunatics running,LOL

a bit like headless chicken, really...
Maybe if he released his big beautiful plan the opposition would disappear.
If it's so amazing...which I have no doubt it is...the whole Congress will be won over.
Is it sitting in the bottom drawer of his desk?

Trump never talks specifics, he only talks in general terms. And, that looks like one of the places that Democrats are going to be able to hit him and make it hurt, because they are actually telling us what they want to do, as well as how they are planning on accomplishing it.

Trump only tells you he has great deals, wonderful friendships and things are in the works. He never tells you how he's going to fix a problem, or the course of action he would take to make it happen.
Isn't he going to cure cancer now?
That sounds pretty specific.
Maybe if he released his big beautiful plan the opposition would disappear.
If it's so amazing...which I have no doubt it is...the whole Congress will be won over.
Is it sitting in the bottom drawer of his desk?

nothing gets through congress..the demorats are rabid and their only policy is "orange man bad"....the thing that YOU don't understand is, that president Trump is simply honest...he doesn't keep his mouth shut and just announce some bullshit at the right point in time like Obummer or Bush the lesser..he keeps you informed as he goes along....the Greenland interest? do you think, it's not a long standing interest of the US? Truman tried to buy Greenland for heaven's sake! The thing is, other presidnets would just go along and keep quite...Trump keeps you in the loop....when ISIS was wiped out (he! where is the applause from the left? or are you all in dep mourning?) he showed the map, made by his staff and which showed the rest little bit or territory they held to the,we don't get the usual "keep the war going, even if we have nothing to fight anymore" attitude by the secrecy deep state

I like it..I like the fact that President Trump shown a light onto the dire situation of democratic governd cities like the decade old corruption will stop....and so on and on
He doesn't keep you informed...he tells you what he thinks you want to hear.
Where is his healthcare plan for example?
When is Mexico sending the cheque as another?
The chances of Trump doing some kind of deal with Denmark and purchasing Greenland are about the same chances he has of making good on his campaign promise of building a wall that Mexico would pay for.
Trump has five 1/2 more years to get the job done. Be patient with our superior president.

You sure about that? Current chatter out of the WH is that Trump is scared of his reelection chances. And, part of that is because he's concerned that a recession could happen in the next year or so.

Trump is anxious a recession could tank his reelection chances, but officials aren't openly bracing for one because they're worried about fueling the fire

President Trump has reportedly showed concern privately about a looming recession that could seriously dent his chance of reelection in 2020, the Washington Post reported Thursday.

According to two sources familiar with the matter who spoke to the Post, the president is "anxious and apprehensive," and has spoken by phone with business leaders and financial executives this week to sound them out about the prospects of the US economy.
Trump fears nothing.
Of course he does.
He's tough and big when he's at home but put him in front of a strong leader and he's as weak as a kitten.
He doesn't keep you informed...he tells you what he thinks you want to hear.
Where is his healthcare plan for example?
When is Mexico sending the cheque as another?

What I've told you are FACTS..ISIS is defeated...after obummer told us that it will never go away...

NK is indeed very quite from what is was....

and so on

as for health care..if you would stop shouting, you would hear what he said about it: he stated that drug costs are too high and that they need to come down...last thing I've heard was that he was using an executive order, so I have to dig in again....democraps have done nothing but obstruct btw...but you don't look into that direction, eh?

Health care is in my opinon something he will tackle in his second term...first was the economy, than China and foreign affairs...

Mexico is paying dude..ever heard of NAFTA? that unfavorable stupid Clinton project? as efficient as monika's blowjobs I suupose..and as helpful for the US economy...Mexico had a sweat ride but that is over with USMCA..simple is and that pays for the wall

President Trump has achieved more than the past three presidents combined....

Yes, I am....ISIS as an idea can't be doesn't matter if they call it Al kaida or any other name...muslims will continue to flock to terror organizations which promise them a caliphate and world domination simple as....the important factor is the fire power and economic power they can muster....Iraq and Syria weren't chosen by mistake you see..that is the first and most important territory that they need to claim cause it's the homeland of the caliphate and Bagdad has been it's capital....with the loss of the territory and the seizable Russian presence in Syria, those dreams are over..sure, I agree that the long term strategy has to be solid and we will see how good Trump's plans hold far as I can say, his military strategy seems to not envolve invading foreign countries, so that's a definitive plus...
Of course he does.
He's tough and big when he's at home but put him in front of a strong leader and he's as weak as a kitten

HAHAHAHA..good you remember obummer?

Obama Looks Weak Abroad to Those at Home

remember, when obummer couldn't handle NK? let alone China...or Putin

nah, a complete failure as president is his legacy...and btw: the US were passed off as "Superpower of yesterday" in Europe...
It could have been prevented, but at this point you're right.

If you think of the US support for ISIS, tha yes...without Obummers support, ISIS would have never gotten where they were...and all of that to get Assad out in order to hit Hezbollah....that's what I call blowback!

Now the Geeni is out of the bottle, now we have to deal with it and ain't going anywhere...but he! at least ISIS drained away support from Al Kaida...don't they already fight each other?
How in the hell is Trump going to pay for his tax cuts, get money for the wall, and buy Greenland? Where in the hell is the money going to come from?
Don't forget his healthcare plan that he's going to announce any day now.
-------------------------------------------- you healthcare beggars still begging for FREE Healthcare and for WE Deplorables to pay your way eh IBD ?? [chuckle]
Hey was Trump that promised an amazing cheap and effective healthcare plan...take it up with him, not me.
How in the hell is Trump going to pay for his tax cuts, get money for the wall, and buy Greenland? Where in the hell is the money going to come from?
Don't forget his healthcare plan that he's going to announce any day now.
-------------------------------------------- you healthcare beggars still begging for FREE Healthcare and for WE Deplorables to pay your way eh IBD ?? [chuckle]
Hey was Trump that promised an amazing cheap and effective healthcare plan...take it up with him, not me.
------------------------------------------------- I just wanted done with the 'Obama care' Mandate IBD . Youse guys can play 'doktor' all day all night just so the Un American Mandate is gone IBD .
What's the difference between Obamacare and Trumpcare PIMSOE?
--------------------------------------------------- as I said earlier , the mandate is gone IDB .
I don't care about it , its YOU healthcare beggars that are concerned IDB .

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