Trump wants to buy Greenland

Do you remember Trump meekly accepting Putin's word over his own intelligence experts when he was standing next to him...only to talk tough again when he was safely home?

And Europe and the rest of the world is moving on while laughing at the US...I'm sorry to break it to you.

Do you remember, that the FBI colluded with Hillary's campaign and used a Hillary paid "dossier" from a British guy who works for Fusion GBS who hates Trump?

Sorry, but I would take anyones word over the US intelligence apparatus...and btw: Trump was mocking you guys...he is one good troll..the best in fact....
This is an ideological war that goes way beyond just Obama and ISIS.
Just look at the US history of bombing people starting practically as soon as the Army stole the Wright Brothers flight models ( that's basically how it went down), and meddling in foreign affairs ( Iran 1953 , Venezuela, Libya....)openly and covertly (we now know)....we're in a superpowers PR war now , which China and Russia are winning , when they should be our allies in defeating the terrorists--but the biggest problem with that is most of the world now view us as the terrorists. And I'm not sounding anti-American...just being real.

At spiking levels, foreign countries now see the U.S as a threat

OK..first of all, that site has a news flash on the side bar that Epstein hanged himself..which I find hillarious..

anyways: you have to dig a little deeper with that view of the for China: they are the enemy and there can't be any doubt...I could tell you stories and some of them first hand from my Chinese friend that make your skin crawl....Chinese are different and it took Taiwan nearly 50 years to turn into what we concider western style democracy...the problem is not just government but what has become of the people.

Secondly: Japan has always been a very uneasy a nutshell, you could say that the US has wounded, what can only be restored with blood...(to be theatrical)...Japan's honor..Abe is basically a Trump of Japan...his father was very active in the faction, which wants to throw out the pacifist clause in the Japanese constitution....further, when the US broke Japan's economic assault on her in the nineties, that left a lot of bad memories which have turned even more sour with time.

Europe: well, here I can give you first hand experience.....the US are hated...Americans are hated...cause Americans are stupid, fat, imperialistic and of course drive cars that are way too big....they eat too much and watch too much TV and so is a racist hate which ironically is a bit of self,20 years ago, people were fuming at the STUPID AMERICAN who has to drive a big SUV! now, most people here drive SUVs (or soft UVs like the Nissan Note)...they are hypocrites but their hate is a socialist hate....telling others, what they can or can not do and Americans with their unapologetic patriotism and large life style are the enemy....

THAT is the real reason, America is hated...quite sad actually
America was emulated throughout the ME just like Dubai now, but we bombed them instead. We helped Saddam kill a million Iranians in the 80's( for one example)and wonder why they fucking hate our guts ?
NK is lighting missiles just to troll Trump.

Health care was easy according to Trump and he guaranteed "repeal and replace"...there hasn't been a whole lot of "replace".

NAFTA is still in place with a shiny new name that only puts the US at the front of it on new stationery...however that new stationery means a trade imbalance in Mexico's favour increasing month by month.
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Mexico

NK Kim has to keep face, so he will continue to fire short range is suppose to keep pressure on the situation...Kim wants a stable dictatorship and dynasty, but he won't get shit, if he doesn't keep NK in the spot light to some extend...imagine if he would fall silent? what signal would that send? Trump said: "I am not worried about the little missles"
same btw with that old Soviet submarine which Kim tries to pass off as some cutting edge new but wahtever turns his crank

Health care....I can only repeat myself: if the dems wouldn't obstruct it would be a lot easier for Trump to get things, we have to wait probably till after 2020 when the house flips and Trump is reelected

USMCA ain't NAFTA....that Mexico is picking up and increasing it's trade deficit with the US is quite understadnable...after all: Mexico is benefitting from the trade fall out with china, being the next best thing to Chinese slave labor..IO personally don't see a big problem...Mexico gets wealthier....wich means they have far more to loose than what they already have on the, first you get more Mexicans to stay in Mexico rather to come to the US....and secondly you get to have Mexico far more cooperative in areas of border they've already shown...remember: Mexico sees now a good future for themselves and they have NOTHING to gain by pissing the US long as you have a strong president..not one who campaigns in Mexico for his election..roll eyes...
America was emulated throughout the ME just like Dubai now, but we bombed them instead. We helped Saddam kill a million Iranians in the 80's( for one example)and wonder why they fucking hate our guts ?

Dude, you could do whatever you wanted..they would hate just don't understand the fact that there is a huge group of people which hate you for your freedom, lifestyle, prosperity and your existence...simple as...

How to change that? well, you all convert to islam and introduce the sharia..simple...have you heard the muslims in this forum talk? you think that is just hyperbole?

NK is lighting missiles just to troll Trump.

Health care was easy according to Trump and he guaranteed "repeal and replace"...there hasn't been a whole lot of "replace".

NAFTA is still in place with a shiny new name that only puts the US at the front of it on new stationery...however that new stationery means a trade imbalance in Mexico's favour increasing month by month.
Foreign Trade - U.S. Trade with Mexico

NK Kim has to keep face, so he will continue to fire short range is suppose to keep pressure on the situation...Kim wants a stable dictatorship and dynasty, but he won't get shit, if he doesn't keep NK in the spot light to some extend...imagine if he would fall silent? what signal would that send? Trump said: "I am not worried about the little missles"
same btw with that old Soviet submarine which Kim tries to pass off as some cutting edge new but wahtever turns his crank

Health care....I can only repeat myself: if the dems wouldn't obstruct it would be a lot easier for Trump to get things, we have to wait probably till after 2020 when the house flips and Trump is reelected

USMCA ain't NAFTA....that Mexico is picking up and increasing it's trade deficit with the US is quite understadnable...after all: Mexico is benefitting from the trade fall out with china, being the next best thing to Chinese slave labor..IO personally don't see a big problem...Mexico gets wealthier....wich means they have far more to loose than what they already have on the, first you get more Mexicans to stay in Mexico rather to come to the US....and secondly you get to have Mexico far more cooperative in areas of border they've already shown...remember: Mexico sees now a good future for themselves and they have NOTHING to gain by pissing the US long as you have a strong president..not one who campaigns in Mexico for his election..roll eyes...
What healthcare plan has he put in front of the Dems for them to obstruct?
He's a master negotiator...he makes deals...that's what he does...should be easy.

Master negotiator my ass. All he does is say that he's going to do something (won't tell you what) to fix the problem (again, not identified), and that he is the only one that can do it. He then repeats it over and over until the masses are hypnotized into believing him.

I mean, do you REALLY think that your 401k is going to go away if he's not reelected? He said it last night........................

Trump on 401ks: Vote for Me or It’s ‘Down the Tubes’

Love him or hate him, President Trump said in New Hampshire on Thursday that Americans must vote for him, or their 401k, as well as the stock market in general, will go down the tubes.

“If for some reason I wouldn’t have won the [2016] election, these markets would have crashed. That’ll happen even more so in 2020,” Trump said. “See, the bottom line is… You have no choice but to vote for me because your 401k, everything is going to be down the tubes. So whether you love me or hate me, you’ve got to vote for me.”

During a roughly 90-minute campaign rally in Manchester, N.H., Trump repeatedly pointed to the country’s (and New Hampshire’s in particular) strong economy in making his case for reelection while also defending his economic policies that are alarming some businesses and investors amid increasing concerns about a recession.
As the Arctic ice continues to melt due to global warming, Greenland’s mineral and energy resources – including iron ore, lead, zinc, diamonds, gold, rare earth elements, uranium and oil – are becoming more accessible.

The Greenland Gold Rush: Promise and Pitfalls of Greenland’s Energy and Mineral Resources

Aside from its natural pristine beauty, Greenland's natural resources are worth many trillions of dollars. Trump would love to rape and pillage those precious resources - while treating the natives like shit.
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Republicans control both the House and the Senate. Why can't they get things done?
excuse me?
last time I've checked it's the democrats that hold the house....have you seen them "cooperating"? no? me neither!

Sure, when Trump took office there was a golden opportunity and he used it in order to get the economy straightened out....but holding house and senat didn't mean that trump had an easy time either...too many Rinos and swamp creatures..

well,in 2020 the house will go back to the GOP and that together with the presidency will take care of further reforms :D
As the Arctic ice continues to melt due to global warming, Greenland’s mineral and energy resources – including iron ore, lead, zinc, diamonds, gold, rare earth elements, uranium and oil – are becoming more accessible.

The Greenland Gold Rush: Promise and Pitfalls of Greenland’s Energy and Mineral Resources

Aside from its natural pristine beauty, Greenland's natural resources are worth many trillions of dollars. Trump would love to rape and pillage those precious resources - while treating the natives like shit.

oh have to make up your mind: either he is a white supremacist..than he won't treat the native population like shit..they are blond haired, blue eyed Scandinavians....or he is NOT a white spremacist...but does facts really matter for you left loons? I supose not

rabies...that's all I can see

Oh, besides: don't know where you live, but they just had the coldest winter in decades in the praries...-52 celcius in North Dakota with ponds freezing solidly that never froze to the ground.....strange "global" warming...I call it convinient warming...wherever you need it to happen I guess
After the way Trump treated Puerto Rico, another island, the Natives on Greenland know exactly what he would do to them.

We sent them 11 Billion and they will be getting more, on top of whatever they already receive every year in Federal aid 85 Billion dollars annually . DO you realize this is a lot? so they are being treated so badly? the problem there is that money sent previously which could have been used to upgrade their delapadated infrastructure was squandered away as often happens when politicians get a lot of free money in their hands.
/——/ Mississippi and Louisiana actually produce goods and services people want.
Yeah? But Puerto Rico doesn't? Even though they produce tons of prescription drugs and medical devices?
Expanding welfare isn’t productive haha
Don't be stupider than you have to be kid.
My fcuking sisters are PR and both are welfare whores,, I grew up down the street where they filmed a latin Kings documentary, my high school baseball team was alll Spanish.. all on welfare... I was just in a store behind one she was using her MASS WELFARE CARD to buy her food...

Stop with the ad hominem and debate
You said Puerto Rico didn't produce anything we wanted, I pointed out that they did, you threw out some garbage about expanding welfare, a complete non sequitur meant to distract from facts. You ended the debate before it started.
Great story

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