Trump wants to shut down Palestinian office in DC..

I'm cool with that.

No reason to support terrorists.
They are an occupied nation and struggling for freedom.....The US has been supporting and fighting Israel's wars and backing them with billions of dollars, while americans are dying for a cause that the whole world sees as unjust. History won't be kind to us, we have supported Israel's crimes and used Veto in the UN to protect them.....and send them billions of dollars each year. Yet they still spy on us and steal our secret information.
Many on the far left show that they do not understand history or understand what a country is, but that is why they support terrorist like ISIS.

Palestine was never a nation, never owned the land, has no claim to the land..

Well since the far left allow their terrorist groups to set up shop, it is no wonder why they would allow a terrorist group to have a n office in DC.
Care to name a Arab country that wants em

Moron, Palestinians want THEIR country back, illegally taken from them by the Brits and, of course, European Jews.....

Learn some history....or go to bed.

They've never had or been a country. Fact

I'd watch telling anyone to learn history
you can argue all day long....but one thing indicates your are soooooooooo wrong, is the fact that only you and Israel that say there was no Palestine. Imagine the whole entire world recognizes the right of Palestinians to have a country, and you and the Israelis say no they don't. That alone proves that you are super wrong.
Given that the zionist lobby is sucking the US dry and owns the media, i'm not surprised to hear a war mongering republican support Israel, a state of apartheid and destruction.
Good, I wish Israel would wipe out the Palestinian humanoid walking cysts already. Their existence serves the world no purpose whatsoever. And think of how chronically butthurt that would leave Eurotrash and other treacherous, backstabbing, soulless liberal putrescence whose lying, piety-spewing mouths are wrapped around muslim penises. That would be the best part.
"Palestine is the name (first referred to by the Ancient Greeks) of an area in the Middle East situated between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea."

No country of Palestine has ever been named or recognized by anyone.

Fuck heads like you find the most ridiculous reasons to support the enslaving of people......You SHOULD know that there wasn't a country named America as far the the Natives in this continent were concerned.

The Philistine people lived in an area THEY called Palestine....and their big mistake (according to you Trump morons) was NOT to build a wall to keep illegals out.
Lol like Clinton bombing Iraq to divert from his blue dress problem? Or bombing Iraq to take focus off the campaign finance scandal in 1996?

Yes........So, how did it work out for Clinton??.
How do you "think" its going to work out for YOUR orange clown?.............LOL
Given that the zionist lobby is sucking the US dry and owns the media, i'm not surprised to hear a war mongering republican support Israel, a state of apartheid and destruction.

So far this year, AIPAC (the Israeli lobby in DC) has spent, $2,561,663 to thoroughly bribe congress.
Care to name a Arab country that wants em

Moron, Palestinians want THEIR country back, illegally taken from them by the Brits and, of course, European Jews.....

Learn some history....or go to bed.

They've never had or been a country. Fact

I'd watch telling anyone to learn history
you can argue all day long....but one thing indicates your are soooooooooo wrong, is the fact that only you and Israel that say there was no Palestine. Imagine the whole entire world recognizes the right of Palestinians to have a country, and you and the Israelis say no they don't. That alone proves that you are super wrong.
Given that the zionist lobby is sucking the US dry and owns the media, i'm not surprised to hear a war mongering republican support Israel, a state of apartheid and destruction.

Agian there has NEVER been a nation or country called, Palestine. NEVER in history. You and your little buddy Gnat can huff and puff all day long and it won't matter. There never has been.

Now sit down
Given that the zionist lobby is sucking the US dry and owns the media, i'm not surprised to hear a war mongering republican support Israel, a state of apartheid and destruction.

So far this year, AIPAC (the Israeli lobby in DC) has spent, $2,561,663 to thoroughly bribe congress.

Oh look, an Antisemitic democrat, what a surprise.....
Agian there has NEVER been a nation or country called, Palestine.

Called by WHOM???

Was there ever a nation called America until we named it OURSELVES?.....Ask how Natives feel about their lands being taken over by displaced Europeans......Just like the Palestinians are rightfully bitching about Israel's widening settlements.
Care to name a Arab country that wants em

Moron, Palestinians want THEIR country back, illegally taken from them by the Brits and, of course, European Jews.....

Learn some history....or go to bed.

How can you have a country back that never existed? :dunno:

Moron.......Palestine was created exactly when Israel was created.......

In 1947, the newly formed United Nations accepted the idea to partition Palestine into a zone for the Jews (Israel) and a zone for the Arabs (Palestine). With this United Nations proposal, the British withdrew from the region on May 14th 1948.
Agian there has NEVER been a nation or country called, Palestine.

Called by WHOM???

Was there ever a nation called America until we named it OURSELVES?.....Ask how Natives feel about their lands being taken over by displaced Europeans......Just like the Palestinians are rightfully bitching about Israel's widening settlements.

You're floundering, there has never been a nation or country called Palestine. That's just fact. Going off on tangents about native Americans won't change it, dumbass
Oh look, an Antisemitic democrat, what a surprise.....

Hey MORON.......Did you know that the definition of SEMITE means a member of any of the peoples who speak or spoke a Semitic language, including in particular Arabs and Jews???.
You're floundering, there has never been a nation or country called Palestine. That's just fact. Going off on tangents about native Americans won't change it, dumbass

The country of PALESTINE was born EXACTLY on the same day as the country of Israel was born...

Get a fucking education.
This thread is hilarious and reveals how utterly stupid leftists are. THERE HAS BEEN A NATION OR COUNTRY CALLED PALESTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nope, goofy dopes

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