Trump Was Lying About Carrier Task Force Deployment To Iran. Big Surprise


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
So, a few days ago Trump trotted out John Bolton to threaten Iran, saying the deployment was meant "to send a clear and unmistakable message to the Iranian regime that any attack on United States interests or on those of our allies will be met with unrelenting force.”

Of course that turns out to be utter nonsense as the deployment was planned months ago.

Breaking Defense

“WASHINGTON: The day after the White House released a stern statement announcing the immediate deployments of an aircraft carrier strike group and bomber wing to the Persian Gulf to deter an unnamed Iranian threat, Navy chief Adm. John Richardson was put in what has become a familiar position for the Pentagon brass: explaining a surprise White House statement on a controversial topic.

In response to National Security Advisor Advisor John Bolton’s Sunday evening statement that the forces were being dispatched to the Gulf in response to “a number of troubling and escalatory indications and warnings,” by Iran, Richardson said Monday that, essentially, the deployment was just business as usual.

“The Abraham Lincoln Strike Group was planned to deploy for some time now,” Richardson told the SeaAirSpace conference. He touted the Lincoln’s new route to the Gulf as an example of “dynamic force employment,” a new Navy tactic that is meant to surprise potential adversaries by having US ships show up off their coastlines without warning.

He didn’t explain how a White House press release is an example of tactical surprise.”

Not only did Trump and Bolton fail to distract from the political calamity du jour, they also blew the primary mission of the deployment, to achieve tactical surprise.

Good job, idiots.

Trump Was Lying About Carrier Task Force Deployment to Iran. Big Surprise.

Not only is the White house giving Russia, Israel, and Saudi Arabia national security secrets, they're now announcing the secret location of our carrier groups, and their movements.
So you put out disinformation to confuse your military opponents....Shocking.

Another tree-fiddy from DailyKooks for the OP!....cha-CHING!
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Well, it wouldn't be the first time Trump lied about where a carrier was. Remember when N. Korea was doing their missile tests, and Trump threatened to send some carriers off their shore? That got the attention of China and Russia, who sent in their own spy ships to see if it was there. And, guess what? Trump didn't send anything over to N. Korea, it was all a bluff.
Trump will lie about anything and everything without thought. That is why we call him a compulsive serial liar.
Well, it wouldn't be the first time Trump lied about where a carrier was. Remember when N. Korea was doing their missile tests, and Trump threatened to send some carriers off their shore? That got the attention of China and Russia, who sent in their own spy ships to see if it was there. And, guess what? Trump didn't send anything over to N. Korea, it was all a bluff.
Could be possible they have no maps in the White House.
Maybe, Trump should be sending the Task Force to Saudi Arabia. It wasn't that long ago Trump stated: “Then look at Saudi Arabia. It is the world’s biggest funder of terrorism. Saudi Arabia funnels our petrodollars – our very own money – to fund the terrorists that seek to destroy our people, while the Saudis rely on us to protect them.”
Is Iran really ‘the world’s leading state sponsor of terror’?
And Trump was right.
Then he became president and Jared Kushner set up a trip to Saudi Arabia.
Trump dances.
trump dances.jpg

Trump bows down to the Prince Al Saud.
trump bowing.jpg

And gets a little trinket.
And all of a sudden, Trump forgets about all the money that the Saudis give to terrorist organizations. Instead, he screams, let's get Iran, they are Saudi Arabia's biggest enemy!
9/11 15 Saudis involved/11? Saudis make a large percentage of al Quada and ISIS?
So what!! Let's get Iran.


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