Trump was right again...New York Attorney General files lawsuit to dissolve NRA

I have no idea what any of this is about. I heard one remark concerning the NRA but I have no idea what it is concerning. What are we supposed to take from this?

This is a better source:

New York AG seeks to dissolve NRA in new lawsuit

New York Attorney General Letitia James announced Thursday that her office has filed a lawsuit against the National Rifle Association and its leadership, including Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre, looking to dissolve the organization.

James accused the organization of having "a culture of self-dealing," taking millions of dollars for personal use and granting contracts that benefited leaders' family and associates.

"The NRA's influence has been so powerful that the organization went unchecked for decades while top executives funneled millions into their own pockets," James said in a statement. "The NRA is fraught with fraud and abuse, which is why, today, we seek to dissolve the NRA, because no organization is above the law."
Letitia James, hmm? So she doesn't care if black families can defend themselves from criminals, amirite?
Take all the American's guns, huh?

If there is corruption in the NRA and that is addressed that won't take the guns from anyone.
I noted what I thought about her addressing this in the courts so with that out of the way.......

highlighted misspending and self-dealing allegations that have roiled the NRA and its longtime leader, Wayne LaPierre, in recent years — from hair and makeup for his wife to a $17 million post-employment contract for himself.

Is this really what the donors had in mind when they sent them their money? It's all good because you got your engraved pocket knife?

Oops.....maybe she does have a legal standing.

Simultaneously, the Washington, D.C., attorney general sued the NRA Foundation, a charitable arm of the organization designed to provide programs for firearm safety, marksmanship and hunting safety, accusing it of diverting funds to the NRA to help pay for lavish spending by its top executives.

She will have to prove this but there are restrictions placed on non profits and it is the state's place to monitor that.

It does seem as if she does have a successful track record.

James is taking aim at the NRA after her office last year dismantled President Donald Trump’s charitable foundation and fined him $2 million to settle allegations he used donations meant for worthy causes to further his own business and political interests.

This was where he was screwing over veterans right?

New York attorney general seeks to dissolve NRA

It's always good to have more info than a brief video blurb.
Give us a break bitch

LOL, a break about what? What exactly do you disagree with? Why is it so common for people to do what you did? If you disagree with something I said, state why.
planned parent hood has huge galas got how much money in federal then spent millions on elections . How much government money did the NRA receive over the years?

No idea. If I don't support possible corruption here what makes you think I would support it elsewhere?
Sieg Heil, mein shtate mit vu
I noted what I thought about her addressing this in the courts so with that out of the way.......

highlighted misspending and self-dealing allegations that have roiled the NRA and its longtime leader, Wayne LaPierre, in recent years — from hair and makeup for his wife to a $17 million post-employment contract for himself.

Is this really what the donors had in mind when they sent them their money? It's all good because you got your engraved pocket knife?

Oops.....maybe she does have a legal standing.

Simultaneously, the Washington, D.C., attorney general sued the NRA Foundation, a charitable arm of the organization designed to provide programs for firearm safety, marksmanship and hunting safety, accusing it of diverting funds to the NRA to help pay for lavish spending by its top executives.

She will have to prove this but there are restrictions placed on non profits and it is the state's place to monitor that.

It does seem as if she does have a successful track record.

James is taking aim at the NRA after her office last year dismantled President Donald Trump’s charitable foundation and fined him $2 million to settle allegations he used donations meant for worthy causes to further his own business and political interests.

This was where he was screwing over veterans right?

New York attorney general seeks to dissolve NRA

It's always good to have more info than a brief video blurb.
Give us a break bitch

LOL, a break about what? What exactly do you disagree with? Why is it so common for people to do what you did? If you disagree with something I said, state why.
Tit for tat, Trump describe ANifta As terrorist and NY going after NRA
Trump is basically a fascist, so naturally he would oppose Antifa and not call White Supremest terrorist, even though the FBI and DHS designate White Supremest “domestic terrorist”.
If Trump is a fascist, what do you libbers call somebody likes, say, the Gestapo Governor of Michigan?
We call her, "Governor Whitmer". Your mentally ill cult leader calls her, "That woman in Michigan".
Seig Heil, mein shtate mit vun of der highest unemployment rates vile dey sits at home on der duffs mit der masks on!
I noted what I thought about her addressing this in the courts so with that out of the way.......

highlighted misspending and self-dealing allegations that have roiled the NRA and its longtime leader, Wayne LaPierre, in recent years — from hair and makeup for his wife to a $17 million post-employment contract for himself.

Is this really what the donors had in mind when they sent them their money? It's all good because you got your engraved pocket knife?

Oops.....maybe she does have a legal standing.

Simultaneously, the Washington, D.C., attorney general sued the NRA Foundation, a charitable arm of the organization designed to provide programs for firearm safety, marksmanship and hunting safety, accusing it of diverting funds to the NRA to help pay for lavish spending by its top executives.

She will have to prove this but there are restrictions placed on non profits and it is the state's place to monitor that.

It does seem as if she does have a successful track record.

James is taking aim at the NRA after her office last year dismantled President Donald Trump’s charitable foundation and fined him $2 million to settle allegations he used donations meant for worthy causes to further his own business and political interests.

This was where he was screwing over veterans right?

New York attorney general seeks to dissolve NRA

It's always good to have more info than a brief video blurb.
Give us a break bitch

LOL, a break about what? What exactly do you disagree with? Why is it so common for people to do what you did? If you disagree with something I said, state why.

You can go after the guy who stole, you can't tell citizens that the organization must be dissolved. What crimes are they committing?

I do not know exactly how non profit rules work and I expect you do not either. It seems that this is exactly what she did to address Trump's corruption. It must have been legal.

This is political obviously. There is a concerted effort it seems to destroy conservative organizations, voters and those who support the old system of your Constitution.

So there is no possibility that the laws and rules concerning non profits have been broken?
It comes down to select enforcement of the law. You expect a certain percentage of all organizations, whether liberal or conservative, to have some amount of corruption, and if the only ones being targeted are conservative, then it can be safely said that politics is in play.

I have never advocated for selective enforcement. I do not expect or accept any level of corruption. Sadly many indeed do.

Are there politics involved here? It's certainly possible but if there was something illegal done it should still be addressed.
I read her complaint. Is she also going to apply the law to Planned Parenthood and politicians who may have received kickbacks or donations?
Just where in the fuck is the evidence to formulate even a prima facie case that corporate officers of Planned Parenthood OR unnamed politicians have been investigated for well over 1.5 years by the New York AG and her minions for violating the laws of New York pertaining to non-profit organizations?

You're so damn far off topic your fucking partisan slips are showing below your bloody skirt.
"This is communism at its best. Trying to ban organizations with different political views!" - Don Jr
Why quote Donny Jr? His head is up his ass further than yours! The OP has not a damn thing to do with Communism, which you authored!
Last edited:
civil war? i hope not!

Holy Toledo. What a great favor to Trump in an election year.

Any organization that parades a convicted felon as its president, has more more legal problems....this is just the tip of the iceberg. When the rats start leaving a drowning ship, they’ll be a lot more singing about this criminal organization. The nra is what it is, a sham.

Sort of like the unions? Maybe the DOJ should go after them...

DOJ ? It was the NRA fking around with state laws that got them into trouble. Good riddance.
civil war? i hope not!

Holy Toledo. What a great favor to Trump in an election year.

Any organization that parades a convicted felon as its president, has more more legal problems....this is just the tip of the iceberg. When the rats start leaving a drowning ship, they’ll be a lot more singing about this criminal organization. The nra is what it is, a sham.

Sort of like the unions? Maybe the DOJ should go after them...

DOJ ? It was the NRA fking around with state laws that got them into trouble. Good riddance.

I meant maybe the Doj should go after the unions. We know they really are corrupt...
I noted what I thought about her addressing this in the courts so with that out of the way.......

highlighted misspending and self-dealing allegations that have roiled the NRA and its longtime leader, Wayne LaPierre, in recent years — from hair and makeup for his wife to a $17 million post-employment contract for himself.

Is this really what the donors had in mind when they sent them their money? It's all good because you got your engraved pocket knife?

Oops.....maybe she does have a legal standing.

Simultaneously, the Washington, D.C., attorney general sued the NRA Foundation, a charitable arm of the organization designed to provide programs for firearm safety, marksmanship and hunting safety, accusing it of diverting funds to the NRA to help pay for lavish spending by its top executives.

She will have to prove this but there are restrictions placed on non profits and it is the state's place to monitor that.

It does seem as if she does have a successful track record.

James is taking aim at the NRA after her office last year dismantled President Donald Trump’s charitable foundation and fined him $2 million to settle allegations he used donations meant for worthy causes to further his own business and political interests.

This was where he was screwing over veterans right?

New York attorney general seeks to dissolve NRA

It's always good to have more info than a brief video blurb.
Give us a break bitch

LOL, a break about what? What exactly do you disagree with? Why is it so common for people to do what you did? If you disagree with something I said, state why.
Tit for tat, Trump describe ANifta As terrorist and NY going after NRA
Trump is basically a fascist, so naturally he would oppose Antifa and not call White Supremest terrorist, even though the FBI and DHS designate White Supremest “domestic terrorist”.
If Trump is a fascist, what do you libbers call somebody likes, say, the Gestapo Governor of Michigan?
If you are applying just because she is requiring masks and social distancing, I am all for it.
My mother got COVID-19 from my sister, who never wore a mask or didn't practice social distancing unlike everyone else who came in contact with my mother. My mom is in the hospital and my sister feels terrible and guilt. My sister wanted her “freedom”, she regrets her lack of concern of others and she too is being hospitalize.
civil war? i hope not!

Holy Toledo. What a great favor to Trump in an election year.

Any organization that parades a convicted felon as its president, has more more legal problems....this is just the tip of the iceberg. When the rats start leaving a drowning ship, they’ll be a lot more singing about this criminal organization. The nra is what it is, a sham.

Sort of like the unions? Maybe the DOJ should go after them...

DOJ ? It was the NRA fking around with state laws that got them into trouble. Good riddance.

I meant maybe the Doj should go after the unions. We know they real

civil war? i hope not!

Holy Toledo. What a great favor to Trump in an election year.

Any organization that parades a convicted felon as its president, has more more legal problems....this is just the tip of the iceberg. When the rats start leaving a drowning ship, they’ll be a lot more singing about this criminal organization. The nra is what it is, a sham.

Sort of like the unions? Maybe the DOJ should go after them...

DOJ ? It was the NRA fking around with state laws that got them into trouble. Good riddance.

I meant maybe the Doj should go after the unions. We know they really are corrupt...

Maybe they should go after the nra and Trumps properties for making money of foreign governments.
I noted what I thought about her addressing this in the courts so with that out of the way.......

highlighted misspending and self-dealing allegations that have roiled the NRA and its longtime leader, Wayne LaPierre, in recent years — from hair and makeup for his wife to a $17 million post-employment contract for himself.

Is this really what the donors had in mind when they sent them their money? It's all good because you got your engraved pocket knife?

Oops.....maybe she does have a legal standing.

Simultaneously, the Washington, D.C., attorney general sued the NRA Foundation, a charitable arm of the organization designed to provide programs for firearm safety, marksmanship and hunting safety, accusing it of diverting funds to the NRA to help pay for lavish spending by its top executives.

She will have to prove this but there are restrictions placed on non profits and it is the state's place to monitor that.

It does seem as if she does have a successful track record.

James is taking aim at the NRA after her office last year dismantled President Donald Trump’s charitable foundation and fined him $2 million to settle allegations he used donations meant for worthy causes to further his own business and political interests.

This was where he was screwing over veterans right?

New York attorney general seeks to dissolve NRA

It's always good to have more info than a brief video blurb.
Give us a break bitch

LOL, a break about what? What exactly do you disagree with? Why is it so common for people to do what you did? If you disagree with something I said, state why.
Tit for tat, Trump describe ANifta As terrorist and NY going after NRA
Trump is basically a fascist, so naturally he would oppose Antifa and not call White Supremest terrorist, even though the FBI and DHS designate White Supremest “domestic terrorist”.
If Trump is a fascist, what do you libbers call somebody likes, say, the Gestapo Governor of Michigan?
If you are applying just because she is requiring masks and social distancing, I am all for it.
My mother got COVID-19 from my sister, who never wore a mask or didn't practice social distancing unlike everyone else who came in contact with my mother. My mom is in the hospital and my sister feels terrible and guilt. My sister wanted her “freedom”, she regrets her lack of concern of others and she too is being hospitalize.
Everyone did that, Gestapo Governor went much further. Tons of people are infected including many I work with and know, so what, its a virus! Without a vaccine it will be around a while, but shutting down the state or country is silly and does much more damage than something 56th on the global list of daily deaths...that being corona....will ever do
FORE!!! British open move to Trumps golf course Do any of you dumb repub fks know what the emolument clause means ? This Trump POS is making millions off his presidency and his asshole supporters here say he's losing ???
FORE!!! British open move to Trumps golf course Do any of you dumb repub fks know what the emolument clause means ? This Trump POS is making millions off his presidency and his asshole supporters here say he's losing ???
Waah waah waah take a Midol
I noted what I thought about her addressing this in the courts so with that out of the way.......

highlighted misspending and self-dealing allegations that have roiled the NRA and its longtime leader, Wayne LaPierre, in recent years — from hair and makeup for his wife to a $17 million post-employment contract for himself.

Is this really what the donors had in mind when they sent them their money? It's all good because you got your engraved pocket knife?

Oops.....maybe she does have a legal standing.

Simultaneously, the Washington, D.C., attorney general sued the NRA Foundation, a charitable arm of the organization designed to provide programs for firearm safety, marksmanship and hunting safety, accusing it of diverting funds to the NRA to help pay for lavish spending by its top executives.

She will have to prove this but there are restrictions placed on non profits and it is the state's place to monitor that.

It does seem as if she does have a successful track record.

James is taking aim at the NRA after her office last year dismantled President Donald Trump’s charitable foundation and fined him $2 million to settle allegations he used donations meant for worthy causes to further his own business and political interests.

This was where he was screwing over veterans right?

New York attorney general seeks to dissolve NRA

It's always good to have more info than a brief video blurb.
Give us a break bitch

LOL, a break about what? What exactly do you disagree with? Why is it so common for people to do what you did? If you disagree with something I said, state why.

You can go after the guy who stole, you can't tell citizens that the organization must be dissolved. What crimes are they committing?

I do not know exactly how non profit rules work and I expect you do not either. It seems that this is exactly what she did to address Trump's corruption. It must have been legal.

This is political obviously. There is a concerted effort it seems to destroy conservative organizations, voters and those who support the old system of your Constitution.

So there is no possibility that the laws and rules concerning non profits have been broken?
It comes down to select enforcement of the law. You expect a certain percentage of all organizations, whether liberal or conservative, to have some amount of corruption, and if the only ones being targeted are conservative, then it can be safely said that politics is in play.
Yup. They selected one of the most corrupt organizations. I wonder if it had anything to do with mueller report turning over evidence to locals ?

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