Trump Was the Biggest Loser Last Night and That's a Good Thing

Of course not. He's too much of a narcissist to do the smart thing. It's going to be a civil war in the GOP over the next two years.
Trump has been defanged and the important thing about that is that the authorities won't lack the courage now to move against him If Trump tries to call for violence, he won't have the additional threat of a coup attempt against government succeeding.

Before the election a coup could have possibly succeeded. America came that close.

It's not out of the woods yet, but at least there's a temporary respite.

Now Americans can at least look at the prospect of big divisions within the R party.

Caution: Biden is going to gain confidence enough to escalate America's war against Russia!
As I said two months ago, I wanted Republicans to lose the midterms. not because I want Democrats to win or that I support their agenda, but because it's necessary for Trumpism to be destroyed in order to save the Republican Party. I'm fairly pleased with last night's results. The Republicans look on track to eek out just a small majority in the House, far less than expectations, and at best they might be able to hold a 50/50 Senate again. Either Nevada or Arizona will have to flip to counter Pennsylvania, assuming Ron Johnson hangs on in Wisconsin, and both are looking iffy right now. Dems may end up with 51 seats when all is said and done.

The Dobbs ruling played a major role in this defeat. Women and Gen Z voters were out in historical force infuriated by the abortion ruling. That definitely blunted any red wave, but at the end of the day candidate quality matters and Trump is solely to blame for that. His MAGA picks crashed and burned last night. New Hampshire Senate, Pennsylvania Senate and Governor, Wisconsin Governor, several House endorsements, all very winnable races, Trump racked up loss after loss after loss. Even his rare winners, like J.D. Vance in Ohio, had to struggle to win in a race that should have been a cakewalk.

Voters sent a clear message to the Republican Party. Trumpism is poison. They rejected the extreme MAGA conspiratorial election deniers at nearly every turn. This, in one of the best electoral environments Republicans had in several election cycles. Contrast that with candidates who rejected Trump, like Brian Kemp and Chris Sununu, who had no problem winning their elections, while their Senate counterparts crapped the bed. Even in some races that Republicans came up short, the ones who rejected Trumpism overperformed their district environment. Hung Cao came within a few points of winning VA-10, a district in northern Virginia that Biden won by 18 points. Allan Fung came within three points of winning Rhode Island's Second District, a district Biden won by almost 30. Lee Zeldin got 46% of the vote in New York in his gubernatorial bid, the best performance by a Republican in New York in two decades, by keeping Trump out of the picture and sticking to a message of cleaning up crime plaguing NYC. Zeldin's excellent performance might end up dragging several Republican House candidates in New York over the finish line. Ironically, the GOP may take the House majority because of New York of all states. Compare these results with MAGA loudmouth Lauren Bobert, who is on the cusp of losing her seat in a safe Republican district in western Colorado.

How anybody could still want Trump as their great white hope in 2024 is pretty astonishing at this point considering what Ron DeSantis did in Florida last night. This was the only state that saw a red wave. DeSantis is on target to win reelection with almost 60% of the vote. He won Miami, Tampa, and Jacksonville, all traditional Democratic areas. It seems pretty clear that the path forward for the Republican Party lies in Ron DeSantis as opposed to the toxicity of Donald Trump and yet, despite this, Trump's lawyer had the arrogance to send DeSantis a finely worded threat to stay out of the presidential race.

It's time for Trump supporters to accept the fact that they got lucky in 2016. Two very unpopular candidates ran for president and Trump just managed to squeak out enough votes in key states to win the Electoral College, largely due to Clinton's missteps. Since then he's presided over, now, three election cycles in which the Republican Party has received a thumping. It's more than clear that DeSantis is the path forward for 2024 and Trump is the path of electoral disaster. All over social media today a lot of conservative pundits are finally admitting this. A lot of money and support will undoubtedly shift from Trump to DeSantis in the coming months and the party apparatus will do everything they can to stop Trump in his tracks. The question is how many of the Trump faithful will manage to break themselves out of his hypnotic spell.

Don't expect Trump to go gracefully, though. This is and has always been about his ego. He's going to kick and scream and cry and do everything he can to sabotage the party if he doesn't get his way. The next two years are going to be very bumpy in the GOP.
Trumps attack on DeSantis just before an election was absolutely shocking.It was not the act of a party leader and should have told his cultists what he was all about.

It was a hugely encouraging night for America in many ways.
Trump's candidate picks and their losses has weakened him. His attacks on DeSantis has weakened him. This mid-term election has made DeSantis stronger. By far.
There's only one Trump and only him can do what Trump does best.

DeSantis can't run directly against Trump. He will have to wait for the decline of Trump's popularity, or the arrests facing Trump.

Then DeSantis will have to invent his own dysfunctional agenda that Americans will accept.
That you think that anything will change if Trump is out of the picture is what is amusing. I want D's to keep winning, when the crash comes, there will be no one left to blame but them and their terrible policies. All a split does is allow them to blame each other, I think we need total control by the D party for many years, let their policies lead where they do and the chips fall where they may. Let's prove once and for all that their policies work or not. I hope they do control the Senate, let's make them put their money where their mouth is, I want to see this utopia they keep promising. :dunno:
As you always do, you will fall in line and kneel before the chosen one....DeSanctimonious.

As I said two months ago, I wanted Republicans to lose the midterms. not because I want Democrats to win or that I support their agenda, but because it's necessary for Trumpism to be destroyed in order to save the Republican Party. I'm fairly pleased with last night's results. The Republicans look on track to eek out just a small majority in the House, far less than expectations, and at best they might be able to hold a 50/50 Senate again. Either Nevada or Arizona will have to flip to counter Pennsylvania, assuming Ron Johnson hangs on in Wisconsin, and both are looking iffy right now. Dems may end up with 51 seats when all is said and done.

The Dobbs ruling played a major role in this defeat. Women and Gen Z voters were out in historical force infuriated by the abortion ruling. That definitely blunted any red wave, but at the end of the day candidate quality matters and Trump is solely to blame for that. His MAGA picks crashed and burned last night. New Hampshire Senate, Pennsylvania Senate and Governor, Wisconsin Governor, several House endorsements, all very winnable races, Trump racked up loss after loss after loss. Even his rare winners, like J.D. Vance in Ohio, had to struggle to win in a race that should have been a cakewalk.

Voters sent a clear message to the Republican Party. Trumpism is poison. They rejected the extreme MAGA conspiratorial election deniers at nearly every turn. This, in one of the best electoral environments Republicans had in several election cycles. Contrast that with candidates who rejected Trump, like Brian Kemp and Chris Sununu, who had no problem winning their elections, while their Senate counterparts crapped the bed. Even in some races that Republicans came up short, the ones who rejected Trumpism overperformed their district environment. Hung Cao came within a few points of winning VA-10, a district in northern Virginia that Biden won by 18 points. Allan Fung came within three points of winning Rhode Island's Second District, a district Biden won by almost 30. Lee Zeldin got 46% of the vote in New York in his gubernatorial bid, the best performance by a Republican in New York in two decades, by keeping Trump out of the picture and sticking to a message of cleaning up crime plaguing NYC. Zeldin's excellent performance might end up dragging several Republican House candidates in New York over the finish line. Ironically, the GOP may take the House majority because of New York of all states. Compare these results with MAGA loudmouth Lauren Bobert, who is on the cusp of losing her seat in a safe Republican district in western Colorado.

How anybody could still want Trump as their great white hope in 2024 is pretty astonishing at this point considering what Ron DeSantis did in Florida last night. This was the only state that saw a red wave. DeSantis is on target to win reelection with almost 60% of the vote. He won Miami, Tampa, and Jacksonville, all traditional Democratic areas. It seems pretty clear that the path forward for the Republican Party lies in Ron DeSantis as opposed to the toxicity of Donald Trump and yet, despite this, Trump's lawyer had the arrogance to send DeSantis a finely worded threat to stay out of the presidential race.

It's time for Trump supporters to accept the fact that they got lucky in 2016. Two very unpopular candidates ran for president and Trump just managed to squeak out enough votes in key states to win the Electoral College, largely due to Clinton's missteps. Since then he's presided over, now, three election cycles in which the Republican Party has received a thumping. It's more than clear that DeSantis is the path forward for 2024 and Trump is the path of electoral disaster. All over social media today a lot of conservative pundits are finally admitting this. A lot of money and support will undoubtedly shift from Trump to DeSantis in the coming months and the party apparatus will do everything they can to stop Trump in his tracks. The question is how many of the Trump faithful will manage to break themselves out of his hypnotic spell.

Don't expect Trump to go gracefully, though. This is and has always been about his ego. He's going to kick and scream and cry and do everything he can to sabotage the party if he doesn't get his way. The next two years are going to be very bumpy in the GOP.

Your TDS is always on full display

Just stop
Trumps attack on DeSantis just before an election was absolutely shocking.It was not the act of a party leader and should have told his cultists what he was all about.

It was a hugely encouraging night for America in many ways.
It was....the Reich loses the House, maybe the Senate, Piglosi gone and Abrams and Beto a distant memory. Thanks Commie!
Trumps attack on DeSantis just before an election was absolutely shocking.It was not the act of a party leader and should have told his cultists what he was all about.
You're going to find that you're quite wrong on that Tommy. Trump will crush DeSantis if DeSantis tries to take him on directly. This is something that will prove out in a very short time when the time comes for the R candidates declaring their intentions. DeSantis will have to lay back in the shadows some way unless he wants to go head to head with Trump and be crushed.
It was a hugely encouraging night for America in many ways.

Yes, it has defanged the fascist threat at least temporarily.
You're going to find that you're quite wrong on that Tommy. Trump will crush DeSantis if DeSantis tries to take him on directly. This is something that will prove out in a very short time when the time comes for the R candidates declaring their intentions. DeSantis will have to lay back in the shadows some way unless he wants to go head to head with Trump and be crushed.

Yes, it has defanged the fascist threat at least temporarily.
I suspect you sre correct. I am quite happy to watch them tear each other apart. A lot of the trumpbots are too invested in trump to let go.
I suspect you sre correct. I am quite happy to watch them tear each other apart. A lot of the trumpbots are too invested in trump to let go.
Commie, you are much much more of a trumpbot than I or most conservatives on this board. He is all you blather on about.
I suspect you sre correct. I am quite happy to watch them tear each other apart. A lot of the trumpbots are too invested in trump to let go.
Thanks Tommy! I sort of thought that you would understand that DeSantis would end up gutted if he tried to go head to head with Trump.

DeSantis has always planned to put himself in place while Trump is being destroyed and then be in the best position of any of the challengers.

If Trump stands as the candidate, DeSantis won't.

If Trump discovers that he can't win, he won't even try on account of the humiliation he would face.

Trump's first chore is to attempt to deal with the charges coming against him!

I can't predict how he will handle that?
DeSantis has to be willing to take Trump on. So far he’s been hesitant to get into exchanges with Trump. If DeSantis doesn’t run then Trump will lose again in the general election.
DeSantis has to be willing to take Trump on. So far he’s been hesitant to get into exchanges with Trump. If DeSantis doesn’t run then Trump will lose again in the general election.
No he doesn't and he won't!
DeSantis's future is in Trump's fall. The two will never run head to head as candidates. Trump would never run if he considers DeSantis to be a credible threat. And the same with DeSantis.

DeSantis does get the crown for the R party though if there's no Trump.

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