Trump "We should have kept the oil"

Yes we should have. Imagine how much it could have benefited the American people, The schools and hospitals that could have been built.

Kinda blows the whole 'liberating the people of Iraq' narrative to holy shit, though....doesn't it?

That was Bush-----he was really silly at doing rhetoric

And by 'Bush', you mean the virtually the entire justification for the war in Iraq....which you've now admitted was a steaming pile of horseshit.

And of course, you've still never managed to reconcile condeming Obama for 'founding ISIS' by leaving Iraq........with Trump demanding that we 'declare victory and leave' Iraq.

If even Trump's supporters are going to ignore Trump, surely you'll understand why the rest of us do as well.

No, I was against it when they were pushing the iraq war in 2002. I never said O founded isis. I have nothing to reconcile. Maybe the idiot in the white house along with the two morons running need to reconcile.
Wait a second....according to you lying libtards who turn to Hollywood movies for the "information" used to form the basis of your opinions - we did keep the oil. Remember how all of you idiots cried that Bush went to Iraq for "oil"?

Yes, and all the liberals disapproved of it.

Are you really retarded enough to claim that liberals saying "No blood for oil" meant that liberals wanted to keep the oil? Or are you just lying for your cult? Please explain to everyone which is the case.

Now you're attempting to use Trump to prove wee didn't keep the oil.

No, I'm not. Get your head out of Trump's rectum, and try to actually read what people write.

Are you people not bright enough to realize that if you're going to manufacture false narratives, they can't contradict themselves?!?

My sweet little butthurt bitch, you need to understand that crying hard at me and telling big lies won't get me to stop mocking your little bitch ass.
Yes we should have. Imagine how much it could have benefited the American people, The schools and hospitals that could have been built.

Kinda blows the whole 'liberating the people of Iraq' narrative to holy shit, though....doesn't it?

That was Bush-----he was really silly at doing rhetoric

And by 'Bush', you mean the virtually the entire justification for the war in Iraq....which you've now admitted was a steaming pile of horseshit.

And of course, you've still never managed to reconcile condeming Obama for 'founding ISIS' by leaving Iraq........with Trump demanding that we 'declare victory and leave' Iraq.

If even Trump's supporters are going to ignore Trump, surely you'll understand why the rest of us do as well.

No, I was against it when they were pushing the iraq war in 2002. I never said O founded isis. I have nothing to reconcile.

I never said you did. I was responding to Rosie.

And it doesn't matter what you supported or what you didn't. You're not running for President. It matters what Trump supported. And he supported leaving Iraq....the exact course of action that he has condemned Obama as 'the founder of ISIS' for doing.

Hypocrisy has apparently turned orange in the last few months.
I don't know if some of you were still in diapers at the time, or what, but Bush claimed the war in Iraq would be paid for by oil profits. How'd that work out?

And now Donald "Cut-And-Run" Trump wants to do the exact same thing. Invade Iraq and take oil profits to pay for the wounded soldiers from Bush's invasion. An invasion for which he demanded Bush be impeached!

Trump has created an idiocy vortex that bends back on itself!

Jake, I didn't find any quote where Bush said that

Here's what I found instead, ""the $20 billion the president requested is not intended to cover all of Iraq's needs. The bulk of the funds for Iraq's reconstruction will come from Iraqis -- from oil revenues, recovered assets, international trade, direct foreign investment, as well as some contributions we've already received and hope to receive from the international community." -- Rumsfeld
So you quote Rumsfeld saying the costs of the war would be paid for "from oil revenues", and then say you can't find anywhere that they claimed the war would be paid for by oil profits?

Can you please post the quote where "Bush claimed the war in Iraq would be paid for by oil profits", please?
Yes we should have. Imagine how much it could have benefited the American people, The schools and hospitals that could have been built.

Kinda blows the whole 'liberating the people of Iraq' narrative to holy shit, though....doesn't it?

That was Bush-----he was really silly at doing rhetoric

And by 'Bush', you mean the virtually the entire justification for the war in Iraq....which you've now admitted was a steaming pile of horseshit.

And of course, you've still never managed to reconcile condeming Obama for 'founding ISIS' by leaving Iraq........with Trump demanding that we 'declare victory and leave' Iraq.

If even Trump's supporters are going to ignore Trump, surely you'll understand why the rest of us do as well.

No, I was against it when they were pushing the iraq war in 2002. I never said O founded isis. I have nothing to reconcile.

I never said you did. I was responding to Rosie.

And it doesn't matter what you supported or what you didn't. You're not running for President. It matters what Trump supported. And he supported leaving Iraq....the exact course of action that he has condemned Obama as 'the founder of ISIS' for doing.

Hypocrisy has apparently turned orange in the last few months.

Oh thanks-----I never claimed that OBAMA FOUNDED ISIS----I described that might have been on the mind of
Donald -----to wit----the manner in which the US withdrew
from Iraq ---kinda facilitated ISIS------likely very unintentionally. It might have been better coordinated ----and even more importantly NOT ABRUPTLY. As to bush and his LET THEM KNOW DEMOCRACY----he was infantile
Kinda blows the whole 'liberating the people of Iraq' narrative to holy shit, though....doesn't it?

That was Bush-----he was really silly at doing rhetoric

And by 'Bush', you mean the virtually the entire justification for the war in Iraq....which you've now admitted was a steaming pile of horseshit.

And of course, you've still never managed to reconcile condeming Obama for 'founding ISIS' by leaving Iraq........with Trump demanding that we 'declare victory and leave' Iraq.

If even Trump's supporters are going to ignore Trump, surely you'll understand why the rest of us do as well.

No, I was against it when they were pushing the iraq war in 2002. I never said O founded isis. I have nothing to reconcile.

I never said you did. I was responding to Rosie.

And it doesn't matter what you supported or what you didn't. You're not running for President. It matters what Trump supported. And he supported leaving Iraq....the exact course of action that he has condemned Obama as 'the founder of ISIS' for doing.

Hypocrisy has apparently turned orange in the last few months.

Oh thanks-----I never claimed that OBAMA FOUNDED ISIS----I described that might have been on the mind of
Donald -----to wit----the manner in which the US withdrew
from Iraq ---kinda facilitated ISIS------likely very unintentionally. It might have been better coordinated ----and even more importantly NOT ABRUPTLY. As to bush and his LET THEM KNOW DEMOCRACY----he was infantile

The manner of withdraw actually being far more organized and far slower than what Trump had demanded?

Remember, Trump's solution for Iraq was 'declare victory and leave'. In 2007. Obama stayed until 2011. 4 YEARS longer than Trump wanted to stay.

Did Trump not 'mean what he said' again?
Wait a second....according to you lying libtards who turn to Hollywood movies for the "information" used to form the basis of your opinions - we did keep the oil. Remember how all of you idiots cried that Bush went to Iraq for "oil"?

Yes, and all the liberals disapproved of it.

Are you really retarded enough to claim that liberals saying "No blood for oil" meant that liberals wanted to keep the oil? Or are you just lying for your cult? Please explain to everyone which is the case.

Now you're attempting to use Trump to prove wee didn't keep the oil.

No, I'm not. Get your head out of Trump's rectum, and try to actually read what people write.

Are you people not bright enough to realize that if you're going to manufacture false narratives, they can't contradict themselves?!?

My sweet little butthurt bitch, you need to understand that crying hard at me and telling big lies won't get me to stop mocking your little bitch ass. got caught painting yourself into a corner and now you can't come up with an answer!!! :lmao:

You can't have it both ways cupcake - either the Bush narrative that we invaded Iraq for oil and kept it makes your position on this Trump story a false narrative, or your Trump narrative that he's a monster claiming "might makes right" proves we didn't invade Iraq for oil and didn't keep any - making you're tired lies about Bush a false narrative. You can't have it both ways snookums!!!


*Making mamooth my personal bitch since August 17, 2012
From Trump's foreign policy speech:

"We should have kept the oil"

"In the old days when we won a war, to the victor go the spoils"

There's a word for such thinking. "Evil". How else would you describe a "Might makes right" foreign policy?

According to Trump, if Russia conquers Ukraine ... they earned it. To the victor go the spoils.

According to Trump, if China takes the South China Sea or Taiwan ... they earned it. To the victor go the spoils.

Piracy? Hunky-dory, by the Trump doctrine. If you can get away with it, good for you. To the victor go the spoils.

I'm guessing every Trump fan agrees with the Trump doctrine, being such selfish evil would appeal to them. I'm sure they all think they'd be on the side of the looters, instead of the looted.

Good can we finally put to rest the liberals slogan

Iraq was all about the oil?
From Trump's foreign policy speech:

"We should have kept the oil"

"In the old days when we won a war, to the victor go the spoils"

There's a word for such thinking. "Evil". How else would you describe a "Might makes right" foreign policy?

According to Trump, if Russia conquers Ukraine ... they earned it. To the victor go the spoils.

According to Trump, if China takes the South China Sea or Taiwan ... they earned it. To the victor go the spoils.

Piracy? Hunky-dory, by the Trump doctrine. If you can get away with it, good for you. To the victor go the spoils.

I'm guessing every Trump fan agrees with the Trump doctrine, being such selfish evil would appeal to them. I'm sure they all think they'd be on the side of the looters, instead of the looted.

Good can we finally put to rest the liberals slogan

Iraq was all about the oil?
mamooth is so stupid she doesn't even realize she's contradicting her own lies of the past 12 years... :lmao:
From Trump's foreign policy speech:

"We should have kept the oil"

"In the old days when we won a war, to the victor go the spoils"

There's a word for such thinking. "Evil". How else would you describe a "Might makes right" foreign policy?

According to Trump, if Russia conquers Ukraine ... they earned it. To the victor go the spoils.

According to Trump, if China takes the South China Sea or Taiwan ... they earned it. To the victor go the spoils.

Piracy? Hunky-dory, by the Trump doctrine. If you can get away with it, good for you. To the victor go the spoils.

I'm guessing every Trump fan agrees with the Trump doctrine, being such selfish evil would appeal to them. I'm sure they all think they'd be on the side of the looters, instead of the looted.

Good can we finally put to rest the liberals slogan

Iraq was all about the oil?
mamooth is so stupid she doesn't even realize she's contradicting her own lies of the past 12 years... :lmao:

I know, I booked marked this thread.

God liberals are stupid

It's pretty funny that he's against the war in Iraq because it caused many American deaths, but thinks we should be occupying the oil fields without realizing it would also cause many American deaths.

And I mean "funny" in a sad way.

yes----I do believe that your are being honest about your statement-------but not all that insightful. I think Trump would
have considered a kind of payback on the OIL-----in order to INSURE that the oil wealth would not be used for that which saddam used it------to wit TERRORISM----in fact---it is being used for TERRORISM right now

No. He said we should occupy the Iraqi oil fields. Literally.

Trump: Take Iraq's Oil Wealth and Give It to Wounded Warriors
Wait a second....according to you lying libtards who turn to Hollywood movies for the "information" used to form the basis of your opinions - we did keep the oil. Remember how all of you idiots cried that Bush went to Iraq for "oil"?

Yes, and all the liberals disapproved of it.

Are you really retarded enough to claim that liberals saying "No blood for oil" meant that liberals wanted to keep the oil? Or are you just lying for your cult? Please explain to everyone which is the case.

Now you're attempting to use Trump to prove wee didn't keep the oil.

No, I'm not. Get your head out of Trump's rectum, and try to actually read what people write.

Are you people not bright enough to realize that if you're going to manufacture false narratives, they can't contradict themselves?!?

My sweet little butthurt bitch, you need to understand that crying hard at me and telling big lies won't get me to stop mocking your little bitch ass.

For liberating their third world crap hole while losing our american soldiers, you're damn straight we should have taken every last drop. Its the least we should have done.
Yes we should have. Imagine how much it could have benefited the American people, The schools and hospitals that could have been built.

Kinda blows the whole 'liberating the people of Iraq' narrative to holy shit, though....doesn't it?

That was Bush-----he was really silly at doing rhetoric

And by 'Bush', you mean the virtually the entire justification for the war in Iraq....which you've now admitted was a steaming pile of horseshit.

And of course, you've still never managed to reconcile condeming Obama for 'founding ISIS' by leaving Iraq........with Trump demanding that we 'declare victory and leave' Iraq.

If even Trump's supporters are going to ignore Trump, surely you'll understand why the rest of us do as well.

No, I was against it when they were pushing the iraq war in 2002. I never said O founded isis. I have nothing to reconcile.

I never said you did. I was responding to Rosie.

And it doesn't matter what you supported or what you didn't. You're not running for President. It matters what Trump supported. And he supported leaving Iraq....the exact course of action that he has condemned Obama as 'the founder of ISIS' for doing.

Hypocrisy has apparently turned orange in the last few months.

Hillary voted for the war and you support her, right?
Under Obama and Hillary, we have lost the entire Middle East. Iran is moving fast to control the whole thing.
Yes we should have. Imagine how much it could have benefited the American people, The schools and hospitals that could have been built.

Kinda blows the whole 'liberating the people of Iraq' narrative to holy shit, though....doesn't it?
And it definitely blows the whole liberals false narrative that we "went into Iraq for the oil". Clearly we didn't. Will we see a single unhinged libtard here like Seawytch, candycorn, or jillian finally admit that they were duped by a Hollywood movie plot and that Iraq had nothing to do with oil? There are few things more comical than listening to liberals push two false narratives which contradict each other. There is no story here if we stole all of Iraq's oil already and libtards are just desperately looking for a reason to attack Trump (which is bizarre because there are certainly no shortage of legitimate reasons to attack Trump). And if what Trump is saying is true and thus worthy of attack, then clearly we didn't go into Iraq for oil and never took any - in which case the liberal lies for the past 13 years are now exposed.
I don't know if some of you were still in diapers at the time, or what, but Bush claimed the war in Iraq would be paid for by oil profits. How'd that work out?

And now Donald "Cut-And-Run" Trump wants to do the exact same thing. Invade Iraq and take oil profits to pay for the wounded soldiers from Bush's invasion. An invasion for which he demanded Bush be impeached!

Trump has created an idiocy vortex that bends back on itself!

Jake, I didn't find any quote where Bush said that

Here's what I found instead, ""the $20 billion the president requested is not intended to cover all of Iraq's needs. The bulk of the funds for Iraq's reconstruction will come from Iraqis -- from oil revenues, recovered assets, international trade, direct foreign investment, as well as some contributions we've already received and hope to receive from the international community." -- Rumsfeld
So you quote Rumsfeld saying the costs of the war would be paid for "from oil revenues", and then say you can't find anywhere that they claimed the war would be paid for by oil profits?

Can you please post the quote where "Bush claimed the war in Iraq would be paid for by oil profits", please?
See post 37.
I hear what Trump's saying, but they have kept the oil. It's just not a 'We' scenario. The Globalist Elites who carried out the invasion, are making money hand over fist in Iraq. Bush and Cheney's buddies have kept the oil.

The cold hard truth is, average American Citizens will never see any profit from the Iraq War. They're just poor sad dupes who willingly sacrificed their children and money, so Cheney and other Elites could grab that Iraq oil. I assure you, the Elites didn't send their own children to die in that hellhole. Bet on that.
And sorry folks, but 'might does make right' in this unjust crooked world we live in. No other nation on earth does more invading and plundering than the good ole U.S.A. I know most Americans don't wanna accept that, but it is the ugly reality.

Wars are fought solely for more money & power for the few Elites. They're not fought to help you the average Citizen out. Hopefully one day, Americans will figure this whole Permanent War thing out. But i'm not very optimistic about that happening.

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