Trump "We should have kept the oil"

I hear what Trump's saying, but they have kept the oil. It's just not a 'We' scenario. The Globalist Elites who carried out the invasion, are making money hand over fist in Iraq. Bush and Cheney's buddies have kept the oil.

The cold hard truth is, average American Citizens will never see any profit from the Iraq War. They're just poor sad dupes who willingly sacrificed their children and money, so Cheney and other Elites could grab that Iraq oil. I assure you, the Elites didn't send their own children to die in that hellhole. Bet on that.

China is cleaning up over there. Its appalling.
And sorry folks, but 'might does make right' in this unjust crooked world we live in. No other nation on earth does more invading and plundering than the good ole U.S.A. I know most Americans don't wanna accept that, but it is the ugly reality.

Wars are fought solely for more money & power for the few Elites. They're not fought to help you the average Citizen out. Hopefully one day, Americans will figure this whole Permanent War thing out. But i'm not very optimistic about that happening.

They won't.
I hear what Trump's saying, but they have kept the oil. It's just not a 'We' scenario. The Globalist Elites who carried out the invasion, are making money hand over fist in Iraq. Bush and Cheney's buddies have kept the oil.

The cold hard truth is, average American Citizens will never see any profit from the Iraq War. They're just poor sad dupes who willingly sacrificed their children and money, so Cheney and other Elites could grab that Iraq oil. I assure you, the Elites didn't send their own children to die in that hellhole. Bet on that.

China is cleaning up over there. Its appalling.

War for profit. But who profits? Here's a hint, it isn't average Citizens.
And sorry folks, but 'might does make right' in this unjust crooked world we live in. No other nation on earth does more invading and plundering than the good ole U.S.A. I know most Americans don't wanna accept that, but it is the ugly reality.

Wars are fought solely for more money & power for the few Elites. They're not fought to help you the average Citizen out. Hopefully one day, Americans will figure this whole Permanent War thing out. But i'm not very optimistic about that happening.

They won't.

Yeah, the Warmonger Propaganda is especially powerful in the U.S. American children are raised on it. Most grow up to be loyal Warmongers. It's very unfortunate.
I hear what Trump's saying, but they have kept the oil. It's just not a 'We' scenario. The Globalist Elites who carried out the invasion, are making money hand over fist in Iraq. Bush and Cheney's buddies have kept the oil.

The cold hard truth is, average American Citizens will never see any profit from the Iraq War. They're just poor sad dupes who willingly sacrificed their children and money, so Cheney and other Elites could grab that Iraq oil. I assure you, the Elites didn't send their own children to die in that hellhole. Bet on that.

China is cleaning up over there. Its appalling.

War for profit. But who profits? Here's a hint, it isn't average Citizens.

The U.S. middle class did from 1945~ early 80s
Iraq's oil was liberated. The mutli-national oil companies have moved in and have nearly doubled production so far.

Iraq is pumping oil at record pace despite chaos

Trump is both right and wrong. 'They' have kept the oil. But 'We' haven't. We the People, will never see any profit from the Iraq War. When Trump says 'We', he's referring to all of the American People. He's a bit naive on this. Wars aren't fought to help average Citizens. They're fought to help the few rich Globalist Elites get richer.
And sorry folks, but 'might does make right' in this unjust crooked world we live in. No other nation on earth does more invading and plundering than the good ole U.S.A. I know most Americans don't wanna accept that, but it is the ugly reality.

Wars are fought solely for more money & power for the few Elites. They're not fought to help you the average Citizen out. Hopefully one day, Americans will figure this whole Permanent War thing out. But i'm not very optimistic about that happening.
Wars are fought for the exact same reason fist fights occur and shootings occur in the street - because real evil actually exists in the world. This asinine, absurd, juvenile, Hollywood libtard movie thriller of global elitists conspiring to wage war for profit is so tired and played out.

Afghanistan doesn't have a single fuck'n resource worth having. They don't even having fuck'n water. Not even a sewer system. They live like people did in 1428. We didn't go in there to "plunder" any of their resources which do not exist (nor to sell contracts to anyone). We went in there because muslims are miserable dirt-bags and they decided on September 11, 2001 to fly planes into skyscrapers in New York City - killing over 3,000 American's in a few short hours. We went into Iraq because Saddam Hussein was an unhinged madman who had spent decades unleashing WMD's (chemical) on his own people, and invading other nations. Bush and Cheney were sick of his shit and actually had the backbone to do something about it. We didn't go into Japan to "plunder" either - we nuked them (there was nothing left to "plunder") because they bombed Pearl Harbor (and no - it wasn't a "false flag operation".). It's time for juvenile American's to grow the fuck up. Time to grow a fucking spine to while all of you are at it. You can piss and moan and cry in the corner like the french or you can act like fucking American's for once and realize that evil does exist and that it has to be exterminated.
Iraq's oil was liberated. The mutli-national oil companies have moved in and have nearly doubled production so far.

Iraq is pumping oil at record pace despite chaos

Trump is both right and wrong. 'They' have kept the oil. But 'We' haven't. We the People, will never see any profit from the Iraq War. When Trump says 'We', he's referring to all of the American People. He's a bit naive on this. Wars aren't fought to help average Citizens. They're fought to help the few rich Globalist Elites get richer.
You can't have it both ways cupcake. Trump cannot be both right and wrong on the exact same issue. If he's right - then he's not wrong. If he's wrong - then he's not right.
Iraq's oil was liberated. The mutli-national oil companies have moved in and have nearly doubled production so far.

Iraq is pumping oil at record pace despite chaos

Trump is both right and wrong. 'They' have kept the oil. But 'We' haven't. We the People, will never see any profit from the Iraq War. When Trump says 'We', he's referring to all of the American People. He's a bit naive on this. Wars aren't fought to help average Citizens. They're fought to help the few rich Globalist Elites get richer.

General Garner, was the one to throw a wrench into the plan to take oil profits to pay for the invasion and occupation. Oil profits were to be spent on rebuilding Iraq. Didn't stop them from internationalizing the oil fields however.
And sorry folks, but 'might does make right' in this unjust crooked world we live in. No other nation on earth does more invading and plundering than the good ole U.S.A. I know most Americans don't wanna accept that, but it is the ugly reality.

Wars are fought solely for more money & power for the few Elites. They're not fought to help you the average Citizen out. Hopefully one day, Americans will figure this whole Permanent War thing out. But i'm not very optimistic about that happening.
Wars are fought for the exact same reason fist fights occur and shootings occur in the street - because real evil actually exists in the world. This asinine, absurd, juvenile, Hollywood libtard movie thriller of global elitists conspiring to wage war for profit is so tired and played out.

Afghanistan doesn't have a single fuck'n resource worth having. They don't even having fuck'n water. Not even a sewer system. They live like people did in 1428. We didn't go in there to "plunder" any of their resources which do not exist (nor to sell contracts to anyone). We went in there because muslims are miserable dirt-bags and they decided on September 11, 2001 to fly planes into skyscrapers in New York City - killing over 3,000 American's in a few short hours. We went into Iraq because Saddam Hussein was an unhinged madman who had spent decades unleashing WMD's (chemical) on his own people, and invading other nations. Bush and Cheney were sick of his shit and actually had the backbone to do something about it. We didn't go into Japan to "plunder" either - we nuked them (there was nothing left to "plunder") because they bombed Pearl Harbor (and no - it wasn't a "false flag operation".). It's time for juvenile American's to grow the fuck up. Time to grow a fucking spine to while all of you are at it. You can piss and moan and cry in the corner like the french or you can act like fucking American's for once and realize that evil does exist and that it has to be exterminated.

awww these pseudo-conned are so cute.

Iraq had nothing to do with the attack on 911. Iraq was not a significant or immediate threat to the worlds remaining superpower. At the time of the invasion Iraq was cooperating with the UN in an effort to confirm that they no longer had any new WMD production or newly manufactured stock piles either.
I don't know if some of you were still in diapers at the time, or what, but Bush claimed the war in Iraq would be paid for by oil profits. How'd that work out?

And now Donald "Cut-And-Run" Trump wants to do the exact same thing. Invade Iraq and take oil profits to pay for the wounded soldiers from Bush's invasion. An invasion for which he demanded Bush be impeached!

Trump has created an idiocy vortex that bends back on itself!

Jake, I didn't find any quote where Bush said that

Here's what I found instead, ""the $20 billion the president requested is not intended to cover all of Iraq's needs. The bulk of the funds for Iraq's reconstruction will come from Iraqis -- from oil revenues, recovered assets, international trade, direct foreign investment, as well as some contributions we've already received and hope to receive from the international community." -- Rumsfeld
So you quote Rumsfeld saying the costs of the war would be paid for "from oil revenues", and then say you can't find anywhere that they claimed the war would be paid for by oil profits?

Can you please post the quote where "Bush claimed the war in Iraq would be paid for by oil profits", please?
See post 37.

MR. FLEISCHER: Well, the reconstruction costs remain a very -- an issue for the future. And Iraq, unlike Afghanistan, is a rather wealthy country. Iraq has tremendous resources that belong to the Iraqi people. And so there are a variety of means that Iraq has to be able to shoulder much of the burden for their own reconstruction."

And that means Bush said we keep their oil?
Iraq's oil was liberated. The mutli-national oil companies have moved in and have nearly doubled production so far.

Iraq is pumping oil at record pace despite chaos

Trump is both right and wrong. 'They' have kept the oil. But 'We' haven't. We the People, will never see any profit from the Iraq War. When Trump says 'We', he's referring to all of the American People. He's a bit naive on this. Wars aren't fought to help average Citizens. They're fought to help the few rich Globalist Elites get richer.
You can't have it both ways cupcake. Trump cannot be both right and wrong on the exact same issue. If he's right - then he's not wrong. If he's wrong - then he's not right.

He was right in wanting to see the American People experience some benefit from that fucked up war. But he was wrong in assuming that 'They' haven't kept the oil. 'They' certainly have kept the oil. Some Globalist Elites are currently making money hand over fist in Iraq.

It's the People who lost in the Iraq War. They always suffer in such bullshit wars. The Elites don't send their own children to die in Godforsaken hellholes. They just require the lowly commoners to do it.
You can't have it both ways cupcake - either the Bush narrative that we invaded Iraq for oil and kept it makes your position on this Trump story a false narrative, or your Trump narrative that he's a monster claiming "might makes right" proves we didn't invade Iraq for oil and didn't keep any - making you're tired lies about Bush a false narrative.

In some sort of bedwetter-retard-dimension, that might have made sense to someone.

However, in this dimension, it just makes makes people pause, twirl a finger around their ear, smile, and walk away.

No, I'm not going to actually try to parse out that piece of stupid. It would risk madness. Like a famous philosopher said, "When you stare into the stupid, the stupid stares back into you."

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