Trump Weakened Hamas ; Biden Strengthened Them

Except the first line has been proven complete bullshit...

Also the OP doesn't the difference between the people of Gaza and Hamas...

So this is the equivalent of Trump cut aid to brown people in the same area, must be good..

Now the actual facts... We give aid to Gaza so the people don't have to rely on Hamas. By Trump cutting aid and support he actually made the people of Gaza have to deal with tunnel smugglers controled by Hamas...

Great work ye fucking idiots... After making a problem worse you want to be congratulated... Like Trump ye know fucking nothing about the region..

This is the bit when you will feel a bit angry... Instead of grabbing for an insult, suprise us, turn on your fucking brain...
TOTAL BULLSHIT, but perfectly expected from yet another Hamas-loving, Muslin terrorist, DUPED, apologist lunatic.

Maybe you can turn on YOUR brain and understand that the Palestinians who received the $150 Million from Biden, are the SAME ONES WHO VOTED HAMAS TO RUN THEIR GOVERNMENT.
And you give money to them, to the Palestinian Authority, or any entity in Palestine, and you are giving money to Hamas.

Oh, didn't get the memo ? CNN/MSNBC forgot to mention ? Why do you think Trump, the Australians, and some European countries CUT their aid to Palestine ? Think hard. .

And as a partial "brown people" myself, I dont think much of your idiotic attempt to hide behind a race card. Stooge. :rolleyes:
You fucking idiot!! "We give aid to Gaza" means a war chest for Hamas!!!

Interesting how some people are OBLIVIOUS to this simple fact, and use every DODGE, BULLSHIT, CONCOCTED TALKING POINT derived from the Islamic, jihadist, apologist media to obscure it.
Reports yes, but at least as substantial as those against Hunter and for a lot more bucks!
Maybe they would have a ounce of substance, if there was a source/link attached that is not from the Islamic, jihadist, apologist media. I did say "maybe"
Trump didn’t sign an agreement with the Taliban--a noted terrorist organization?
He didn't>>
1. give names & addresses of Americans to the Taliban
2. pull US troops out while Americans were still in the country
3. leave behind tens on MILLION$$ of military hardware to be confiscated by the Taliban
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The people I was listening to are anti-Islamic. They think Jared’s SA contacts are suspect. After all, these are the same guys that had a journalist killed they didn’t like.
Come back when you have something better than allegations, reports, and "suspect". Ho hum.

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