Trump...Why no political ads depicting the affects illegal aliens have on American society?

Yeah they did. You need to get out more. There are plenty of archived articles from the 1970s until now highlighting what a scumbag Trump was/is.
Of what? Lying?

Can you name one person including yourself who never lied before? You people are pathetic.
You strike me as one of the skeered types. You know, leftists.

Speaking of scared...
View attachment 387071

View attachment 387073

Looks more like he's thinking "How the fuck did Donald Trump become president?"
"How the fuck did Donald Trump become president?"
That's simple
The scrawny Kenyan dude with the over-sized hearing devices and unAmerican name
20-40 million filthy wetbacks.

You got Donny T shoved up your filthy ass...hahahahahahaha
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Not as pathetic as somebody who keeps defending a piece of human excrement like Donald Trump...

LefTard Logic:
"A billionaire that employs thousands of people and contributes tens of millions to our treasury = HUMAN EXCREMENT"
"George Filthy Fuck Floyd = AMERICAN HERO"
"How the fuck did Donald Trump become president?"
That's simple
The scrawny Kenyan dude with the over-sized hearing devices and unAmerican name
20-40 million filthy wetbacks.

You got Donny T shoved up your filthy ass...hahahahahahaha

First it was 5 million illegals. By the time it cam to the election it was 10. Now your up to 40.
Oh, and as an FYI, more people voted for Hillary in 2016. Fact.
Not as pathetic as somebody who keeps defending a piece of human excrement like Donald Trump...

LefTard Logic:
"A billionaire that employs thousands of people and contributes tens of millions to our treasury = HUMAN EXCREMENT"
"George Filthy Fuck Floyd = AMERICAN HERO"
1) I'm not a leftist
2) I have never seen George Floyd as a hero
3) LOL...Don't you mean US 'billionaire' who stiffs sub contractors, won't release his tax returns so we have no idea how much he has contributed to the economy, and has filed for chapter 11 no less than six times...
i feel in my gut that Trump will be a 1-termer. and that Barron Trump will one day also serve one term.


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