Trump will be impeached

No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
Nope. There is virtually no chance Pelosi will actually impeach. She won't do it.

Trump is on notice, though, that his thuggish and juvenile behavior has put his tiny pe- ..., er ..., hands in a vise. He is going to have to actually engage his limited brain cells from now on before he acts on his childish impulses.

Remember "Clinton fatigue"? After eight years of partisan hackery, the American people could barely stand the sight of Bill Clinton. The Republicans found that impeaching Bill Clinton, even though there was no chance he would actually be unseated, won them the House and Senate and the next presidential election.

Then Bush came along, and Bush fatigue set in even faster than Clinton fatigue did.

The speed with which Trump fatigue set in has achieved an all time record. More and more people every day, especially women, don't want to see or hear anything from his fat face. The Democrats and their propaganda organs have done a bang up job of achieving that. With Trump accommodating them with his idiotic antics and leadership by snit.

But there will not be an impeachment. Not unless Trump actually shoots someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue. Even then, Trump's retard herd will obediently and submissively parrot their propagandists' claim a Democrat put the gun in his hand and made him pull the trigger.

"They are going to impeach me...for that?"
/-----/ "He is going to have to actually engage his limited brain cells"
And yet the Wizards of Smart and all-time high IQ democRATS can't get rid of President Trump and his limited brain cells.
butt paste.jpg
The Democrats strategy is simple. They will continue to push one fake scandal after another. The objective is to get voters to throw their hands up and give up. To say I have had enough, you win.

Even with the election about 1 year away, they can't accept the fact that Clinton lost. They don't feel great about running HRC again against Trump. But, Trump is not being removed from office, and Clinton will have to beat him if she wants to be President. It will be a close and ugly race next year.
FAKE?? It's on paper trump asked for help in an election from a foreign country THAT'S IMPEACHABLE
/----/ LINK??? TIA
And not only asking for help is impeachable but hiding it is too Why can't republicans see what filth this trump pos is Are they all blinded by party over country?
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
Nope. There is virtually no chance Pelosi will actually impeach. She won't do it.

Trump is on notice, though, that his thuggish and juvenile behavior has put his tiny pe- ..., er ..., hands in a vise. He is going to have to actually engage his limited brain cells from now on before he acts on his childish impulses.

Remember "Clinton fatigue"? After eight years of partisan hackery, the American people could barely stand the sight of Bill Clinton. The Republicans found that impeaching Bill Clinton, even though there was no chance he would actually be unseated, won them the House and Senate and the next presidential election.

Then Bush came along, and Bush fatigue set in even faster than Clinton fatigue did.

The speed with which Trump fatigue set in has achieved an all time record. More and more people every day, especially women, don't want to see or hear anything from his fat face. The Democrats and their propaganda organs have done a bang up job of achieving that. With Trump accommodating them with his idiotic antics and leadership by snit.

But there will not be an impeachment. Not unless Trump actually shoots someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue. Even then, Trump's retard herd will obediently and submissively parrot their propagandists' claim a Democrat put the gun in his hand and made him pull the trigger.

"They are going to impeach me...for that?"

You're not as bright as you think because the real reason Clinton was impeached was for his friendship with Epstein and taste for underage girls
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

Pelosi will flinch. If it were so important to her she would just go head and hold the vote now instead of going on vacation.

Yeah, Trump really showed her with that government shutdown, didn't he?
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

Pelosi will flinch. If it were so important to her she would just go head and hold the vote now instead of going on vacation.

Yeah, Trump really showed her with that government shutdown, didn't he?
Longest shutdown ever Trump likes breaking records even if it hurts all America
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

Pelosi will flinch. If it were so important to her she would just go head and hold the vote now instead of going on vacation.

Yeah, Trump really showed her with that government shutdown, didn't he?
Longest shutdown ever Trump likes breaking records even if it hurts all America

He's a stable genius, alright. Just ask him. Or don't even ask. He'll tell you in a few minutes anyway.
And not only asking for help is impeachable but hiding it is too Why can't republicans see what filth this trump pos is Are they all blinded by party over country?
I still remember the sack of S*** yelling out to his sheep "Who's gonna pay for that wall ?"" and all the sheep yelled back MEXICO
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

Pelosi will flinch. If it were so important to her she would just go head and hold the vote now instead of going on vacation.

Yeah, Trump really showed her with that government shutdown, didn't he?
Longest shutdown ever Trump likes breaking records even if it hurts all America

He's a stable genius, alright. Just ask him. Or don't even ask. He'll tell you in a few minutes anyway.
I was wearing a T shirt the other day saying stable genius with a picture of a horse with his head
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

Pelosi will flinch. If it were so important to her she would just go head and hold the vote now instead of going on vacation.

Yeah, Trump really showed her with that government shutdown, didn't he?
Longest shutdown ever Trump likes breaking records even if it hurts all America

He's a stable genius, alright. Just ask him. Or don't even ask. He'll tell you in a few minutes anyway.
I was wearing a T shirt the other day saying stable genius with a picture of a horse with his head

You're 83. Why not just enjoy life instead of having mini TDS meltdowns? When/If I get to be your age I won't give a damn about the political climate. I only care now because my kids have to grow up in it. Once they are adults I won't care again.
TDS is a sad, weak deflection from the Right. Same as when it was BDS. It's not even original.
The Democrats strategy is simple. They will continue to push one fake scandal after another. The objective is to get voters to throw their hands up and give up. To say I have had enough, you win.

Even with the election about 1 year away, they can't accept the fact that Clinton lost. They don't feel great about running HRC again against Trump. But, Trump is not being removed from office, and Clinton will have to beat him if she wants to be President. It will be a close and ugly race next year.
FAKE?? It's on paper trump asked for help in an election from a foreign country THAT'S IMPEACHABLE

Why would you believe your own eyes when you can be told what to think by Trump.
Lets see if enough red district Democrats vote to impeach. Those conservative constituents will not hesitate to hand the seat back to the GOP.
If what Trump has done thus far isn't worthy of impeachment, nothing is. But we know our politicians have no spines and only care about elect-ability and thus it will go nowhere.
Could the Senate convict him but not remove him from office just to piss off the Democrats?
No. If 2/3 of the Senate votes to convict, the president is removed from office.
The Democrats are wasting time in Congress because McConnell sees through the Democrat BS and won't allow a coup.

There is nothing unconstitutional or coup like about impeaching a corrupt president.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

Pelosi will flinch. If it were so important to her she would just go head and hold the vote now instead of going on vacation.

Yeah, Trump really showed her with that government shutdown, didn't he?
Longest shutdown ever Trump likes breaking records even if it hurts all America
/----/ "Longest shutdown ever Trump likes breaking records even if it hurts all America"
But ScumacRATs screech that Trump is responsible for the debt, but when he does the only thing he's allowed to do - a shutdown, the same ScumacRATS attack him for hurting Americans. Yet the Scumacrats refuse to hold the democRAT controlled Congress responsible.
idiot award.jpg
Can someone please define "High Crimes and Misdemeanors"?
A very fair question. In Normal World, we care about words and definitions. It's one of those passages that makes you wonder if the words used were more specific & concrete back then, or if they were being intentionally vague.

At this point, it doesn't matter. This is all about political calculation, not definitions.
I believe the founders left the definitions of High Crimes and Misdemeanors were used and left intentionally vague for a well thought out purpose. It was a wise decision. It prevents a President from escaping justice and accountability via a technicality. Congress legislates laws. Giving Congress authority to define High Crimes and Misdemeanors gives Congress a way to legislate law specifically for a President as the need arises.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

Pelosi will flinch. If it were so important to her she would just go head and hold the vote now instead of going on vacation.

Yeah, Trump really showed her with that government shutdown, didn't he?
Longest shutdown ever Trump likes breaking records even if it hurts all America
/----/ "Longest shutdown ever Trump likes breaking records even if it hurts all America"
But ScumacRATs screech that Trump is responsible for the debt, but when he does the only thing he's allowed to do - a shutdown, the same ScumacRATS attack him for hurting Americans. Yet the Scumacrats refuse to hold the democRAT controlled Congress responsible.
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The point being made is that Trump only thinks he knows how to play this better than Pelosi. She won't flinch. In fact, the first blink in this showdown happened when Trump released a summary of his phone call. Belatedly.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

Pelosi will flinch. If it were so important to her she would just go head and hold the vote now instead of going on vacation.

Yeah, Trump really showed her with that government shutdown, didn't he?
Longest shutdown ever Trump likes breaking records even if it hurts all America
/----/ "Longest shutdown ever Trump likes breaking records even if it hurts all America"
But ScumacRATs screech that Trump is responsible for the debt, but when he does the only thing he's allowed to do - a shutdown, the same ScumacRATS attack him for hurting Americans. Yet the Scumacrats refuse to hold the democRAT controlled Congress responsible.
View attachment 281440

The point being made is that Trump only thinks he knows how to play this better than Pelosi. She won't flinch. In fact, the first blink in this showdown happened when Trump released a summary of his phone call. Belatedly.

That summary basically showed the whistleblower scandal as yet another nothing burger like the Russia Hoax and Brett Kavanaugh. The Democrat party is quickly losing credibility.

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