Trump will be impeached

No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

Pelosi will flinch. If it were so important to her she would just go head and hold the vote now instead of going on vacation.
She's cutting out right now on vacation? She's been playing with fire in a drought-dry field, and she's going to avoid the maelstrom she started? :rolleyes:
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

Pelosi will flinch. If it were so important to her she would just go head and hold the vote now instead of going on vacation.
She's cutting out right now on vacation? She's been playing with fire in a drought-dry field, and she's going to avoid the maelstrom she started? :rolleyes:

All the democrats are out. Congress does recess pretty soon. On the news they say they are going back to sell impeachment to their constituents. I don't think they need to sell it. I'm pretty sure that at this point there are very few on the fence on the issue. There is for, and against.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
Anyone who refers to someone as a ‘Constitution expert’ is an idiot.

A president can be removed from office via the impeachment process absent evidence of criminal wrongdoing.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
Nope. There is virtually no chance Pelosi will actually impeach. She won't do it.

Trump is on notice, though, that his thuggish and juvenile behavior has put his tiny pe- ..., er ..., hands in a vise. He is going to have to actually engage his limited brain cells from now on before he acts on his childish impulses.

Remember "Clinton fatigue"? After eight years of partisan hackery, the American people could barely stand the sight of Bill Clinton. The Republicans found that impeaching Bill Clinton, even though there was no chance he would actually be unseated, won them the House and Senate and the next presidential election.

Then Bush came along, and Bush fatigue set in even faster than Clinton fatigue did.

The speed with which Trump fatigue set in has achieved an all time record. More and more people every day, especially women, don't want to see or hear anything from his fat face. The Democrats and their propaganda organs have done a bang up job of achieving that. With Trump accommodating them with his idiotic antics and leadership by snit.

But there will not be an impeachment. Not unless Trump actually shoots someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue. Even then, Trump's retard herd will obediently and submissively parrot their propagandists' claim a Democrat put the gun in his hand and made him pull the trigger.

"They are going to impeach me...for that?"
there is no Trump fatigue with Trump supporters. There is democrat fatigue in America.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
Anyone who refers to someone as a ‘Constitution expert’ is an idiot.

A president can be removed from office via the impeachment process absent evidence of criminal wrongdoing.
Cite the law or rule that supports your "hey look what I just pulled out of my ass opinion"
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
I agree. Let's unite the country by impeaching only for lying about s blowjob, even if the Senate votes no.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
Anyone who refers to someone as a ‘Constitution expert’ is an idiot.

A president can be removed from office via the impeachment process absent evidence of criminal wrongdoing.
"High crimes and misdemeanors idiot".
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
I don't think she wants to impeach, and she's pretty crafty. She could be playing some kind of game here.

It is a game. Of course it's a game.

They don't have the Senate votes, regardless of whether or not they can get enough in the House, so this is going nowhere.

She knows this. Anyone can count the Senate votes. They're not there. Now I guess if this turns into a flaming mess of obvious guilt and Trump is clearly going down, the votes might get there if the rats start deserting a clearly sinking ship, but I think that's extremely, extremely unlikely.

They can, however, create a scenario behind which they can hide in order to continue to sling mud, strengthen their demands for 'evidence' and put forward whatever story du jour they'd like, and do it all the way through the election. That's part of their game. Just more of the same old same old.

As others have said here, and I've said elsewhere, this also plays into the Trump fatigue factor by upping the volume and keeping it there through the election for those that are just sick of hearing this shit and want it to go away, so they'll vote for a ham sandwich if they think it means the chaos stops.

It's bread and circuses and nothing more. It plays to their party, some of which want this, and it may help them in the election. That's the math, IMO. It also will keep Trump wound up tighter than a piano string from now until the election and keep him off balance. El Presidente talks a good game but has a tendency to do some seriously stupid shit with his mouth when he's feeling cornered. They know that too.
Yeah, she's not one to make a leap without pretty much knowing where she's landing.

The inquiry will do two things: Placate the base (in the end, that's all that matters given our current political condition) and opens the door for Republicans who are nervous about 2020 and their relationship with Trump to cross the aisle. But she also knows that there are shaky Dems, too, who could go in the opposite direction.

So she's buying time. Politics, politics, politics.
Can someone please define "High Crimes and Misdemeanors"?
A very fair question. In Normal World, we care about words and definitions. It's one of those passages that makes you wonder if the words used were more specific & concrete back then, or if they were being intentionally vague.

At this point, it doesn't matter. This is all about political calculation, not definitions.
Pelosi started this thing because she was pushed to.

As this inquiry goes on and Pelosi sees the writing on the wall that there is no chance of impeachment, she will back off and let this die.

Pelosi is smart, she knows that this will destroy Democrats.

I agree. No way will she go for impeachment.

Trump will be impeached at about the same time I win the Powerball. LOL
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
I agree. Let's unite the country by impeaching only for lying about s blowjob, even if the Senate votes no.

What are you talking about?
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
Anyone who refers to someone as a ‘Constitution expert’ is an idiot.

A president can be removed from office via the impeachment process absent evidence of criminal wrongdoing.

Bullshit. While technically yes that is not how the constitution was written and it sends a dangerous message because if say Warren wins in 2020 and the Republicans take back the House then they can just impeach her for no reason too. It creates a giant mess. You’re too stupid to see that because you’re a Leftist idiot.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
I don't think she wants to impeach, and she's pretty crafty. She could be playing some kind of game here.

It is a game. Of course it's a game.

They don't have the Senate votes, regardless of whether or not they can get enough in the House, so this is going nowhere.

She knows this. Anyone can count the Senate votes. They're not there. Now I guess if this turns into a flaming mess of obvious guilt and Trump is clearly going down, the votes might get there if the rats start deserting a clearly sinking ship, but I think that's extremely, extremely unlikely.

They can, however, create a scenario behind which they can hide in order to continue to sling mud, strengthen their demands for 'evidence' and put forward whatever story du jour they'd like, and do it all the way through the election. That's part of their game. Just more of the same old same old.

As others have said here, and I've said elsewhere, this also plays into the Trump fatigue factor by upping the volume and keeping it there through the election for those that are just sick of hearing this shit and want it to go away, so they'll vote for a ham sandwich if they think it means the chaos stops.

It's bread and circuses and nothing more. It plays to their party, some of which want this, and it may help them in the election. That's the math, IMO. It also will keep Trump wound up tighter than a piano string from now until the election and keep him off balance. El Presidente talks a good game but has a tendency to do some seriously stupid shit with his mouth when he's feeling cornered. They know that too.
Yeah, she's not one to make a leap without pretty much knowing where she's landing.

The inquiry will do two things: Placate the base (in the end, that's all that matters given our current political condition) and opens the door for Republicans who are nervous about 2020 and their relationship with Trump to cross the aisle. But she also knows that there are shaky Dems, too, who could go in the opposite direction.

So she's buying time. Politics, politics, politics.

If she doesn’t impeach she loses all credibility. This whole whistleblower thing is a political hit job too. Hell we know more now because we read the transcript of the call than the whistleblower did at the time they decided to complain and had the same lawyers who represented Clinton write the formal complaint.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

$400 million dollars in aid for Ukraine was suddenly held up by Trump on July 18, 2019. Then in the phone call to the Ukrainian President on July 25, 2019, Trumped asked for a favor, that Biden and his son be investigated.

The CIA whistleblower has also reported that the Ukrainians had to be "willing to play ball on Biden" in order to even get the July 25th phone call with Trump.

Its all there. Trump abused his power as President and neglected U.S. Foreign Policy and Defense Policy. He used the tools of the office of President to get a foreign entity to dig up dirt on a domestic political opponent going against him in the 2020 election. Its the President using the power of his office, to get a foreign entity to help him remain in power. Its all illegal.

Then there is the evidence that Trump and his advisors tried to hide all this stuff on a different computer server to keep it from getting out. So its not just abuse of power, but an attempt to cover up that abuse of power.

Trump will get impeached. Will see how many Republican Senators are willing to go down with Trump's sinking ship when they vote in the Senate. Right now it appears that Trump has the votes to survive in the Senate. That might not be the case in a couple of months. Only 21 Republican Senators need to switch sides to remove Trump.

Polls show at least half of the public is now for impeachment. Last week only a third were.

Except the whistleblower had less information than we did since we read the transcript of the call and he had nothing but hearsay. He then hired Clinton attorneys to draft the complaint. The $$ were held up because DJT insisted that Europe pay its fair share. Especially Germany who has a surplus while the US runs a $23trn deficit. Ukraine as you know is a buffer between Germany and Russia. What you’re doing is tying actions in your head of a Quid Pro Quo when nothing of the sort happened on that call.
The Democrats strategy is simple. They will continue to push one fake scandal after another. The objective is to get voters to throw their hands up and give up. To say I have had enough, you win.

Even with the election about 1 year away, they can't accept the fact that Clinton lost. They don't feel great about running HRC again against Trump. But, Trump is not being removed from office, and Clinton will have to beat him if she wants to be President. It will be a close and ugly race next year.
FAKE?? It's on paper trump asked for help in an election from a foreign country THAT'S IMPEACHABLE
Absolutely, our President will be impeached. The Dems have no choice now but to impeach.

And the Dems will lose control of the House because of it. Which means our President will be unobstructed for the next four years to fully implement his agenda.

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