Trump will be impeached

No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
NYT is reporting that she wont bring it up for a vote.
It doesn't matter if Trump is impeached. He won't be convicted and he will easily win a second term. Especially if Biden is mortally wounded and Pocahontas Warren is the nominee.
He WILL be impeached. It remains to be seen if GOP Senators are willing to put their political lives on the line to protect him

You think voters are going to punish republican senators who support Trump? What are you smoking? Trump had his biggest fundraising day right after the professional hit job. A million dollars an hour was pouring into his reelection campaign.

Forget voters for a minute. Democrat donors, the big Wall Street money guys have already said if Warren is the nominee they will jump to Trump. They will pull out all the stops to make sure Trump stays in office. That not only means Trump will have billions at his disposal but the democrats will be choked from cash.
They already got the tax cuts. He's dead to them now.
trump is a dead man walking and if repubs in senate don't want to get flushed down the toilet with their pos brothers they better start speaking out
Then why is Pelosi shelving the impeachment vote?

Is this a game or what???

Democrats are chasing their tails at this point. An absolute 3 ring circus.
The impeachment process has already started. Soon the House will vote and in that vote will be the indicators of the Senate vote. The Congressmen will be voting on their future and the key to their vote will be their constituents, the American citizens. We can control the vote,
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
As the republicans have the majority in the senate, he won't be convicted. However, if the democrats also had the majority in the senate and could convict him, I still don't know what they could hope to accomplish. They can't put their preferred person in the presidency; there's that pesky vice-president that would take over. Thus, a republican would still hold the White House and as he wasn't part of the Trump campaign until Trump was nominated, there's no Russian issue there and as politicians go, he's pretty squeaky clean.....and.....a religious nut.
LOCKING down information on scumbags Ukraine phone calls? Hiding all his shit like taxes bank records and the fn morons on his support eat it up FU all morons
trump has hidden lots of his shit ,,,but no more No defense for impeachment betrayed his oath of office and our constitution His conversation IS NOT OK fuk trump and all you suck ass trump supporters
Think about all the BS we haven't heard.

Your a moron. He will win 2020 because even Democrats are embarrassed by what they are doing. You clowns are a joke.

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You're worse.

Oh that hurts. Liberal piece of shit. I’m going to enjoy you clowns going down again. All there lies are coming out. Guess you didn’t read the Ukraine report where they talked about the Biden pressure threatening then to not give them the 1.6 Billion dollars if they didn’t fire the prosecutor. Read that before you open that big mouth again.

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If they have shit on Biden so BE IT. Quit you're fucking crying.

Libtards cry. They have been crying for three years asshole. So STFU asshole.

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No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
As the republicans have the majority in the senate, he won't be convicted. However, if the democrats also had the majority in the senate and could convict him, I still don't know what they could hope to accomplish. They can't put their preferred person in the presidency; there's that pesky vice-president that would take over. Thus, a republican would still hold the White House and as he wasn't part of the Trump campaign until Trump was nominated, there's no Russian issue there and as politicians go, he's pretty squeaky clean.....and.....a religious nut.
And trumps kiss ass vp won't have a chance
trump has hidden lots of his shit ,,,but no more No defense for impeachment betrayed his oath of office and our constitution His conversation IS NOT OK fuk trump and all you suck ass trump supporters
Think about all the BS we haven't heard.

Your a moron. He will win 2020 because even Democrats are embarrassed by what they are doing. You clowns are a joke.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You're worse.
Worse ?? Being pissed at a president and repub party that shits on America ?? Then call me worse
Did I say worse to you? Nope. I believe it was directed to the elongated misfit that called me a moron.

The liberals are the misfit Your more of an Asshole

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No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
As the republicans have the majority in the senate, he won't be convicted. However, if the democrats also had the majority in the senate and could convict him, I still don't know what they could hope to accomplish. They can't put their preferred person in the presidency; there's that pesky vice-president that would take over. Thus, a republican would still hold the White House and as he wasn't part of the Trump campaign until Trump was nominated, there's no Russian issue there and as politicians go, he's pretty squeaky clean.....and.....a religious nut.
And trumps kiss ass vp won't have a chance
He's a lot better than the group of misfit douche-bag Marxist Leftists that are lined up wanting to take the White House.
LOCKING down information on scumbags Ukraine phone calls? Hiding all his shit like taxes bank records and the fn morons on his support eat it up FU all morons

And, Mueller and the Southern District of New York are still out there!
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

Pelosi will flinch. If it were so important to her she would just go head and hold the vote now instead of going on vacation.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
As the republicans have the majority in the senate, he won't be convicted. However, if the democrats also had the majority in the senate and could convict him, I still don't know what they could hope to accomplish. They can't put their preferred person in the presidency; there's that pesky vice-president that would take over. Thus, a republican would still hold the White House and as he wasn't part of the Trump campaign until Trump was nominated, there's no Russian issue there and as politicians go, he's pretty squeaky clean.....and.....a religious nut.
And trumps kiss ass vp won't have a chance
He's a lot better than the group of misfit douche-bag Marxist Leftists that are lined up wanting to take the White House.
great job!
The Democrats strategy is simple. They will continue to push one fake scandal after another. The objective is to get voters to throw their hands up and give up. To say I have had enough, you win.

Even with the election about 1 year away, they can't accept the fact that Clinton lost. They don't feel great about running HRC again against Trump. But, Trump is not being removed from office, and Clinton will have to beat him if she wants to be President. It will be a close and ugly race next year.
The Democrats strategy is simple. They will continue to push one fake scandal after another. The objective is to get voters to throw their hands up and give up. To say I have had enough, you win.

Even with the election about 1 year away, they can't accept the fact that Clinton lost. They don't feel great about running HRC again against Trump. But, Trump is not being removed from office, and Clinton will have to beat him if she wants to be President. It will be a close and ugly race next year.

I agree, but I don't believe it will be successful IF the economy remains solid and we're not in a war.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

$400 million dollars in aid for Ukraine was suddenly held up by Trump on July 18, 2019. Then in the phone call to the Ukrainian President on July 25, 2019, Trumped asked for a favor, that Biden and his son be investigated.

The CIA whistleblower has also reported that the Ukrainians had to be "willing to play ball on Biden" in order to even get the July 25th phone call with Trump.

Its all there. Trump abused his power as President and neglected U.S. Foreign Policy and Defense Policy. He used the tools of the office of President to get a foreign entity to dig up dirt on a domestic political opponent going against him in the 2020 election. Its the President using the power of his office, to get a foreign entity to help him remain in power. Its all illegal.

Then there is the evidence that Trump and his advisors tried to hide all this stuff on a different computer server to keep it from getting out. So its not just abuse of power, but an attempt to cover up that abuse of power.

Trump will get impeached. Will see how many Republican Senators are willing to go down with Trump's sinking ship when they vote in the Senate. Right now it appears that Trump has the votes to survive in the Senate. That might not be the case in a couple of months. Only 21 Republican Senators need to switch sides to remove Trump.

Polls show at least half of the public is now for impeachment. Last week only a third were.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...

$400 million dollars in aid for Ukraine was suddenly held up by Trump on July 18, 2019. Then in the phone call to the Ukrainian President on July 25, 2019, Trumped asked for a favor, that Biden and his son be investigated.

The CIA whistleblower has also reported that the Ukrainians had to be "willing to play ball on Biden" in order to even get the July 25th phone call with Trump.

Its all there. Trump abused his power as President and neglected U.S. Foreign Policy and Defense Policy. He used the tools of the office of President to get a foreign entity to dig up dirt on a domestic political opponent going against him in the 2020 election. Its the President using the power of his office, to get a foreign entity to help him remain in power. Its all illegal.

Then there is the evidence that Trump and his advisors tried to hide all this stuff on a different computer server to keep it from getting out. So its not just abuse of power, but an attempt to cover up that abuse of power.

Trump will get impeached. Will see how many Republican Senators are willing to go down with Trump's sinking ship when they vote in the Senate. Right now it appears that Trump has the votes to survive in the Senate. That might not be the case in a couple of months. Only 21 Republican Senators need to switch sides to remove Trump.

Polls show at least half of the public is now for impeachment. Last week only a third were.
Impeachment is not a popularity contest. It is a condition that unconscionable things have been done, and the Attorney General has reviewed the charges and found them to be baseless against the President.
No chance Pelosi begins an inquiry and doesn’t push for impeachment as she would lose face. House will impeach and the Senate will not and the country will be extremely divided. Even more so than now.

Again there is no direct proof of bribery there is no high crime even Democrat and Constitution expert Dershowitz agrees.

Let the fun begin...
Nope. There is virtually no chance Pelosi will actually impeach. She won't do it.

Trump is on notice, though, that his thuggish and juvenile behavior has put his tiny pe- ..., er ..., hands in a vise. He is going to have to actually engage his limited brain cells from now on before he acts on his childish impulses.

Remember "Clinton fatigue"? After eight years of partisan hackery, the American people could barely stand the sight of Bill Clinton. The Republicans found that impeaching Bill Clinton, even though there was no chance he would actually be unseated, won them the House and Senate and the next presidential election.

Then Bush came along, and Bush fatigue set in even faster than Clinton fatigue did.

The speed with which Trump fatigue set in has achieved an all time record. More and more people every day, especially women, don't want to see or hear anything from his fat face. The Democrats and their propaganda organs have done a bang up job of achieving that. With Trump accommodating them with his idiotic antics and leadership by snit.

But there will not be an impeachment. Not unless Trump actually shoots someone in broad daylight on Fifth Avenue. Even then, Trump's retard herd will obediently and submissively parrot their propagandists' claim a Democrat put the gun in his hand and made him pull the trigger.

"They are going to impeach me...for that?"
Was there an Obama fatigue?
LOCKING down information on scumbags Ukraine phone calls? Hiding all his shit like taxes bank records and the fn morons on his support eat it up FU all morons

And, Mueller and the Southern District of New York are still out there!
Trumps ass is grass and impeachment is the lawn mower And if repubs lay low they're included

Yeah You morons been saying that for 3 years. You got shit on him. You should start to worry about your corrupt Democrats. They are done. How does it feel to always lose you loser.

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