Trump Will Be Impeached

...huh? what do you call the people the dems brought in? cocktail guests? too fking funny, you've jumped into the pot I see.
Nope. Witnesses for the Inquiry. There is no right of cross-examination during the course of this preliminary process.
well what's different with those witnesses and witness the GOP has been refused the opportunity to present?

you said because they were witnesses
...huh? what do you call the people the dems brought in? cocktail guests? too fking funny, you've jumped into the pot I see.
Nope. Witnesses for the Inquiry. There is no right of cross-examination during the course of this preliminary process.
hahahahaha come thursday there will be. see, pelosant has admitted her current circus is a circus. ready for real due process like our country was founded on? you're as demented as baghdoodle.
...well if we could find it ourselves, wouldn't we be saying get the bum out of office? I don't want a crook in our house. that's why I keep asking what crime? let us get on board with what you supposedly know? why do they need to conceal it?
You(r side) would let him shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue and get away with it.

That's why Obstruction-ism has not been allowed during the preliminary phase of the Impeachment Inquiry.

You(r side) will get their chance to cross-examine, etc., soon enough.

Patience... it's coming. :21:
it was illegal, pelosant just admitted it.
How old are you, twelve? since the White House cannot fight the charges they fight the Constitution in propaganda form anyway. Doesn't matter. Our justice system just grinds along. And yes the house has this duty. This is actually a high crime and misdemeanor. And there are many on his record already, the mobbed-up fraud con man. Only the propaganda machine makes this all possible I left him think he can get away with it oh, the poor Dupe. He can't plead ignorance this time after the Russian scandal.
still waiting on the crime big guy. name it. ahhhhh you ain't got one. That sir is not due process.

View attachment 286719
It's been named hundreds of times.

Lock him up!!

Hilarious. You still can’t name a crime and provide evidence. It’s always go find it yourself because you are full of BS.

well if we could find it ourselves, wouldn't we be saying get the bum out of office? I don't want a crook in our house. that's why I keep asking what crime? let us get on board with what you supposedly know? why do they need to conceal it?

Trump built a shadow foreign policy team around his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to pressure the Ukrainian president to investigate a political rival — and that Trump held up U.S. military aid for Ukraine as leverage.

All of these far right radical extremists knows what's going on. They know what trump has done and what he will be charged for.

It's been posted on this board and debated by all of them. It's been all over the internet and the news.

It's not necessary to repeat what he has done over and over.
still waiting on the crime big guy. name it. ahhhhh you ain't got one. That sir is not due process.

View attachment 286719
It's been named hundreds of times.

Lock him up!!

Hilarious. You still can’t name a crime and provide evidence. It’s always go find it yourself because you are full of BS.

well if we could find it ourselves, wouldn't we be saying get the bum out of office? I don't want a crook in our house. that's why I keep asking what crime? let us get on board with what you supposedly know? why do they need to conceal it?

Trump built a shadow foreign policy team around his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to pressure the Ukrainian president to investigate a political rival — and that Trump held up U.S. military aid for Ukraine as leverage.

All of these far right radical extremists knows what's going on. They know what trump has done and what he will be charged for.

It's been posted on this board and debated by all of them. It's been all over the internet and the news.

It's not necessary to repeat what he has done over and over.

ahhhhh looky looky at the new ploy of just saying we all knew and we all ignore it. too fking funny. hey slimeball, fk off.
It's been named hundreds of times.

Lock him up!!

Hilarious. You still can’t name a crime and provide evidence. It’s always go find it yourself because you are full of BS.

well if we could find it ourselves, wouldn't we be saying get the bum out of office? I don't want a crook in our house. that's why I keep asking what crime? let us get on board with what you supposedly know? why do they need to conceal it?

Trump built a shadow foreign policy team around his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to pressure the Ukrainian president to investigate a political rival — and that Trump held up U.S. military aid for Ukraine as leverage.

All of these far right radical extremists knows what's going on. They know what trump has done and what he will be charged for.

It's been posted on this board and debated by all of them. It's been all over the internet and the news.

It's not necessary to repeat what he has done over and over.

ahhhhh looky looky at the new ploy of just saying we all knew and we all ignore it. too fking funny. hey slimeball, fk off.

Yes, time to move on they'll say. I wish we could all remember all the deplorable things Trump has done and said since he started running for President but it seems like none of the hypocrisy matters. They believe Trump has delivered enough on the economy (last year) that we should forget all the bad things he has done including the trade war that he's having with China that is leading us to another recession.

I'm in manufacturing. Trust me, workers are not benefiting from the Trump economy. Look at the GM strike. The company doesn't want to pay them their fair share and they are saying the reason is they feel a recession is coming. But the workers sacrificed so much after the Bush Great Recession. Now that profits are up, time for some raises. But GM says they are worried about the slowing down of manufacturing.

Right now manufacturing is still up. But they see signs of a slowing down. That's because of Trump's leadership. They don't know what he will do or tweet next.

I know Trumpsters love it but they are creeps. Don't forget they also loved Bush.
It's been named hundreds of times.

Lock him up!!

Hilarious. You still can’t name a crime and provide evidence. It’s always go find it yourself because you are full of BS.

well if we could find it ourselves, wouldn't we be saying get the bum out of office? I don't want a crook in our house. that's why I keep asking what crime? let us get on board with what you supposedly know? why do they need to conceal it?

Trump built a shadow foreign policy team around his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to pressure the Ukrainian president to investigate a political rival — and that Trump held up U.S. military aid for Ukraine as leverage.

All of these far right radical extremists knows what's going on. They know what trump has done and what he will be charged for.

It's been posted on this board and debated by all of them. It's been all over the internet and the news.

It's not necessary to repeat what he has done over and over.

ahhhhh looky looky at the new ploy of just saying we all knew and we all ignore it. too fking funny. hey slimeball, fk off.

You're right, you know nothing factual and almost nothing generally, brainwashed functional moron. He is guilty of abuse of power and high crimes and misdemeanors, mainly blackmailing foreign leaders into helping his campaign. It is not the kind of crime that is used against regular criminals. D u h.
Right now manufacturing is still up. But they see signs of a slowing down. That's because of Trump's leadership. They don't know what he will do or tweet next.

Moron, manufacturing is up BECAUSE of Trump. No one EVER knows for certain 100% what the future holds so that is just an excuse. I've yet to ever see a tweet capable of slowing the economy.

I've calculated that it takes at least $13.00/hour just to equal the equivalent of what the minimum wage was in the late '70s before productivity and wages split. Anyone today making less than $13.00 an hour is making less than minimum wage compared to the 1970s! Workers are getting screwed, and Trump has nothing to do with it. Grow up.
How old are you, twelve? since the White House cannot fight the charges they fight the Constitution in propaganda form anyway. Doesn't matter. Our justice system just grinds along. And yes the house has this duty. This is actually a high crime and misdemeanor. And there are many on his record already, the mobbed-up fraud con man. Only the propaganda machine makes this all possible I left him think he can get away with it oh, the poor Dupe. He can't plead ignorance this time after the Russian scandal.
still waiting on the crime big guy. name it. ahhhhh you ain't got one. That sir is not due process.

View attachment 286719
It's been named hundreds of times.

Lock him up!!

Hilarious. You still can’t name a crime and provide evidence. It’s always go find it yourself because you are full of BS.

well if we could find it ourselves, wouldn't we be saying get the bum out of office? I don't want a crook in our house. that's why I keep asking what crime? let us get on board with what you supposedly know? why do they need to conceal it?

Trump built a shadow foreign policy team around his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to pressure the Ukrainian president to investigate a political rival — and that Trump held up U.S. military aid for Ukraine as leverage.

THAT ORANGE RAT BASTARD TRUMP! He built up a secret shadow foreign policy team around public phone calls with everyone listening in, in order to investigate possible criminal activity surrounding the 2016 election in order to leverage a small, minor, insignificant foreign country half way around the world in helping him defeat someone who isn't even his political opponent in an election more than a year away! :whip: Man, talk about stretching credulity! Derps will believe and tell themselves anything to justify undoing an election!
...huh? what do you call the people the dems brought in? cocktail guests? too fking funny, you've jumped into the pot I see.
Nope. Witnesses for the Inquiry. There is no right of cross-examination during the course of this preliminary process.
hahahahaha come thursday there will be. see, pelosant has admitted her current circus is a circus. ready for real due process like our country was founded on? you're as demented as baghdoodle.

Not really. The closed door hearing will continue with both sides having equal access to the witnesses. When the hearings become public in a few weeks we will all have the transcripts of these private interviews.
Right now manufacturing is still up. But they see signs of a slowing down. That's because of Trump's leadership. They don't know what he will do or tweet next.

Moron, manufacturing is up BECAUSE of Trump. No one EVER knows for certain 100% what the future holds so that is just an excuse. I've yet to ever see a tweet capable of slowing the economy.

I've calculated that it takes at least $13.00/hour just to equal the equivalent of what the minimum wage was in the late '70s before productivity and wages split. Anyone today making less than $13.00 an hour is making less than minimum wage compared to the 1970s! Workers are getting screwed, and Trump has nothing to do with it. Grow up.

I just talked to a trucker picking up a machine we just sold. He said, "why did they let Joe go he was around for a long time" and we told him that we actually just let 8 people go because machine sales have slowed. He confirmed that is absolutely true. It happened right before the Bush recession. I remember manufacturing was shit when Bush was president and Republicans said the economy was doing great.

So I asked the trucker "I thought the economy was great" and he said, "certain sectors are" For example his buddy is in construction and they have more work than they know what to do with.

Manufacturing is the most important sector or industry in our economy. You get that right? Do I have to explain that?

Caterpillar's machine sales in Asia-Pacific down 4% for three months

North American Machine Vision Orders Slow in First Quarter of 2019
AIA statistics show 4.5 percent decline in sales over same period in 2018, down to $674 million

Machine tool industry orders expected to drop in 2019
Orders received by the German machine tool industry in the first quarter of 2019 were 21% compared to the same period last year due to a cooling global economy and other challenges.

So wake the fuck up you god damn moron. Unbelievable the clueless sheep who support Trump calling me a moron when they are nothing but talking heads repeating what Fox and Rush tell them. Piss off dummy. You're why America sucks.
still waiting on the crime big guy. name it. ahhhhh you ain't got one. That sir is not due process.

View attachment 286719
It's been named hundreds of times.

Lock him up!!

Hilarious. You still can’t name a crime and provide evidence. It’s always go find it yourself because you are full of BS.

well if we could find it ourselves, wouldn't we be saying get the bum out of office? I don't want a crook in our house. that's why I keep asking what crime? let us get on board with what you supposedly know? why do they need to conceal it?

Trump built a shadow foreign policy team around his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, to pressure the Ukrainian president to investigate a political rival — and that Trump held up U.S. military aid for Ukraine as leverage.

THAT ORANGE RAT BASTARD TRUMP! He built up a secret shadow foreign policy team around public phone calls with everyone listening in, in order to investigate possible criminal activity surrounding the 2016 election in order to leverage a small, minor, insignificant foreign country half way around the world in helping him defeat someone who isn't even his political opponent in an election more than a year away! :whip: Man, talk about stretching credulity! Derps will believe and tell themselves anything to justify undoing an election!

Then why did he do it? Yes he did do what you saying. This is how deranged Trump is. Even you can't believe he did it. Well he did. And everyone is telling on him. He made everyone uncomfortable. Even his yes men were uncomfortable.

Now what will you say about all the people who are ratting on Trump? Are they traitors? Deep staters? Pathetic arguments bro.
The time has come for Trump.

Trump Will Be Impeached
Ambassador William Taylor’s testimony sealed the deal.
October 22, 2019
John Podhoretz

Remember when I said last week that October 17 was the worst day of the Trump presidency? Well, October 22 and has now come along to break the record. This is the day that, I think, has ensured Donald Trump’s impeachment. Not his removal. But impeachment will be bad enough.

Today’s key sentence: “Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance.”

It comes from the testimony of acting U.S. ambassador to the Ukraine William Taylor before House impeachment investigators, and it instantly makes all but impossible the task of anyone seeking to defend Trump against the charge that he held up American military aid to Ukraine to secure a political advantage in the 2020 election.

There were three defenses of Trump following the revelations of the “whistleblower” and the phone-call transcript of the conversation between the presidents of the United States and Ukraine. The first was that he is only interested in investigating corruption relating to the 2016 election. The second is that even though Trump himself said he wanted the Ukranian to do him a favor, there was no quid pro quo. The third is that the only thing Trump was trading for was a White House visit, which is no great shakes.

There’s no need to talk about the “whistleblower” and his findings any longer, and there’s no need for the whistleblower to be heard any further. We have a veteran U.S. diplomat on the record saying that a Trump intimate told him Trump was holding up Congressionally authorized and appropriated military aid to Ukraine because he wanted a public statement from the Zelensky government that it was investigating Joe Biden’s son.

Taylor said this of a September 1 phone call with Gordon Sondland, our ambassador to the European Union about the $275 million in U.S. security assistance to Ukraine as well as a possible meeting between Trump and Ukranian president Zelensky:

“Ambassador Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations—in fact, Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted President Zelenskyy ‘in a public box’ by making a public statement about ordering such investigations.”

Ambassador William Taylor’s Testimony Ensured Trump’s Impeachment

Trump has a guest coming to visit

And he doesn't worry about invitations
1000 consecutive days of Trump will be impeached. Put the words to music, like "the sun will come out tomorrow", and then people may listen. Get on the right side of history, smarten up.
Right now manufacturing is still up. But they see signs of a slowing down. That's because of Trump's leadership. They don't know what he will do or tweet next.

Moron, manufacturing is up BECAUSE of Trump. No one EVER knows for certain 100% what the future holds so that is just an excuse. I've yet to ever see a tweet capable of slowing the economy.

I've calculated that it takes at least $13.00/hour just to equal the equivalent of what the minimum wage was in the late '70s before productivity and wages split. Anyone today making less than $13.00 an hour is making less than minimum wage compared to the 1970s! Workers are getting screwed, and Trump has nothing to do with it. Grow up.

I just talked to a trucker picking up a machine we just sold. He said, "why did they let Joe go he was around for a long time" and we told him that we actually just let 8 people go because machine sales have slowed. He confirmed that is absolutely true. It happened right before the Bush recession. I remember manufacturing was shit when Bush was president and Republicans said the economy was doing great.

So I asked the trucker "I thought the economy was great" and he said, "certain sectors are" For example his buddy is in construction and they have more work than they know what to do with.

Manufacturing is the most important sector or industry in our economy. You get that right? Do I have to explain that?

Caterpillar's machine sales in Asia-Pacific down 4% for three months

North American Machine Vision Orders Slow in First Quarter of 2019
AIA statistics show 4.5 percent decline in sales over same period in 2018, down to $674 million

Machine tool industry orders expected to drop in 2019
Orders received by the German machine tool industry in the first quarter of 2019 were 21% compared to the same period last year due to a cooling global economy and other challenges.

So wake the fuck up you god damn moron. Unbelievable the clueless sheep who support Trump calling me a moron when they are nothing but talking heads repeating what Fox and Rush tell them. Piss off dummy. You're why America sucks.

So wake the fuck up you god damn moron. Sales are down in Asia and elsewhere because demand is down. Shit happens. Their economy goes up and down too. If you don't like it, get a god-damn education and go out and get a real job. Piss off dummy. You're why America sucks.
The time has come for Trump.

Trump Will Be Impeached
Ambassador William Taylor’s testimony sealed the deal.
October 22, 2019
John Podhoretz

Remember when I said last week that October 17 was the worst day of the Trump presidency? Well, October 22 and has now come along to break the record. This is the day that, I think, has ensured Donald Trump’s impeachment. Not his removal. But impeachment will be bad enough.

Today’s key sentence: “Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance.”

It comes from the testimony of acting U.S. ambassador to the Ukraine William Taylor before House impeachment investigators, and it instantly makes all but impossible the task of anyone seeking to defend Trump against the charge that he held up American military aid to Ukraine to secure a political advantage in the 2020 election.

There were three defenses of Trump following the revelations of the “whistleblower” and the phone-call transcript of the conversation between the presidents of the United States and Ukraine. The first was that he is only interested in investigating corruption relating to the 2016 election. The second is that even though Trump himself said he wanted the Ukranian to do him a favor, there was no quid pro quo. The third is that the only thing Trump was trading for was a White House visit, which is no great shakes.

There’s no need to talk about the “whistleblower” and his findings any longer, and there’s no need for the whistleblower to be heard any further. We have a veteran U.S. diplomat on the record saying that a Trump intimate told him Trump was holding up Congressionally authorized and appropriated military aid to Ukraine because he wanted a public statement from the Zelensky government that it was investigating Joe Biden’s son.

Taylor said this of a September 1 phone call with Gordon Sondland, our ambassador to the European Union about the $275 million in U.S. security assistance to Ukraine as well as a possible meeting between Trump and Ukranian president Zelensky:

“Ambassador Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations—in fact, Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted President Zelenskyy ‘in a public box’ by making a public statement about ordering such investigations.”

Ambassador William Taylor’s Testimony Ensured Trump’s Impeachment

Trump has a guest coming to visit

And he doesn't worry about invitations
1000 consecutive days of Trump will be impeached. Put the words to music, like "the sun will come out tomorrow", and then people may listen. Get on the right side of history, smarten up.

I didn't think it would happen either but then this Ukraine thing happened.

Trump called the Ukraine President just 3 days after the Mueller report was rapped up. Turns out Trump didn't learn his lesson. He probably thought he could do whatever he wanted and could no longer be bothered but that's not true. That's like OJ thinking he could pull off an armed robbery after he got away with murder.
Right now manufacturing is still up. But they see signs of a slowing down. That's because of Trump's leadership. They don't know what he will do or tweet next.

Moron, manufacturing is up BECAUSE of Trump. No one EVER knows for certain 100% what the future holds so that is just an excuse. I've yet to ever see a tweet capable of slowing the economy.

I've calculated that it takes at least $13.00/hour just to equal the equivalent of what the minimum wage was in the late '70s before productivity and wages split. Anyone today making less than $13.00 an hour is making less than minimum wage compared to the 1970s! Workers are getting screwed, and Trump has nothing to do with it. Grow up.

I just talked to a trucker picking up a machine we just sold. He said, "why did they let Joe go he was around for a long time" and we told him that we actually just let 8 people go because machine sales have slowed. He confirmed that is absolutely true. It happened right before the Bush recession. I remember manufacturing was shit when Bush was president and Republicans said the economy was doing great.

So I asked the trucker "I thought the economy was great" and he said, "certain sectors are" For example his buddy is in construction and they have more work than they know what to do with.

Manufacturing is the most important sector or industry in our economy. You get that right? Do I have to explain that?

Caterpillar's machine sales in Asia-Pacific down 4% for three months

North American Machine Vision Orders Slow in First Quarter of 2019
AIA statistics show 4.5 percent decline in sales over same period in 2018, down to $674 million

Machine tool industry orders expected to drop in 2019
Orders received by the German machine tool industry in the first quarter of 2019 were 21% compared to the same period last year due to a cooling global economy and other challenges.

So wake the fuck up you god damn moron. Unbelievable the clueless sheep who support Trump calling me a moron when they are nothing but talking heads repeating what Fox and Rush tell them. Piss off dummy. You're why America sucks.

So wake the fuck up you god damn moron. Sales are down in Asia and elsewhere because demand is down. Shit happens. Their economy goes up and down too. If you don't like it, get a god-damn education and go out and get a real job. Piss off dummy. You're why America sucks.

A real job? I make $100K you fucking moron.

Sales are down in large part because of Trumps trade war with China. It's the number fucking one reason dummy.

I'm so fucking sick of every time a Republican is president and they ruin the manufacturing sector you cock suckers start telling us to go get a real job, go back to school or start our own business. Did you give this advice to blue collar deplorables when Trump was running for president?

I can't believe another Republican is going to ruin the economy. Not the oil and defense industies, but manufacturing. Great. Thanks Trump.

This is why Trump won't win MI next year. We will feel his trade war bigly.
The time has come for Trump.

Trump Will Be Impeached
Ambassador William Taylor’s testimony sealed the deal.
October 22, 2019
John Podhoretz

Remember when I said last week that October 17 was the worst day of the Trump presidency? Well, October 22 and has now come along to break the record. This is the day that, I think, has ensured Donald Trump’s impeachment. Not his removal. But impeachment will be bad enough.

Today’s key sentence: “Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance.”

It comes from the testimony of acting U.S. ambassador to the Ukraine William Taylor before House impeachment investigators, and it instantly makes all but impossible the task of anyone seeking to defend Trump against the charge that he held up American military aid to Ukraine to secure a political advantage in the 2020 election.

There were three defenses of Trump following the revelations of the “whistleblower” and the phone-call transcript of the conversation between the presidents of the United States and Ukraine. The first was that he is only interested in investigating corruption relating to the 2016 election. The second is that even though Trump himself said he wanted the Ukranian to do him a favor, there was no quid pro quo. The third is that the only thing Trump was trading for was a White House visit, which is no great shakes.

There’s no need to talk about the “whistleblower” and his findings any longer, and there’s no need for the whistleblower to be heard any further. We have a veteran U.S. diplomat on the record saying that a Trump intimate told him Trump was holding up Congressionally authorized and appropriated military aid to Ukraine because he wanted a public statement from the Zelensky government that it was investigating Joe Biden’s son.

Taylor said this of a September 1 phone call with Gordon Sondland, our ambassador to the European Union about the $275 million in U.S. security assistance to Ukraine as well as a possible meeting between Trump and Ukranian president Zelensky:

“Ambassador Sondland told me that President Trump had told him that he wants President Zelensky to state publicly that Ukraine will investigate Burisma and alleged Ukrainian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. Ambassador Sondland also told me that he now recognized that he had made a mistake by earlier telling the Ukrainian officials to whom he spoke that a White House meeting with President Zelenskyy was dependent on a public announcement of investigations—in fact, Ambassador Sondland said, ‘everything’ was dependent on such an announcement, including security assistance. He said that President Trump wanted President Zelenskyy ‘in a public box’ by making a public statement about ordering such investigations.”

Ambassador William Taylor’s Testimony Ensured Trump’s Impeachment

Trump has a guest coming to visit

And he doesn't worry about invitations
1000 consecutive days of Trump will be impeached. Put the words to music, like "the sun will come out tomorrow", and then people may listen. Get on the right side of history, smarten up.

He will be impeached.

Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, was set to testify he was on the July phone call between Trump and Ukraine’s leader.

Top Democrats at the deposition of Lt. Col. Alexander Vindman, the top Ukraine expert on the National Security Council, said his testimony Tuesday was “extremely disturbing” and praised him for appearing despite attacks from the White House.

Vindman, appearing voluntarily under congressional subpoena, was set to tell members of Congress conducting an impeachment inquiry of President Donald Trump that he was on the phone call between Trump and Ukraine’s leader in which Trump asked for an investigation into the Bidens — and that he raised concerns about it.

So this isn't even the whistleblower and he was disturbed by Trump's "perfect" call to the Ukranian President.

Yes, Trump will be impeached. IM2 called it.
A real job? I make $100K you fucking moron.
Apparently you can still be an idiot, think 100K is "good money" yet still whine about a "failing economy." Suck it up, cupcake. If you think the economy is so bad now, you must have had a gun in your mouth during Obama!

Sales are down in large part because of Trumps trade war with China.
Shit goes up, shit goes down. Some of us are willing to take a little pain to achieve a worthwhile end. You, you'd sell your mother to the Norks to make a buck.

America is doing fine. Jobs out the wazoo. The only way Trump doesn't win next year is if they somehow assassinate him. If you don't like it, fuck you.
Right now manufacturing is still up. But they see signs of a slowing down. That's because of Trump's leadership. They don't know what he will do or tweet next.

Moron, manufacturing is up BECAUSE of Trump. No one EVER knows for certain 100% what the future holds so that is just an excuse. I've yet to ever see a tweet capable of slowing the economy.

I've calculated that it takes at least $13.00/hour just to equal the equivalent of what the minimum wage was in the late '70s before productivity and wages split. Anyone today making less than $13.00 an hour is making less than minimum wage compared to the 1970s! Workers are getting screwed, and Trump has nothing to do with it. Grow up.

I just talked to a trucker picking up a machine we just sold. He said, "why did they let Joe go he was around for a long time" and we told him that we actually just let 8 people go because machine sales have slowed. He confirmed that is absolutely true. It happened right before the Bush recession. I remember manufacturing was shit when Bush was president and Republicans said the economy was doing great.

So I asked the trucker "I thought the economy was great" and he said, "certain sectors are" For example his buddy is in construction and they have more work than they know what to do with.

Manufacturing is the most important sector or industry in our economy. You get that right? Do I have to explain that?

Caterpillar's machine sales in Asia-Pacific down 4% for three months

North American Machine Vision Orders Slow in First Quarter of 2019
AIA statistics show 4.5 percent decline in sales over same period in 2018, down to $674 million

Machine tool industry orders expected to drop in 2019
Orders received by the German machine tool industry in the first quarter of 2019 were 21% compared to the same period last year due to a cooling global economy and other challenges.

So wake the fuck up you god damn moron. Unbelievable the clueless sheep who support Trump calling me a moron when they are nothing but talking heads repeating what Fox and Rush tell them. Piss off dummy. You're why America sucks.

So wake the fuck up you god damn moron. Sales are down in Asia and elsewhere because demand is down. Shit happens. Their economy goes up and down too. If you don't like it, get a god-damn education and go out and get a real job. Piss off dummy. You're why America sucks.

I can't believe you are already positioning yourself to not blame Trump when he causes the coming recession

Orders received by the German machine tool industry in the first quarter of 2019 were 21% compared to the same period last year. Orders from Germany fell by 10% whereas those from abroad were down by 27%.

Reasons for the downturn include: Politically motivated disruptions to world trade which affect the emerging markets, weak growth in China, structural weaknesses in the automotive industry (the largest client market), and a slump in the semiconductor industry. “In 2018, the international automotive industry halved its capital spending to less than 4% compared with the previous year, and it is likely to plan an even lower figure for 2019,” Schäfer said.

Machine tool order levels are below those of sales for the first time again since mid-2014. Sales increased by 6% in the first three months of 2019. “Many companies are currently relying on their order backlog from the previous boom,” Schäfer said.

Do you see? Politically motivated distruptions. He didn't want to say Trump's trade war with China but DUH!!!

You guys keep bragging about what a great job Trump's doing with the economy. No he is not. The growth he promised it not happening. And the unemployment numbers are going to go up. He's going to own it all.

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