Trump will call a spade a spade

will trump calling out Muslim terrorism put America at risk?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 70.8%

  • Total voters


Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 30, 2011
Meaning he won't be afraid to call to Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism. I think that's going to make Barry feel a sad
risk of WHAT ?? The West and USA should be at war with the muslims so might as well let the muslims know reality and hopefully the TRUMP is just the guy to Announce reality to them Rocko !!
risk of WHAT ?? The West and USA should be at war with the muslims so might as well let the muslims know reality and hopefully the TRUMP is just the guy to Announce reality to them Rocko !!
------------------------------------------------------------ i am hoping that the TRUMP goes after muslims no matter where he finds them , I'd like to see him start in Europe Sur jake !!!
________________________ that will be up to the Europeans, Sur 'ismo. Those in America who go after Muslims willy nilly will go to jail. 'Bout time all recognize that.
We are at war with ME jihadism.

We are at war with the religion that preaches jihad. That would be Islam. Time to accept and admit it.
--------------------------------------------------- Thankyou , clarity is a good thing and you did clarify . The wusses don't like telling the truth on muslims . illary and mrobama lost so now lets see what the TRUMP does about islam that violently practices murderous islam Lastamender
We are at war with ME jihadism.

We are at war with the religion that preaches jihad. That would be Islam. Time to accept and admit it.
--------------------------------------------------- Thankyou , clarity is a good thing and you did clarify . The wusses don't like telling the truth on muslims . illary and mrobama lost so now lets see what the TRUMP does about islam that violently practices murderous islam Lastamender
------------------------------------------------- Thank you , Sur 'ismo, clarity tells us that Trump will not be jumping up and down on Muslims as a whole, either in America or overseas.
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Yes trump will call them what they are.

But he will also call people whatever he thinks will help him politically
i mean , look at the carnage that muslims do world wide and in the USA , France , Belgium and Germany just last week at a Christmas market Lastamender . Look at the death and destruction that muslims do in their hell hole homelands .
We are at war with ME jihadism.

We are at war with the religion that preaches jihad. That would be Islam. Time to accept and admit it.
--------------------------------------------------- Thankyou , clarity is a good thing and you did clarify . The wusses don't like telling the truth on muslims . illary and mrobama lost so now lets see what the TRUMP does about islam that violently practices murderous islam Lastamender
------------------------------------------------- Thank you , Sure 'ismo, clarity tells us that Trump will not be jumping up and down on Muslims as a whole, either in America or overseas.

I never said all Muslims. That is you apologists who say that. It is enough Muslims and something needs to be done. Starting with a ban on new Muslim refugees and maybe educating the public on what the Koran and Hadith actually say.

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