Trump will call a spade a spade

will trump calling out Muslim terrorism put America at risk?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 70.8%

  • Total voters
Meaning he won't be afraid to call to Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism. I think that's going to make Barry feel a sad

And you think that is somehow important. Lol
Sure identifies an enemy

We already know who it just think calling them something different makes a difference. It doesnt.

So why not say who it is?

Who doesn't say who it is?
Say what what is?
We are at war with ME jihadism.

We are at war with the religion that preaches jihad. That would be Islam. Time to accept and admit it.
--------------------------------------------------- Thankyou , clarity is a good thing and you did clarify . The wusses don't like telling the truth on muslims . illary and mrobama lost so now lets see what the TRUMP does about islam that violently practices murderous islam Lastamender
------------------------------------------------- Thank you , Sure 'ismo, clarity tells us that Trump will not be jumping up and down on Muslims as a whole, either in America or overseas.

I never said all Muslims. That is you apologists who say that. It is enough Muslims and something needs to be done. Starting with a ban on new Muslim refugees and maybe educating the public on what the Koran and Hadith actually say.

Please stop and think maturely.

And you think that is somehow important. Lol
Sure identifies an enemy

We already know who it just think calling them something different makes a difference. It doesnt.
Sure it does! Calls them out and gives notice where focus belongs! Why are you afraid of saying it if we know?

Afraid? I only said calling them something won't change anything. You seem confused thinking this is about fear or some other emotion.
Well why won't you?

Because I've never fallen for the "areally you chicken?" Routin as a child so it would be silly to start now.
Then what will he call this american born white former business owning man who can find his american flag on the basement floor under family heirlooms?
We are at war with ME jihadism.

We are at war with the religion that preaches jihad. That would be Islam. Time to accept and admit it.
--------------------------------------------------- Thankyou , clarity is a good thing and you did clarify . The wusses don't like telling the truth on muslims . illary and mrobama lost so now lets see what the TRUMP does about islam that violently practices murderous islam Lastamender
------------------------------------------------- Thank you , Sure 'ismo, clarity tells us that Trump will not be jumping up and down on Muslims as a whole, either in America or overseas.

I never said all Muslims. That is you apologists who say that. It is enough Muslims and something needs to be done. Starting with a ban on new Muslim refugees and maybe educating the public on what the Koran and Hadith actually say.

Not a bad idea.
We are at war with ME jihadism.

We are at war with the religion that preaches jihad. That would be Islam. Time to accept and admit it.
--------------------------------------------------- Thankyou , clarity is a good thing and you did clarify . The wusses don't like telling the truth on muslims . illary and mrobama lost so now lets see what the TRUMP does about islam that violently practices murderous islam Lastamender
------------------------------------------------- Thank you , Sure 'ismo, clarity tells us that Trump will not be jumping up and down on Muslims as a whole, either in America or overseas.

I never said all Muslims. That is you apologists who say that. It is enough Muslims and something needs to be done. Starting with a ban on new Muslim refugees and maybe educating the public on what the Koran and Hadith actually say.

Your statement: We are at war with the religion that preaches jihad. That would be Islam - certainly seems to include all Muslims.

I think it would be a great idea to educate the public on what is in the Quran...for example:
There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

But I expect that's not what you mean, rather, educate them to hate Islam and Muslims.
Want to be about fifty million non Muslims will step forward to be registered with the Muslims on a registry?

People will want to know exactly who is working with Trump on such an idea.
We are at war with the religion that preaches jihad certainly means all Muslims.
Meaning he won't be afraid to call to Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism. I think that's going to make Barry feel a sad

This is very important. Let's pretend that Obama never said that any terrorists consider themselves to be Muslims. Let's pretend that making sure that we don't lump all Mulsims together with those who are terrorists is somehow going to help terrorists.

Your head must hurt all the time.

Let's pretend you know more than a lump of shit. Actually let's not. Fuck you.
Meaning he won't be afraid to call to Islamic terrorism Islamic terrorism. I think that's going to make Barry feel a sad

This is very important. Let's pretend that Obama never said that any terrorists consider themselves to be Muslims. Let's pretend that making sure that we don't lump all Mulsims together with those who are terrorists is somehow going to help terrorists.

Your head must hurt all the time.

Let's pretend you know more than a lump of shit. Actually let's not. Fuck you.

Gee, Rocko. Why so upset?

Our experienced intelligence community has been clear. It does no good to wage a rhetorical war against hundreds of millions of peaceful Muslims. It is counter productive. This isn't something that is up for debate. We know that it's the wrong thing to do. as Trump does not ban Muslims and does not insist on a registry. Watch closely.
Sure identifies an enemy

We already know who it just think calling them something different makes a difference. It doesnt.
Sure it does! Calls them out and gives notice where focus belongs! Why are you afraid of saying it if we know?

Afraid? I only said calling them something won't change anything. You seem confused thinking this is about fear or some other emotion.
Well why won't you?

Because I've never fallen for the "areally you chicken?" Routin as a child so it would be silly to start now.
Therefore it matters
Want to be about fifty million non Muslims will step forward to be registered with the Muslims on a registry?

People will want to know exactly who is working with Trump on such an idea.
Obummer started it! You really should educate yourself
We are at war with ME jihadism.

We are at war with the religion that preaches jihad. That would be Islam. Time to accept and admit it.
--------------------------------------------------- Thankyou , clarity is a good thing and you did clarify . The wusses don't like telling the truth on muslims . illary and mrobama lost so now lets see what the TRUMP does about islam that violently practices murderous islam Lastamender
------------------------------------------------- Thank you , Sure 'ismo, clarity tells us that Trump will not be jumping up and down on Muslims as a whole, either in America or overseas.

I never said all Muslims. That is you apologists who say that. It is enough Muslims and something needs to be done. Starting with a ban on new Muslim refugees and maybe educating the public on what the Koran and Hadith actually say.

Not a bad idea.
We are at war with ME jihadism.

We are at war with the religion that preaches jihad. That would be Islam. Time to accept and admit it.
--------------------------------------------------- Thankyou , clarity is a good thing and you did clarify . The wusses don't like telling the truth on muslims . illary and mrobama lost so now lets see what the TRUMP does about islam that violently practices murderous islam Lastamender
------------------------------------------------- Thank you , Sure 'ismo, clarity tells us that Trump will not be jumping up and down on Muslims as a whole, either in America or overseas.

I never said all Muslims. That is you apologists who say that. It is enough Muslims and something needs to be done. Starting with a ban on new Muslim refugees and maybe educating the public on what the Koran and Hadith actually say.

Your statement: We are at war with the religion that preaches jihad. That would be Islam - certainly seems to include all Muslims.

I think it would be a great idea to educate the public on what is in the Quran...for example:
There shall be no compulsion in [acceptance of] the religion. The right course has become clear from the wrong. So whoever disbelieves in Taghut and believes in Allah has grasped the most trustworthy handhold with no break in it. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

But I expect that's not what you mean, rather, educate them to hate Islam and Muslims.
I agree!
We are at war with ME jihadism.

We are at war with the religion that preaches jihad. That would be Islam. Time to accept and admit it.
--------------------------------------------------- Thankyou , clarity is a good thing and you did clarify . The wusses don't like telling the truth on muslims . illary and mrobama lost so now lets see what the TRUMP does about islam that violently practices murderous islam Lastamender
------------------------------------------------- Thank you , Sure 'ismo, clarity tells us that Trump will not be jumping up and down on Muslims as a whole, either in America or overseas.

I never said all Muslims. That is you apologists who say that. It is enough Muslims and something needs to be done. Starting with a ban on new Muslim refugees and maybe educating the public on what the Koran and Hadith actually say.

Please stop and think maturely.

Why? It would be wasted on you

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