Trump will call a spade a spade

will trump calling out Muslim terrorism put America at risk?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 29.2%
  • No

    Votes: 17 70.8%

  • Total voters
All the evidence is out there. The Koran and Hadith tell us what to expect. That you do not understand that shows low information on your part, not mine.
IOW, you can't do it; thanks for being honest.
The pants shitters don't know a thing about Islam. They only know what their propaganda mills tell them about Islam.

And what do you know about it? Do you hear Muslims opposing terror until there is terror? I don't. Saying one thing and doing the other is what Islam is about. Not surprised they would fool a fool.

And all of us know what their holy books say and obligate. It is easy to understand, but you idiots cannot imagine a religion being so violent and committed to world domination. Get used to it. All you are doing is submitting by believing the lie of a peaceful religion when its actions and doctrine say different.

You never answered my question.

Which religion is responsible for the most deadly violence against infidels?

You tell me. I posted a link that shows Islamic jihad is responsible for 270million deaths, and counting, daily.

You seem to have trouble focusing on a point. Enjoy your time here.
All the evidence is out there. The Koran and Hadith tell us what to expect. That you do not understand that shows low information on your part, not mine.
IOW, you can't do it; thanks for being honest.
The pants shitters don't know a thing about Islam. They only know what their propaganda mills tell them about Islam.

And what do you know about it? Do you hear Muslims opposing terror until there is terror? I don't.

You don't because your propaganda mills keep that from you. They don't show you the countless examples of Muslims opposing terror.

You could find them know...YOU LOOKED.


Americans kill 15,000 Americans every year, cupcake. Muslims are the LEAST of your worries. You have more to worry about from lightning.

Why should we look for what anyone should oppose?
You just asked if there are Muslims opposing terror!

And now you say you should not look. Only an unbelievably willfully stupid fuck would avoid looking at something which might contradict his fucked up bigoted viewpoint.

Wow. Thanks for being a perfect laboratory example of confirmation bias.

Awesome. You are EXACTLY the kind of willfully ignorant rube from which the propaganda mills make their bread and butter.
All the evidence is out there. The Koran and Hadith tell us what to expect. That you do not understand that shows low information on your part, not mine.
IOW, you can't do it; thanks for being honest.
The pants shitters don't know a thing about Islam. They only know what their propaganda mills tell them about Islam.

And what do you know about it? Do you hear Muslims opposing terror until there is terror? I don't. Saying one thing and doing the other is what Islam is about. Not surprised they would fool a fool.

And all of us know what their holy books say and obligate. It is easy to understand, but you idiots cannot imagine a religion being so violent and committed to world domination. Get used to it. All you are doing is submitting by believing the lie of a peaceful religion when its actions and doctrine say different.

You never answered my question.

Which religion is responsible for the most deadly violence against infidels?
Who kills most of the 15,000 murdered Americans each year?

Hint: It isn't Muslims.


Are those 15,000 deaths caused by a religious doctrine? No. It is not the same. Violence is a human condition Islam has elevated to a pious acts to advance their political system. Try again.
IOW, you can't do it; thanks for being honest.
The pants shitters don't know a thing about Islam. They only know what their propaganda mills tell them about Islam.

And what do you know about it? Do you hear Muslims opposing terror until there is terror? I don't. Saying one thing and doing the other is what Islam is about. Not surprised they would fool a fool.

And all of us know what their holy books say and obligate. It is easy to understand, but you idiots cannot imagine a religion being so violent and committed to world domination. Get used to it. All you are doing is submitting by believing the lie of a peaceful religion when its actions and doctrine say different.

You never answered my question.

Which religion is responsible for the most deadly violence against infidels?
Who kills most of the 15,000 murdered Americans each year?

Hint: It isn't Muslims.


Are those 15,000 deaths caused by a religious doctrine? No.
So? That is the far, far, far greater threat to you. And yet you aren't running around screaming about it.

Here's what you tards look like:

LIBTARD: Guns just killed some more people. We must ban them.

RUBE: Cars kill a lot more people than guns. So I guess we should ban them, too, right? Right? Right?

FOX NEWS: Some more Muslims just killed some more people. Every time any Muslim anywhere kills someone, we will be right here to tell you all about it, with doom music.

IOW, you can't do it; thanks for being honest.
The pants shitters don't know a thing about Islam. They only know what their propaganda mills tell them about Islam.

And what do you know about it? Do you hear Muslims opposing terror until there is terror? I don't.

You don't because your propaganda mills keep that from you. They don't show you the countless examples of Muslims opposing terror.

You could find them know...YOU LOOKED.


Americans kill 15,000 Americans every year, cupcake. Muslims are the LEAST of your worries. You have more to worry about from lightning.

Why should we look for what anyone should oppose?
You just asked if there are Muslims opposing terror!

And now you say you should not look. Only an unbelievably willfully stupid fuck would avoid looking for something which might contradict his fucked up bigoted viewpoint.

Wow. Thanks for being a perfect laboratory example of confirmation bias.

Holy shit!

Bigotry has nothing to do with it. Bigotry is not based on fact. And the facts scare you so you resort to names. Actually your argument is pointless because Islam will not change. More will die and you will ignore it because you are just plain terrified of speaking out. You might as well get an AK-47 and join them.
All the evidence is out there. The Koran and Hadith tell us what to expect. That you do not understand that shows low information on your part, not mine.
IOW, you can't do it; thanks for being honest.
The pants shitters don't know a thing about Islam. They only know what their propaganda mills tell them about Islam.

And what do you know about it? Do you hear Muslims opposing terror until there is terror? I don't. Saying one thing and doing the other is what Islam is about. Not surprised they would fool a fool.

And all of us know what their holy books say and obligate. It is easy to understand, but you idiots cannot imagine a religion being so violent and committed to world domination. Get used to it. All you are doing is submitting by believing the lie of a peaceful religion when its actions and doctrine say different.

You never answered my question.

Which religion is responsible for the most deadly violence against infidels?

You tell me. I posted a link that shows Islamic jihad is responsible for 270million deaths, and counting, daily.
And your source may be right and how many Christian responsible deaths have been counted since the 7th Century.

You have to include it all, buddy rho.
All the evidence is out there. The Koran and Hadith tell us what to expect. That you do not understand that shows low information on your part, not mine.
IOW, you can't do it; thanks for being honest.
The pants shitters don't know a thing about Islam. They only know what their propaganda mills tell them about Islam.

And what do you know about it? Do you hear Muslims opposing terror until there is terror? I don't. Saying one thing and doing the other is what Islam is about. Not surprised they would fool a fool.

And all of us know what their holy books say and obligate. It is easy to understand, but you idiots cannot imagine a religion being so violent and committed to world domination. Get used to it. All you are doing is submitting by believing the lie of a peaceful religion when its actions and doctrine say different.

You never answered my question.

Which religion is responsible for the most deadly violence against infidels?

You tell me. I posted a link that shows Islamic jihad is responsible for 270million deaths, and counting, daily.
Using the same yardstick, you will find Christianity far outpaces the Muslim body count.

IOW, you can't do it; thanks for being honest.
The pants shitters don't know a thing about Islam. They only know what their propaganda mills tell them about Islam.

And what do you know about it? Do you hear Muslims opposing terror until there is terror? I don't. Saying one thing and doing the other is what Islam is about. Not surprised they would fool a fool.

And all of us know what their holy books say and obligate. It is easy to understand, but you idiots cannot imagine a religion being so violent and committed to world domination. Get used to it. All you are doing is submitting by believing the lie of a peaceful religion when its actions and doctrine say different.

You never answered my question.

Which religion is responsible for the most deadly violence against infidels?

You tell me. I posted a link that shows Islamic jihad is responsible for 270million deaths, and counting, daily.
And your source may be right and how many Christian responsible deaths have been counted since the 7th Century.

You have to include it all, buddy rho.

You are justifying terror with acts of Christians in the past? That will solve everything. Are you really that weak and stupid? A rhetorical question where you are concerned.
IOW, you can't do it; thanks for being honest.
The pants shitters don't know a thing about Islam. They only know what their propaganda mills tell them about Islam.

And what do you know about it? Do you hear Muslims opposing terror until there is terror? I don't. Saying one thing and doing the other is what Islam is about. Not surprised they would fool a fool.

And all of us know what their holy books say and obligate. It is easy to understand, but you idiots cannot imagine a religion being so violent and committed to world domination. Get used to it. All you are doing is submitting by believing the lie of a peaceful religion when its actions and doctrine say different.

You never answered my question.

Which religion is responsible for the most deadly violence against infidels?

You tell me. I posted a link that shows Islamic jihad is responsible for 270million deaths, and counting, daily.
Using the same yardstick, you will find Christianity far outpaces the Muslim body count.


Then you better prove that and show us what yardstick you are using.
What is the most typical reason for attacking?

The root cause is always Islam, an ideology that preaches the inferiority of unbelievers. Since the natural order of the world (according to the Quran) is Islamic supremacy, any deviation has to be corrected.
Most Islamic terror groups are quite clear about their religious goals, particularly when they are fighting in Muslim countries. When terrorists fight the West directly, however, their stated rationale often includes “grievances” about the supposed treatment of Muslims, usually with little factual basis – particular since they are the worst abusers.
The Islamic State began executing people in orange jumpsuits to try and make a point about Guantanamo. But no Muslims were executed at Gitmo, and the jumpsuit has since come to be associated with barbarism in the name of Allah.
Likewise, the terrorist behind the recent attack at OSU claimed he was angry about what was happening to Muslims in Myanmar… which had nothing to do with anyone in Ohio. He wasn’t crazy; he was simply perceiving Muslims and unbelievers collectively, as Islam teaches. One group is meant to be superior to the other, and what happens to one happens to all.

The way it is. And it is unchanging. It will not stop until it is STOPPED.
Documenting 30,000 jihad attacks: Interview with Glen Roberts, editor of TheReligionOfPeace
Nope, you idiots, we are not going to war with Islam.

They are at war with us. We need to recognize it, not deny it. I do not think this country is full of cowards, I know this forum is.
Nope, you idiots, we are not going to war with Islam.

They are at war with us. We need to recognize it, not deny it. I do not think this country is full of cowards, I know this forum is.
We are at war with radical jihadism, lastamender. The only cowards are the alt and far right as demonstrated during the election rallies. We will let the LEO and the military address the issue as necessary, but if you think Trump is going to invade or nuke the ME with armies or nuclear weapons, you will be thinking that forever without it happening.

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