Trump will cost millions of jobs before the end of the first year. And then what?

The U.S. grows more corn and wheat than the entire South America. Why do we need to import corn from Argentina? Are lefties afraid that they will have to pay more for Corona beer? Drink domestic stuff. Is it about tequila? Drink bourbon. The point is that the U.S. is large and in charge and South American countries will fall into line and the next thing you know Trump's policies will generate millions of new jobs in the U.S. of A.

It took me a little while to find it.

A growing demand for organics, and the near-total reliance by U.S. farmers on genetically modified corn and soybeans, is driving a surge in imports from other nations where crops largely are free of bioengineering.--
It is costly for any country to have a successful economy while starting trade wars. Trade has brought a solid source of income for workers from exports and lower prices for consumers from imports. By starting a trade war with America's nearest neighbor to the south and potentially with all of Latin America who will come to Mexico's aid, Donald Trump is shocking trading partners throughout the world.
You fascists are a strange bunch.....we are ending your destruction of America, and you ain't seen notin yet.....
Donald Trump is closer to a fascist Leader than anyone in American history. He is using Executive Orders to instruct various federal departments to break the law such as detaining visitors including refugees from entering the USA and denying them legal council while they are in detention. This is based on their religion which is un-American.
How? Do we have detention facilities in those other countries? Do you realize what you are saying?
Turn on your TV. People are being detained at airports in the USA.
All 109 of them.
How? Do we have detention facilities in those other countries? Do you realize what you are saying?
Turn on your TV. People are being detained at airports in the USA.
The don't have the proper paperwork to enter the county....turn on your TV to non-fake news....
Some are U.S. citizens who have citizenship in other named countries where Donald Trump has no business interests, some have green cards showing that they are residents of the USA, and some are visitors with visas.
Again child, they do not have the paperwork needed to enter the country....
Green cards and visas are the needed paperwork.
This policy will be fought in the courts. The madman is on the loose.
Ask yourself, why was Saudi Arabia where the 9/11 killers came from not put on the list.
Because they were major campaign contributors to the clinton campaign.
Yet, the right wing has a problem with financial aid to States so they can improve their economy locally.
more like many of us believe if a city supports illegal aliens we believe they do not need tax payers funding it.
Agreed about Federal taxpayers. If city taxpayers want to fund their own residents, that's their call. OTOH, since illegal immigration is a Federal issue, as President Obama proved with his conflict over Arizona Governor Jay Brewer's attempts to stem the tide of illegal immigrants because the Fed's were doing their job, President Trump should be able to override a city or state's efforts regarding illegal immigrants. The consequences of a President setting a precedent. :)

Justice Department sues Arizona over immigration law
The Obama administration sued Arizona over the state's new immigration law on Tuesday, an assertion of federal power that sets up a rare clash with a state on one of the nation's most divisive political issues.

The Justice Department lawsuit charges that the Arizona law cracking down on illegal immigrants conflicts with federal law, would disrupt immigration enforcement and would lead to police harassment of those who cannot prove their lawful status. Filed in federal court in Arizona, it says the state's measure is unconstitutional and asks a judge to stop it from taking effect.

"The Constitution and the federal immigration laws do not permit the development of a patchwork of state and local immigration policies throughout the country," the lawsuit says...
Looks like Trump's on a tear.

Millions of American jobs depend on the half trillion in trade between the US and Mexico. Now Mexico is looking to China to deepen trade. They are talking to Argentina for corn:

Argentina's Macri scraps corn and wheat export quotas

They are targeting cheese imports:

Guajardo noted that Mexico had good relations with China and said Beijing was a "big concern" for the Trump administration.

Mexico issued an ultimatum to the Trump administration

Nearly 5 Million U.S. Jobs Depend on Trade With Mexico

New research from the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, D.C., found that trade with Mexico creates approximately 4.9 million jobs in the United States. In other words, one out of 29 American jobs depends on preserving an economic relationship with the U.S.’s southern neighbor. Researchers came up with this 4.9 million figure by calculating three economic shifts that would likely occur if trade with Mexico ended: the number of American jobs that are involved in producing exports to Mexico, which would be lost; the number of jobs that would return to the United States to produce the previously imported goods; and the number of jobs that would disappear if the money American consumers and companies saved from buying lower-cost imports were gone.

As US pulls back from Pacific trade deal, countries look to China
If Trump destroys millions of jobs in his first year, what will he do in his next three?
“The United States isn’t an island. It can’t just sit there and say it’s not going to trade with the rest of the world,” a “disappointed” prime minister, John Key, told reporters Tuesday. “At some point they’re going to have to give some consideration to that.”


No study. No data. No understanding. Just throwing it all out there and seeing what blows up.

If Trump destroys millions of jobs in his first year, what will he do in his next three?

He will do what Obama did for 8 years. Blame Bush.
I was amazed at how little Obama blamed Bush. He mostly never even mentioned him. Obama was classy. Trump isn't. And his base is deplorable.
I was amazed at how little Obama blamed Bush. He mostly never even mentioned him. Obama was classy. Trump isn't. And his base is deplorable.

I'm amazed you recovered from your 8 year coma so well.

Obama Blames Bush For Rise Of ISIS [VIDEO]

The Blame Game at Its Finest: 21 Times Obama Has Passed the Buck - The Political Insider

Obama Now Blaming Bush... For Everything - American News - Breaking News, Political News and Updates

Pelosi blames Bush for $9 trillion in debt added under Obama

Obama Blames Bush Again: Obama: ISIS 'Unintended Consequence' Of Invading Iraq, 'Which Is Why We Should Aim Before We Shoot'
Yet, the right wing has a problem with financial aid to States so they can improve their economy locally.
Are you suggesting we cut down welfare and other entitlement programs? I agree, it's raging out of control. Maybe President Trump and the Republican Congress will fix it by November 2018. That'd be a bitch for you, eh? LOL

Washington's Indisputable Crisis: Entitlement Programs Cost 92 Percent of Federal Revenues
The federal government is spending 92 cents out of every dollar it receives on entitlement programs, plus interest on the federal debt. That leaves just 8 cents of every dollar to pay for everything else the federal government does—defense, homeland security, education, government operations and more.

In 2013, the federal government collected $2.77 trillion and spent $3.45 trillion, according to the latest update from the U.S. Treasury Department. Entitlement programs accounted for about $2.34 trillion and interest on the $17 trillion federal debt was $221 billion. Taken together, that figure represented 92% of federal revenues, which means we are borrowing virtually all of the money needed to run and protect the country.

Passing pro-growth economic policies would bring in more revenue to help pay for our entitlement tsunami, but that won’t fix the problem. We need to rethink our federal safety nets to ensure the country can afford what it is promising. Without significant changes, entitlements could soon take every dollar of federal revenue.
Prior to the Obama admin changing the programing at .gov sites one could get breakdowns on how much was being spent in which areas. I posted some of the graphs after checking into how much was being spent on federally funded loans that were insured with the peoples moneys. It was over eighty-five percent that went to insurances which included employee insurance along with insurances for crops and loans. Somehow I have a hard time believing your percentages.
Prior to the Obama admin changing the programing at .gov sites one could get breakdowns on how much was being spent in which areas. I posted some of the graphs after checking into how much was being spent on federally funded loans that were insured with the peoples moneys. It was over eighty-five percent that went to insurances which included employee insurance along with insurances for crops and loans. Somehow I have a hard time believing your percentages.
Let's home President Trump and/or the Republican Congress return clarity to .gov websites.
Yet, the right wing has a problem with financial aid to States so they can improve their economy locally.
more like many of us believe if a city supports illegal aliens we believe they do not need tax payers funding it.
Agreed about Federal taxpayers. If city taxpayers want to fund their own residents, that's their call. OTOH, since illegal immigration is a Federal issue, as President Obama proved with his conflict over Arizona Governor Jay Brewer's attempts to stem the tide of illegal immigrants because the Fed's were doing their job, President Trump should be able to override a city or state's efforts regarding illegal immigrants. The consequences of a President setting a precedent. :)

Justice Department sues Arizona over immigration law
The Obama administration sued Arizona over the state's new immigration law on Tuesday, an assertion of federal power that sets up a rare clash with a state on one of the nation's most divisive political issues.

The Justice Department lawsuit charges that the Arizona law cracking down on illegal immigrants conflicts with federal law, would disrupt immigration enforcement and would lead to police harassment of those who cannot prove their lawful status. Filed in federal court in Arizona, it says the state's measure is unconstitutional and asks a judge to stop it from taking effect.

"The Constitution and the federal immigration laws do not permit the development of a patchwork of state and local immigration policies throughout the country," the lawsuit says...
IMO, Illegals should be snagged by both federal and local law enforcement. I recall thirty plus years ago our local sheriff there pissed offed one of the larger farm operators because he wasn't hip on being overly friendly to their illegal workers. I wasn't either as three of them had cornered me and if someone else had not come along to run them off I would have been in real trouble there alone with them (they had cornered me in a backroom where I worked just as closing time had come).
Last edited:
Prior to the Obama admin changing the programing at .gov sites one could get breakdowns on how much was being spent in which areas. I posted some of the graphs after checking into how much was being spent on federally funded loans that were insured with the peoples moneys. It was over eighty-five percent that went to insurances which included employee insurance along with insurances for crops and loans. Somehow I have a hard time believing your percentages.
Let's home President Trump and/or the Republican Congress return clarity to .gov websites.
The Bush admin had done an excellent job of setting them up where they were easy to use and very open about the finances. Over the years I have noticed that on a whole Reps are much more open to letting go of freedom of information in the government agencies on a whole.
Meanwhile back in the real world Bank of America CEO says small business and banks are very optimistic over Trump's policies and the direction he's leading America. Pay no attention to libs and their fake news BS.

Good job President Trump :eusa_clap:

So, things are going to go well for big business and investors.

He added, “Generally we believe the economy at Bank of America, our investment economy’s going to go faster in the U.S. than it grew this year.”

Is there going to be Jobs Boom for the rest of us, for their capital gains preference?

When I said, "small business" you read "big business" weird.
IMO, Illegals should be snagged by both federal and local law enforcement. I recall thirty plus years ago our local sheriff there pissed offed one of the larger farm operators because he wasn't hip on being overly friendly to their illegal workers. I wasn't either as three of them had cornered me and if someone else had not come along to run them off I would have been in real trouble there alone with them (they had cornered me in a backroom where I worked just as closing time had come).
Agreed 100% that enforcing our immigration laws should be a concerted effort by all levels of government. My point is that President Obama set the precedent that enforcing such law is strictly Federal. It is hypocritical of the Democrats and LWers to now complain that President Trump is doing the same thing.
IMO, Illegals should be snagged by both federal and local law enforcement. I recall thirty plus years ago our local sheriff there pissed offed one of the larger farm operators because he wasn't hip on being overly friendly to their illegal workers. I wasn't either as three of them had cornered me and if someone else had not come along to run them off I would have been in real trouble there alone with them (they had cornered me in a backroom where I worked just as closing time had come).
Agreed 100% that enforcing our immigration laws should be a concerted effort by all levels of government. My point is that President Obama set the precedent that enforcing such law is strictly Federal. It is hypocritical of the Democrats and LWers to now complain that President Trump is doing the same thing.
This is an issue that needs to be clarified by Congress as it is not going to go away by its self.
...I won't be able to glance at a Dow number for the entire month of April. I will likely be posting here, but I can't take the time to examine stock market levels during that month.....
Wow. Okay, fella. Clearly everyone can see what your priorities are in April: factual verification of the President's performance vs. expressing your opinions on an anonymous political forum.

Tell you what, I'll update you when you log in here. ;)

I have time to log in and post at this website in April.

What I DO NOT have time for in April is time to glance at a television while I am at the airport or a bar and see where the DOW is....that is something I simply cannot do because of time constraints.
I have time to log in and post at this website in April.

What I DO NOT have time for in April is time to glance at a television while I am at the airport or a bar and see where the DOW is....that is something I simply cannot do because of time constraints.
When you're in a bar in April, try asking the bartender to check his stock market app to keep you updated.
If it is written as such prove your claim or continue with your dishonesty but I will not waste my time responding to you further.
Only Muslim-majority countries where President Trump has no business interests are on the travel ban list but exceptions are made for "minority" religions. This is means non-Muslims. The EO states:
"(b) Upon the resumption of USRAP admissions, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, is further directed to make changes, to the extent permitted by law, to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual's country of nationality. ...

"(e) Notwithstanding the temporary suspension imposed pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security may jointly determine to admit individuals to the United States as refugees on a case-by-case basis, in their discretion, but only so long as they determine that the admission of such individuals as refugees is in the national interest -- including when the person is a religious minority in his country of nationality facing religious persecution ..."

Muslims will not qualify.
So you have a problem with our elected officials (BTW the people voted into office) setting the stage to help those who are being persecuted for their religious preferences. Along with what is determined to be in our best national interest.

That religious exemption if made for well vetted individuals and the ban from certain countries are two different issues that you think you can combine to bitch about.

If you like those refugees from any or all of the currently banned countries in Europe you keep them in your house if your country has authorized it but you will not dictate who will come into my house or country.
Europe has been taking-in hundreds of thousands of refugees, many from countries which have been destroyed in the Middle East and North Africa by the Americans. The USA has taken very few in comparison. It is the Europeans who are doing all we can to fix the instability created by the Americans. Thanks for nothing.

Yet, the right wing has a problem with financial aid to States so they can improve their economy locally.
more like many of us believe if a city supports illegal aliens we believe they do not need tax payers funding it.

it gets funding, one way or another. aid to foreign States or welfare here locally. why complain about it if you also don't help those foreign States, become wealthy enough to pay their People to be couch potatoes instead of come over here and make us look bad with a truer work ethic from the Age of Iron.
Yet, the right wing has a problem with financial aid to States so they can improve their economy locally.
Are you suggesting we cut down welfare and other entitlement programs? I agree, it's raging out of control. Maybe President Trump and the Republican Congress will fix it by November 2018. That'd be a bitch for you, eh? LOL

Washington's Indisputable Crisis: Entitlement Programs Cost 92 Percent of Federal Revenues
The federal government is spending 92 cents out of every dollar it receives on entitlement programs, plus interest on the federal debt. That leaves just 8 cents of every dollar to pay for everything else the federal government does—defense, homeland security, education, government operations and more.

In 2013, the federal government collected $2.77 trillion and spent $3.45 trillion, according to the latest update from the U.S. Treasury Department. Entitlement programs accounted for about $2.34 trillion and interest on the $17 trillion federal debt was $221 billion. Taken together, that figure represented 92% of federal revenues, which means we are borrowing virtually all of the money needed to run and protect the country.

Passing pro-growth economic policies would bring in more revenue to help pay for our entitlement tsunami, but that won’t fix the problem. We need to rethink our federal safety nets to ensure the country can afford what it is promising. Without significant changes, entitlements could soon take every dollar of federal revenue.
Yes! I believe we need to end the "entitlements" of our alleged wars on crime, drugs, poverty, and terror; simply Because,

the national socialist right wing, likes to whine about taxes.
Looks like Trump's on a tear.

Millions of American jobs depend on the half trillion in trade between the US and Mexico. Now Mexico is looking to China to deepen trade. They are talking to Argentina for corn:

Argentina's Macri scraps corn and wheat export quotas

They are targeting cheese imports:

Guajardo noted that Mexico had good relations with China and said Beijing was a "big concern" for the Trump administration.

Mexico issued an ultimatum to the Trump administration

Nearly 5 Million U.S. Jobs Depend on Trade With Mexico

New research from the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, D.C., found that trade with Mexico creates approximately 4.9 million jobs in the United States. In other words, one out of 29 American jobs depends on preserving an economic relationship with the U.S.’s southern neighbor. Researchers came up with this 4.9 million figure by calculating three economic shifts that would likely occur if trade with Mexico ended: the number of American jobs that are involved in producing exports to Mexico, which would be lost; the number of jobs that would return to the United States to produce the previously imported goods; and the number of jobs that would disappear if the money American consumers and companies saved from buying lower-cost imports were gone.

As US pulls back from Pacific trade deal, countries look to China

“The United States isn’t an island. It can’t just sit there and say it’s not going to trade with the rest of the world,” a “disappointed” prime minister, John Key, told reporters Tuesday. “At some point they’re going to have to give some consideration to that.”


No study. No data. No understanding. Just throwing it all out there and seeing what blows up.

If Trump destroys millions of jobs in his first year, what will he do in his next three?
We faun over his wealth..
getting rid of the drug war counts, for the left.
Agreed here. If people want to poison or kill themselves with drugs, let them. The only regulation should be taxation and where they can do it just like we do with alcohol and smoking. Obviously, like alcohol and tobacco, this applies to adults, minors are restricted.
marijuana helps control cancer. and, has been traditionally used as a medicinal herb for millenia.

we legalized pot and expect around a billion dollars a year in revenue.
Looks like Trump's on a tear.

Millions of American jobs depend on the half trillion in trade between the US and Mexico. Now Mexico is looking to China to deepen trade. They are talking to Argentina for corn:

Argentina's Macri scraps corn and wheat export quotas

They are targeting cheese imports:

Guajardo noted that Mexico had good relations with China and said Beijing was a "big concern" for the Trump administration.

Mexico issued an ultimatum to the Trump administration

Nearly 5 Million U.S. Jobs Depend on Trade With Mexico

New research from the Mexico Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan think tank based in Washington, D.C., found that trade with Mexico creates approximately 4.9 million jobs in the United States. In other words, one out of 29 American jobs depends on preserving an economic relationship with the U.S.’s southern neighbor. Researchers came up with this 4.9 million figure by calculating three economic shifts that would likely occur if trade with Mexico ended: the number of American jobs that are involved in producing exports to Mexico, which would be lost; the number of jobs that would return to the United States to produce the previously imported goods; and the number of jobs that would disappear if the money American consumers and companies saved from buying lower-cost imports were gone.

As US pulls back from Pacific trade deal, countries look to China

“The United States isn’t an island. It can’t just sit there and say it’s not going to trade with the rest of the world,” a “disappointed” prime minister, John Key, told reporters Tuesday. “At some point they’re going to have to give some consideration to that.”


No study. No data. No understanding. Just throwing it all out there and seeing what blows up.

If Trump destroys millions of jobs in his first year, what will he do in his next three?
Yeah Mexico is about to lose a lot of jobs... I guess they can always hope Corona sales skyrocket.
Only Muslim-majority countries where President Trump has no business interests are on the travel ban list but exceptions are made for "minority" religions. This is means non-Muslims. The EO states:
"(b) Upon the resumption of USRAP admissions, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security, is further directed to make changes, to the extent permitted by law, to prioritize refugee claims made by individuals on the basis of religious-based persecution, provided that the religion of the individual is a minority religion in the individual's country of nationality. ...

"(e) Notwithstanding the temporary suspension imposed pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, the Secretaries of State and Homeland Security may jointly determine to admit individuals to the United States as refugees on a case-by-case basis, in their discretion, but only so long as they determine that the admission of such individuals as refugees is in the national interest -- including when the person is a religious minority in his country of nationality facing religious persecution ..."

Muslims will not qualify.
So you have a problem with our elected officials (BTW the people voted into office) setting the stage to help those who are being persecuted for their religious preferences. Along with what is determined to be in our best national interest.

That religious exemption if made for well vetted individuals and the ban from certain countries are two different issues that you think you can combine to bitch about.

If you like those refugees from any or all of the currently banned countries in Europe you keep them in your house if your country has authorized it but you will not dictate who will come into my house or country.
Europe has been taking-in hundreds of thousands of refugees, many from countries which have been destroyed in the Middle East and North Africa by the Americans. The USA has taken very few in comparison. It is the Europeans who are doing all we can to fix the instability created by the Americans. Thanks for nothing.

Yet, the right wing has a problem with financial aid to States so they can improve their economy locally.
more like many of us believe if a city supports illegal aliens we believe they do not need tax payers funding it.

it gets funding, one way or another. aid to foreign States or welfare here locally. why complain about it if you also don't help those foreign States, become wealthy enough to pay their People to be couch potatoes instead of come over here and make us look bad with a truer work ethic from the Age of Iron.
If other countries are unhappy with their governments and the rich who rule in their countries they will have to take it up with their leadership and their own personal choices. That is the problem with the extremist from other countries that think they have the right to dabble in our policies and tell our people how they must think, what they should do and then have the gall to say we should protect their interest over our own plus pay for their failed policies.

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