“Trump will deconstruct the administrative state and part of that is crushing the Deep State” Steve Bannon (nothing inflammatory, no name-calling)

Stick it where the sun don't shine.
Up Trump's diaper?

Diaper Don support meme.png
(1) I agree with Bannnon. (2) The Deep State is a scourge. (3) This is a deeply troubling time we are living in (4) and it needs to be corrected.

(1) I don't. What's more I think it's hilarious that anyone would take the lead from a guy who literally used his influence to scam Trump supporters out of their money to "built the wall" and the word of a "reporter" who's internal emails show a disdain for both those supporters and the guy they support. That and admitting to lying to them for ratings.

(2) The " administrative state allows everyone to have things like education, fire department, the military, roads, law enforcement, etc.etc. all those things that people can't do themselves. So how do you propose to have a functioning country without it?

What's more that's not really what they are proposing. They're proposing to replace that "administrative state" with political appointees. In other words replacing civil servants who do their job following the laws and regulations regardless of political affiliation, with people who own their jobs to political affiliation.

Doesn't that strike you as odd? Calling for OVERTLY political civil service as a solution for perceived bias?

(3) I agree. Mostly because of people like Bannon, and people who think they are in any way concerned with their interests.

(4) Answer point 2 please.
WOW!!! I must have hit several nerves with this thread because the shills are falling all over each other trying to find a loophole ..... unsuccessfully! :auiqs.jpg:
I'm just following the USMB rules.
That's fine. And I'm just replying to what you wrote. Following your request to refrain from name calling. Something I tend to do regardless.

So now my question becomes. Can you offer a coherent rebuttal to my counter-arguments? Without name calling. Like we are actually having a conversation, instead of simply doing the "talking point" thing?
Oh my god you hate roads and the fire department

Taking down a corrupt doj ,epa ,FBI,CIA , doe......no one will fill the potholes and the local fire department will be disbanded

Glass brother

You're wasting your breath with these retards ....all they do is regurgitate the same shit

How many decades have ya heard the same exact horseshit?
Their general concerns and frustrations are not at all without merit, and I personally agree with many of them. The problem is that the rank & file have been made to feel so desperate that they're willing to throw in with people who have clearly become ideologically radicalized. Bannon is a perfect example.

Identifying a problem and wanting to fix it is one thing. The approach you choose to take to fix it is something else entirely.

I don't think the rank & file has an accurate grasp of the national carnage it's asking for. You can't govern via rage, paranoia and manipulation. Not successfully, anyway. Look to world history. It doesn't end well.

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Oh my god you hate roads and the fire department

Taking down a corrupt doj ,epa ,FBI,CIA , doe......no one will fill the potholes and the local fire department will be disbanded

Glass brother

You're wasting your breath with these retards ....all they do is regurgitate the same shit

How many decades have ya heard the same exact horseshit?
I didn't say any of that. And I sure as hell didn't claim Glasnost hates anything.

My question was how do you or anyone propose to run A COUNTRY (not a city, county, or even State.) without some form of administrative state? You said something about potholes. Who would fill them on an interstate? Who would supply disaster relief when a hurricane hits? Who would decide who gets the use of water from the Colorado in the arid west. Who would coordinate a kidnapping of a child across State lines?

There are literally tens of thousands of small but incredibly important tasks performed by the "deep state", tasks that simply CAN NOT be performed locally. Yet you and Glasnost propose to simply get rid of it. And the political class YOU support is proposing to politicize it.
(1) I agree with Bannnon. (2) The Deep State is a scourge. (3) This is a deeply troubling time we are living in (4) and it needs to be corrected.

Steve Bannon is a traitor, and convicted felon. Yet you believe him??? Come onnnn!!! Holy cow!!!

He told us right before the election after speaking with Trump on the phone, that Trump was going to lie, and claim the win....

On the evening of October 31, 2020, Steve Bannon told a group of associates that President Donald Trump had a plan to declare victory on election night—even if he was losing. Trump knew that the slow counting of Democratic-leaning mail-in ballots meant the returns would show early leads for him in key states. His “strategy” was to use this fact to assert that he had won, while claiming that the inevitable shifts in vote totals toward Joe Biden must be the result of fraud, Bannon explained.
What Trump’s gonna do is just declare victory. Right? He’s gonna declare victory. But that doesn’t mean he’s a winner,” Bannon, laughing, told the group, according to audio of the meeting obtained by Mother Jones. “He’s just gonna say he’s a winner.”

“He’s gonna declare victory. But that doesn’t mean he’s a winner.”
“As it sits here today,” Bannon said later in the conversation, describing a scenario in which Trump held an early lead in key swing states, “at 10 or 11 o’clock Trump’s gonna walk in the Oval, tweet out, ‘I’m the winner. Game over. Suck on that.'”

Trump’s plan to falsely declare victory while tens of millions of votes were still being counted was public knowledge even before the election. Axios reported on the scheme at the time. Bannon himself discussed the idea on November 3—Election Day—on his War Room podcast. Weeks earlier, Bannon had interviewed a former Trump administration official who outlined how Trump would use allegations of fraud to dispute an electoral defeat and would seek to have Congress declare him the winner. Last month, the congressional committee investigating January 6 detailed how Rudy Giuliani convinced Trump to go ahead with a victory declaration after 2 a.m. on November 4, over the objections of campaign staff. “Frankly, we did win this election,” Trump insisted in that infamous news conference.
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Their general concerns and frustrations are not at all without merit, and I personally agree with many of them. The problem is that the rank & file have been made to feel so desperate that they're willing to throw in with people who have clearly become ideologically radicalized. Bannon is a perfect example.

Identifying a problem and wanting to fix it is one thing. The approach you choose to take to fix it is something else entirely.

I don't think the rank & file has an accurate grasp of the national carnage it's asking for. You can't govern via rage, paranoia and manipulation.

I think the problem is that they conflate several things without understanding any of them.

They conflate "the deep state (administrative state)" with Washington and government (thank you Ronald Reagan) without really understanding the role they play in their everyday lives. And people like Steve Bannon play into that anti-government sentiment and general lack of knowledge.

It reminds me of that protester during the Republican attempt to revoke Obamacare. She was arguing for it by holding up a pamflet saying something like "keep your hands of my healthcare", or something. The gist always stuck with me.

She was supporting a policy taking away her access to healthcare while holding up a sign advocating for it. She simply couldn't correlate her needs with her anti-government stance.
I didn't say any of that. And I sure as hell didn't claim Glasnost hates anything.

My question was how do you or anyone propose to run A COUNTRY (not a city, county, or even State.) without some form of administrative state? You said something about potholes. Who would fill them on an interstate? Who would supply disaster relief when a hurricane hits? Who would decide who gets the use of water from the Colorado in the arid west. Who would coordinate a kidnapping of a child across State lines?

There are literally tens of thousands of small but incredibly important tasks performed by the "deep state", tasks that simply CAN NOT be performed locally. Yet you and Glasnost propose to simply get rid of it. And the political class YOU support is proposing to politicize it.

So you didn't say it

The " administrative state allows everyone to have things like education, fire department, the military, roads, law enforcement, etc.etc. all those things that people can't do themselves. So how do you propose to have a functioning country without it?

Here we'll start with one
You need a federal department of education for what exactly?

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