Trump will delay election because of the rigging by the media ..the men of America will take charge !!

War between men and women does not need to be fought. Women bend over, make a sandwich afterwards and that's the end of that war.
A real man that wins a war won't be caught dead with a loser woman like that.

Women have never fought wars successfully anywhere. Even in our military we only have women as virtue signals to prove we are so much superior that even with women we beat others. Of course if the iron gets hot they just get pregnant and won't be fighting, we aren't crazy enough to needlessly slaughter women.

I mean think about if our women's team would beat a man's football team of some country. That's not a good look. Random high school team of boys beats women in most sports.

Women can't fight wars.

There can. Be no election when the election has been rigged

Now we know it’s been rigged

So trump will indeed stop the election until it’s no
Longer rigged

Trump will go after the crooks big time

The media will
Be stopped

Trump has the majority of the men on his side and that is the real power

This rioting will bring the men together to stop the brainwashing of the unwise bythe crooked media and democrats

The north wants people to think this fight is like the civil war

No way

This is men against the brainwashed women and their Following foolish men

The majority of men will win just like it did in the civil war where the north had most of the men

The tables have turned

The north has the less men today
Anyone that believes Trump could get away with cancelling the elections has never read the constitution. We have courts to make sure that will never happen.

There can. Be no election when the election has been rigged

Now we know it’s been rigged

So trump will indeed stop the election until it’s no
Longer rigged

Trump will go after the crooks big time

The media will
Be stopped

Trump has the majority of the men on his side and that is the real power

This rioting will bring the men together to stop the brainwashing of the unwise bythe crooked media and democrats

The north wants people to think this fight is like the civil war

No way

This is men against the brainwashed women and their Following foolish men

The majority of men will win just like it did in the civil war where the north had most of the men

The tables have turned

The north has the less men today
Anyone that believes Trump could get away with cancelling the elections has never read the constitution. We have courts to make sure that will never happen.

Someone has never read what the founders said and DID

Laws are not laws unless agreed on by the real power

The real power are the majority of men

Learn history
You foolish weak losers cannot see how you are about to ge totally stopped

The men always wins when they wake up

This is what the democrats do not understand. It will be their undoing.

The men will ALWAYS win. Always...

And the men have soon about had it with the democrat destruction.
Oh great.
Another one.
It looks that way. Rants and no substance. Tell me something new.

So far the destruction is centered in democratic centers. No reason for the men to participate yet.

Sad that you don't have men, only soy beings.
Your incoherent rambling not withstanding, has nothing to do with your gross inability to answer my questions from post #20. We get it. You can't. You are totally handcuffed from any intelligent debate that any of us can detect. Pretty sad that what Trump has to defend all his weaknesses, are a bunch of ignorant clowns who say absolutely nothing.

Understand that trump supporters are indeed the most wise

This comes from the polls showing trump supporters having the highest net worth even with less degrees

Trump supporters do not need worthless degrees with monster student debt . Just foolish stoopid people that are against trump

Trump has the highest logjc ability group by a landslide . White males

Folks this is over but the crying

Democrats and media will be stopped
You foolish weak losers cannot see how you are about to ge totally stopped

The men always wins when they wake up

This is what the democrats do not understand. It will be their undoing.

The men will ALWAYS win. Always...

And the men have soon about had it with the democrat destruction.
Oh great.
Another one.
It looks that way. Rants and no substance. Tell me something new.

So far the destruction is centered in democratic centers. No reason for the men to participate yet.

Sad that you don't have men, only soy beings.

The men with the higher logic ability will make for the best time to act
The system tried to stop Andrew Jackson

And again Abe Lincoln but failed

The reason is because the winners were supported by the most white men

Jackson got his support from white men and Abe did too with beating the south because of more white men

Trump has the white men in a landslide and now the Hispanic men

So trump cannot lose

Hispanic men will now repel from the democrats with the black riots and go even stronger for trump
These black riots will bring more Hispanic males for trump

Also trump has the law enforcement people

Also the military

Saying he does not have the power shows someone must be on drugs
Smart woman here...

The losing democrats will try to say there is no power for trump to change the govt

These people are simply foolish losers trying to huff and puff with their real weakness where they cannot win
These riots will have the law enforcement getting madder and madder

Also the military

And the white men

Trump has all of that real power agreeing with him

Brilliant witnessing #NotAll rather than always endlessly hearing about it with so little demonstrations.

But of course, blaming women in any way is pointless. It isn't the women's fault that men made mistakes. It is up to men to end the mistake, as usual.
The women with their less logic ability hit brainwashed by the insane greed men

The majority of men would take care of those men insane with greed. But bringing in all the brainwashed women into play makes it harder to stop the insane greed men

Without the brainwashed women the insane greed men cannot win

Stopping the unwise voting will stop the crooks from getting elected

There can. Be no election when the election has been rigged

Now we know it’s been rigged

So trump will indeed stop the election until it’s no
Longer rigged

Trump will go after the crooks big time

The media will
Be stopped

Trump has the majority of the men on his side and that is the real power

This rioting will bring the men together to stop the brainwashing of the unwise bythe crooked media and democrats

The north wants people to think this fight is like the civil war

No way

This is men against the brainwashed women and their Following foolish men

The majority of men will win just like it did in the civil war where the north had most of the men

The tables have turned

The north has the less men today
Dude, do you not understand who rigged the last presidential election? Seriously? You don't know?

And I'm just getting started.
:thankusmile: :yes_text12::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Patriot Greg palest has done it again,we need more brave men like him not afraid to report the real facts and are not controlled by the corporate controlled media not working in favor of the government,not a mouthpiece for them :thup:
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You foolish weak losers cannot see how you are about to ge totally stopped

The men always wins when they wake up

This is what the democrats do not understand. It will be their undoing.

The men will ALWAYS win. Always...

And the men have soon about had it with the democrat destruction.
And the woman vote? You do know that women make up the majority of voters right? So what is it that the Left doesn't get? Men win what? Suppressing the vote? Cheating? Tell us?

Do you moron understand, that society does not run by votes?

Men can take your voting rights away any moment they desire. Anyone's voting rights for that matter. They are only sustained for as long as the cost of removing them exceeds sustaining them.

And in the case the government breaks down, you can say good bye to all voting rights in any case.

Yes men and women’s voting has been very similar for a long time with only 5 points difference. Now it’s over 20 points different which will wake up the men that women have been brainwashed by the crooks

Now the men will act to stop this destruction of the nation
Women have never fought wars successfully anywhere. Even in our military we only have women as virtue signals to prove we are so much superior that even with women we beat others
That faggoty-ass homosexual misogynistic bullshit never won a war in history.
Of course if the iron gets hot they just get pregnant and won't be fighting, we aren't crazy enough to needlessly slaughter women.
Do we need a fucking M.P. for all these gang rapists in the military? They all take turns raping her, and then they've got to kill her and dump her body so she don't tell.
I mean think about if our women's team would beat a man's football team of some country. That's not a good look. Random high school team of boys beats women in most sports.

Women can't fight wars.
Guns are banned and and bunch of dudes with loser attitudes are watching football on TV cuz they hate women.
Trump doesn't have the power to postpone the election.

Open your eyes

Has the white men in a landslide

And now has the majority of the Hispanic men

Open your eyes and learn history

The founders did not hate women . They protected women from their emotional jumping to the wrong conclusions

The founders saw only some whites males had the ability to vote logically ... they used a test to find the wise white males. They used the property test ... This was the most valuable thing for a man and for family. The ability to gain and hold property ..... so this brought the most wise to vote

Women could own property but could not vote or be on juries. Seen as too emotional to think logically consistently

Now a logic test for voting will come and will totally stop the crooked deep state

No elections again until the new system is set up. Maybe only 5% will be able to pass the test and vote

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