Trump will face unprecedented ethics decisions

OK! Here is the first full paragraph of the OP you fucking idiot!
If you had actually read and understood what it says you would have read that it speaks of emoluments and quid pro quos and not your supercilious alter topic of "...providing market rate consumers products and services...." Now go back and read my first post to you on this thread, fool! Find someone to explain the differences to you. It's about conflicts of interests, the appearance of or actual vis-à-vis Trump POTUS and the United States, that are at odds, you mother fucking IDIOT! Gawd Damn you can play stupid much better than most, Tex!

Name one consumer transaction that is not a quid pro quo. People are talking like his renting hotel rooms to foreign diplomats, at market rates, as an example of a violation. The violations you referred to would apply to anyone in government, yet I never heard anyone claiming maobama could be guilty from day one. That's what makes this bullshit so ridiculous.
You're being professionally obtuse now you fucking idiot. Again...

If you had actually read and understood what it says you would have read that it speaks of emoluments and quid pro quos and not your supercilious alter topic of "...providing market rate consumers products and services...." Now go back and read my first post to you on this thread, fool! Find someone to explain the differences to you. It's about conflicts of interests, the appearance of or actual vis-à-vis Trump POTUS and the United States, that are at odds, you mother fucking IDIOT! Gawd Damn you can play stupid much better than most, Tex!

You have yet to provide even ONE example where that MIGHT be the case. Come on fortune teller, put your rep on the line.

You have yet to provide even ONE example where that MIGHT be the case. Come on fortune teller, put your rep on the line.
You lack imagination, fool!? There have got to be thousands of ways to obtain kickbacks by selling influence of the office of POTUS, and that's just one GENERAL EXAMPLE of an unlawful ethics issue, you bloody fool! The means are at hand by the power of the office, given an unscrupulous bunch in the WH.

So fuck you very much I'm sure, you flaming idiot. Now disappear, you fucking gadfly!

So you got nothing except "maybes", "might bes", "could bes" and of course you never expressed such concern with the liar of the year currently in the WH. If you stupid fuckers didn't have your hypocrisy you'd be left with nothing at all. Get back to us when you got more than just speculative bullshit.

You ignorant, STUPID mother fucking ass! Read this from my 2nd post to you damn uncomprehending shit pile!
Article I, § 9, Clause 8 person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
Can we say the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass and he is not interested in disconnecting from ANY of his potentially conflicting businesses including those in the Eastern Rim Countries?
Trump hasn't been sworn in you fucking idiot so he can't be held liable for violation of statutes dealing with Article I, § 9, Clause 8 yet you stupid inanimate lump of shit! Do you comprehend the meaning of the phrase, '...the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass....' Oh, and stay in the pastures with the knee high cattle with the wool blankets, Tex! It seem you can only understand other sheep!
Name one consumer transaction that is not a quid pro quo. People are talking like his renting hotel rooms to foreign diplomats, at market rates, as an example of a violation. The violations you referred to would apply to anyone in government, yet I never heard anyone claiming maobama could be guilty from day one. That's what makes this bullshit so ridiculous.
You're being professionally obtuse now you fucking idiot. Again...

If you had actually read and understood what it says you would have read that it speaks of emoluments and quid pro quos and not your supercilious alter topic of "...providing market rate consumers products and services...." Now go back and read my first post to you on this thread, fool! Find someone to explain the differences to you. It's about conflicts of interests, the appearance of or actual vis-à-vis Trump POTUS and the United States, that are at odds, you mother fucking IDIOT! Gawd Damn you can play stupid much better than most, Tex!

You have yet to provide even ONE example where that MIGHT be the case. Come on fortune teller, put your rep on the line.

You have yet to provide even ONE example where that MIGHT be the case. Come on fortune teller, put your rep on the line.
You lack imagination, fool!? There have got to be thousands of ways to obtain kickbacks by selling influence of the office of POTUS, and that's just one GENERAL EXAMPLE of an unlawful ethics issue, you bloody fool! The means are at hand by the power of the office, given an unscrupulous bunch in the WH.

So fuck you very much I'm sure, you flaming idiot. Now disappear, you fucking gadfly!

So you got nothing except "maybes", "might bes", "could bes" and of course you never expressed such concern with the liar of the year currently in the WH. If you stupid fuckers didn't have your hypocrisy you'd be left with nothing at all. Get back to us when you got more than just speculative bullshit.

You ignorant, STUPID mother fucking ass! Read this from my 2nd post to you damn uncomprehending shit pile!
Article I, § 9, Clause 8 person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
Can we say the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass and he is not interested in disconnecting from ANY of his potentially conflicting businesses including those in the Eastern Rim Countries?
Trump hasn't been sworn in you fucking idiot so he can't be held liable for violation of statutes dealing with Article I, § 9, Clause 8 yet you stupid inanimate lump of shit! Do you comprehend the meaning of the phrase, '...the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass....' Oh, and stay in the pastures with the knee high cattle with the wool blankets, Tex! It seem you can only understand other sheep!

I'm sorry you're too fuck stupid to understand that is applicable to everyone in or will ever serve in government. The potential is always there, the hildabitch actually did it, but you fucking stupid hypocrites act like the potential never existed before Trump. Like I said get back to us when something ACTUALLY happens and shove the potential up your hypocritical ass.
You lack imagination, fool!? There have got to be thousands of ways to obtain kickbacks by selling influence of the office of POTUS, and that's just one GENERAL EXAMPLE of an unlawful ethics issue, you bloody fool! The means are at hand by the power of the office, given an unscrupulous bunch in the WH.

So fuck you very much I'm sure, you flaming idiot. Now disappear, you fucking gadfly!

Just an example on the above that I recently read from a report....On the surface it sounds innocent enough....but it really isn't.....

Trump has been trying to build a huge office complex in Buenos Aires but has run into some bureaucratic snags... A few days ago the president of Argentina called Trump to congratulate him on his win......AND, sure enough Trump soon hit that president for a favor to remove those bureaucratic snags.....

Cute, isn't it?
Down the road somewhere we may see how far the mutual back scratching went. They way Trump is saying there's no law against it, could be he's talked himself thinking he has Constitutional immunity and is free to do as he likes! In my lifetime starting in the first year of Truman through the last days of Obama, I have been freaked by three of the 12; Kennedy - bay of pigs leading to the Cuban missile crisis; Nixon - Watergate; and Bush 43 - Iraq War, Cheney and the Great recession! I have a real bad gut feeling with Trump being POTUS #13. The potential for major political blunders, major government corruption, more chest pounding and senseless wars and a major global economic collapse with Trump as the Narcissist-in-Chief at the helm of the Ship of State looms large!
You're being professionally obtuse now you fucking idiot. Again...

If you had actually read and understood what it says you would have read that it speaks of emoluments and quid pro quos and not your supercilious alter topic of "...providing market rate consumers products and services...." Now go back and read my first post to you on this thread, fool! Find someone to explain the differences to you. It's about conflicts of interests, the appearance of or actual vis-à-vis Trump POTUS and the United States, that are at odds, you mother fucking IDIOT! Gawd Damn you can play stupid much better than most, Tex!

You have yet to provide even ONE example where that MIGHT be the case. Come on fortune teller, put your rep on the line.

You have yet to provide even ONE example where that MIGHT be the case. Come on fortune teller, put your rep on the line.
You lack imagination, fool!? There have got to be thousands of ways to obtain kickbacks by selling influence of the office of POTUS, and that's just one GENERAL EXAMPLE of an unlawful ethics issue, you bloody fool! The means are at hand by the power of the office, given an unscrupulous bunch in the WH.

So fuck you very much I'm sure, you flaming idiot. Now disappear, you fucking gadfly!

So you got nothing except "maybes", "might bes", "could bes" and of course you never expressed such concern with the liar of the year currently in the WH. If you stupid fuckers didn't have your hypocrisy you'd be left with nothing at all. Get back to us when you got more than just speculative bullshit.

You ignorant, STUPID mother fucking ass! Read this from my 2nd post to you damn uncomprehending shit pile!
Article I, § 9, Clause 8 person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
Can we say the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass and he is not interested in disconnecting from ANY of his potentially conflicting businesses including those in the Eastern Rim Countries?
Trump hasn't been sworn in you fucking idiot so he can't be held liable for violation of statutes dealing with Article I, § 9, Clause 8 yet you stupid inanimate lump of shit! Do you comprehend the meaning of the phrase, '...the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass....' Oh, and stay in the pastures with the knee high cattle with the wool blankets, Tex! It seem you can only understand other sheep!

I'm sorry you're too fuck stupid to understand that is applicable to everyone in or will ever serve in government. The potential is always there, the hildabitch actually did it, but you fucking stupid hypocrites act like the potential never existed before Trump. Like I said get back to us when something ACTUALLY happens and shove the potential up your hypocritical ass.

I'm sorry...
You sure as Hell are, dipstick. A cake unworthy of a candle! So cry me a fucking river, loser!

This should be "fun"to watch.....

There are two main legal issues he would have to avoid, ethics experts say: traditional prosecution under government bribery laws and a little-noticed provision in the Constitution known as the emoluments clause, which prohibits U.S. officials from taking money from foreign sources without the consent of Congress. If Trump committed an official act in exchange for a financial reward from another person or company, he could open himself up to prosecution or impeachment. Prosecutors would be called upon to demonstrate a quid pro quo relationship between a specific act and a material gain for the Trump organization. That probe could be conducted by Congress or as a criminal investigation within his Justice Department, where it might prompt the appointment of a special prosecutor.

With a web of foreign business interests extending from Azerbaijan to Panama, Trump could find that the most minor contractual renewal turns into a new reason for concern. Even Trump’s oft-touted status as landlord to the Bank of China in Trump Tower could place him in jeopardy, if, for example, the state-backed bank agreed to pay above-market-rate rents in the future

Trump could remove these potential conflicts by selling his business empire and placing the proceeds in a blind trust.

Donald Trump Will Face Unprecedented Ethics Decisions as President

(which does NOT mean that his children would independently run the company.)
Much ado about nothing.

If you keep this up I will put you on my Ignore List.

It's just another sign of the butthurt the Leftards feel over their losses.
You have yet to provide even ONE example where that MIGHT be the case. Come on fortune teller, put your rep on the line.
You have yet to provide even ONE example where that MIGHT be the case. Come on fortune teller, put your rep on the line.
You lack imagination, fool!? There have got to be thousands of ways to obtain kickbacks by selling influence of the office of POTUS, and that's just one GENERAL EXAMPLE of an unlawful ethics issue, you bloody fool! The means are at hand by the power of the office, given an unscrupulous bunch in the WH.

So fuck you very much I'm sure, you flaming idiot. Now disappear, you fucking gadfly!

So you got nothing except "maybes", "might bes", "could bes" and of course you never expressed such concern with the liar of the year currently in the WH. If you stupid fuckers didn't have your hypocrisy you'd be left with nothing at all. Get back to us when you got more than just speculative bullshit.
You ignorant, STUPID mother fucking ass! Read this from my 2nd post to you damn uncomprehending shit pile!
Article I, § 9, Clause 8 person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
Can we say the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass and he is not interested in disconnecting from ANY of his potentially conflicting businesses including those in the Eastern Rim Countries?
Trump hasn't been sworn in you fucking idiot so he can't be held liable for violation of statutes dealing with Article I, § 9, Clause 8 yet you stupid inanimate lump of shit! Do you comprehend the meaning of the phrase, '...the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass....' Oh, and stay in the pastures with the knee high cattle with the wool blankets, Tex! It seem you can only understand other sheep!

I'm sorry you're too fuck stupid to understand that is applicable to everyone in or will ever serve in government. The potential is always there, the hildabitch actually did it, but you fucking stupid hypocrites act like the potential never existed before Trump. Like I said get back to us when something ACTUALLY happens and shove the potential up your hypocritical ass.
I'm sorry...
You sure as Hell are, dipstick. A cake unworthy of a candle! So cry me a fucking river, loser!

It's just really sad you have proven, unlike Trump, that you have no potential at all. You were proved wrongheaded and was just too stupid to let it go. You know you've lost when all you got is name calling and acting like a child. Run along little one, mommy is calling.
You lack imagination, fool!? There have got to be thousands of ways to obtain kickbacks by selling influence of the office of POTUS, and that's just one GENERAL EXAMPLE of an unlawful ethics issue, you bloody fool! The means are at hand by the power of the office, given an unscrupulous bunch in the WH.

So fuck you very much I'm sure, you flaming idiot. Now disappear, you fucking gadfly!

So you got nothing except "maybes", "might bes", "could bes" and of course you never expressed such concern with the liar of the year currently in the WH. If you stupid fuckers didn't have your hypocrisy you'd be left with nothing at all. Get back to us when you got more than just speculative bullshit.
You ignorant, STUPID mother fucking ass! Read this from my 2nd post to you damn uncomprehending shit pile!
Article I, § 9, Clause 8 person holding any office of profit or trust under them, shall, without the consent of the Congress, accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince, or foreign state.
Can we say the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass and he is not interested in disconnecting from ANY of his potentially conflicting businesses including those in the Eastern Rim Countries?
Trump hasn't been sworn in you fucking idiot so he can't be held liable for violation of statutes dealing with Article I, § 9, Clause 8 yet you stupid inanimate lump of shit! Do you comprehend the meaning of the phrase, '...the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass....' Oh, and stay in the pastures with the knee high cattle with the wool blankets, Tex! It seem you can only understand other sheep!

I'm sorry you're too fuck stupid to understand that is applicable to everyone in or will ever serve in government. The potential is always there, the hildabitch actually did it, but you fucking stupid hypocrites act like the potential never existed before Trump. Like I said get back to us when something ACTUALLY happens and shove the potential up your hypocritical ass.
I'm sorry...
You sure as Hell are, dipstick. A cake unworthy of a candle! So cry me a fucking river, loser!

It's just really sad you have proven, unlike Trump, that you have no potential at all. You were proved wrongheaded and was just too stupid to let it go. You know you've lost when all you got is name calling and acting like a child. Run along little one, mommy is calling.

You sure like to replay portions of my posts to you back to me! That's called projection, Tex; a byproduct partially of incompetence and toped by denial! I stay on point fool, but you will never respond to those points but rather dodge them out of fear and go to your 20 questions shtick or other avoidance tactics! Fuck you very much!

Hey, shit for brains, I start the ad hominem with you from the get go because that is what you have proven you deserve, you stupid mother fucker! You're all fucking smoke and no fire, Tex!
So you got nothing except "maybes", "might bes", "could bes" and of course you never expressed such concern with the liar of the year currently in the WH. If you stupid fuckers didn't have your hypocrisy you'd be left with nothing at all. Get back to us when you got more than just speculative bullshit.
You ignorant, STUPID mother fucking ass! Read this from my 2nd post to you damn uncomprehending shit pile!
Can we say the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass and he is not interested in disconnecting from ANY of his potentially conflicting businesses including those in the Eastern Rim Countries?
Trump hasn't been sworn in you fucking idiot so he can't be held liable for violation of statutes dealing with Article I, § 9, Clause 8 yet you stupid inanimate lump of shit! Do you comprehend the meaning of the phrase, '...the potential is ripe for quid pro quo's up the Donald's ass....' Oh, and stay in the pastures with the knee high cattle with the wool blankets, Tex! It seem you can only understand other sheep!

I'm sorry you're too fuck stupid to understand that is applicable to everyone in or will ever serve in government. The potential is always there, the hildabitch actually did it, but you fucking stupid hypocrites act like the potential never existed before Trump. Like I said get back to us when something ACTUALLY happens and shove the potential up your hypocritical ass.
I'm sorry...
You sure as Hell are, dipstick. A cake unworthy of a candle! So cry me a fucking river, loser!

It's just really sad you have proven, unlike Trump, that you have no potential at all. You were proved wrongheaded and was just too stupid to let it go. You know you've lost when all you got is name calling and acting like a child. Run along little one, mommy is calling.

You sure like to replay portions of my posts to you back to me! That's called projection, Tex; a byproduct partially of incompetence and toped by denial! I stay on point fool, but you will never respond to those points but rather dodge them out of fear and go to your 20 questions shtick or other avoidance tactics! Fuck you very much!

Hey, shit for brains, I start the ad hominem with you from the get go because that is what you have proven you deserve, you stupid mother fucker! You're all fucking smoke and no fire, Tex!

Really, I asked for firm examples of what you were implying, the only thing you could come up with was "potential for wrongdoing". You got something more concrete let's talk about it, you want to continue with speculation, I'll be happy to call you out for the idiot you are. Simple as that.
Really, I asked for firm examples of what you were implying, the only thing you could come up with was "potential for wrongdoing".
Horseshit! You play your 20 questions shtick as a tactic to avoid responding to the points made. If your losing the argument, as you always do, you change the narrative!

I didn't imply a damn thing; everything I wrote was clearly stated and direct. If you couldn't interpret it, it's not my responsibility that you're so deficient in that regard! You're a know quantity, Tex!

I just frustrate the shit out of you by staying on point, you ignorant fuck! Now eat shit and die you horse's ass!
Really, I asked for firm examples of what you were implying, the only thing you could come up with was "potential for wrongdoing".
Horseshit! You play your 20 questions shtick as a tactic to avoid responding to the points made. If your losing the argument, as you always do, you change the narrative!

I didn't imply a damn thing; everything I wrote was clearly stated and direct. If you couldn't interpret it, it's not my responsibility that you're so deficient in that regard! You're a know quantity, Tex!

I just frustrate the shit out of you by staying on point, you ignorant fuck! Now eat shit and die you horse's ass!

You wouldn't know a point if it pocked your eye out, lack of potential boy.

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