Trump will leave office with a historically bad economic record

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Unemployment rate................

Oct 1, 20206.90%
Sep 1, 20207.90%
Aug 1, 20208.40%
Jul 1, 202010.20%
Jun 1, 202011.10%
May 1, 202013.30%
Apr 1, 202014.70%
What happened to the economy last year with all of trumps policy in place? GDP growth took a big drop even with a trillion dollar deficit. Now that is failure.

Unemployment was very low, wages were higher for nearly everyone, especially the middle class and the stock market was soaring. Sorry you weren't able to catch on. Not sure exactly where you fit in if you didn't benefit.
A talking point for the right wing? The debt was still growing even with the best of Right Wing economic times.
What happened to the economy last year with all of trumps policy in place? GDP growth took a big drop even with a trillion dollar deficit. Now that is failure.

Unemployment was very low, wages were higher for nearly everyone, especially the middle class and the stock market was soaring. Sorry you weren't able to catch on. Not sure exactly where you fit in if you didn't benefit.
Wage gains were weak and mostly from all the min wage increases. And don't you remember trump told us it was about the labor force participation rate. That remained mostly unchanged, so by trump math the real unemployment rate was more like 10%. Weak.
The billionaires got their tax cuts and that’s all that really matters.
yea like they didnt get richer under obama....
I didn’t see Obama slashing their taxes

So what difference does it make if taxes are cut to help the Middle Class keep more of its paycheck which is something we saw under Trump and not Obama? Rich are going to get richer in both scenarios. When their taxes go up they will have loopholes. You people keep banging that drum of class warfare and somehow think punishing high income earners is going to solve our economic challenges.
I'm saying that it wouldn't have mattered who was in office.
Which is just so obviously absurd.
Tell me how the people in this country would have been so different if Trump wasn't president.

I bet all those idiots who went to Sturgis would have all stayed home with masks on right?
If we had a strong national policy it would have been illegal.
and who would have enforced it?

We can't even enforce our immigration laws and you expect some podunk cop in S Dakota to arrest tens of thousands of bikers

Now that's hilarious

End of March: 19, 028
Today: 30,164
When the Dow went up under Obama what did repubs say? Oh yeah, it's not a good economic indicator. They were right, it isn't.

I said it is one indicator and an indicator that went up in spite of Obama. When the Dow finally went up under Obama, Corporations had bottomed out with layoffs and fat trimming. Cash still sat on the sidelines. Imagine how much better it could have done without Obama regulations, taxes, and climate policies? All egregious.
Trump is handing Pedo Joe an economy with falling unemployment, record DOW, low inflation, and two vaccines coming online to end the Kung Flu.
Retards still trying to blame Covid on Trump.

If the pandemic didn't happen, our economy would be roaring...
It was getting worse with more trump policy. Last year gdp growth declined while running a trillion dollar deficit.
I'm saying that it wouldn't have mattered who was in office.
Which is just so obviously absurd.
Tell me how the people in this country would have been so different if Trump wasn't president.

I bet all those idiots who went to Sturgis would have all stayed home with masks on right?
If we had a strong national policy it would have been illegal.
and who would have enforced it?

We can't even enforce our immigration laws and you expect some podunk cop in S Dakota to arrest tens of thousands of bikers

Now that's hilarious
Arrest the business owners that were hosting.
Putting an end to the lie that there was a Trump economic miracle. Trump entered office with dropping unemployment and a steadily rising market. He leaves the country in shambles.

Alone among the 13 presidents since World War Two, Trump will exit the White House with fewer Americans employed than when he started. He will have overseen punier growth in economic output than any of the previous 12 presidents.

His throwback "America First" agenda has failed to restore the old economic engine that powered an earlier era's prosperity. On Trump's watch, industrial production has fallen. The Federal Reserve says the manufacturing sector fell into recession in 2019 even before the coronavirus pandemic hit.

Get ready for the excuses . . .
I'm saying that it wouldn't have mattered who was in office.
Which is just so obviously absurd.
Tell me how the people in this country would have been so different if Trump wasn't president.

I bet all those idiots who went to Sturgis would have all stayed home with masks on right?
If we had a strong national policy it would have been illegal.
and who would have enforced it?

We can't even enforce our immigration laws and you expect some podunk cop in S Dakota to arrest tens of thousands of bikers

Now that's hilarious
Arrest the business owners that were hosting.

not gonna happen.

we don't arrest business owners for hiring illegals so what ,makes you think we would arrest business owners for doing business in a state that allowed them to remain open?

Martial law was the only way we could have enforced your dream COVID scenario and martial law will never be used in this country
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