Trump will win the popular vote and the electoral college in Nov !

I imagine Russia, Ukraine, and China will ensure Trump does win now that the Senate republicans have given the a-okay.
I imagine Russia, Ukraine, and China will ensure Trump does win now that the Senate republicans have given the a-okay.
oh and dont forget Tulsi ...remember Hillary said she's a Russian asset also .......why didnt Mueller find Russian collusion after spending over 2yrs and millions of dollars with a team of over a dozen Trump hating democrats ?

I'm flattered. You quoted me twice in one post.
you're welcome Katshit .
I think you're right. Pres. Trump will spot __________ (fill in the blank with a marxist fuckwit) about 5 million illegal votes, like he did last time, but he should mop the floor with ___________ (fill in the blank with marxist fuckwit). The economy is awesome and the marxist scum only have one message - 'pea fo-fi' <fart>
and thats a fact ! with the economy booming and the left moving even farther to the left and embracing all out socialism many independents and minority voters will vote for Trump when they get in the booth to cast theior vote ! and not only are they going to vote for Trump they are also going to vote straight republican and end the far lefts majority in the house to the curb !
He’ll lose the popular vote for sure, but he might win the election with how fucked the electoral college is.
What kind of dumbass wants a president that would cheat in an election? He's going to do it again right out in the open because you idiots just encouraged him to do so.
Actually, the only ones that plan to cheat (polls conducted by MSM) will say otherwise and POTUS will have another 4 years of this bullshit crap being flung at him while he continues to grin and do what he does best:Making America Great Again.
I imagine Russia, Ukraine, and China will ensure Trump does win now that the Senate republicans have given the a-okay.
I imagine Russia, Ukraine, and China will ensure Trump does win now that the Senate republicans have given the a-okay.
oh and dont forget Tulsi ...remember Hillary said she's a Russian asset also .......why didnt Mueller find Russian collusion after spending over 2yrs and millions of dollars with a team of over a dozen Trump hating democrats ?

I'm flattered. You quoted me twice in one post.
you're welcome Katshit .
Katniss appears to be a bit dim. So sad.
I imagine Russia, Ukraine, and China will ensure Trump does win now that the Senate republicans have given the a-okay.
I imagine Russia, Ukraine, and China will ensure Trump does win now that the Senate republicans have given the a-okay.
oh and dont forget Tulsi ...remember Hillary said she's a Russian asset also .......why didnt Mueller find Russian collusion after spending over 2yrs and millions of dollars with a team of over a dozen Trump hating democrats ?

I'm flattered. You quoted me twice in one post.
you're welcome Katshit .

OMG - That's so funny. You're so witty. It looks like it took you all night to come up with that childish retort. (eye roll)
I imagine Russia, Ukraine, and China will ensure Trump does win now that the Senate republicans have given the a-okay.
I imagine Russia, Ukraine, and China will ensure Trump does win now that the Senate republicans have given the a-okay.
oh and dont forget Tulsi ...remember Hillary said she's a Russian asset also .......why didnt Mueller find Russian collusion after spending over 2yrs and millions of dollars with a team of over a dozen Trump hating democrats ?

I'm flattered. You quoted me twice in one post.
you're welcome Katshit .

OMG - That's so funny. You're so witty. It looks like it took you all night to come up with that childish retort. (eye roll)
I imagine Russia, Ukraine, and China will ensure Trump does win now that the Senate republicans have given the a-okay.
I imagine Russia, Ukraine, and China will ensure Trump does win now that the Senate republicans have given the a-okay.
oh and dont forget Tulsi ...remember Hillary said she's a Russian asset also .......why didnt Mueller find Russian collusion after spending over 2yrs and millions of dollars with a team of over a dozen Trump hating democrats ?

I'm flattered. You quoted me twice in one post.
you're welcome Katshit .
Katniss appears to be a bit dim. So sad.
yes sadly Katshit is unable to recognize the stupidity of her beliefs .
and thats a fact !

What are you willing to wager on that?
if i lose i will give up drinking beer for one month and if you lose you will give up sucking dicks for one month .

wow, another Trump worshiper telling us his homosexual fantasies. Damn, you are like the 20th one to do this.

What is the connection between worshiping Trump and having homosexual fantasies?

Does your significant other know about your homosexual fantasies?
Trump will win the popular vote and the electoral college in Nov !

and thats a fact ! with the economy booming and the left moving even farther to the left and embracing all out socialism many independents and minority voters will vote for Trump when they get in the booth to cast theior vote ! and not only are they going to vote for Trump they are also going to vote straight republican and end the far lefts majority in the house to the curb !

I agree, and he might even give us the House back
and thats a fact ! with the economy booming and the left moving even farther to the left and embracing all out socialism many independents and minority voters will vote for Trump when they get in the booth to cast theior vote ! and not only are they going to vote for Trump they are also going to vote straight republican and end the far lefts majority in the house to the curb !

While I hope you are correct, not going to happen (win the popular vote) unless Trump explains to people that even a wasted vote, is an important vote.

What do I mean, and why?

Follow me here------------> in some states, including CA, they have what is called a jungle system of elections. What this does, is put the two top vote getters in the general election, even if they are from the same political party, and ices out everyone else. In reality; especially in California, what this means is 2 Democrats running against each other in a lot of House districts, and 2 Democrats running for the same senate seat.

Therefore, if you are a GOP member in those House districts, you have nobody to vote for but a Democrat, and you already know that California is going to vote for the Democrat for President, so what is the incentive to go vote? What this system does is SUPRESS voting by opposition voters. This is exactly why the Lefts talking point how Hilly won the overall vote is a bogus argument. Those people in California who stayed home because they had nobody to vote for in their district, and knew Trump was not going to win California, never expected the Loony Left to project that their forced ambivalence would be the narrative of why Hilly should really be the President instead of Trump!

So again, unless Trump points out to his supporters in these "jungle" states that they should vote anyway and spells out the reason, I again expect the Democratic candidate to win the overall vote total. And yes, I DO think Trump should make the case to his supporters from these states, and spell it out as I have, or even use a better explanation. A total wipe out of the Socialists nationally, would force the Democrats to change, and that would be good for the country.

Imagine if you will for a second, if Trump was an actual crook and really did get impeached, and convicted! That means the Democrat would be a shoe in for election, and look at who is leading the polls over there-(

It behooves America, like/love/hate the Democrats to FORCE them to change. So with that in my mind, I hope the President takes it upon his shoulders to explain to the American people, especially in those states, to VOTE...…...even if they feel it is a wasted vote, to prop up the numbers to force change in what is supposed to be the loyal, opposition, party.

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