Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states
Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states

President Trump’s job approval rating in rural areas of the Rust Belt and Great Plains states is at 60 percent, markedly higher than his job approval rating nationally, according to a new poll commissioned by Democrats
A Change Research survey sponsored by The American Federation of Teachers and One Country, a group with close ties to former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), found that 60 percent of voters from non-metro counties in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and West Virginia approve of the job Trump is doing.
All of those states voted for Trump in 2016 with the exception of Colorado and Minnesota. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin went red in the 2016 election for the first time in decades, and Democrats believe that rebuilding that “blue wall” represents their likeliest path back to the White Hous

ME: Yet another model showing why Trump will win.

proof scarecrows vote.....


Trump appointed some very good judges, got us a tax cut, the economy is stoking and we're making progress on rewriting our stupid free trade agreements even though Democrats are tying his hands. But the best thing Trump will have done is to expose and convict the people in our DOJ who have subverted our government into their personal protection racket and power base. Comey, Brennen and all their supporting criminal actors need to be in jail if not executed for the coup they continue to attempt.
Trump appointed some very good judges, got us a tax cut, the economy is stoking and we're making progress on rewriting our stupid free trade agreements even though Democrats are tying his hands. But the best thing Trump will have done is to expose and convict the people in our DOJ who have subverted our government into their personal protection racket and power base. Comey, Brennen and all their supporting criminal actors need to be in jail if not executed for the coup they continue to attempt.

Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states
Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states

President Trump’s job approval rating in rural areas of the Rust Belt and Great Plains states is at 60 percent, markedly higher than his job approval rating nationally, according to a new poll commissioned by Democrats
A Change Research survey sponsored by The American Federation of Teachers and One Country, a group with close ties to former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), found that 60 percent of voters from non-metro counties in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and West Virginia approve of the job Trump is doing.
All of those states voted for Trump in 2016 with the exception of Colorado and Minnesota. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin went red in the 2016 election for the first time in decades, and Democrats believe that rebuilding that “blue wall” represents their likeliest path back to the White Hous

ME: Yet another model showing why Trump will win.

So basically, Trump is loved by hillbillies. No surprise there.
Trump appointed some very good judges, got us a tax cut, the economy is stoking and we're making progress on rewriting our stupid free trade agreements even though Democrats are tying his hands. But the best thing Trump will have done is to expose and convict the people in our DOJ who have subverted our government into their personal protection racket and power base. Comey, Brennen and all their supporting criminal actors need to be in jail if not executed for the coup they continue to attempt.

That's a winner. :)
So basically, Trump is loved by hillbillies.......

....and Dems are loved by faggots and socialists.

I will gladly take the Hillbillies.

Oh, and by the way, you're an asshole. Even a Hillbilly is worth ten of you
RUSH: Now, this is a little story from Let me share with you the headline: “Trump Wins 60% Approval in Rural Areas of Key States.” Now, I’m mentioning this to you because we have a fake news poll out there from the ABC News/Washington Post polling unit which says that Trump’s approval rating has plunged to 38%, and that 60% of the American people believe we’re on the way to a recession.

Now, that would mean… They’ll extrapolate that to say that Trump’s administration is cratering, the American people think he’s ruined the economy. If we’re heading into a recession, they’re gonna try to create the news story that the American people have soured and lost confidence in Trump. (laughing) We’re in the middle of one of the most robust economic rebounds ever! It puts the Obama eight years to literal shame, and what’s the Drive-By Media doing?


Creating fake news and fake polls about a phony, nonexistent, can’t-see-it-anywhere recession. Trying to convince people who are living improved lives of prosperity that it’s all phony, that there’s gonna be a recession. They’re gonna get fired.

Democrat Polling Data Shows Trump Approval High in Battleground States
Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states
Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states

President Trump’s job approval rating in rural areas of the Rust Belt and Great Plains states is at 60 percent, markedly higher than his job approval rating nationally, according to a new poll commissioned by Democrats
A Change Research survey sponsored by The American Federation of Teachers and One Country, a group with close ties to former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), found that 60 percent of voters from non-metro counties in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and West Virginia approve of the job Trump is doing.
All of those states voted for Trump in 2016 with the exception of Colorado and Minnesota. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin went red in the 2016 election for the first time in decades, and Democrats believe that rebuilding that “blue wall” represents their likeliest path back to the White Hous

ME: Yet another model showing why Trump will win.

So basically, Trump is loved by hillbillies. No surprise there.

And an equal approval rating (roughly 60%) by U.S. military veterans (among those, he polls highest with the Army and USMC). I guess they're all hillbillies too.
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Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states
Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states

President Trump’s job approval rating in rural areas of the Rust Belt and Great Plains states is at 60 percent, markedly higher than his job approval rating nationally, according to a new poll commissioned by Democrats
A Change Research survey sponsored by The American Federation of Teachers and One Country, a group with close ties to former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), found that 60 percent of voters from non-metro counties in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and West Virginia approve of the job Trump is doing.
All of those states voted for Trump in 2016 with the exception of Colorado and Minnesota. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin went red in the 2016 election for the first time in decades, and Democrats believe that rebuilding that “blue wall” represents their likeliest path back to the White Hous

ME: Yet another model showing why Trump will win.

So basically, Trump is loved by hillbillies. No surprise there.

And an equal approval rating (roughly 60%) by U.S. military veterans. I guess they're hillbillies too.
Just fairly low-IQ people, otherwise they would be somewhere else making real money and not getting shot at.
Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states
Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states

President Trump’s job approval rating in rural areas of the Rust Belt and Great Plains states is at 60 percent, markedly higher than his job approval rating nationally, according to a new poll commissioned by Democrats
A Change Research survey sponsored by The American Federation of Teachers and One Country, a group with close ties to former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), found that 60 percent of voters from non-metro counties in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and West Virginia approve of the job Trump is doing.
All of those states voted for Trump in 2016 with the exception of Colorado and Minnesota. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin went red in the 2016 election for the first time in decades, and Democrats believe that rebuilding that “blue wall” represents their likeliest path back to the White Hous

ME: Yet another model showing why Trump will win.

Trump won the suburbs in 2016
He is losing them today
And an equal approval rating (roughly 60%) by U.S. military veterans. I guess they're hillbillies too.
Just fairly low-IQ people, otherwise they would be somewhere else making real money and not getting shot at.

So you think everybody who serves in the military gets shot at? LOL. What about your sense of duty--did you ever considered serving in the reserves or the guard? 1 weekend a month, 2 weeks a year, and several MOS options like JAG, or engineering, or medical, or other such employment areas for low IQ people who manage to receive health insurance, GI bill/tuition reimbursement, and retirement after 20 years, while still developing a civilian career
Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states
Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states

President Trump’s job approval rating in rural areas of the Rust Belt and Great Plains states is at 60 percent, markedly higher than his job approval rating nationally, according to a new poll commissioned by Democrats
A Change Research survey sponsored by The American Federation of Teachers and One Country, a group with close ties to former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), found that 60 percent of voters from non-metro counties in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and West Virginia approve of the job Trump is doing.
All of those states voted for Trump in 2016 with the exception of Colorado and Minnesota. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin went red in the 2016 election for the first time in decades, and Democrats believe that rebuilding that “blue wall” represents their likeliest path back to the White Hous

ME: Yet another model showing why Trump will win.


Only 20% of Americans live in rural areas, which are historically heavily Republican tilted. Everywhere else he is getting his ass handed to him against most Democrats running.

What is Rural America?

So take that tongue and put it back into your ignorant Trumpster oraface.
Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states
Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states

President Trump’s job approval rating in rural areas of the Rust Belt and Great Plains states is at 60 percent, markedly higher than his job approval rating nationally, according to a new poll commissioned by Democrats
A Change Research survey sponsored by The American Federation of Teachers and One Country, a group with close ties to former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), found that 60 percent of voters from non-metro counties in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and West Virginia approve of the job Trump is doing.
All of those states voted for Trump in 2016 with the exception of Colorado and Minnesota. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin went red in the 2016 election for the first time in decades, and Democrats believe that rebuilding that “blue wall” represents their likeliest path back to the White Hous

ME: Yet another model showing why Trump will win.

So basically, Trump is loved by hillbillies. No surprise there.
The men and women who built and continue to supply this country with food and morality...

You morons never learn. You can not win the votes of those you publicly despise.

Dumbest bunch of Democrats in history.
And they all got fucked and sent to Iraq. No thanks. Not fighting and getting killed for Haliburton.

You have a singular gift for never actually addressing the thread topic.

Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states
Trump wins 60 percent approval in rural areas of key states

President Trump’s job approval rating in rural areas of the Rust Belt and Great Plains states is at 60 percent, markedly higher than his job approval rating nationally, according to a new poll commissioned by Democrats
A Change Research survey sponsored by The American Federation of Teachers and One Country, a group with close ties to former Sen. Heidi Heitkamp (D-N.D.), found that 60 percent of voters from non-metro counties in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and West Virginia approve of the job Trump is doing.
All of those states voted for Trump in 2016 with the exception of Colorado and Minnesota. Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin went red in the 2016 election for the first time in decades, and Democrats believe that rebuilding that “blue wall” represents their likeliest path back to the White Hous

ME: Yet another model showing why Trump will win.

It seems that republican candidate Bishop was down 17 points in the special election N.C. before Trump's visit and he won by 3 points. Unless the polls were intentionally skewed it seems that the President's visit gave him 20 points. This is astounding.
the loons may have Trump losing 2020 by 10 points, but lets take Cally&NY out of the picture,,then Trump beats Bin Biden by 35 points!!

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