Trump wins again, CHINA BEGGING for negotiations and calm

China is desperate to resolve this before December comes along and Trump's power to shut down the WTO courts go into effect. They claim to be a 'developing country' under current WTO rules, which grants all kinds of unfair subsidies and trade bennies they don't deserve, and without the courts in their pockets they lose those bennies. Let's hope Trump doesn't let them slide and keeps up the pressure to renegotiate all of those trade deals, and also drops their 'Favored Nation' welfare scam with us as well; they don't need that scam any more either. Their plundering of Africa, while wildly popular with the Democrats, is also beginning to wear thin with the natives as well, since they are such lousy actors their racism and arrogance is impossible to hide, same as Democrats here in the U.S.

If this is true, Trump definitely has to push to end this fiasco. WTO has been a scam for the West for some time and China must not be allowed to exploit it any further.

Article on it in the WSJ a week or so ago; other countries are not happy about China's scam either. It's a myth that Trump is in this all by himself and the rest of the world hates him n stuff. That's just drivel put out by the usual fake news peddlers.

Trump has stopped the appointment of two judges already, and the terms of two more expire in December. He blocks those and the court is dead, and they can't screw over the U.S.'s and other countries' complaints. At least that's the case as of two weeks ago; I haven't read where that situation has changed yet.
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I attacked Templar Kormac, so … I'm not into this shit. But Trump claimed the Chinese came begging …. and they didn't even contract him anymore than usual. He threatened more tariffs, and they threatened back, and Trump said he had second thoughts about "everything."

Make of that what you will. I've said all along that most likely Trump will have to take a deal and declare victory. Whether he actually gets anything out of a deal …. we'll see.

Let's see the notes from the meeting?
Australia, Singapore, Taiwan, and Japan all have the best China Watchers in the news business and also the best trade analysts at their universities, and their press has English editions; just a heads up for those who want to keep up with that region. Avoid the mainstream media in the U.S. at all costs; it has less than zero credibility on anything any more.
Lots of personal insults, very little useful information. some country's want to increase there land mass, their power. all people in all country's want too improve their living conditions. Its been many years since I have visited China, but when I was there it was populated with human beings. it wont work isolating our self's. trying to figure out when too be tough & when working together is the best option no easy task.
Lots of personal insults, very little useful information. some country's want to increase there land mass, their power. all people in all country's want too improve their living conditions. Its been many years since I have visited China, but when I was there it was populated with human beings. it wont work isolating our self's. trying to figure out when too be tough & when working together is the best option no easy task.
some countries, plural,

in all countries, plural

For future reference.
Tariffs on Communism is a good thing. Now go suck some Chinese Cock.
Communism turned China from the most poor country on earth into a superpower.
They are killing females lol they have Muslims in jail lol
The USA has done similar in Iraq. China is benign compared to the United States.
what has the USA done in Iraq?
Ignorant American. China has a long way to go to surpass American crimes.
United States war crimes - Wikipedia
Casualties of the Iraq War - Wikipedia
Why U

I’m just a simple man,, are you making fun of my income.. how democrat of you lol.

I am making fun of the fact you think you know what you are talking about when it comes to international business because you mow lawns for a living. Nothing wrong with mowing lawns, but it does not give you any insight into the business world
You Mow Juans for a Wiving
They are killing females lol they have Muslims in jail lol
The USA has done similar in Iraq. China is benign compared to the United States.
what has the USA done in Iraq?
Ignorant American. China has a long way to go to surpass American crimes.
United States war crimes - Wikipedia
Casualties of the Iraq War - Wikipedia
the shit that's funny just showed up on the board!!!!
Speak English. I don't speak Chinese.
You No Speak Engrish Berry Well, Nor Chinese Berry Good
You Also Fake



I made more than that on a single investment portfolio today thanks to the markets going up.

Do you mow lawns or clean out gutters?
I’m just a simple man,, are you making fun of my income.. how democrat of you lol

I am making fun of the fact you think you know what you are talking about when it comes to international business because you mow lawns for a living.
Nope I’m in the wine business in Boston. I do ok.

you make your own?

he puts corks in bottles when he's not busy being a wordsmith .....
Most Leftist are putting corks in bottles. AKA love of Hairy Man Butt.
Tough to do so when the rest of the world is hurting. A lot of uncertainty. That being said the consumer drives 2/3 of the economy here so as long as they are employed and spending we should be OK.

except much of our spending is being done by borrowing more money, that always comes back to bite us. Not to mention increased prices from tariffs mean less to spend elsewhere.

I agree we need to tackle the budget

not just the national budget, but consumer debt is through the roof as well

Thank you high cost of college tuition.

it is far more than that.

Is it?

At the end of the first three months of 2019, student loan debt hit $1.486 trillion, according to credit data from the New York Federal Reserve. By comparison, student loan at the height of the financial crisis was $611 billion and has been mostly rising since, Mohr said. “It has ballooned and that’s a dramatic increase,” the fixed-income analyst said of the student-debt expansion.
Please list the deals that Trump has cut at the G7

Trump strikes 'billion-dollar' trade deal with Japan

The deal that has been in the works for months and months? And you rubes want to give him credit for an agreement in principle?

You all are getting desperate.

The deal with Japan is almost the exact same agreements between the two countries that the TPP would have provided. Less tariffs on beef and pork and we will not tariff their automobiles.
He’s also putting pressure on India to make deals with USA not China,, China sees the future is dim..

If this was obama they would be talking about where to go on vacation. Trump is making deals for Americans

True. That is why he is bailing the farmers and made them welfare recipients.
This will be followed by wine makers, lobsters business.
They also look at optimism numbers 90% under trump .. Obama say in the 40’s..
trump is the man and is working for America

Trump is only in the 55% range, do try and quit making shit up. You are too stupid to lie well.

Ohh you believe polls lol

where do you think the optimism numbers come from?

you cannot really be this stupid, can you?
I’m a business man .. I know what I’m talking about


you are too stupid to run a lemonade stand!

except much of our spending is being done by borrowing more money, that always comes back to bite us. Not to mention increased prices from tariffs mean less to spend elsewhere.

I agree we need to tackle the budget

not just the national budget, but consumer debt is through the roof as well

Thank you high cost of college tuition.

it is far more than that.

Is it?

At the end of the first three months of 2019, student loan debt hit $1.486 trillion, according to credit data from the New York Federal Reserve. By comparison, student loan at the height of the financial crisis was $611 billion and has been mostly rising since, Mohr said. “It has ballooned and that’s a dramatic increase,” the fixed-income analyst said of the student-debt expansion.

The student loan part has not grown much at all over the last 5 to 6 years.

I agree we need to tackle the budget

not just the national budget, but consumer debt is through the roof as well

Thank you high cost of college tuition.

it is far more than that.

Is it?

At the end of the first three months of 2019, student loan debt hit $1.486 trillion, according to credit data from the New York Federal Reserve. By comparison, student loan at the height of the financial crisis was $611 billion and has been mostly rising since, Mohr said. “It has ballooned and that’s a dramatic increase,” the fixed-income analyst said of the student-debt expansion.

The student loan part has not grown much at all over the last 5 to 6 years.

View attachment 276067

Did you just ignore the stats? $1.5Trn vs. $611bn 10 years ago. That is F*CKING staggering.
not just the national budget, but consumer debt is through the roof as well

Thank you high cost of college tuition.

it is far more than that.

Is it?

At the end of the first three months of 2019, student loan debt hit $1.486 trillion, according to credit data from the New York Federal Reserve. By comparison, student loan at the height of the financial crisis was $611 billion and has been mostly rising since, Mohr said. “It has ballooned and that’s a dramatic increase,” the fixed-income analyst said of the student-debt expansion.

The student loan part has not grown much at all over the last 5 to 6 years.

View attachment 276067

Did you just ignore the stats? $1.5Trn vs. $611bn 10 years ago. That is F*CKING staggering.

This is a campaign cash cow for the Dem party. They get government to guarantee student loans lenders would never approve given the appalling return on the degree investment. This drives ever increasing costs of degrees. Lenders can't lose if the students default on the loan so colleges and universities crank up the price. Students get screwed, saddled with debt the size of a home mortgage, default and it ruins their credit for 10 years, but so long as the cash keeps flowing into Dem coffers they have no problem ruining students lives.
except much of our spending is being done by borrowing more money, that always comes back to bite us. Not to mention increased prices from tariffs mean less to spend elsewhere.

I agree we need to tackle the budget

not just the national budget, but consumer debt is through the roof as well

Thank you high cost of college tuition.

it is far more than that.

Is it?

At the end of the first three months of 2019, student loan debt hit $1.486 trillion, according to credit data from the New York Federal Reserve. By comparison, student loan at the height of the financial crisis was $611 billion and has been mostly rising since, Mohr said. “It has ballooned and that’s a dramatic increase,” the fixed-income analyst said of the student-debt expansion.

The alleged 'skilled labor shortage' is a scam as well that directly feeds that loan sharking fraud. The vast majority of jobs created in the last 3 decades have been fast food, part time, and unskilled, 80 + of them; meanwhile green cards make up millions of employees in U.S. firms, usually with faked resumes made to match fake job requirements.
Trump strikes 'billion-dollar' trade deal with Japan

The deal that has been in the works for months and months? And you rubes want to give him credit for an agreement in principle?

You all are getting desperate.

The deal with Japan is almost the exact same agreements between the two countries that the TPP would have provided. Less tariffs on beef and pork and we will not tariff their automobiles.
He’s also putting pressure on India to make deals with USA not China,, China sees the future is dim..

If this was obama they would be talking about where to go on vacation. Trump is making deals for Americans

True. That is why he is bailing the farmers and made them welfare recipients.
This will be followed by wine makers, lobsters business.
Cool story.. we have 100 billion in tariffs from China.. its just a war.. be American or get thrown in a interment camp
Thank you high cost of college tuition.

it is far more than that.

Is it?

At the end of the first three months of 2019, student loan debt hit $1.486 trillion, according to credit data from the New York Federal Reserve. By comparison, student loan at the height of the financial crisis was $611 billion and has been mostly rising since, Mohr said. “It has ballooned and that’s a dramatic increase,” the fixed-income analyst said of the student-debt expansion.

The student loan part has not grown much at all over the last 5 to 6 years.

View attachment 276067

Did you just ignore the stats? $1.5Trn vs. $611bn 10 years ago. That is F*CKING staggering.

This is a campaign cash cow for the Dem party. They get government to guarantee student loans lenders would never approve given the appalling return on the degree investment. This drives ever increasing costs of degrees. Lenders can't lose if the students default on the loan so colleges and universities crank up the price. Students get screwed, saddled with debt the size of a home mortgage, default and it ruins their credit for 10 years, but so long as the cash keeps flowing into Dem coffers they have no problem ruining students lives.

Democrats Assured America that if we let Colleges set their own tuition, that they'd be fair to students and The Taxpayers.

Ever since that day Colleges have been raping students and taxpayers with absurd tuition rate increases year after year after year.

We don't need Free College. We need to stop Colleges from Operating like Monopolies and Gouging Consumers.
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it is far more than that.

Is it?

At the end of the first three months of 2019, student loan debt hit $1.486 trillion, according to credit data from the New York Federal Reserve. By comparison, student loan at the height of the financial crisis was $611 billion and has been mostly rising since, Mohr said. “It has ballooned and that’s a dramatic increase,” the fixed-income analyst said of the student-debt expansion.

The student loan part has not grown much at all over the last 5 to 6 years.

View attachment 276067

Did you just ignore the stats? $1.5Trn vs. $611bn 10 years ago. That is F*CKING staggering.

This is a campaign cash cow for the Dem party. They get government to guarantee student loans lenders would never approve given the appalling return on the degree investment. This drives ever increasing costs of degrees. Lenders can't lose if the students default on the loan so colleges and universities crank up the price. Students get screwed, saddled with debt the size of a home mortgage, default and it ruins their credit for 10 years, but so long as the cash keeps flowing into Dem coffers they have no problem ruining students lives.

Democrats Assured America that if we let Colleges set their own tuition, that they'd be fair to students and The Taxpayers.

Every since that day Colleges have been raping students and taxpayers with absurd tuition rate increases year after year after year.

We don't need Free College. We need to stop Colleges from Operating like Monopolies and Gouging Consumers.

We need something because this is pure insanity!

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