Trump wins again, CHINA BEGGING for negotiations and calm

Totally distracted by total garbage propaganda, doesn't know the GOP is screwing him every day...
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...
Nowhere near as much as the Republicans did and do to democratic presidents.... Clinton and Obama since Reagan Republicans and the brainwash took over.
You continue to prove your ignorance.

President Trump has delivered the lowest minority unemployment rate in recorded history, more jobs, higher wages, raises, bonuses, etc....

...while Barry, the 1st Black President, did virtually nothing for blacks ... except give them more food stamps, more welfare, more 'economic slavery', & more lip service....
That was the corrupt 2008 GOP economic meltdown and World depression oh, not anything Obama did. He turned it around. 7 1/2 years straight of growth. You know less than nothing factual.
You sound mad. It’s not been the same for you since you lost. It must be difficult for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
in the entire world only ignoramus brainwashed functional moron GOP dupes like you agree with you. Absolute garbage which makes you dupes the insane....

Okay, join in now. It's the Rump battle cry......
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....repeat as necessary (over and over and over and.....)

Really sad for you. Every day must be agonizing [emoji38].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Actually, I find you rumpers hilarious.

Once more round of

No battle cry needed ever. You did see the OP? Trump wins again. I’m sure you have been on the winning side of something, at least some point in your life. Since he won, it’s been bothering all the losers. You know...all the political experts that were in a state of shock, and got gut punched? The natural reaction is anger, denial, and some day maybe acceptance over their failure. So every day, there is the chance of another unfounded unproven false allegation. And then they are all proven lies. I almost pity you losers. But mostly I just laugh [emoji38].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

More and more each day, the Rubes are figuring out that the rump has ran quite a con. And he never met a business he couldn't run into the ground. If that's your idea of winning, Here, have a long slug of Drano and really know what it feels like to win.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP......repeat over and over and over and..................
'Didn't I meet you on 'Pedo-Island' years ago?' they say, 'A picture is worth a thousand creepy word's...
Totally distracted by total garbage propaganda, doesn't know the GOP is screwing him every day...
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...

So you support the criminal Rump in Charge. In the last week, I went from tacid to open hostility with Rump and his jockstrap supporters. And you aren't even aware or won't admit the things that have transpired in the last 2 weeks. What else is new. You keep giving free rides to the Criminal Rump in Charge. Then you wonder why I laugh at you so hard.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....said over and over, over and ........
'Didn't I meet you on 'Pedo-Island' years ago?' they say, 'A picture is worth a thousand creepy word's...
Totally distracted by total garbage propaganda, doesn't know the GOP is screwing him every day...
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...

So you support the criminal Rump in Charge. In the last week, I went from tacid to open hostility with Rump and his jockstrap supporters. And you aren't even aware or won't admit the things that have transpired in the last 2 weeks. What else is new. You keep giving free rides to the Criminal Rump in Charge. Then you wonder why I laugh at you so hard.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....said over and over, over and ........
It must be humiliating being such an inconsequential speck of dust relative to man who you hate so much. Actually, you're an inconsequential speck of dust anyway.
Totally distracted by total garbage propaganda, doesn't know the GOP is screwing him every day...
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...

So you support the criminal Rump in Charge. In the last week, I went from tacid to open hostility with Rump and his jockstrap supporters. And you aren't even aware or won't admit the things that have transpired in the last 2 weeks. What else is new. You keep giving free rides to the Criminal Rump in Charge. Then you wonder why I laugh at you so hard.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....said over and over, over and ........
It must be humiliating being such an inconsequential speck of dust relative to man who you hate so much. Actually, you're an inconsequential speck of dust anyway.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP....We blindly follow
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.... We of the shallow
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.... In blindness we shall Gala
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP..... Shielding our ears, "LaLaLaLa"
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...

So you support the criminal Rump in Charge. In the last week, I went from tacid to open hostility with Rump and his jockstrap supporters. And you aren't even aware or won't admit the things that have transpired in the last 2 weeks. What else is new. You keep giving free rides to the Criminal Rump in Charge. Then you wonder why I laugh at you so hard.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....said over and over, over and ........
It must be humiliating being such an inconsequential speck of dust relative to man who you hate so much. Actually, you're an inconsequential speck of dust anyway.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP....We blindly follow
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.... We of the shallow
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.... In blindness we shall Gala
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP..... Shielding our ears, "LaLaLaLa"
Just rebounds along that hollow mind of yours. What did you expect?!
The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...

So you support the criminal Rump in Charge. In the last week, I went from tacid to open hostility with Rump and his jockstrap supporters. And you aren't even aware or won't admit the things that have transpired in the last 2 weeks. What else is new. You keep giving free rides to the Criminal Rump in Charge. Then you wonder why I laugh at you so hard.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....said over and over, over and ........
It must be humiliating being such an inconsequential speck of dust relative to man who you hate so much. Actually, you're an inconsequential speck of dust anyway.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP....We blindly follow
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.... We of the shallow
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.... In blindness we shall Gala
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP..... Shielding our ears, "LaLaLaLa"
Just rebounds along that hollow mind of yours. What did you expect?!

You still don't get it. Dead, spoiled meat running against Trump this time around just might stand a chance. he's alienated a whole bunch of people that innocently voted for him. Russia won't help him much this time around. Youtube is looking for their videos, Google is looking for their web sites. And that takes away probably 90% of the Russian GRU inputs. If the Government (meaning Rump and Moscow Mitch) won't try and lessen it then it's up to the rest of us to handle it. And there isn't a damned thing your nose up your Rump's Rump can do about it.

Let's see just how bad a job that the Dems can do. It's going to take one hell of a bad job to lose this one with Rump doing about everything he can to screw his chances up. The clincher is where he signs an EO dictating something about the Veterans Disability Money not being able to be taken by bankruptcy. Newsflash: Rumpster, those funds are completely protected and no court can touch them. And it's been that way for years. And you bought into it. Rump is a liar and a con man and you bought it all. I happen to be one of those people with Service Related Injuries and I find Rump insulting as hell and you as a waste of Oxygen.
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...

So you support the criminal Rump in Charge. In the last week, I went from tacid to open hostility with Rump and his jockstrap supporters. And you aren't even aware or won't admit the things that have transpired in the last 2 weeks. What else is new. You keep giving free rides to the Criminal Rump in Charge. Then you wonder why I laugh at you so hard.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....said over and over, over and ........
It must be humiliating being such an inconsequential speck of dust relative to man who you hate so much. Actually, you're an inconsequential speck of dust anyway.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP....We blindly follow
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.... We of the shallow
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.... In blindness we shall Gala
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP..... Shielding our ears, "LaLaLaLa"
Just rebounds along that hollow mind of yours. What did you expect?!

You still don't get it. Dead, spoiled meat running against Trump this time around just might stand a chance. he's alienated a whole bunch of people that innocently voted for him. Russia won't help him much this time around. Youtube is looking for their videos, Google is looking for their web sites. And that takes away probably 90% of the Russian GRU inputs. If the Government (meaning Rump and Moscow Mitch) won't try and lessen it then it's up to the rest of us to handle it. And there isn't a damned thing your nose up your Rump's Rump can do about it.

Let's see just how bad a job that the Dems can do. It's going to take one hell of a bad job to lose this one with Rump doing about everything he can to screw his chances up. The clincher is where he signs an EO dictating something about the Veterans Disability Money not being able to be taken by bankruptcy. Newsflash: Rumpster, those funds are completely protected and no court can touch them. And it's been that way for years. And you bought into it. Rump is a liar and a con man and you bought it all. I happen to be one of those people with Service Related Injuries and I find Rump insulting as hell and you as a waste of Oxygen.

Wrong Dead Wrong

It’s only the crooks and brainwashed low logic voters against trump

Majority of the men is behind trump
And the most powerful people in history white males is behind trump in a landslide

Total BS by the weak crooked Democrats trying to fool turns out that Trump just made up the phone calls from China.
Things are going badly for him so he just makes shit up even though he must know he's going to get caught out on his lies.
He's not funny any more...he's just pathetic.
as there economy tanks...

I’m listening Klobuchar saying trumps tweets don’t work lol

Fuckin liberals are losers

China announces it seeks 'calm' end to trade war, as markets tank and currency hits 11-year flatline

Liberals are rooting for China.

China knows liberalism weakens nations and by buying off crooked Democrats and promoting liberalism ....that then helps them to advance

China respects power and when a wimp is President like we have now that changes his mind on a whim, they will just play with him like a cat with a mouse. Rump is easy prey for people in NK, China and Russia. Hell even Iran is starting to play games with him. He won't last until 2020 before he goes completely off the tracks. What then, Rumpster.

I just love laughing at your spinning your wheels actually claiming you are winning.

So you support the criminal Rump in Charge. In the last week, I went from tacid to open hostility with Rump and his jockstrap supporters. And you aren't even aware or won't admit the things that have transpired in the last 2 weeks. What else is new. You keep giving free rides to the Criminal Rump in Charge. Then you wonder why I laugh at you so hard.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....said over and over, over and ........
It must be humiliating being such an inconsequential speck of dust relative to man who you hate so much. Actually, you're an inconsequential speck of dust anyway.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP....We blindly follow
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.... We of the shallow
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.... In blindness we shall Gala
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP..... Shielding our ears, "LaLaLaLa"
Just rebounds along that hollow mind of yours. What did you expect?!

You still don't get it. Dead, spoiled meat running against Trump this time around just might stand a chance. he's alienated a whole bunch of people that innocently voted for him. Russia won't help him much this time around. Youtube is looking for their videos, Google is looking for their web sites. And that takes away probably 90% of the Russian GRU inputs. If the Government (meaning Rump and Moscow Mitch) won't try and lessen it then it's up to the rest of us to handle it. And there isn't a damned thing your nose up your Rump's Rump can do about it.

Let's see just how bad a job that the Dems can do. It's going to take one hell of a bad job to lose this one with Rump doing about everything he can to screw his chances up. The clincher is where he signs an EO dictating something about the Veterans Disability Money not being able to be taken by bankruptcy. Newsflash: Rumpster, those funds are completely protected and no court can touch them. And it's been that way for years. And you bought into it. Rump is a liar and a con man and you bought it all. I happen to be one of those people with Service Related Injuries and I find Rump insulting as hell and you as a waste of Oxygen.

Wrong Dead Wrong

It’s only the crooks and brainwashed low logic voters against trump

Majority of the men is behind trump
And the most powerful people in history white males is behind trump in a landslide

Total BS by the weak crooked Democrats trying to fool

So you sit there holding your hands over your ears screaming "LaLaLaLa I can't hear you" as the world goes by. So we get another rousing round of

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP RUMP!!!!! turns out that Trump just made up the phone calls from China.
Things are going badly for him so he just makes shit up even though he must know he's going to get caught out on his lies.
He's not funny any more...he's just pathetic.

he's still trying to make everyone forget he's in deep shit over the Mueller report. But there are those of us that won't allow him to forget. Fire up the White Panel Truck and the Straight Jacket.

They just showed Trump on TV saying that China called. And then after a while he said China called twice. And then they said China responded by saying they made no call.

So who do these white wingers believe? Trump or China? Don’t you hate it when an adversary of the United States is more believable than the president?

The POTUS used to be leader of the free world. Depended on to provide stable leadership and guidance

How do you trust a leader who continually lies?
'Didn't I meet you on 'Pedo-Island' years ago?' they say, 'A picture is worth a thousand creepy word's...
Totally distracted by total garbage propaganda, doesn't know the GOP is screwing him every day...
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...

So you support the criminal Rump in Charge. In the last week, I went from tacid to open hostility with Rump and his jockstrap supporters. And you aren't even aware or won't admit the things that have transpired in the last 2 weeks. What else is new. You keep giving free rides to the Criminal Rump in Charge. Then you wonder why I laugh at you so hard.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....said over and over, over and ........

You obviously can’t sleep at night. Too bad they couldn’t find anything after spending 50 million dollars, and using the best legal minds in the country. Now they have lowered standards to low intelligence conspiracy dolts like you. Take your meds and get back into your public assistance therapy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
as there economy tanks...

I’m listening Klobuchar saying trumps tweets don’t work lol

Fuckin liberals are losers

China announces it seeks 'calm' end to trade war, as markets tank and currency hits 11-year flatline

Liberals are rooting for China.

China knows liberalism weakens nations and by buying off crooked Democrats and promoting liberalism ....that then helps them to advance

China respects power and when a wimp is President like we have now that changes his mind on a whim, they will just play with him like a cat with a mouse. Rump is easy prey for people in NK, China and Russia. Hell even Iran is starting to play games with him. He won't last until 2020 before he goes completely off the tracks. What then, Rumpster.

I just love laughing at your spinning your wheels actually claiming you are winning.

No we like laughing at you lol
Totally distracted by total garbage propaganda, doesn't know the GOP is screwing him every day...
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...

So you support the criminal Rump in Charge. In the last week, I went from tacid to open hostility with Rump and his jockstrap supporters. And you aren't even aware or won't admit the things that have transpired in the last 2 weeks. What else is new. You keep giving free rides to the Criminal Rump in Charge. Then you wonder why I laugh at you so hard.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....said over and over, over and ........

You obviously can’t sleep at night. Too bad they couldn’t find anything after spending 50 million dollars, and using the best legal minds in the country. Now they have lowered standards to low intelligence conspiracy dolts like you. Take your meds and get back into your public assistance therapy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I can't sleep well at nights or even in the day because I put my butt on the line to make sure you have the freedom to be a horses ass in public. If I had known you, I would still have done it for everyone else. And you would still have been a horses ass. As for the Meds, you really don't want to get inside my head. You would run screaming from the building. You don't have what it takes.

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