Trump wins again, CHINA BEGGING for negotiations and calm

Respected by whom? The parade of clowns [emoji1782] running in 2020. So far, everything you’ve respected sources have said is dead wrong. And law enforcement backs Don by the way.

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Respected by the world's journalists and law enforcement. There is no deep state conspiracy no matter how many stupid emails to FBI lovers sent to each other. And at the time 2015 Trump was still 1 of 20 or whatever candidates and everyone thought he was nuts. And they were right. All he had to do to take over the GOP was parrot Fox Rush Limbaugh etc garbage propaganda. Breaking for you chumps... Obama Clinton Hillary learner etc etc are not criminals LOL. Everything you know is garbage propaganda. The world is aghast at your ignorance and stupidity oops I mean brainwash....

You sound mad. It’s not been the same for you since you lost. It must be difficult for you.

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in the entire world only ignoramus brainwashed functional moron GOP dupes like you agree with you. Absolute garbage which makes you dupes the insane....

Okay, join in now. It's the Rump battle cry......
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....repeat as necessary (over and over and over and.....)

Really sad for you. Every day must be agonizing [emoji38].

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Actually, I find you rumpers hilarious.

Once more round of
Respected by the world's journalists and law enforcement. There is no deep state conspiracy no matter how many stupid emails to FBI lovers sent to each other. And at the time 2015 Trump was still 1 of 20 or whatever candidates and everyone thought he was nuts. And they were right. All he had to do to take over the GOP was parrot Fox Rush Limbaugh etc garbage propaganda. Breaking for you chumps... Obama Clinton Hillary learner etc etc are not criminals LOL. Everything you know is garbage propaganda. The world is aghast at your ignorance and stupidity oops I mean brainwash....

You sound mad. It’s not been the same for you since you lost. It must be difficult for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
in the entire world only ignoramus brainwashed functional moron GOP dupes like you agree with you. Absolute garbage which makes you dupes the insane....

Okay, join in now. It's the Rump battle cry......
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....repeat as necessary (over and over and over and.....)

Really sad for you. Every day must be agonizing [emoji38].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Actually, I find you rumpers hilarious.

Once more round of
as there economy tanks...

I’m listening Klobuchar saying trumps tweets don’t work lol

Fuckin liberals are losers

China announces it seeks 'calm' end to trade war, as markets tank and currency hits 11-year flatline

Now is not the time to give anything to them. Let the tariffs hit and let them know "this is the deal you sign, or we continue with more tariffs. if needed, a National Emergency you Communist SOBs".

This is the opportunity of a lifetime to crush them, or at least, get them in line. You give them a lifeline, they will be worse. Their word means nothing, you need iron clad agreement with serious repercussions if the violate. Future presidents will be weak, so you need a company driven legal process, not just govt. Even make it a crime for a U.S company if they do NOT pursue a grievance against China is they violate any agreement.

It's going to be tricky, but Trump and his team have to demand the moon or ratchet it up. China KNOWS they will lose if Trump doesn't blink.
Trump is China's next cheeseburger & they're bearing down on him with mouth wide open & it's terrified of being eaten.
While facilitating mass criminal illegal immigration in hopes we will become Venezuela, while sacrificing small farm animals to bring about a recession, and while warning of economic Armageddon unless we surrender to China, China is signaling the desire to negotiate as its own economy collapses as a result of the Presidents' policy / tariffs....

Bwuhahahaha... .

From predictions of mass economic failure should Trump be elected to declarations that the President illegally colluded with the Russians (or what I like to call 'pulling a HILLARY') to warnings of our nation's collapse if we don't surrender to China, the Democrats continue to prove they are losers who could not be any more wrong about EVERYTHING and could not be more wrong for America...
Respected by the world's journalists and law enforcement. There is no deep state conspiracy no matter how many stupid emails to FBI lovers sent to each other. And at the time 2015 Trump was still 1 of 20 or whatever candidates and everyone thought he was nuts. And they were right. All he had to do to take over the GOP was parrot Fox Rush Limbaugh etc garbage propaganda. Breaking for you chumps... Obama Clinton Hillary learner etc etc are not criminals LOL. Everything you know is garbage propaganda. The world is aghast at your ignorance and stupidity oops I mean brainwash....

You sound mad. It’s not been the same for you since you lost. It must be difficult for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
in the entire world only ignoramus brainwashed functional moron GOP dupes like you agree with you. Absolute garbage which makes you dupes the insane....

Okay, join in now. It's the Rump battle cry......
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....repeat as necessary (over and over and over and.....)

Really sad for you. Every day must be agonizing [emoji38].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Actually, I find you rumpers hilarious.

Once more round of

No battle cry needed ever. You did see the OP? Trump wins again. I’m sure you have been on the winning side of something, at least some point in your life. Since he won, it’s been bothering all the losers. You know...all the political experts that were in a state of shock, and got gut punched? The natural reaction is anger, denial, and some day maybe acceptance over their failure. So every day, there is the chance of another unfounded unproven false allegation. And then they are all proven lies. I almost pity you losers. But mostly I just laugh [emoji38].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You sound mad. It’s not been the same for you since you lost. It must be difficult for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
in the entire world only ignoramus brainwashed functional moron GOP dupes like you agree with you. Absolute garbage which makes you dupes the insane....

Okay, join in now. It's the Rump battle cry......
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....repeat as necessary (over and over and over and.....)

Really sad for you. Every day must be agonizing [emoji38].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Actually, I find you rumpers hilarious.

Once more round of
View attachment 276147


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You sound mad. It’s not been the same for you since you lost. It must be difficult for you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
in the entire world only ignoramus brainwashed functional moron GOP dupes like you agree with you. Absolute garbage which makes you dupes the insane....

Okay, join in now. It's the Rump battle cry......
RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....repeat as necessary (over and over and over and.....)

Really sad for you. Every day must be agonizing [emoji38].

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Actually, I find you rumpers hilarious.

Once more round of

No battle cry needed ever. You did see the OP? Trump wins again. I’m sure you have been on the winning side of something, at least some point in your life. Since he won, it’s been bothering all the losers. You know...all the political experts that were in a state of shock, and got gut punched? The natural reaction is anger, denial, and some day maybe acceptance over their failure. So every day, there is the chance of another unfounded unproven false allegation. And then they are all proven lies. I almost pity you losers. But mostly I just laugh [emoji38].

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Why are his campaign guys in prison? LOL
'Didn't I meet you on 'Pedo-Island' years ago?' they say, 'A picture is worth a thousand creepy word's...
Totally distracted by total garbage propaganda, doesn't know the GOP is screwing him every day...
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
'Didn't I meet you on 'Pedo-Island' years ago?' they say, 'A picture is worth a thousand creepy word's...
Totally distracted by total garbage propaganda, doesn't know the GOP is screwing him every day...
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...
'Didn't I meet you on 'Pedo-Island' years ago?' they say, 'A picture is worth a thousand creepy word's...
Totally distracted by total garbage propaganda, doesn't know the GOP is screwing him every day...
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...
Nowhere near as much as the Republicans did and do to democratic presidents.... Clinton and Obama since Reagan Republicans and the brainwash took over.
'Didn't I meet you on 'Pedo-Island' years ago?' they say, 'A picture is worth a thousand creepy word's...
Totally distracted by total garbage propaganda, doesn't know the GOP is screwing him every day...
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...
Nowhere near as much as the Republicans did and do to democratic presidents.... Clinton and Obama since Reagan Republicans and the brainwash took over.
Socialist Democrats are openly facilitating criminal illegal invasion and running on a platform promising to seize money from US tax payers to give to criminal illegals...and you are cheering them on...

If you want to live like a Venezuelan, GTFO and go to Venezuela. Stop trying to turn the US into Venezuela...
'Didn't I meet you on 'Pedo-Island' years ago?' they say, 'A picture is worth a thousand creepy word's...
Totally distracted by total garbage propaganda, doesn't know the GOP is screwing him every day...
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...
Nowhere near as much as the Republicans did and do to democratic presidents.... Clinton and Obama since Reagan Republicans and the brainwash took over.
You continue to prove your ignorance.

President Trump has delivered the lowest minority unemployment rate in recorded history, more jobs, higher wages, raises, bonuses, etc....

...while Barry, the 1st Black President, did virtually nothing for blacks ... except give them more food stamps, more welfare, more 'economic slavery', & more lip service....
Totally distracted by total garbage propaganda, doesn't know the GOP is screwing him every day...
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...
Nowhere near as much as the Republicans did and do to democratic presidents.... Clinton and Obama since Reagan Republicans and the brainwash took over.
Socialist Democrats are openly facilitating criminal illegal invasion and running on a platform promising to seize money from US tax payers to give to criminal illegals...and you are cheering them on...

If you want to live like a Venezuelan, GTFO and go to Venezuela. Stop trying to turn the US into Venezuela...
Pass the 2010 democratic comprehensive immigration bill with ID card that would end this GOP scam like in other modern countries. The wall is stupid un American and pure propaganda.
Totally distracted by total garbage propaganda, doesn't know the GOP is screwing him every day...
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...
Nowhere near as much as the Republicans did and do to democratic presidents.... Clinton and Obama since Reagan Republicans and the brainwash took over.
You continue to prove your ignorance.

President Trump has delivered the lowest minority unemployment rate in recorded history, more jobs, higher wages, raises, bonuses, etc....

...while Barry, the 1st Black President, did virtually nothing for blacks ... except give them more food stamps, more welfare, more 'economic slavery', & more lip service....
Trump's economy is simply a continuation of Obama's. The unemployment rate has not gone down all that much since Obama you know. Obama had more new jobs the last two years than Trump had his first two years. You are just full of s*** propaganda...

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