Trump wins again, CHINA BEGGING for negotiations and calm

as there economy tanks...

I’m listening Klobuchar saying trumps tweets don’t work lol

Fuckin liberals are losers

China announces it seeks 'calm' end to trade war, as markets tank and currency hits 11-year flatline

Liberals are rooting for China.

China knows liberalism weakens nations and by buying off crooked Democrats and promoting liberalism ....that then helps them to advance

China respects power and when a wimp is President like we have now that changes his mind on a whim, they will just play with him like a cat with a mouse. Rump is easy prey for people in NK, China and Russia. Hell even Iran is starting to play games with him. He won't last until 2020 before he goes completely off the tracks. What then, Rumpster.

I just love laughing at your spinning your wheels actually claiming you are winning.

No we like laughing at you lol

Well, just keep Rumping along, Rump, Rump, Rump. You sound like an old John Deere G Tractor.
Bwuhahahaha....WEAK...& 'FAIL'.

The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...

So you support the criminal Rump in Charge. In the last week, I went from tacid to open hostility with Rump and his jockstrap supporters. And you aren't even aware or won't admit the things that have transpired in the last 2 weeks. What else is new. You keep giving free rides to the Criminal Rump in Charge. Then you wonder why I laugh at you so hard.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....said over and over, over and ........

You obviously can’t sleep at night. Too bad they couldn’t find anything after spending 50 million dollars, and using the best legal minds in the country. Now they have lowered standards to low intelligence conspiracy dolts like you. Take your meds and get back into your public assistance therapy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I can't sleep well at nights or even in the day because I put my butt on the line to make sure you have the freedom to be a horses ass in public. If I had known you, I would still have done it for everyone else. And you would still have been a horses ass. As for the Meds, you really don't want to get inside my head. You would run screaming from the building. You don't have what it takes.

It’s obvious you are in the throws of a psychosis.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The worst upward Mobility, happiness and inequality in our history just keeps getting worse. Country is going to hell for 35 years now. Glad things are working out for you. I worry about the country. So does the rest of the world at this point...
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...

So you support the criminal Rump in Charge. In the last week, I went from tacid to open hostility with Rump and his jockstrap supporters. And you aren't even aware or won't admit the things that have transpired in the last 2 weeks. What else is new. You keep giving free rides to the Criminal Rump in Charge. Then you wonder why I laugh at you so hard.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....said over and over, over and ........

You obviously can’t sleep at night. Too bad they couldn’t find anything after spending 50 million dollars, and using the best legal minds in the country. Now they have lowered standards to low intelligence conspiracy dolts like you. Take your meds and get back into your public assistance therapy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I can't sleep well at nights or even in the day because I put my butt on the line to make sure you have the freedom to be a horses ass in public. If I had known you, I would still have done it for everyone else. And you would still have been a horses ass. As for the Meds, you really don't want to get inside my head. You would run screaming from the building. You don't have what it takes.

It’s obvious you are in the throws of a psychosis.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Foolish losers is what they are
America’s weak Democrats has been caught being bought off to weaken America

High Treason charges will be coming

Poor ol China now is boxed in and should have not tried to buy off crooked Democrats

How is China boxed in??

Hong Kong

If China don’t work with Trump they will

Strarve and have an internal revolution
as there economy tanks...

I’m listening Klobuchar saying trumps tweets don’t work lol

Fuckin liberals are losers

China announces it seeks 'calm' end to trade war, as markets tank and currency hits 11-year flatline

Liberals are rooting for China.

China knows liberalism weakens nations and by buying off crooked Democrats and promoting liberalism ....that then helps them to advance

China respects power and when a wimp is President like we have now that changes his mind on a whim, they will just play with him like a cat with a mouse. Rump is easy prey for people in NK, China and Russia. Hell even Iran is starting to play games with him. He won't last until 2020 before he goes completely off the tracks. What then, Rumpster.

I just love laughing at your spinning your wheels actually claiming you are winning.

No we like laughing at you lol

Yes 95% of citizens are horse laughing at foolish losers like that
Diane Feinstein and her husband sold their soul .... and this country ... out to the ChiComs decades ago. It has never been a secret. In fact, it has been well-documented. Her being caught harboring a Chinese spy on her team for decades not long ago was just confirmation of what was already known ... but because she is 'Deep State / Swamp ROYALTY' her exposed treason did not merit 5 minutes of being investigated.

It makes perfect sense why she freaked out years ago and made such a public drama / display about President Obama and his criminal CIA Chief, Brennan, illegally spying on her - she thought she had already been busted and was about to be 'outed' then. Perhaps Barry did catch her ... but she would not be exposed at that time. No, instead Barry's illegal was spying, and Brennan 'took the fall'. What a joke - the douche-bag politicians on both side cut a deal to prevent Brennan from being perp-walked, indicted, convicted, and going to prison. Brennan was forced to appear before Congress, admit he had committed perjury, admit he had illegally spied on Congress, and declare he would never do so again....

Feinstein got to continue to betray her country for a little while longer
Brennan got to keep his CIA gig and stay out of prison
And Barry got to continue to run the most criminal administration in US history...ending with his failed coup attempt against President Trump.
rooting against america! wow.
Like all good CON$ervoFascists do!
November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
These scum Dem's have been rooting against America for over a decade now.
They don't give a shit if our people suffer financially if it benefits them politically.
Sure your Messiah Russia Limbaugh is a scum Dem. :cuckoo:
See my sig!

November 5, 2008
RUSH: I hope all your Joe the Plumbers are unemployed in six months! There.

October 31, 2008
RUSH: Joe the Plumber. Now, Joe the Plumber is an average citizen

February 13, 2009
I Hope the Stimulus Package Fails
RUSH: I hope it prolongs the recession.

August 23, 2010
RUSH: I don't say something I don't mean. I live in Literalville.
America’s weak Democrats has been caught being bought off to weaken America

High Treason charges will be coming

Poor ol China now is boxed in and should have not tried to buy off crooked Democrats

How is China boxed in??

Hong Kong

If China don’t work with Trump they will

Strarve and have an internal revolution
There is no evidence that any Democrats are criminal, brain-washed functional moron.
Last edited:
Ssnowflakes like you have been doing your part to undermine the President & US govt for over 3 years, have supported proven traitors, and pray / cheer for a recession and for Americans to suffer just so the Socialist Extremist Democrat Party will benefit...

So you support the criminal Rump in Charge. In the last week, I went from tacid to open hostility with Rump and his jockstrap supporters. And you aren't even aware or won't admit the things that have transpired in the last 2 weeks. What else is new. You keep giving free rides to the Criminal Rump in Charge. Then you wonder why I laugh at you so hard.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....said over and over, over and ........

You obviously can’t sleep at night. Too bad they couldn’t find anything after spending 50 million dollars, and using the best legal minds in the country. Now they have lowered standards to low intelligence conspiracy dolts like you. Take your meds and get back into your public assistance therapy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I can't sleep well at nights or even in the day because I put my butt on the line to make sure you have the freedom to be a horses ass in public. If I had known you, I would still have done it for everyone else. And you would still have been a horses ass. As for the Meds, you really don't want to get inside my head. You would run screaming from the building. You don't have what it takes.

It’s obvious you are in the throws of a psychosis.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Foolish losers is what they are
Too bad you do not have an argument just name-calling and stupid propaganda.... Just like the big orange clown con man fraud LOL and of course Fox noise Rush Limbaugh etc etc. Try the rest of the world -you know where there are journalists.....
So you support the criminal Rump in Charge. In the last week, I went from tacid to open hostility with Rump and his jockstrap supporters. And you aren't even aware or won't admit the things that have transpired in the last 2 weeks. What else is new. You keep giving free rides to the Criminal Rump in Charge. Then you wonder why I laugh at you so hard.

RUMP, RUMP, RUMP, RUMP.....said over and over, over and ........

You obviously can’t sleep at night. Too bad they couldn’t find anything after spending 50 million dollars, and using the best legal minds in the country. Now they have lowered standards to low intelligence conspiracy dolts like you. Take your meds and get back into your public assistance therapy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I can't sleep well at nights or even in the day because I put my butt on the line to make sure you have the freedom to be a horses ass in public. If I had known you, I would still have done it for everyone else. And you would still have been a horses ass. As for the Meds, you really don't want to get inside my head. You would run screaming from the building. You don't have what it takes.

It’s obvious you are in the throws of a psychosis.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Foolish losers is what they are
Too bad you do not have an argument just name-calling and stupid propaganda.... Just like the big orange clown con man fraud LOL and of course Fox noise Rush Limbaugh etc etc. Try the rest of the world -you know where there are journalists.....

Careful. You may be cited with lack of punctuation. Oh how rude of me. I’m sorry, maybe English isn’t your first language. In that case, you are doing verrrrry well. Keep studying. One day you will get it. Did those bad dims recruit you? Make sure when they take you to the polls to vote next year, they get you the happy meal you were promised, before they take you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Diane Feinstein and her husband sold their soul .... and this country ... out to the ChiComs decades ago. It has never been a secret. In fact, it has been well-documented. Her being caught harboring a Chinese spy on her team for decades not long ago was just confirmation of what was already known ... but because she is 'Deep State / Swamp ROYALTY' her exposed treason did not merit 5 minutes of being investigated.

It makes perfect sense why she freaked out years ago and made such a public drama / display about President Obama and his criminal CIA Chief, Brennan, illegally spying on her - she thought she had already been busted and was about to be 'outed' then. Perhaps Barry did catch her ... but she would not be exposed at that time. No, instead Barry's illegal was spying, and Brennan 'took the fall'. What a joke - the douche-bag politicians on both side cut a deal to prevent Brennan from being perp-walked, indicted, convicted, and going to prison. Brennan was forced to appear before Congress, admit he had committed perjury, admit he had illegally spied on Congress, and declare he would never do so again....

Feinstein got to continue to betray her country for a little while longer
Brennan got to keep his CIA gig and stay out of prison
And Barry got to continue to run the most criminal administration in US history...ending with his failed coup attempt against President Trump.

Once a person understands this like above they will always see democrats and the deep state as the most harmful enemy over all other enemies

This understanding will keep spreading where the conservatives power will force true justice

Democrats better get to running and hiding ... They have no chance to stop this and the more they fight the more the anger will increase on them from the Real Power !!

Democrats will go down in history as the most foolish people ever
You obviously can’t sleep at night. Too bad they couldn’t find anything after spending 50 million dollars, and using the best legal minds in the country. Now they have lowered standards to low intelligence conspiracy dolts like you. Take your meds and get back into your public assistance therapy.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I can't sleep well at nights or even in the day because I put my butt on the line to make sure you have the freedom to be a horses ass in public. If I had known you, I would still have done it for everyone else. And you would still have been a horses ass. As for the Meds, you really don't want to get inside my head. You would run screaming from the building. You don't have what it takes.

It’s obvious you are in the throws of a psychosis.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Foolish losers is what they are
Too bad you do not have an argument just name-calling and stupid propaganda.... Just like the big orange clown con man fraud LOL and of course Fox noise Rush Limbaugh etc etc. Try the rest of the world -you know where there are journalists.....

Careful. You may be cited with lack of punctuation. Oh how rude of me. I’m sorry, maybe English isn’t your first language. In that case, you are doing verrrrry well. Keep studying. One day you will get it. Did those bad dims recruit you? Make sure when they take you to the polls to vote next year, they get you the happy meal you were promised, before they take you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm just talking into the smartphone and when I say, IE c o m m a, it says k a m a or some crap. Try and adapt. Now do you have any arguments at all or have you surrendered?
Diane Feinstein and her husband sold their soul .... and this country ... out to the ChiComs decades ago. It has never been a secret. In fact, it has been well-documented. Her being caught harboring a Chinese spy on her team for decades not long ago was just confirmation of what was already known ... but because she is 'Deep State / Swamp ROYALTY' her exposed treason did not merit 5 minutes of being investigated.

It makes perfect sense why she freaked out years ago and made such a public drama / display about President Obama and his criminal CIA Chief, Brennan, illegally spying on her - she thought she had already been busted and was about to be 'outed' then. Perhaps Barry did catch her ... but she would not be exposed at that time. No, instead Barry's illegal was spying, and Brennan 'took the fall'. What a joke - the douche-bag politicians on both side cut a deal to prevent Brennan from being perp-walked, indicted, convicted, and going to prison. Brennan was forced to appear before Congress, admit he had committed perjury, admit he had illegally spied on Congress, and declare he would never do so again....

Feinstein got to continue to betray her country for a little while longer
Brennan got to keep his CIA gig and stay out of prison
And Barry got to continue to run the most criminal administration in US history...ending with his failed coup attempt against President Trump.

Once a person understands this like above they will always see democrats and the deep state as the most harmful enemy over all other enemies

This understanding will keep spreading where the conservatives power will force true justice

Democrats better get to running and hiding ... They have no chance to stop this and the more they fight the more the anger will increase on them from the Real Power !!

Democrats will go down in history as the most foolish people ever
you brainwashed functional moron hater dupes are totally out of control. What are you listening to. We have the finest law enforcement in the world FBI and a few stupid emails between lovebirds back when Trump was an idiot proved absolutely nothing, just like all the other emails. You are perfect Chumps of the greedy idiot GOP rich. No journalists in the world agree with that crap. Or any law enforcement you're a joke poor America
poor world
Diane Feinstein and her husband sold their soul .... and this country ... out to the ChiComs decades ago. It has never been a secret. In fact, it has been well-documented. Her being caught harboring a Chinese spy on her team for decades not long ago was just confirmation of what was already known ... but because she is 'Deep State / Swamp ROYALTY' her exposed treason did not merit 5 minutes of being investigated.

It makes perfect sense why she freaked out years ago and made such a public drama / display about President Obama and his criminal CIA Chief, Brennan, illegally spying on her - she thought she had already been busted and was about to be 'outed' then. Perhaps Barry did catch her ... but she would not be exposed at that time. No, instead Barry's illegal was spying, and Brennan 'took the fall'. What a joke - the douche-bag politicians on both side cut a deal to prevent Brennan from being perp-walked, indicted, convicted, and going to prison. Brennan was forced to appear before Congress, admit he had committed perjury, admit he had illegally spied on Congress, and declare he would never do so again....

Feinstein got to continue to betray her country for a little while longer
Brennan got to keep his CIA gig and stay out of prison
And Barry got to continue to run the most criminal administration in US history...ending with his failed coup attempt against President Trump.

Once a person understands this like above they will always see democrats and the deep state as the most harmful enemy over all other enemies

This understanding will keep spreading where the conservatives power will force true justice

Democrats better get to running and hiding ... They have no chance to stop this and the more they fight the more the anger will increase on them from the Real Power !!

Democrats will go down in history as the most foolish people ever
you brainwashed functional moron hater dupes are totally out of control. What are you listening to. We have the finest law enforcement in the world FBI and a few stupid emails between lovebirds back when Trump was an idiot proved absolutely nothing, just like all the other emails. You are perfect Chumps of the greedy idiot GOP rich. No journalists in the world agree with that crap. Or any law enforcement you're a joke poor America
poor world
This thread is ridiculous. It was just Trump lying again. And fox noise and Rush Limbaugh go on and on about what a genius he is. Some results would be nice besides disaster for regular people here and there....
I can't sleep well at nights or even in the day because I put my butt on the line to make sure you have the freedom to be a horses ass in public. If I had known you, I would still have done it for everyone else. And you would still have been a horses ass. As for the Meds, you really don't want to get inside my head. You would run screaming from the building. You don't have what it takes.

It’s obvious you are in the throws of a psychosis.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Foolish losers is what they are
Too bad you do not have an argument just name-calling and stupid propaganda.... Just like the big orange clown con man fraud LOL and of course Fox noise Rush Limbaugh etc etc. Try the rest of the world -you know where there are journalists.....

Careful. You may be cited with lack of punctuation. Oh how rude of me. I’m sorry, maybe English isn’t your first language. In that case, you are doing verrrrry well. Keep studying. One day you will get it. Did those bad dims recruit you? Make sure when they take you to the polls to vote next year, they get you the happy meal you were promised, before they take you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm just talking into the smartphone and when I say, IE c o m m a, it says k a m a or some crap. Try and adapt. Now do you have any arguments at all or have you surrendered?

Ok, so you’re just lazy. You sound like an illiterate moron. That explains a lot. Typical dim trait.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Diane Feinstein and her husband sold their soul .... and this country ... out to the ChiComs decades ago. It has never been a secret. In fact, it has been well-documented. Her being caught harboring a Chinese spy on her team for decades not long ago was just confirmation of what was already known ... but because she is 'Deep State / Swamp ROYALTY' her exposed treason did not merit 5 minutes of being investigated.

It makes perfect sense why she freaked out years ago and made such a public drama / display about President Obama and his criminal CIA Chief, Brennan, illegally spying on her - she thought she had already been busted and was about to be 'outed' then. Perhaps Barry did catch her ... but she would not be exposed at that time. No, instead Barry's illegal was spying, and Brennan 'took the fall'. What a joke - the douche-bag politicians on both side cut a deal to prevent Brennan from being perp-walked, indicted, convicted, and going to prison. Brennan was forced to appear before Congress, admit he had committed perjury, admit he had illegally spied on Congress, and declare he would never do so again....

Feinstein got to continue to betray her country for a little while longer
Brennan got to keep his CIA gig and stay out of prison
And Barry got to continue to run the most criminal administration in US history...ending with his failed coup attempt against President Trump.

Once a person understands this like above they will always see democrats and the deep state as the most harmful enemy over all other enemies

This understanding will keep spreading where the conservatives power will force true justice

Democrats better get to running and hiding ... They have no chance to stop this and the more they fight the more the anger will increase on them from the Real Power !!

Democrats will go down in history as the most foolish people ever
you brainwashed functional moron hater dupes are totally out of control. What are you listening to. We have the finest law enforcement in the world FBI and a few stupid emails between lovebirds back when Trump was an idiot proved absolutely nothing, just like all the other emails. You are perfect Chumps of the greedy idiot GOP rich. No journalists in the world agree with that crap. Or any law enforcement you're a joke poor America
poor world
This thread is ridiculous. It was just Trump lying again. And fox noise and Rush Limbaugh go on and on about what a genius he is. Some results would be nice besides disaster for regular people here and there....

Nah. Trump wins again moron.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
It’s obvious you are in the throws of a psychosis.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Foolish losers is what they are
Too bad you do not have an argument just name-calling and stupid propaganda.... Just like the big orange clown con man fraud LOL and of course Fox noise Rush Limbaugh etc etc. Try the rest of the world -you know where there are journalists.....

Careful. You may be cited with lack of punctuation. Oh how rude of me. I’m sorry, maybe English isn’t your first language. In that case, you are doing verrrrry well. Keep studying. One day you will get it. Did those bad dims recruit you? Make sure when they take you to the polls to vote next year, they get you the happy meal you were promised, before they take you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm just talking into the smartphone and when I say, IE c o m m a, it says k a m a or some crap. Try and adapt. Now do you have any arguments at all or have you surrendered?

Ok, so you’re just lazy. You sound like an illiterate moron. That explains a lot. Typical dim trait.

and like most GOP posters you are troll with no evidence just garbage propaganda and stupid insults.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And like most GOP posters you're a troll with no evidence just garbage propaganda and stupid insults....

Foolish losers is what they are
Too bad you do not have an argument just name-calling and stupid propaganda.... Just like the big orange clown con man fraud LOL and of course Fox noise Rush Limbaugh etc etc. Try the rest of the world -you know where there are journalists.....

Careful. You may be cited with lack of punctuation. Oh how rude of me. I’m sorry, maybe English isn’t your first language. In that case, you are doing verrrrry well. Keep studying. One day you will get it. Did those bad dims recruit you? Make sure when they take you to the polls to vote next year, they get you the happy meal you were promised, before they take you.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm just talking into the smartphone and when I say, IE c o m m a, it says k a m a or some crap. Try and adapt. Now do you have any arguments at all or have you surrendered?

Ok, so you’re just lazy. You sound like an illiterate moron. That explains a lot. Typical dim trait.

and like most GOP posters you are troll with no evidence just garbage propaganda and stupid insults.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
And like most GOP posters you're a troll with no evidence just garbage propaganda and stupid insults....

You’ve been insulting everyone. Now you gonna cry, like a little bitch and claim to be the victim? Typical dim trait.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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