Trump wins again, CHINA BEGGING for negotiations and calm

as there economy tanks...

I’m listening Klobuchar saying trumps tweets don’t work lol

Fuckin liberals are losers

China announces it seeks 'calm' end to trade war, as markets tank and currency hits 11-year flatline

I keep hearing conflicting things from Trump. The only uncertainy there is is that Rump is an uncertainy himself. And I've heard the same old dog and pony act from China so I don't believe it. Trump just announced that he was suspending the new Tariffs until after the Holidays. Rump, if you are going to do the Tariff and expect results, do it already without waffling. The Chinese respect that. Waffling and they continue playing games.

And what about the Patents and Copyright issues?
You poor losers lol tds just won’t go away lol

After telling everyone that "Trade wars are easy to win", so far all he has achieved is cutting $200 million in exports to China. Now they have a stage 1 Agreement which basically says that China will start buying more agricultural products and in two years, exports will be back to what they were before the trade war started.

The tough stuff, like trade marks and patents will be dealt with in Phase II negotiations - after the 2020 Election.
F-ing liar
You poor losers lol tds just won’t go away lol

After telling everyone that "Trade wars are easy to win", so far all he has achieved is cutting $200 million in exports to China. Now they have a stage 1 Agreement which basically says that China will start buying more agricultural products and in two years, exports will be back to what they were before the trade war started.

The tough stuff, like trade marks and patents will be dealt with in Phase II negotiations - after the 2020 Election.
Lol ok ,, get some help

Except they will still be a fraction of where they were before the tariff war started. It's still going to be about 1/4 the capacity.
Cry cry cry

as there economy tanks...

I’m listening Klobuchar saying trumps tweets don’t work lol

Fuckin liberals are losers

China announces it seeks 'calm' end to trade war, as markets tank and currency hits 11-year flatline

I keep hearing conflicting things from Trump. The only uncertainy there is is that Rump is an uncertainy himself. And I've heard the same old dog and pony act from China so I don't believe it. Trump just announced that he was suspending the new Tariffs until after the Holidays. Rump, if you are going to do the Tariff and expect results, do it already without waffling. The Chinese respect that. Waffling and they continue playing games.

And what about the Patents and Copyright issues?
You poor losers lol tds just won’t go away lol

After telling everyone that "Trade wars are easy to win", so far all he has achieved is cutting $200 million in exports to China. Now they have a stage 1 Agreement which basically says that China will start buying more agricultural products and in two years, exports will be back to what they were before the trade war started.

The tough stuff, like trade marks and patents will be dealt with in Phase II negotiations - after the 2020 Election.
F-ing liar

What part of what she was was a lie? Do you know what is in Phase 1?
as there economy tanks...

I’m listening Klobuchar saying trumps tweets don’t work lol

Fuckin liberals are losers

China announces it seeks 'calm' end to trade war, as markets tank and currency hits 11-year flatline

I keep hearing conflicting things from Trump. The only uncertainy there is is that Rump is an uncertainy himself. And I've heard the same old dog and pony act from China so I don't believe it. Trump just announced that he was suspending the new Tariffs until after the Holidays. Rump, if you are going to do the Tariff and expect results, do it already without waffling. The Chinese respect that. Waffling and they continue playing games.

And what about the Patents and Copyright issues?
You poor losers lol tds just won’t go away lol

After telling everyone that "Trade wars are easy to win", so far all he has achieved is cutting $200 million in exports to China. Now they have a stage 1 Agreement which basically says that China will start buying more agricultural products and in two years, exports will be back to what they were before the trade war started.

The tough stuff, like trade marks and patents will be dealt with in Phase II negotiations - after the 2020 Election.
F-ing liar

Prove me wrong.
You poor losers lol tds just won’t go away lol

So you want the country to suffer and the trade war to continue? Seriously?
Tariffs are NOT the way to "win" a trade war, they only hurt the country imposing them. Any child knows that, how is it that you don't?
Both sides are hurt, Lose/Lose situation.

So how would you have handled this if you were POTUS? Status quo?

Tariffs SHOULD be the weapon of last resort, not the opening gambit in negotiations. Using a carrot and stick approach, tariffs are the stick.

Trump tries to bully people into accepting his terms. But then he boxes himself in with dumb moves like walking out of negotiations, which is a dangerous game which certainly backfired on him in the government shut down negotiations.

To be honest, I would worry about ANY treaty Trump negotiates because he so very, very bad at it. He got NOTHING for the USA in his NAFTA update. Everything that benefits the USA in Trump’s deal was previously agreed to in the TPP negotiations. Canada was the big winner, as evidenced by the fact that since Trump was elected, the manufacturing trade deficit with Canada has doubled.

You start negotiations with a plan: you learn everything you can about the other side and what they want or need. Then you decide what you want, what you’re prepared to give.

Trump doesn’t do the work. He prefers to size up the other side when he walks into the room and trust his “instincts”. These are the same “instincts” that lead to billions of dollars of business losses and 7 bankruptcies.

So you want the country to suffer and the trade war to continue? Seriously?
Tariffs are NOT the way to "win" a trade war, they only hurt the country imposing them. Any child knows that, how is it that you don't?
Both sides are hurt, Lose/Lose situation.

So how would you have handled this if you were POTUS? Status quo?

Tariffs SHOULD be the weapon of last resort, not the opening gambit in negotiations. Using a carrot and stick approach, tariffs are the stick.

Trump tries to bully people into accepting his terms. But then he boxes himself in with dumb moves like walking out of negotiations, which is a dangerous game which certainly backfired on him in the government shut down negotiations.

To be honest, I would worry about ANY treaty Trump negotiates because he so very, very bad at it. He got NOTHING for the USA in his NAFTA update. Everything that benefits the USA in Trump’s deal was previously agreed to in the TPP negotiations. Canada was the big winner, as evidenced by the fact that since Trump was elected, the manufacturing trade deficit with Canada has doubled.

You start negotiations with a plan: you learn everything you can about the other side and what they want or need. Then you decide what you want, what you’re prepared to give.

Trump doesn’t do the work. He prefers to size up the other side when he walks into the room and trust his “instincts”. These are the same “instincts” that lead to billions of dollars of business losses and 7 bankruptcies.
You’re not American. Stay out of our business. Stay in your socialist country that relies on our country to defend them from foreign threats. Maybe someday you will grow up and garner your own military.
So you want the country to suffer and the trade war to continue? Seriously?
Tariffs are NOT the way to "win" a trade war, they only hurt the country imposing them. Any child knows that, how is it that you don't?
Both sides are hurt, Lose/Lose situation.

So how would you have handled this if you were POTUS? Status quo?

Tariffs SHOULD be the weapon of last resort, not the opening gambit in negotiations. Using a carrot and stick approach, tariffs are the stick.

Trump tries to bully people into accepting his terms. But then he boxes himself in with dumb moves like walking out of negotiations, which is a dangerous game which certainly backfired on him in the government shut down negotiations.

To be honest, I would worry about ANY treaty Trump negotiates because he so very, very bad at it. He got NOTHING for the USA in his NAFTA update. Everything that benefits the USA in Trump’s deal was previously agreed to in the TPP negotiations. Canada was the big winner, as evidenced by the fact that since Trump was elected, the manufacturing trade deficit with Canada has doubled.

You start negotiations with a plan: you learn everything you can about the other side and what they want or need. Then you decide what you want, what you’re prepared to give.

Trump doesn’t do the work. He prefers to size up the other side when he walks into the room and trust his “instincts”. These are the same “instincts” that lead to billions of dollars of business losses and 7 bankruptcies.
You’re not American. Stay out of our business. Stay in your socialist country that relies on our country to defend them from foreign threats. Maybe someday you will grow up and garner your own military.

NAFTA IS my business. Clean air and water coming across the border IS my business. As a member of NATO, US foreign policy IS my business. American refusal to deal with climate change IS my business. Refugees are flooding across our borders because of Trump policies. So yes, it IS my business.

CANADA spent 10 years in Afghanistan helping with YOUR war. We don’t need your defence. The rest of the world doesn’t hate Canada for screwing them over. The last nation to attack Canada was the USA - in 1812.

18,000 messages posted by you since August 2018. Maybe you Russians should mind YOUR own business.
Tariffs are NOT the way to "win" a trade war, they only hurt the country imposing them. Any child knows that, how is it that you don't?
Both sides are hurt, Lose/Lose situation.

So how would you have handled this if you were POTUS? Status quo?

Tariffs SHOULD be the weapon of last resort, not the opening gambit in negotiations. Using a carrot and stick approach, tariffs are the stick.

Trump tries to bully people into accepting his terms. But then he boxes himself in with dumb moves like walking out of negotiations, which is a dangerous game which certainly backfired on him in the government shut down negotiations.

To be honest, I would worry about ANY treaty Trump negotiates because he so very, very bad at it. He got NOTHING for the USA in his NAFTA update. Everything that benefits the USA in Trump’s deal was previously agreed to in the TPP negotiations. Canada was the big winner, as evidenced by the fact that since Trump was elected, the manufacturing trade deficit with Canada has doubled.

You start negotiations with a plan: you learn everything you can about the other side and what they want or need. Then you decide what you want, what you’re prepared to give.

Trump doesn’t do the work. He prefers to size up the other side when he walks into the room and trust his “instincts”. These are the same “instincts” that lead to billions of dollars of business losses and 7 bankruptcies.
You’re not American. Stay out of our business. Stay in your socialist country that relies on our country to defend them from foreign threats. Maybe someday you will grow up and garner your own military.

NAFTA IS my business. Clean air and water coming across the border IS my business. As a member of NATO, US foreign policy IS my business. American refusal to deal with climate change IS my business. Refugees are flooding across our borders because of Trump policies. So yes, it IS my business.

CANADA spent 10 years in Afghanistan helping with YOUR war. We don’t need your defence. The rest of the world doesn’t hate Canada for screwing them over. The last nation to attack Canada was the USA - in 1812.

Maybe you Russians should mind YOUR own business.
You don’t need our defense? That is laughable. Your country is a Socialist mess. The US is more prosperous, way more innovative and simply relevant. You do not have a say in our elections and I do not have say in yours. So please stay in your Arctic waste land and leave US politics to Americans.
Tariffs are NOT the way to "win" a trade war, they only hurt the country imposing them. Any child knows that, how is it that you don't?
Both sides are hurt, Lose/Lose situation.

So how would you have handled this if you were POTUS? Status quo?

Tariffs SHOULD be the weapon of last resort, not the opening gambit in negotiations. Using a carrot and stick approach, tariffs are the stick.

Trump tries to bully people into accepting his terms. But then he boxes himself in with dumb moves like walking out of negotiations, which is a dangerous game which certainly backfired on him in the government shut down negotiations.

To be honest, I would worry about ANY treaty Trump negotiates because he so very, very bad at it. He got NOTHING for the USA in his NAFTA update. Everything that benefits the USA in Trump’s deal was previously agreed to in the TPP negotiations. Canada was the big winner, as evidenced by the fact that since Trump was elected, the manufacturing trade deficit with Canada has doubled.

You start negotiations with a plan: you learn everything you can about the other side and what they want or need. Then you decide what you want, what you’re prepared to give.

Trump doesn’t do the work. He prefers to size up the other side when he walks into the room and trust his “instincts”. These are the same “instincts” that lead to billions of dollars of business losses and 7 bankruptcies.
You’re not American. Stay out of our business. Stay in your socialist country that relies on our country to defend them from foreign threats. Maybe someday you will grow up and garner your own military.

NAFTA IS my business. Clean air and water coming across the border IS my business. As a member of NATO, US foreign policy IS my business. American refusal to deal with climate change IS my business. Refugees are flooding across our borders because of Trump policies. So yes, it IS my business.

CANADA spent 10 years in Afghanistan helping with YOUR war. We don’t need your defence. The rest of the world doesn’t hate Canada for screwing them over. The last nation to attack Canada was the USA - in 1812.

18,000 messages posted by you since August 2018. Maybe you Russians should mind YOUR own business.
Refugees are coming to your borders? LMaO. Obama was the great deporter. Did you complain about him? Your TDS is insane as Trump is not even your President. You’re a loon
Both sides are hurt, Lose/Lose situation.

So how would you have handled this if you were POTUS? Status quo?

Tariffs SHOULD be the weapon of last resort, not the opening gambit in negotiations. Using a carrot and stick approach, tariffs are the stick.

Trump tries to bully people into accepting his terms. But then he boxes himself in with dumb moves like walking out of negotiations, which is a dangerous game which certainly backfired on him in the government shut down negotiations.

To be honest, I would worry about ANY treaty Trump negotiates because he so very, very bad at it. He got NOTHING for the USA in his NAFTA update. Everything that benefits the USA in Trump’s deal was previously agreed to in the TPP negotiations. Canada was the big winner, as evidenced by the fact that since Trump was elected, the manufacturing trade deficit with Canada has doubled.

You start negotiations with a plan: you learn everything you can about the other side and what they want or need. Then you decide what you want, what you’re prepared to give.

Trump doesn’t do the work. He prefers to size up the other side when he walks into the room and trust his “instincts”. These are the same “instincts” that lead to billions of dollars of business losses and 7 bankruptcies.
You’re not American. Stay out of our business. Stay in your socialist country that relies on our country to defend them from foreign threats. Maybe someday you will grow up and garner your own military.

NAFTA IS my business. Clean air and water coming across the border IS my business. As a member of NATO, US foreign policy IS my business. American refusal to deal with climate change IS my business. Refugees are flooding across our borders because of Trump policies. So yes, it IS my business.

CANADA spent 10 years in Afghanistan helping with YOUR war. We don’t need your defence. The rest of the world doesn’t hate Canada for screwing them over. The last nation to attack Canada was the USA - in 1812.

Maybe you Russians should mind YOUR own business.
You don’t need our defense? That is laughable. Your country is a Socialist mess. The US is more prosperous, way more innovative and simply relevant. You do not have a say in our elections and I do not have say in yours. So please stay in your Arctic waste land and leave US politics to Americans.

You first.

A 39 year old American male who has time to work, have a life, and post 1125 times per month. Right.
So how would you have handled this if you were POTUS? Status quo?

Tariffs SHOULD be the weapon of last resort, not the opening gambit in negotiations. Using a carrot and stick approach, tariffs are the stick.

Trump tries to bully people into accepting his terms. But then he boxes himself in with dumb moves like walking out of negotiations, which is a dangerous game which certainly backfired on him in the government shut down negotiations.

To be honest, I would worry about ANY treaty Trump negotiates because he so very, very bad at it. He got NOTHING for the USA in his NAFTA update. Everything that benefits the USA in Trump’s deal was previously agreed to in the TPP negotiations. Canada was the big winner, as evidenced by the fact that since Trump was elected, the manufacturing trade deficit with Canada has doubled.

You start negotiations with a plan: you learn everything you can about the other side and what they want or need. Then you decide what you want, what you’re prepared to give.

Trump doesn’t do the work. He prefers to size up the other side when he walks into the room and trust his “instincts”. These are the same “instincts” that lead to billions of dollars of business losses and 7 bankruptcies.
You’re not American. Stay out of our business. Stay in your socialist country that relies on our country to defend them from foreign threats. Maybe someday you will grow up and garner your own military.

NAFTA IS my business. Clean air and water coming across the border IS my business. As a member of NATO, US foreign policy IS my business. American refusal to deal with climate change IS my business. Refugees are flooding across our borders because of Trump policies. So yes, it IS my business.

CANADA spent 10 years in Afghanistan helping with YOUR war. We don’t need your defence. The rest of the world doesn’t hate Canada for screwing them over. The last nation to attack Canada was the USA - in 1812.

Maybe you Russians should mind YOUR own business.
You don’t need our defense? That is laughable. Your country is a Socialist mess. The US is more prosperous, way more innovative and simply relevant. You do not have a say in our elections and I do not have say in yours. So please stay in your Arctic waste land and leave US politics to Americans.

You first.

A 39 year old American male who has time to work, have a life, and post 1125 times per month. Right.
I travel for work and today I am off. Posting at the gym in between sets now. Instead of wasting time on Twitter or FB, I post here. Called multitasking. Your country is a joke.
You don’t need our defense? That is laughable. .

Who are we defending Canada from? Who is threatening Canada?
Who is threatening the US? Who are we defending the US from. Answer those and you have your answers.

Russia. You’re not defending the US from anyone. Your goal is to destroy it.
LMAO. So because I am pro capitalism, small Govt, pro logic, pro private healthcare, pro strong military, pro strong borders and pro Israel, I am trying to “destroy the US”. You’re a crazy weirdo.
You don’t need our defense? That is laughable. .

Who are we defending Canada from? Who is threatening Canada?
Who is threatening the US? Who are we defending the US from. Answer those and you have your answers.

Russia. You’re not defending the US from anyone. Your goal is to destroy it.
LMAO. So because I am pro capitalism, small Govt, pro logic, pro private healthcare, pro strong military, pro strong borders and pro Israel, I am trying to “destroy the US”. You’re a crazy weirdo.

small govt?


You don’t need our defense? That is laughable. .

Who are we defending Canada from? Who is threatening Canada?
Who is threatening the US? Who are we defending the US from. Answer those and you have your answers.

Russia. You’re not defending the US from anyone. Your goal is to destroy it.
LMAO. So because I am pro capitalism, small Govt, pro logic, pro private healthcare, pro strong military, pro strong borders and pro Israel, I am trying to “destroy the US”. You’re a crazy weirdo.

small govt?


Trolling again? Merry Xmas to you and your family.
Who are we defending Canada from? Who is threatening Canada?
Who is threatening the US? Who are we defending the US from. Answer those and you have your answers.

Russia. You’re not defending the US from anyone. Your goal is to destroy it.
LMAO. So because I am pro capitalism, small Govt, pro logic, pro private healthcare, pro strong military, pro strong borders and pro Israel, I am trying to “destroy the US”. You’re a crazy weirdo.

small govt?


Trolling again? Merry Xmas to you and your family.

Yours as well. Been prepping food fro tomorrow off and on all day today. Daughter lands in about 4 hours! Life is good in the Gator house!
Do you celebrate Christmas? I know some Jews that do and some that do not.
You don’t need our defense? That is laughable. .

Who are we defending Canada from? Who is threatening Canada?
Who is threatening the US? Who are we defending the US from. Answer those and you have your answers.

Russia. You’re not defending the US from anyone. Your goal is to destroy it.
LMAO. So because I am pro capitalism, small Govt, pro logic, pro private healthcare, pro strong military, pro strong borders and pro Israel, I am trying to “destroy the US”. You’re a crazy weirdo.

In order to have a post count of 18,000 posts in 16 months, you have to post more than 30 times per day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Nothing gives you Russian trolls away faster than your post count.

Gee, I'm pro-capitalism, small government and logic, and strong borders. Private for-profit healthcare and health insurance has put health care out of the financial reach of tens of millions of Americans. I love my single payer system. The declining rate of life expectancy for Americans is an indictment of your private healthcare system.

The military is bleeding Americans white, as are pointless wars of agression. I am not pro-Israel, largely because they are far too right wing and reactionary.

What I am not, is a lying Russian troll.
Who is threatening the US? Who are we defending the US from. Answer those and you have your answers.

Russia. You’re not defending the US from anyone. Your goal is to destroy it.
LMAO. So because I am pro capitalism, small Govt, pro logic, pro private healthcare, pro strong military, pro strong borders and pro Israel, I am trying to “destroy the US”. You’re a crazy weirdo.

small govt?


Trolling again? Merry Xmas to you and your family.

Yours as well. Been prepping food fro tomorrow off and on all day today. Daughter lands in about 4 hours! Life is good in the Gator house!
Do you celebrate Christmas? I know some Jews that do and some that do not.

I have extended family who does, so yes, my kids get the best of both worlds. Spoiled.

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