Liberals all went out to vote Kasich in Ohio, typical of these scum. If there is a convention and Trump the clear leader isn't nominated, there will be demonstrations in the streets of America until forever.
They screw Trump at convention GOP will finish 3rd in November BEHIND Trump's independent campaign and I will vote for Trump
Kasich is to the right of Trump and the conservatives go for Trump. Very funny.

Trump still confuses you people eh. Its amusing one reason he will win he is NOT the typical left/right politician he is a Nationalist and a Populist and has tapped into the anger and the PRECISE time he needed to,to win.
Little Rubio holds Miami.................LOL


Be reminded that Missouri is a Winner Take Most state with a Winner Take All trigger. If Trump hits the WTA trigger, he takes all 52 delegates. Otherwise the delegates will be dealt proportionally.
Weird they called Ohio for Kasich but the lead kept shrinking and shrinking between him and Trump and it was at 25% when they called it....oh well...Rather win Florida than Ohio....looks like its gonna be 4 out 5 today plus Northern Mariana Islands.
Trump wins by losing Ohio. Think about it. It keeps Kasich in the race. That takes votes from Cruz. That helps Trump.

Trump is WINNING!!! even when he loses.

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