Liberals all went out to vote Kasich in Ohio, typical of these scum. If there is a convention and Trump the clear leader isn't nominated, there will be demonstrations in the streets of America until forever.

You're under the expressed delusion that somehow his winning Ohio will clear a path for him to win the presidency.

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OK John Kasich you proved you could win Ohio. Now get out of the race and let Cruz and Trump go one on one.
Not good. CNN graph says Rubio won 66 delegates in Ohio. Looks like shady dealings going on behind the seens.

CNN interviewing Kasich now. Kasich is delusional. He thinks he can win most of the 1,050 remaining delegates after tonight.
Kasich couldn't even win half of his own home state, that Trump and Cruz won more of his state should cause the dumb ass to go re-think is position on illegals.
Kasich did so bad in the debates. The beginning ones especially when Jebby tried to talk. Either way, the Republican party should embrace Trump. Even if he didn't win against Kasich in Ohio. Just like he didn't win against Cruz in Texas.Hey GOP, Frankie says relax!
Kasich did so bad in the debates. The beginning ones especially when Jebby tried to talk. Either way, the Republican party should embrace Trump. Even if he didn't win against Kasich in Ohio. Just like he didn't win against Cruz in Texas.Hey GOP, Frankie says relax!
Sorry, you're batshytte The inmates are in charge.
Kasich did so bad in the debates. The beginning ones especially when Jebby tried to talk. Either way, the Republican party should embrace Trump. Even if he didn't win against Kasich in Ohio. Just like he didn't win against Cruz in Texas.Hey GOP, Frankie says relax!
Sorry, you're batshytte The inmates are in charge.
Well..........many of the establishment should be inmates.............and they are failing...........
Anyone got a gif of Kasich trollin around? Because he clearly should have just paid attention to his state. Rather than him being like Little Marco.
This just in...CNN reporting that Gore wins Florida....

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