Trump wins!!!

he threw red meat to his base, and voters to Clinton.
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Hillary got throat punched and never recovered. She was bumbling, stumbling and stammering when he went after her emails, Bill's rapist past and threatening to have her jailed. She never recovered.

Trump not only won, he massacred her. What a beating she took tonight
She looked like a doddering old bag lady.
she looked like a lot of people's grandmother and Trump was being mean to her. You people need to come to terms with the fact that everyone who likes meanness is already voting for your hothead. Not going to pick up any new swing voters acting like a callous woman disrespecting asshole.
Stop being a crybaby, your candidate did her best to personalize and embarrass Trump..... she failed.:itsok:
Very well enjoy your brief feeling of victory but it will be your last. This debate was a failure for Trump, by tomorrow you will be crying about how the polls are fixed. You got the nasty attack dog you wanted but he just sent the swing voters running for Clinton.
Cut the nonsense, Hilary has you brainwashed, crybaby. A win for Hillary is a loss for the US.
Awesome, maybe you can console yourself with that after Trump loses.
Hah! If Hillary wins, we will be swamped with several million Muslims and Hindus and you can kiss your financial future goodbye.
If they know how to build a house and show up on time and sober I would be happy to talk to a few. Seriously, the laws we have in place now makes getting several million refugees in here before the end of time a practical impossibility.
I suggest you check out House Bill HR633 and Senate Bill S744.
I know you won't, but I have to make the suggestion.
It would be better if you just said what they were as I am about ten minutes away from going to bed. Hurry up or give it up.
A minimum of 1,600,000 Business Visas per year. Split up into 10 White Collar Professions.
Instant Citizenship to Trespassers.
Unlimited number of Immigrants based upon need with need determined by Congress.
So much for taking years to absorb MILLIONS of Hindus and Muslims.
And you think this will just pass through congress? Are you high? Congress would rather cut off their own hand than take up any kind of immigration reform. The laws we have right now will be what we are stuck with for a very long time.
Hah! If Hillary wins, we will be swamped with several million Muslims and Hindus and you can kiss your financial future goodbye.
If they know how to build a house and show up on time and sober I would be happy to talk to a few. Seriously, the laws we have in place now makes getting several million refugees in here before the end of time a practical impossibility.
I suggest you check out House Bill HR633 and Senate Bill S744.
I know you won't, but I have to make the suggestion.
It would be better if you just said what they were as I am about ten minutes away from going to bed. Hurry up or give it up.
A minimum of 1,600,000 Business Visas per year. Split up into 10 White Collar Professions.
Instant Citizenship to Trespassers.
Unlimited number of Immigrants based upon need with need determined by Congress.
So much for taking years to absorb MILLIONS of Hindus and Muslims.
And you think this will just pass through congress? Are you high? Congress would rather cut off their own hand than take up any kind of immigration reform. The laws we have right now will be what we are stuck with for a very long time.
Wake up...
Congress has given MNCs whatever they have paid for since Reagan.
Hillary got throat punched and never recovered. She was bumbling, stumbling and stammering when he went after her emails, Bill's rapist past and threatening to have her jailed. She never recovered.

Trump not only won, he massacred her. What a beating she took tonight
She looked like a doddering old bag lady.
she looked like a lot of people's grandmother and Trump was being mean to her. You people need to come to terms with the fact that everyone who likes meanness is already voting for your hothead. Not going to pick up any new swing voters acting like a callous woman disrespecting asshole.
Stop being a crybaby, your candidate did her best to personalize and embarrass Trump..... she failed.:itsok:
Very well enjoy your brief feeling of victory but it will be your last. This debate was a failure for Trump, by tomorrow you will be crying about how the polls are fixed. You got the nasty attack dog you wanted but he just sent the swing voters running for Clinton.
Cut the nonsense, Hilary has you brainwashed, crybaby. A win for Hillary is a loss for the US.
If that's so your man should have done a better job making that point instead of acting like a jackass.
If they know how to build a house and show up on time and sober I would be happy to talk to a few. Seriously, the laws we have in place now makes getting several million refugees in here before the end of time a practical impossibility.
I suggest you check out House Bill HR633 and Senate Bill S744.
I know you won't, but I have to make the suggestion.
It would be better if you just said what they were as I am about ten minutes away from going to bed. Hurry up or give it up.
A minimum of 1,600,000 Business Visas per year. Split up into 10 White Collar Professions.
Instant Citizenship to Trespassers.
Unlimited number of Immigrants based upon need with need determined by Congress.
So much for taking years to absorb MILLIONS of Hindus and Muslims.
And you think this will just pass through congress? Are you high? Congress would rather cut off their own hand than take up any kind of immigration reform. The laws we have right now will be what we are stuck with for a very long time.
Wake up...
Congress has given MNCs whatever they have paid for since Reagan.
I just don't see it, a least not until democrats control congress maybe in 2018-2020? No republican will ever take up immigration reform ever again because it is terribly damaging to them no matter which way they go with it.
Just like 90% of debates most people will say the winner is who they're voting for. There's nothing noteworthy about that.
for Trump to "win" he would have had to swing a large numbers of, undecided, independent, and minority voters over to him .... he didn't do that. Nothing even close to that.

As usual he made the voters who were already voting for him feel good enough to say he won the debate.

Trump is fucked in November . Loser fucked.

The End.
He said his AG appoint a special prosecutor...too long for the title!

So he's going to prosecute her for something the j ustice system has already r uled isn't a crime.

This is something that should scare the crap out of sane people. (Not you, Vagisil) A president pretty much stating he is going to prosecute his political enemies.
Trump won the debate in that (1) he got to say what all the Clinton haters have wanted to say to her fo 25 years; (2) he revved up his base, which can't win the vote on its own; and (3) he did not get one new voter.
Hah! If Hillary wins, we will be swamped with several million Muslims and Hindus and you can kiss your financial future goodbye.
If they know how to build a house and show up on time and sober I would be happy to talk to a few. Seriously, the laws we have in place now makes getting several million refugees in here before the end of time a practical impossibility.
I suggest you check out House Bill HR633 and Senate Bill S744.
I know you won't, but I have to make the suggestion.
It would be better if you just said what they were as I am about ten minutes away from going to bed. Hurry up or give it up.
A minimum of 1,600,000 Business Visas per year. Split up into 10 White Collar Professions.
Instant Citizenship to Trespassers.
Unlimited number of Immigrants based upon need with need determined by Congress.
So much for taking years to absorb MILLIONS of Hindus and Muslims.
And you think this will just pass through congress? Are you high? Congress would rather cut off their own hand than take up any kind of immigration reform. The laws we have right now will be what we are stuck with for a very long time.

Those laws are sufficient for Trump to deport every illegal alien in the country.
Trump won the debate in that (1) he got to say what all the Clinton haters have wanted to say to her fo 25 years; (2) he revved up his base, which can't win the vote on its own; and (3) he did not get one new voter.
He said his AG appoint a special prosecutor...too long for the title!

So he's going to prosecute her for something the j ustice system has already r uled isn't a crime.

This is something that should scare the crap out of sane people. (Not you, Vagisil) A president pretty much stating he is going to prosecute his political enemies.

No one has ruled crime didn't happen. FBI simply stated that they don't recommend indictment. Which after the FBI employees complained of a biased process.

She will be going to prison... finally.
There is one important sense in which Donald Trump "won" the debate on Sunday night: He did not implode. He wasn't "good," or attractive, or knowledgeable. He was coarse and whiny and unpleasant. He lied constantly. And he became the first presidential candidate in the history of our Republic to promise that if elected he would attempt to have his opponent face criminal prosecution. Actually, he went a bit further than that, telling Clinton that if he is president, "You'd be in jail." Which, by the by, should terrify you and be disqualifying all on its own.

But Trump didn't have a psychotic break onstage. And clearing that bar might be enough to keep Mike Pence, Paul Ryan, and Reince Priebus from publicly disavowing his candidacy this week.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is what a win looks like for Trump these days.

We stand at a moment in history where dozens of Republican representatives, senators, and governors have not only publicly vowed not to vote for the Republican nominee but have called on him to vacate the nomination. Where four weeks before Election Day, one-in-four Republican voters want their nominee to drop out of the race. (And that number is almost certain to rise over the next week.) ...

So the question going into the St. Louis debate wasn't "Can Trump turn the race around?" He cannot. No, the question was: "Can Trump perform well enough to avoid being forced out before Election Day?"​

The Debate's Biggest Loser Was the GOP
She will be going to the WH and instructing her AG to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate Trump's dealings with the Russians.
He said his AG appoint a special prosecutor...too long for the title!

So he's going to prosecute her for something the j ustice system has already r uled isn't a crime.

This is something that should scare the crap out of sane people. (Not you, Vagisil) A president pretty much stating he is going to prosecute his political enemies.

He'd prosecute people who'd make fun of him on Twitter.

Fortunately, he's never going to get the chance.

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