Trump wins!!!

Did you all miss the part where he both publicly disagreed with his running mate and admited in a terribly dismissive manner that they hadn't talked? Seems a candidate might think it good to get together and compare notes with his running mate, is his secret ISIS strategy too secret even for Pence? I would not blame Pence if he quit right now.
Clinton LOVES TPP.

Clinton not so sure about TPP.

Is there a lack of communication?
It's not like she's busy campaigning.
He threw his own running mate under the bus. I do not think Pence is the kind of guy to just let that pass. Oh well. we'll see by tomorrow evening if the debate cured anything that is ailing his public image. Pence stepping down would be a death blow.
I don't want Pence; he's an open borders Neo-Con.

Awesome, maybe you can console yourself with that after Trump loses.
Hillary got throat punched and never recovered. She was bumbling, stumbling and stammering when he went after her emails, Bill's rapist past and threatening to have her jailed. She never recovered.

Trump not only won, he massacred her. What a beating she took tonight
LMAO!!! CNN phone poll - she beat him by 23 points!!!
Did you all miss the part where he both publicly disagreed with his running mate and admited in a terribly dismissive manner that they hadn't talked? Seems a candidate might think it good to get together and compare notes with his running mate, is his secret ISIS strategy too secret even for Pence? I would not blame Pence if he quit right now.
Clinton LOVES TPP.

Clinton not so sure about TPP.

Is there a lack of communication?
It's not like she's busy campaigning.
He threw his own running mate under the bus. I do not think Pence is the kind of guy to just let that pass. Oh well. we'll see by tomorrow evening if the debate cured anything that is ailing his public image. Pence stepping down would be a death blow.
I don't want Pence; he's an open borders Neo-Con.

Awesome, maybe you can console yourself with that after Trump loses.
Hah! If Hillary wins, we will be swamped with several million Muslims and Hindus and you can kiss your financial future goodbye.
Hillary got throat punched and never recovered. She was bumbling, stumbling and stammering when he went after her emails, Bill's rapist past and threatening to have her jailed. She never recovered.

Trump not only won, he massacred her. What a beating she took tonight
LMAO!!! CNN phone poll - she beat him by 23 points!!!
They think because he was a lot meaner and nastier that he won. They just don't realize or care that meanness and nastiness is exactly what (most) people are sick of.
Hillary got throat punched and never recovered. She was bumbling, stumbling and stammering when he went after her emails, Bill's rapist past and threatening to have her jailed. She never recovered.

Trump not only won, he massacred her. What a beating she took tonight
She looked like a doddering old bag lady.
Did you all miss the part where he both publicly disagreed with his running mate and admited in a terribly dismissive manner that they hadn't talked? Seems a candidate might think it good to get together and compare notes with his running mate, is his secret ISIS strategy too secret even for Pence? I would not blame Pence if he quit right now.
Clinton LOVES TPP.

Clinton not so sure about TPP.

Is there a lack of communication?
It's not like she's busy campaigning.
He threw his own running mate under the bus. I do not think Pence is the kind of guy to just let that pass. Oh well. we'll see by tomorrow evening if the debate cured anything that is ailing his public image. Pence stepping down would be a death blow.
I don't want Pence; he's an open borders Neo-Con.

Awesome, maybe you can console yourself with that after Trump loses.
Hah! If Hillary wins, we will be swamped with several million Muslims and Hindus and you can kiss your financial future goodbye.
If they know how to build a house and show up on time and sober I would be happy to talk to a few. Seriously, the laws we have in place now makes getting several million refugees in here before the end of time a practical impossibility.
Let me guess, Trump Tards think he won; Hillary chumps think she won?
...and we all know you are never a winner.

Why the hell come into this thread and start this shit?

Great debate....Trump did very well and Hillary tried to personalize things again and looked like a fool.

All the Hillary Campaign have is to throw more dirt at The Donald and do more character assassination stuff, and it'll all backfire on them.

During the primary contests Cruz and Jeb and Rubio all attempted this on The Donald, that all backfired also.

Hillary cannot win on the issues, Hillary is just more of Obama, same policies, same disasters for the Western world and Middle East, Open Borders, Trade Deals to help Globalists, more "poor refugees" etc, so all Hillary has is to throw dirt at Trump.
Howd you like that libs?

You know Trump is going to get wiped out. Now while I am certain that Trump Supporters were going crazy ivan on those online polls tonight, voting 100 times each, it doesn't matter.

No one gives a rats ass about your polls. Next week the Howard Stern interviews with Donald Trump will be out, and you'll be back to square one, trying to defend this asshole.

This will be the first one.
Donald Trump's decades-long history of misogynistic comments and crude sex talk -


Trump scores high in Luntz focus group

Read the link, the focus group shows more cared about the missing emails then the tape.


CNN is now just reporting their onliine debate watcher polling data showing Hillary Clinton won 57% to Trump 27%.

And since CNN has taken over half of FOX NEWS former viewership that should scare the hell out of you---LOL
But WHY is CNN crushing Fox News in the ratings? | RedState

This race was over the very second Donald Trump was declared the nominee of the Republican party.

You IGNORED all the warnings, now you own it and what comes with it.


Right now, I can't think of a state that Trump is going to win. We may be in for our first ever 50 state landslide victory for Hillary Clinton.


Last edited:
Hillary got throat punched and never recovered. She was bumbling, stumbling and stammering when he went after her emails, Bill's rapist past and threatening to have her jailed. She never recovered.

Trump not only won, he massacred her. What a beating she took tonight
She looked like a doddering old bag lady.
she looked like a lot of people's grandmother and Trump was being mean to her. You people need to come to terms with the fact that everyone who likes meanness is already voting for your hothead. Not going to pick up any new swing voters acting like a callous woman disrespecting asshole.
Bwhahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahaha LOL hahahahahahaha Hahahahahaha

Dumbazz liberals and their media whores.. all weekend long in their circle jerk wee weein themselves with spittle and drool dripping from their cracked lips screaming, 'IT'S OVER, IT'S OVER."

lmfao Bahahahahahahahahahahaha Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Trump kicked Granny Helly Rotten's fat wrinkled azz!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Clinton LOVES TPP.

Clinton not so sure about TPP.

Is there a lack of communication?
It's not like she's busy campaigning.
He threw his own running mate under the bus. I do not think Pence is the kind of guy to just let that pass. Oh well. we'll see by tomorrow evening if the debate cured anything that is ailing his public image. Pence stepping down would be a death blow.
I don't want Pence; he's an open borders Neo-Con.

Awesome, maybe you can console yourself with that after Trump loses.
Hah! If Hillary wins, we will be swamped with several million Muslims and Hindus and you can kiss your financial future goodbye.
If they know how to build a house and show up on time and sober I would be happy to talk to a few. Seriously, the laws we have in place now makes getting several million refugees in here before the end of time a practical impossibility.
I suggest you check out House Bill HR633 and Senate Bill S744.
I know you won't, but I have to make the suggestion.
He threw his own running mate under the bus. I do not think Pence is the kind of guy to just let that pass. Oh well. we'll see by tomorrow evening if the debate cured anything that is ailing his public image. Pence stepping down would be a death blow.
I don't want Pence; he's an open borders Neo-Con.

Awesome, maybe you can console yourself with that after Trump loses.
Hah! If Hillary wins, we will be swamped with several million Muslims and Hindus and you can kiss your financial future goodbye.
If they know how to build a house and show up on time and sober I would be happy to talk to a few. Seriously, the laws we have in place now makes getting several million refugees in here before the end of time a practical impossibility.
I suggest you check out House Bill HR633 and Senate Bill S744.
I know you won't, but I have to make the suggestion.
It would be better if you just said what they were as I am about ten minutes away from going to bed. Hurry up or give it up.
Helly looked old and tired tonight.. She could barely make the 1.5 hrs.. She sat most of the time.. Trust me people noticed that old fucking bag of fat not being able to support those cankles
I fear Trumps life is in real danger after tonight. No one has ever talked to the "queen" like that. Ever...

Quite true, Given the habit of those who piss her off having accidents. Much as I stated in the satire section the issue is that she has too much influence and the wrong agenda. She is a absolute danger to us all. While Trump is not polished and has then ego and self presentation issues, it's a far better thing to have a candidate that you know exactly what you are getting compared to one who will say anything for power. We've already seen an example of what happens when she has it. Even if Trump was a pile of fresh dog poo he would be preferable. And, gaffes aside, he at least is so task driven his ego won't allow him to fail to deliver. Much like Palpitine and the republic senate she already has far too much control over the media. The recent disclosure that the White House colluded to hide her quasi legal issues is even more telling. Or, as Jar Jar sayin before

I recently watched all six Star Wars movies and the parallel to the current presidential contest is rather striking. On one hand, we have a somewhat naive narcissist, with less than polished rhetoric and on the other a polished psychopath with unsavory motives who wouldn't know the truth if it bit her on the ass. If you stop and think about it, the best analogy is if there were to be an election between Senator Palpitine and a young Anakin Skywalker (who recently attended the Jar Jar Binks School of public speaking). The debate is being moderated by the Sith controlled moderator of the senate (Lets just call him Darth Andy - I have to say this last debate *really* decided me on the election AND on ever listening to CNN as an authoritative source again, ever). In the wings influencing what the masses hear is the Senate, who consist largely of self interested, bureaucratic martinets, idiots who are too stupid to realize they are being guided by the Sith, and a far too small number of honest and competent senator. The first key to making such a decision is to examine everything and and do your *own* fact checking. Anything that comes through Palpatine, the Senate, or the lens of young "Anakin Binks" is clearly suspect because each sees the world through the lens of their own distorted reality. For those of you who plan to side with the one who promises the most free shit, I suggest you take a look at how well that worked out the people of the republic.

Do you want Palpitine, who is smooth and has an agenda that benefits only themself. Or do you want idealistic, semi-competent young Anakin Binks. If you look at the most recent debate, you also want to keep in mind that it was moderated by the Sith controlled senate. Because, let's face it Anderson Cooper and Ms Martha were so biased that it might as well have been an Elect Hillary rally.

Anderson> The candidates will give their opening statements. SENATOR Palpitine.
(of course Hillary hasn't been Secretary for a while so why does she still carry the title? Am I the only one who see's an unfair bias here?)

Hillary> Blah blah blah. (after running 10 minutes over time). ... elect me empress, er, um I mean president. Yeah, that's it.

Anderson> MR. Binks

Trump> Missa fisrta like to say ...

Anderson> Your time is up.

Trump> But missa ...

Anderson> Silence!

Hillary> Thank you. Now here's all the ways my opponent is deluded and or lying...

Trump> Missa thinkin' this debate no bein' so fair

Hillary> (Yet ANOTHER condescending smile)

While I would normally be all for the toughest, most ruthless candidate it's perhaps not the best move in this case. Or, in the words of Admiral Akbar "It's a trap." Trust the admiral, he *knows* a trap when he see's one. The problem comes in when the most ruthless ruler is in it only for themself. Like, uhm, now for instance. If Palpatine was in it for the benefit of all, being a ruthless, high functioning psychopath wouldn't be too much of a problem. However, much like Palpitine, Darth Hillary has been preparing for too long to remake this country in the image of the empire. While he might not be as eloquently spoken and, somewhere, a village might be missing its idiot. However, I would submit that giving the presidency to a naive, narcissist with a speech impediment, even Anakin J.J. Trump, and control of the senate to the few members who have the best interest of the people at heart is a *far* better thing than giving control of *everything* to Darth Hillary.

Call me crazy but "Missa thinkin' havin' Little Anny an havin' lotsa babysitters better than havin' crazy evil Sith lady who killin' all da peoples she donta like."

Let's face it, the love child of Anakin Skywalker and Jar Jar Binks lacks the competence and support to do too much damage. And, in an election where both candidates are such a speeder wreck, our goal should be to minimize the damage the one selected can do in four years. In short, given the benefit of hindsight, even Jar Jar Binks could see Trump is the lesser of evils, including half the established Republican party. So, they question I pose to all of you is. Are YOU smarter than Jar Jar Binks. If you vote for Darth Hillary, missa thinkin not so much so.

Jar Jar
Hillary got throat punched and never recovered. She was bumbling, stumbling and stammering when he went after her emails, Bill's rapist past and threatening to have her jailed. She never recovered.

Trump not only won, he massacred her. What a beating she took tonight
She looked like a doddering old bag lady.
she looked like a lot of people's grandmother and Trump was being mean to her. You people need to come to terms with the fact that everyone who likes meanness is already voting for your hothead. Not going to pick up any new swing voters acting like a callous woman disrespecting asshole.
Stop being a crybaby, your candidate did her best to personalize and embarrass Trump..... she failed.:itsok:
I don't want Pence; he's an open borders Neo-Con.

Awesome, maybe you can console yourself with that after Trump loses.
Hah! If Hillary wins, we will be swamped with several million Muslims and Hindus and you can kiss your financial future goodbye.
If they know how to build a house and show up on time and sober I would be happy to talk to a few. Seriously, the laws we have in place now makes getting several million refugees in here before the end of time a practical impossibility.
I suggest you check out House Bill HR633 and Senate Bill S744.
I know you won't, but I have to make the suggestion.
It would be better if you just said what they were as I am about ten minutes away from going to bed. Hurry up or give it up.
A minimum of 1,600,000 Business Visas per year. Split up into 10 White Collar Professions.
Instant Citizenship to Trespassers.
Unlimited number of Immigrants based upon need with need determined by Congress.
So much for taking years to absorb MILLIONS of Hindus and Muslims.
Trump clearly won ... he nailed second place uncontested !
Hillary got throat punched and never recovered. She was bumbling, stumbling and stammering when he went after her emails, Bill's rapist past and threatening to have her jailed. She never recovered.

Trump not only won, he massacred her. What a beating she took tonight
She looked like a doddering old bag lady.
she looked like a lot of people's grandmother and Trump was being mean to her. You people need to come to terms with the fact that everyone who likes meanness is already voting for your hothead. Not going to pick up any new swing voters acting like a callous woman disrespecting asshole.
Stop being a crybaby, your candidate did her best to personalize and embarrass Trump..... she failed.:itsok:
Very well enjoy your brief feeling of victory but it will be your last. This debate was a failure for Trump, by tomorrow you will be crying about how the polls are fixed. You got the nasty attack dog you wanted but he just sent the swing voters running for Clinton.

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