Trump witch hunt is over

another lie! geez man

it’s sad really
I did hear you guys do stand to gain seats in the next elections. In other words more Democratic seats are up for re election than Republicans. But remember, abortion, abortion abortion. Hey ladies!!!
another lie! geez man

it’s sad really
Leading Republicans largely avoided the historic criminal referral Monday, while others pressed to weigh in offered muted defenses — or none at all.

The silence is a sign of how quickly the political landscape has shifted for Trump as he faces a new legal threat. It’s a marked change for a party that has been defined, above all, by its unconditional loyalty to Trump under any and all circumstances for the last six years.

Early polls suggest the 76-year-old former president is no lock to win the 2024 nomination as emboldened Republican rivals prepare to line up to run against him.
Already weakened, Trump is also bracing for the potential release of his tax returns, which he has worked for years to keep out of the public eye. The House Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday was scheduled to consider the release of six years of Trump’s taxes, as well as those related to his businesses, although it wasn’t immediately clear when any documents might be available to the public.

Trump’s greatest liability heading into the next presidential election may have little to do with his legal challenges, however. Republicans are increasingly worried about his ability to win.
I did hear you guys do stand to gain seats in the next elections. In other words more Democratic seats are up for re election than Republicans. But remember, abortion, abortion abortion. Hey ladies!!!
the gop gained seats in the last election.....go get that abortion if you want it
Leading Republicans largely avoided the historic criminal referral Monday, while others pressed to weigh in offered muted defenses — or none at all.

The silence is a sign of how quickly the political landscape has shifted for Trump as he faces a new legal threat. It’s a marked change for a party that has been defined, above all, by its unconditional loyalty to Trump under any and all circumstances for the last six years.

Early polls suggest the 76-year-old former president is no lock to win the 2024 nomination as emboldened Republican rivals prepare to line up to run against him.
Already weakened, Trump is also bracing for the potential release of his tax returns, which he has worked for years to keep out of the public eye. The House Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday was scheduled to consider the release of six years of Trump’s taxes, as well as those related to his businesses, although it wasn’t immediately clear when any documents might be available to the public.

Trump’s greatest liability heading into the next presidential election may have little to do with his legal challenges, however. Republicans are increasingly worried about his ability to win.
what's there to defend? everyone knew where this witch hunt was going....nobody is surprised at the level of desperation in this Committee
Point out a post of yours where you condemn ANY action by trump.
You kiss his ass everyday, and will NEVER admit he committed CRIMES.
Multiple Crimes.
What would that prove? Trump hasn't done anything worth condemning.

You are right, I will never admit he committed any crimes because he didn't. The fact that you hate him with a purple passion isn't proof that he committed a crime.
Here's the deal.
Biden can't be charged, correct, he's the sitting POTUS.

Who do you want charged?

Find the crime, charge them, bring them to trial.

But, don't dare say anything about the "so-called deep state" covering it up and protecting the (D)'s, when that is exactly what the Senate did with trump. (Twice)
Uh, . . . no, they voted not guilty, right out in the open.
the gop gained seats in the last election.....go get that abortion if you want it
It's still an issue. Most of you aren't as bold as you were before about abortion but women should never vote GOP ever again. Like black people. 90% of women should vote Democratic until the GOP fundamentally changes.
But, don't dare say anything about the "so-called deep state" covering it up and protecting the (D)'s, when that is exactly what the Senate did with trump. (Twice)

There were no crimes or impeachable offenses to convict him with. Asking a leader of another country for a favor is not a high crime (or any crime for that matter) a misdemeanor or treason. Neither is having a rally. That's constitutionally protected.
Uh, . . . no, they voted not guilty, right out in the open.
Congress is NOT a court, so if you believe that voting to NOT uphold the impeachment means not guilty or exoneration, so be it.

Now trump faces charges, you've read them, and will face REAL justice.
Then move away to those safer nations you love. Oh, and by the vie for you ignorant folks, there is no democrat party in power in the US..In which GOP state did you not learn to use English correctly?
Fuck that! We're not moving anywhere. Let the stupid motherfuckers keep pissing Americans off and see what happens.

They won't be trying that bullshit again anytime soon; I'll tell you that.
Congress is NOT a court, so if you believe that voting to NOT uphold the impeachment means not guilty or exoneration, so be it.

Now trump faces charges, you've read them, and will face REAL justice.
Real justice is the ones "bringing the charges" hanging publicly for treason for trying to pervert justice in America.

This ain't Russia or Nazi Germany, and they just may have a bad time with that bullshit here.
Then move away to those safer nations you love. Oh, and by the vie for you ignorant folks, there is no democrat party in power in the US..In which GOP state did you not learn to use English correctly?
Dipshit their is nothing wrong with the Grammer in that post. Maybe the issue is your lack of Grammer comprehension.
What are you talking about, that's what the Communists are trying to do now!
1st off, STFU with your constant talking points of communists, nazis, etc.
2nd, 'trying'.......these are legit crimes trump is facing.
3rd, you keep saying to lock up biden, or many (D), isn't this ^^^^^ exactly what you are trying to do?
There were no crimes or impeachable offenses to convict him with. Asking a leader of another country for a favor is not a high crime (or any crime for that matter) a misdemeanor or treason. Neither is having a rally. That's constitutionally protected.
There were no crimes or impeachable offenses to convict him with. I disagree.
Pretty Hilarious FAIL when discussing Grammar. bigrebnc1775
Screenshot 2022-12-20 at 9.48.08 AM.png
That democrats have him now, it's curtains for the orange man.
oh....wait.......................never mind
Can you feel it now?
trump finally being held accountable for his multiple crimes.

Now let's see if the DOJ has the balls to actually charge him.
1st off, STFU with your constant talking points of communists, nazis, etc.
2nd, 'trying'.......these are legit crimes trump is facing.
3rd, you keep saying to lock up biden, or many (D), isn't this ^^^^^ exactly what you are trying to do?

Your problem is you can't admit to what your people are in the Democrat party, and they are Communists. If you don't believe me, just go to the US Communist party website and read their agenda. It's almost identical to the Democrat party. I know you won't go there because showing a leftist the truth is like showing Dracula a cross.

Show me one post of mine where I said lock up Biden. Show me one crime of Trump. He didn't have anything to do with the invasion of the Capitol, he's protected under the US Constitution free speech and right to assemble clauses to hold a rally, and he's not responsible for the actions of other people. He's only responsible for his own actions.

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