Trump witch hunt is over

So what? What have the Proud Boys done that is so horrible?

That's what the government says, moron.

Who says they did it for Trump? How long do you think someone should go to prison for cheating on his taxes?
Okay idiot. The Proud Boys should be proud. The government is lying.

How long did Capone get sentenced?
Apparently you didn't understand the question, so one more time: what did Trump say that INSTRUCTED them to get violent?

If I get a traffic ticket and say I was not guilty of the violation, and I'm going to fight like hell in court, does that mean I'm going to punch the judge in the face?

I guess it's going to take evidence that Roger Stone coordinated with the Proud Boys to riot and Trump coordinated with Roger Stone.

“Big protest in D.C. on January 6th,” Mr. Trump tweeted on Dec. 19, just one of several of his tweets promoting the day. “Be there, will be wild!”

As hundreds of new Stop the Steal groups continued to pop up, Facebook became more aggressive in shutting them down, prompting some far-right supporters of Mr. Trump — including some involved in militias and conspiracy groups — to move to new, less-restrictive social media sites, including Parler and Gab. And it was on these sites that a movement to organize a pro-Trump protest rally in Washington gathered momentum.
Several right-wing activists, including Ali Alexander, a Republican operative who was previously known as Ali Akbar, began to emerge as leaders of Stop the Steal. Their conspiracy theories and fact-free claims of electoral fraud closely mirrored the same baseless charges being leveled by Mr. Trump.

I don't think I or Trump have to spell it out for you, do we Ray?
No, all he planned was a rally which is not only perfectly legal, but protected by our US Constitution under the right to assembly and free speech. Now if you have evidence he led this insurrection, please show it to me because I haven't seen that yet.
The NAZIs try to make it sound like doing something perfectly legal is sinister. That's the sure sign of propaganda.
Okay idiot. The Proud Boys should be proud. The government is lying.

How long did Capone get sentenced?
What have the Proud Boys ever done to justify such hatred?

The answer is nothing. They have been designated as the scape goats for the Dim NAZI ploy.
I guess it's going to take evidence that Roger Stone coordinated with the Proud Boys to riot and Trump coordinated with Roger Stone.

“Big protest in D.C. on January 6th,” Mr. Trump tweeted on Dec. 19, just one of several of his tweets promoting the day. “Be there, will be wild!”

As hundreds of new Stop the Steal groups continued to pop up, Facebook became more aggressive in shutting them down, prompting some far-right supporters of Mr. Trump — including some involved in militias and conspiracy groups — to move to new, less-restrictive social media sites, including Parler and Gab. And it was on these sites that a movement to organize a pro-Trump protest rally in Washington gathered momentum.
Several right-wing activists, including Ali Alexander, a Republican operative who was previously known as Ali Akbar, began to emerge as leaders of Stop the Steal. Their conspiracy theories and fact-free claims of electoral fraud closely mirrored the same baseless charges being leveled by Mr. Trump.

I don't think I or Trump have to spell it out for you, do we Ray?
yes, you have to spell out some actual crimes, moron.
I guess it's going to take evidence that Roger Stone coordinated with the Proud Boys to riot and Trump coordinated with Roger Stone.

“Big protest in D.C. on January 6th,” Mr. Trump tweeted on Dec. 19, just one of several of his tweets promoting the day. “Be there, will be wild!”

As hundreds of new Stop the Steal groups continued to pop up, Facebook became more aggressive in shutting them down, prompting some far-right supporters of Mr. Trump — including some involved in militias and conspiracy groups — to move to new, less-restrictive social media sites, including Parler and Gab. And it was on these sites that a movement to organize a pro-Trump protest rally in Washington gathered momentum.
Several right-wing activists, including Ali Alexander, a Republican operative who was previously known as Ali Akbar, began to emerge as leaders of Stop the Steal. Their conspiracy theories and fact-free claims of electoral fraud closely mirrored the same baseless charges being leveled by Mr. Trump.

I don't think I or Trump have to spell it out for you, do we Ray?

Yes you do because I fail to see any crime here. Show me the law that states a US citizen or politician is not allowed to organize a rally.
Is it any surprise that the democrats played with the impeachment process as a cheap political stunt? They don't give a shit what it did to the country. The left has never cared about human rights, human life, the Constitution, or any of the principles upon which my great nation was founded. Any lip service to the contrary is laughably transparent nonsense in the light of history and current events.
I have no idea WTF that's even supposed to mean. So back to the question, what crime did Trump commit?
And I already gave you one. Obstruction of justice is another one. But what difference does it make? You will "create" an excuse for anything he does. Watch! I will prove it to you right now! Ready? Here goes...

...give me your excuse for Trump shooting someone in the head in cold blood in the middle of Central Park.

Your Honor, the prosecution rests!
And I already gave you one. Obstruction of justice is another one. But what difference does it make? You will "create" an excuse for anything he does. Watch! I will prove it to you right now! Ready? Here goes...

...give me your excuse for Trump shooting someone in the head in cold blood in the middle of Central Park.

Your Honor, the prosecution rests!

So what obstruction of justice did Trump commit?
And I already gave you one. Obstruction of justice is another one. But what difference does it make? You will "create" an excuse for anything he does. Watch! I will prove it to you right now! Ready? Here goes...

...give me your excuse for Trump shooting someone in the head in cold blood in the middle of Central Park.

Your Honor, the prosecution rests!
Why hasn’t been charged then?
Ya know, only trolls refuse to answer direct questions and you just refused to answer mine.

That's because your question was stupid and nothing to do with the topic. The problem is you blurt out CNN bullshit without even questioning what they are telling you. That's why you can't answer my question. You are told what to think, not why you should be thinking it.

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