Trump (with his new stooge, Barr) "spying" obfuscation to ward off the damaging Mueller report

If anyone believes that the WH has not been fully apprised of what the Mueller report entails and how it damages Trump pointing out the unethical behavior of his campaign staff and the subsequent attempts to obstruct investigations, that someone is a "card-carrying" member of the Trump cult.

Of course the President has been fully apprised of what is in the Mueller Report. The DOJ reports to the President.

But it isn't bad at all for Trump- it actually exonerates him according to the AG.

All that the President is doing is timing the revelations to his advantage, and there is nothing wrong with that. Make this report, which documents our President is not a traitor, as devastating politically as possible- just like the D's and the Bush Family did with the Access Hollywood tape.

Sure, I'm curious as to what exactly will be revealed, but just like with the Game of Thrones final season, i 'm going to be patient.
The "Damaging Mueller Report???"

You must mean the one that cleared Trump.

....and the above is WHY.......all Trump ass lickers are just dumb cult

LOL? Read the last sentence from the Barr summary Dumbo. If you don't comprehend it have your mommy explain it to you...

We'll see, but after 2+ years of "Russia, Russia, Russia" ending up with no apparent provable/chargeable collusion, it makes sense to start asking questions as to how all of this came to be, and why, and who was involved, so they can explain to all of exactly how and why this all came to be.

I doubt the people responsible thought they'd be in this position, with Trump actually in the White House and able to wield the power that was used on him to investigate them, as Clinton was supposed to win and, of course, had she won, nobody would have given a shit by the time she was out of office, but boo-fucking-hoo. The shoe is on the other foot.

The people responsible for lighting the wick on all of this should have to explain what they've done and on what basis, or pay the consequences for misuse of power if that was the case.
Did President Clinton and his followers do this to the Starr investigators? I'm honestly asking--I don't know.
Is this how we "pay" law enforcement and our intelligence agencies for keeping us safe? There is something very, very wrong, imo, with the reaction by the Trump supporters and Trump himself here.
If anyone believes that the WH has not been fully apprised of what the Mueller report entails and how it damages Trump pointing out the unethical behavior of his campaign staff and the subsequent attempts to obstruct investigations, that someone is a "card-carrying" member of the Trump cult.

The above stated, what Trump (and his stooges) are NOW doing is an attempt to cover the Mueller report's upcoming damages by shifting attention to the old moronic accusation that the "deep state" was spying on Trump and tried an attempted coup d'etat......

BULLSHIT !!! Bullshit spread by Trump, Barr, Nunes and Graham....

What's the source of this obfuscation???............None other than the hapless CARTER PAGE.

Mr. Page was....for a very short time....tagged to be one of candidate Trump's foreign advisers....the relationship was cut quickly and actually shows just how INEPT the Trump entourage was in vetting who joined the campaign.

Carter Page was under FBI investigation in late 2013 and 2014.

Carter Page came to the attention of the FBI long before he joined the Trump campaign, as the Wall Street Journal and other news outlets have reported. In 2013, Russian spies tried to recruit Page as an intelligence source, and Page passed documents to an agent of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service. In discussing the Oct. 2016 FISA warrant, the WSJ says, “It isn’t clear whether the department had previously requested a FISA warrant on Mr. Page.”
Reports: Carter Page Was Subject to FISA Warrant in 2013/2014 - Just Security

Further, in Carter Page’s case, the FBI clearly HAD to investigate and request a FISA warrant...And what should be remembered, is that a FISA warrant targeting a United States person must be renewed every 90 days, as Page’s was on three separate occasions, by three different FISA Court judges. Those renewal applications would not merely have recited the evidence supporting the initial order: They would have been expected to describe the fruits of previous surveillance, and justify continued monitoring by showing that useful intelligence was being gathered—or, at the very least, that there was good reason to expect some in the future.
Revisiting Carter Page - Just Security

Bottom line: The entire "wait to see how Trump had endured an attempted coup" is BULLSHIT....of the color orange.
Plain and simple that we can't have the Mueller report reach the voting public. It might slow the Trump administration's efforts to impose a dictatorship on our country. Don't think they haven't studied the methods used by Hitler in Nazi Germany.

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If anyone believes that the WH has not been fully apprised of what the Mueller report entails and how it damages Trump pointing out the unethical behavior of his campaign staff and the subsequent attempts to obstruct investigations, that someone is a "card-carrying" member of the Trump cult.

The above stated, what Trump (and his stooges) are NOW doing is an attempt to cover the Mueller report's upcoming damages by shifting attention to the old moronic accusation that the "deep state" was spying on Trump and tried an attempted coup d'etat......

BULLSHIT !!! Bullshit spread by Trump, Barr, Nunes and Graham....

What's the source of this obfuscation???............None other than the hapless CARTER PAGE.

Mr. Page was....for a very short time....tagged to be one of candidate Trump's foreign advisers....the relationship was cut quickly and actually shows just how INEPT the Trump entourage was in vetting who joined the campaign.

Carter Page was under FBI investigation in late 2013 and 2014.

Carter Page came to the attention of the FBI long before he joined the Trump campaign, as the Wall Street Journal and other news outlets have reported. In 2013, Russian spies tried to recruit Page as an intelligence source, and Page passed documents to an agent of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service. In discussing the Oct. 2016 FISA warrant, the WSJ says, “It isn’t clear whether the department had previously requested a FISA warrant on Mr. Page.”
Reports: Carter Page Was Subject to FISA Warrant in 2013/2014 - Just Security

Further, in Carter Page’s case, the FBI clearly HAD to investigate and request a FISA warrant...And what should be remembered, is that a FISA warrant targeting a United States person must be renewed every 90 days, as Page’s was on three separate occasions, by three different FISA Court judges. Those renewal applications would not merely have recited the evidence supporting the initial order: They would have been expected to describe the fruits of previous surveillance, and justify continued monitoring by showing that useful intelligence was being gathered—or, at the very least, that there was good reason to expect some in the future.
Revisiting Carter Page - Just Security

Bottom line: The entire "wait to see how Trump had endured an attempted coup" is BULLSHIT....of the color orange.
The demoncraps charade is over, keep hanging onto the lies. You idiots are very entertaining.
“I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal,” AG Barr said :eusa_clap:
“I think spying on a political campaign is a big deal,” AG Barr said :eusa_clap:

With that, Barr just OPENLY revealed that he is a full-fledged member of the Trump moronic CULT.
If anyone believes that the WH has not been fully apprised of what the Mueller report entails and how it damages Trump pointing out the unethical behavior of his campaign staff and the subsequent attempts to obstruct investigations, that someone is a "card-carrying" member of the Trump cult.

The above stated, what Trump (and his stooges) are NOW doing is an attempt to cover the Mueller report's upcoming damages by shifting attention to the old moronic accusation that the "deep state" was spying on Trump and tried an attempted coup d'etat......

BULLSHIT !!! Bullshit spread by Trump, Barr, Nunes and Graham....

What's the source of this obfuscation???............None other than the hapless CARTER PAGE.

Mr. Page was....for a very short time....tagged to be one of candidate Trump's foreign advisers....the relationship was cut quickly and actually shows just how INEPT the Trump entourage was in vetting who joined the campaign.

Carter Page was under FBI investigation in late 2013 and 2014.

Carter Page came to the attention of the FBI long before he joined the Trump campaign, as the Wall Street Journal and other news outlets have reported. In 2013, Russian spies tried to recruit Page as an intelligence source, and Page passed documents to an agent of Russia’s Foreign Intelligence Service. In discussing the Oct. 2016 FISA warrant, the WSJ says, “It isn’t clear whether the department had previously requested a FISA warrant on Mr. Page.”
Reports: Carter Page Was Subject to FISA Warrant in 2013/2014 - Just Security

Further, in Carter Page’s case, the FBI clearly HAD to investigate and request a FISA warrant...And what should be remembered, is that a FISA warrant targeting a United States person must be renewed every 90 days, as Page’s was on three separate occasions, by three different FISA Court judges. Those renewal applications would not merely have recited the evidence supporting the initial order: They would have been expected to describe the fruits of previous surveillance, and justify continued monitoring by showing that useful intelligence was being gathered—or, at the very least, that there was good reason to expect some in the future.
Revisiting Carter Page - Just Security

Bottom line: The entire "wait to see how Trump had endured an attempted coup" is BULLSHIT....of the color orange.

I know that for Trump Cult members the above is too long to read......So, let me offer BOTTOM LINE

Carter Page was being recruited by Russian spies going back to 2013

Trump hired him to be one of his "foreign policy advisers"

FISA warrants were issued to surveil Page AFTER he left the Trump campaign

FISA warrants were issued SEVERAL times by FISA judges who were republicans

So......what do idiots like Trump and Barr and Graham "conclude"???.........................."The deep state was spying on poor, defenless Trump...."

What a fucking bunch of morons....cheered on by 35% of American morons. (who are mostly on this forum)

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