Trump With Huge Jump in Massachusetts

So mass hates Romney because of romneycare and yet they are going to Trump who likes the mandates...?

Wow, he was at 32% last November, and now is at 50%, with Rubio 16%, Kasich 13%, Cruz 10%

There's only 10 registered Republicans in Mass. So all we have here is one person who joined the Trump train, and a second person who completed recovery from their lobotomy.

You realize Massachusetts has a mostly-open primary, right? That is: independent (officially, "unenrolled") voters can vote in either primary in Massachusetts. Many Republicans stay unenrolled so that can vote in Democratic primaries for local races.

You got it backwards.

Stoned again, kid?
Wow, he was at 32% last November, and now is at 50%, with Rubio 16%, Kasich 13%, Cruz 10%

There's only 10 registered Republicans in Mass. So all we have here is one person who joined the Trump train, and a second person who completed recovery from their lobotomy.

You realize Massachusetts has a mostly-open primary, right? That is: independent (officially, "unenrolled") voters can vote in either primary in Massachusetts. Many Republicans stay unenrolled so that can vote in Democratic primaries for local races.

You got it backwards.

Stoned again, kid?

Are you trying to say something?
You realize there are about 3 of us Republicans in Massachusetts, right?

That's interesting because they elected Mitt Romney as their Governor and of course he made a mess of things.

Actually about 2/3 of voters in Massachusetts are Dems and Massachusetts is the 2nd smartest state. The dumbest, poorest, and fattest states have the most Republicans.


So you're slamming on the South because we have a lot of under educated minorities?

How racist.
Trump just took South Carolina. Watch what happens next. Trump cares about America. I've not felt this vibe for a long time now. But he's touched this nerve. The nerve of middle America.

You feel a tingle going up your leg? Trump cares about Trump. I know what you mean about that vibe - the sixties and it's good acid was a long time ago. He's touched alright. You must have a really low opinion of middle America.

I have a passion. A passion that includes rocking my face off in Detroit to having a passion of my dad taking me to relive Gettysburg as a kid to Capitol Hill to running up the Needle to my mom being denied entry to the White House because she had a pant suit on. My passion for Saturn. My grandfather in the Navy. My life in Tennessee. The beauty of being an American.

I'm a Boone. Who are you?

Okay, thought I was bugging a fellow Canuck, had the idea you were a flatlander in Sask. for some reason. Barred for a pant suit? Laura Bush wore pantsuits a lot in public, must have been before that. Hillary wore pantsuits often, Pat Nixon once in awhile? I'd guess around that time? Washington's great, loved The Mall especially Lincoln's Memorial, my favorite U.S. Pres. Managed barely not to shed a tear at Kennedy's grave, had the kid's with us. Arlington was sad but beautiful.
You must be an American ex-pat, eh? Tennessee, Boone, I'm getting the picture I think, couldn't understand how you could be Canadian and so conservative. I know there are some, especially on the prairies, I worked in Calgary for several years. I'm O....O'Rourke. What's up with Saturn, some astrological thing, or the magic rings.


Earth beyond the Rings of Saturn. Updated version of Carl Sagan's "Pale Blue Dot". Not taken by Voyager l in 1990 but by Cassini in July 2013. (The brighter
dot almost in the middle)

"From this distant vantage point, the Earth might not seem of any particular interest. But for us, it's different. Consider again that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there – on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam" - Carl Sagan

Well you were poking me. But not slapping me. :lol:Canuck and a Boone who lived in Tennessee. My mom. Early years OMG in a pantsuit but hey I loved her. Not allowed in though at the White House.

Back to the Tennessee days. My husband sort of invented this thing with a batch of others called water borne paint for cars. He worked for CIL and then PPG for paint applications and so in the end we got shipped to Spring Hill for the Saturn plant. He had the ability to not only know what the paint did but how you could smack it on the cars and no one knew applications like my baby,
You realize there are about 3 of us Republicans in Massachusetts, right?

That's interesting because they elected Mitt Romney as their Governor and of course he made a mess of things.

Actually about 2/3 of voters in Massachusetts are Dems and Massachusetts is the 2nd smartest state. The dumbest, poorest, and fattest states have the most Republicans.


So you're slamming on the South because we have a lot of under educated minorities?

How racist.

I don't get the slams on the south. I really really do not understand this and I walk into this daily. I can't wait to come back home. I miss the south so much. I don't understand the hatred for her. Born in the north but my soul is in the south. Why do people hate her?
You realize there are about 3 of us Republicans in Massachusetts, right?

That's interesting because they elected Mitt Romney as their Governor and of course he made a mess of things.

Actually about 2/3 of voters in Massachusetts are Dems and Massachusetts is the 2nd smartest state. The dumbest, poorest, and fattest states have the most Republicans.


So you're slamming on the South because we have a lot of under educated minorities?

How racist.

I don't get the slams on the south. I really really do not understand this and I walk into this daily. I can't wait to come back home. I miss the south so much. I don't understand the hatred for her. Born in the north but my soul is in the south. Why do people hate her?
the Big Jelly
Wow, he was at 32% last November, and now is at 50%, with Rubio 16%, Kasich 13%, Cruz 10%

There's only 10 registered Republicans in Mass. So all we have here is one person who joined the Trump train, and a second person who completed recovery from their lobotomy.

You realize Massachusetts has a mostly-open primary, right? That is: independent (officially, "unenrolled") voters can vote in either primary in Massachusetts. Many Republicans stay unenrolled so that can vote in Democratic primaries for local races.

It's not that serious.


The reason the Blue states are smarter is because liberals are much smarter than conservatives.

Why Liberals Are More Intelligent Than Conservatives
Liberals think they’re more intelligent than conservatives because they are.

Click to the left to view the various kinds of information I have collected

You will find information on the following:

Purple States: How the seeming sea of red on the electoral map is a scam to panic the 49% who voted blue.
Education: Blue states are better educated than red states.
Degrees: Blue staters are more likely to go to college
Divorce: Blue staters are more likely to stay married
Mothers: Blue staters are less likely to get pregnant in their teen years
Lynchings: Blue staters are less likely to ignore the law
Slavery: The Red States have racism and the victims of racism.
Shootings : Blue Staters are less likely to shoot each other to death
Driving : Blue Staters drive better
Crime and Drunk Driving: Law abiding Blues don't let their friends drive drunk
Income, Success, Big Goverment: Blues make more money, are more successful, and have to carry the Red welfare states on our backs.
Sports - Blues are the kings of baseball and football.
Obesity - Red State voters are fat


Thanks for the link. One thing jumps out very quickly. The author defines liberalism as such:

[T]he genuine concern for the welfare of genetically unrelated others and the willingness to contribute larger proportions of private resources for the welfare of such others.

This definition is pure bunk and a brazen display off overt bias. Nothing she says is reliable.
Is that a link? If so it is not clickable. If not, how does it prove anything? I know many conservatives in Mass.

Trump is no more of a conservative than Romney, at least not IMO. He would still be a better POTUS than Romney, because if he is going to compromise with democrooks, he will do so from a position of strength rather than prostrated, and the deal will benefit the country better than anything a regular republicrat would let libturds get away with.

You realize there are about 3 of us Republicans in Massachusetts, right?

That's interesting because they elected Mitt Romney as their Governor and of course he made a mess of things.

Actually about 2/3 of voters in Massachusetts are Dems and Massachusetts is the 2nd smartest state. The dumbest, poorest, and fattest states have the most Republicans.


So you're slamming on the South because we have a lot of under educated minorities?

How racist.

I don't get the slams on the south. I really really do not understand this and I walk into this daily. I can't wait to come back home. I miss the south so much. I don't understand the hatred for her. Born in the north but my soul is in the south. Why do people hate her?

Facts are facts. The South has a morality problem and an obesity problem and a stupidity problem.
The thread title caught my attention. Trump With Huge Jump in Massachusetts

Cracked up at that. Amazing.

Huge. Or maybe yuge. How about joog.


You realize there are about 3 of us Republicans in Massachusetts, right?

That's interesting because they elected Mitt Romney as their Governor and of course he made a mess of things.

Actually about 2/3 of voters in Massachusetts are Dems and Massachusetts is the 2nd smartest state. The dumbest, poorest, and fattest states have the most Republicans.


So you're slamming on the South because we have a lot of under educated minorities?

How racist.

I don't get the slams on the south. I really really do not understand this and I walk into this daily. I can't wait to come back home. I miss the south so much. I don't understand the hatred for her. Born in the north but my soul is in the south. Why do people hate her?

Facts are facts. The South has a morality problem and an obesity problem and a stupidity problem.

Troll ^^^^^^^
The thread title caught my attention. Trump With Huge Jump in Massachusetts

Cracked up at that. Amazing.

Huge. Or maybe yuge. How about joog.



Laugh all you want, fuzzball, but it is a double digit jump when Rubio was supposed to surge after Jeb! pulled out, err, I mean dropped out of the election.
The thread title caught my attention. Trump With Huge Jump in Massachusetts

Cracked up at that. Amazing.

Huge. Or maybe yuge. How about joog.



Laugh all you want, fuzzball, but it is a double digit jump when Rubio was supposed to surge after Jeb! pulled out, err, I mean dropped out of the election.

Laughing @ huge, not @ jump.
The RNC nomination rules are design so states like Massachusetts crush the Far Right Conservative, like Cruz, and leave us with the more moderate Establishment candidate as if we had a real choice in the matter. No different from the DNC super delegates. Remember Romney..."I am the inevitable nominee". He understood the fix was in. The illusions of democracy. Doesn't look like it's working out so well this time you can tell by the RNC insiders, Estabishment GOP politicians, the Media, the lobbyists and the Donor class running around screaming like their heads are on fire.

If we're doomed to forever nominate a will damn well be OUR moderate.

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