Trump WON 2018

He also added 40 Democrats to the House of Representatives and another seven to state governorships. #maga

Duly noted, dumbass.....sets up a nice little ambush when they make fools of themselves for two years in 2020. BTW, the Dow finished the year on a nice note:

DJIA 23,251.99 +189.59 +0.82%
NASDAQ 6,614.65 +30.13 +0.46%
S&P 500 2,497.92 +12.18 +0.49%
/——/ Wasn’t the Dow at 17,000 when he was sworn in? 6,000 point run in 2 years ain’t too bad.

No it wasn't.

The day Obama left office the Dow was 19,827.25.

So far trump has increased the Dow by 35 hundred points in two years. Not 6 thousand. He wasn't handed an economy that has collapsed, losing 850 thousand jobs a month with unemployment at 10%. That was handed to Obama by the bush boy.

Obama handed him a stable, healthy economy with unemployment at 4.7%.

The Dow was 7,557.29 on the day Obama took office. Which if you can do simple math, you will see that the Down increased over 12 thousand points under Obama.

trump has increased the Dow by 3500 points. Big deal. When he can prevent another republican Great Depression, turn the stock market around, create millions of jobs and lowers the unemployment rate by more than the 1% he's managed to do thus far, I'll be impressed.
/——/ Obozo had CE and a free ride- Trump doesn’t

Trump had 1.3 trillion dollars added to the credit care this the middle of an economic boom. Hell, Obama only beat that number once!
/——/ WTF is credit care?
Put China on the ropes, got USMCA, got Kavanaugh on the USSC, made a fool out of Mueller, got NATO to pony up for their own defense, bankrupted Stormy, put Zimchi in a box and stopped the rocket shots.....I'm sure I'm leaving hundreds of things out. Gave the House back to the Rats but that's no worse than having Ryan's RINOs there, made up for it by expanding the Senate and getting rid of Corker and Flake. Oh, and continued giving the commiecrats nightmares for another year....not bad, DJ, not bad at all.

I can't believe someone is dumb enough to believe all of this nonsense.
/——/ You can’t prove any of it wrong, can you?
Duly noted, dumbass.....sets up a nice little ambush when they make fools of themselves for two years in 2020. BTW, the Dow finished the year on a nice note:

DJIA 23,251.99 +189.59 +0.82%
NASDAQ 6,614.65 +30.13 +0.46%
S&P 500 2,497.92 +12.18 +0.49%
/——/ Wasn’t the Dow at 17,000 when he was sworn in? 6,000 point run in 2 years ain’t too bad.

No it wasn't.

The day Obama left office the Dow was 19,827.25.

So far trump has increased the Dow by 35 hundred points in two years. Not 6 thousand. He wasn't handed an economy that has collapsed, losing 850 thousand jobs a month with unemployment at 10%. That was handed to Obama by the bush boy.

Obama handed him a stable, healthy economy with unemployment at 4.7%.

The Dow was 7,557.29 on the day Obama took office. Which if you can do simple math, you will see that the Down increased over 12 thousand points under Obama.

trump has increased the Dow by 3500 points. Big deal. When he can prevent another republican Great Depression, turn the stock market around, create millions of jobs and lowers the unemployment rate by more than the 1% he's managed to do thus far, I'll be impressed.
/——/ Obozo had CE and a free ride- Trump doesn’t

Trump had 1.3 trillion dollars added to the credit card this the middle of an economic boom. Hell, Obama only beat that number once!
/——/ WTF is credit care?

Sorry, credit card. Or let me lay it out in simpler terms for you.

your savior in the White House managed to add 1.3 trillion dollars to the national debt in a single year during a booming economy.

That is the 2nd highest amount added to the debt in a year and the record for a non-recession year.
What lie did he tell that won him that award?

Why haven’t you checked? Are you too stupid?
Oh when he was campaigning and they just bagged all his lies together. Even with that award he still beat Hildabitch. Every presidential candidate in history could win the award. Lol, grabbing at straws i see. Obama still hold the record for being the only sitting president to win the award.

Look at you! You checked. And you got your dopey dose of reality. Then you changed your tune.

I suppose the MSM just missed that one, huh?

Who do you think will win the award for 2018?

Any guesses?
Lol, in 2015 the media actually liked Trump a little. They thought he didn't have a chance in hell of winning. Get back to me when he wins it specifically for one lie and during his presidency. Lol

Awwww. You are squirming. He told so many whoppers during his campaign that they couldn’t choose the biggest and you can’t stand it.
/——/ So many you can’t name one with proof. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
/——/ Wasn’t the Dow at 17,000 when he was sworn in? 6,000 point run in 2 years ain’t too bad.

No it wasn't.

The day Obama left office the Dow was 19,827.25.

So far trump has increased the Dow by 35 hundred points in two years. Not 6 thousand. He wasn't handed an economy that has collapsed, losing 850 thousand jobs a month with unemployment at 10%. That was handed to Obama by the bush boy.

Obama handed him a stable, healthy economy with unemployment at 4.7%.

The Dow was 7,557.29 on the day Obama took office. Which if you can do simple math, you will see that the Down increased over 12 thousand points under Obama.

trump has increased the Dow by 3500 points. Big deal. When he can prevent another republican Great Depression, turn the stock market around, create millions of jobs and lowers the unemployment rate by more than the 1% he's managed to do thus far, I'll be impressed.
/——/ Obozo had CE and a free ride- Trump doesn’t

Trump had 1.3 trillion dollars added to the credit card this the middle of an economic boom. Hell, Obama only beat that number once!
/——/ WTF is credit care?

Sorry, credit card. Or let me lay it out in simpler terms for you.

your savior in the White House managed to add 1.3 trillion dollars to the national debt in a single year during a booming economy.

That is the 2nd highest amount added to the debt in a year and the record for a non-recession year.
/——/ How did he do that when only Congress can spend the money? I await the Dems balanced budget - any day now - any day.
Why haven’t you checked? Are you too stupid?
Oh when he was campaigning and they just bagged all his lies together. Even with that award he still beat Hildabitch. Every presidential candidate in history could win the award. Lol, grabbing at straws i see. Obama still hold the record for being the only sitting president to win the award.

Look at you! You checked. And you got your dopey dose of reality. Then you changed your tune.

I suppose the MSM just missed that one, huh?

Who do you think will win the award for 2018?

Any guesses?
Lol, in 2015 the media actually liked Trump a little. They thought he didn't have a chance in hell of winning. Get back to me when he wins it specifically for one lie and during his presidency. Lol

Awwww. You are squirming. He told so many whoppers during his campaign that they couldn’t choose the biggest and you can’t stand it.
/——/ So many you can’t name one with proof. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Oh man. You guys have a hard time with this.

Hint. I never make claims which I cannot support.

Sometime I'll hazard a guess, but I'll let you know when that is.

I am never wrong when I challenge you on a statement of fact. Learn that and your forays into the pool of embarrassment will be less frequent.
Oh when he was campaigning and they just bagged all his lies together. Even with that award he still beat Hildabitch. Every presidential candidate in history could win the award. Lol, grabbing at straws i see. Obama still hold the record for being the only sitting president to win the award.

Look at you! You checked. And you got your dopey dose of reality. Then you changed your tune.

I suppose the MSM just missed that one, huh?

Who do you think will win the award for 2018?

Any guesses?
Lol, in 2015 the media actually liked Trump a little. They thought he didn't have a chance in hell of winning. Get back to me when he wins it specifically for one lie and during his presidency. Lol

Awwww. You are squirming. He told so many whoppers during his campaign that they couldn’t choose the biggest and you can’t stand it.
/——/ So many you can’t name one with proof. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Oh man. You guys have a hard time with this.

Hint. I never make claims which I cannot support.

Sometime I'll hazard a guess, but I'll let you know when that is.

I am never wrong when I challenge you on a statement of fact. Learn that and your forays into the pool of embarrassment will be less frequent.
/——/ So many you can’t name one with proof. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
No it wasn't.

The day Obama left office the Dow was 19,827.25.

So far trump has increased the Dow by 35 hundred points in two years. Not 6 thousand. He wasn't handed an economy that has collapsed, losing 850 thousand jobs a month with unemployment at 10%. That was handed to Obama by the bush boy.

Obama handed him a stable, healthy economy with unemployment at 4.7%.

The Dow was 7,557.29 on the day Obama took office. Which if you can do simple math, you will see that the Down increased over 12 thousand points under Obama.

trump has increased the Dow by 3500 points. Big deal. When he can prevent another republican Great Depression, turn the stock market around, create millions of jobs and lowers the unemployment rate by more than the 1% he's managed to do thus far, I'll be impressed.
/——/ Obozo had CE and a free ride- Trump doesn’t

Trump had 1.3 trillion dollars added to the credit card this the middle of an economic boom. Hell, Obama only beat that number once!
/——/ WTF is credit care?

Sorry, credit card. Or let me lay it out in simpler terms for you.

your savior in the White House managed to add 1.3 trillion dollars to the national debt in a single year during a booming economy.

That is the 2nd highest amount added to the debt in a year and the record for a non-recession year.
/——/ How did he do that when only Congress can spend the money? I await the Dems balanced budget - any day now - any day.

Amazing how quickly things change...8 years of blaming Obama for the 9 trillion dollars in debt and now all of sudden the POTUS has nothing to do with it.

Must suck to be a partisan sheep, always having to change your views based upon who is sitting in the White House
Look at you! You checked. And you got your dopey dose of reality. Then you changed your tune.

I suppose the MSM just missed that one, huh?

Who do you think will win the award for 2018?

Any guesses?
Lol, in 2015 the media actually liked Trump a little. They thought he didn't have a chance in hell of winning. Get back to me when he wins it specifically for one lie and during his presidency. Lol

Awwww. You are squirming. He told so many whoppers during his campaign that they couldn’t choose the biggest and you can’t stand it.
/——/ So many you can’t name one with proof. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Oh man. You guys have a hard time with this.

Hint. I never make claims which I cannot support.

Sometime I'll hazard a guess, but I'll let you know when that is.

I am never wrong when I challenge you on a statement of fact. Learn that and your forays into the pool of embarrassment will be less frequent.
/——/ So many you can’t name one with proof. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

You should read the thread. Carefully.

Then go to politifact and see what they said in 2015 and in 2017. BTW, 2016 was also Trump indirectly.

You have lost this point and the match.
We'll never "pay down" which will soon be a $30T's absurd, can't be done. Sure, we could sell Alaska back to the Ivans for $30T in worthless bonds and let them default, which Putin would do immediately. Or we could have developers sell lots in subdivisions on Mars. Or transfer the debt into bitcoin and claim we'd been hacked by....take your pick. I'd think you braying jackasses might finally be thankful Trump is President who's done a bankruptcy or two and is cold-blooded enough to do it with the debt. It's not "our" debt.....the mess can be laid on the Ratcrats doorstep with their guilty conscience for slavery. They threw the "full faith and credit" of the US out the window when they looted the SS trust fund. Who gets hurt? A lot of other countries who bought our Treasuries...they'll get over it...what choice do they have? And unfortunately a lot of Americans. Sorry about that, but think of a debt free US compared to a US who won't be able to field a military or pay entitlements, or have a valid banking system when the debt hits the magic number in 4 or 5 years.
Lol, in 2015 the media actually liked Trump a little. They thought he didn't have a chance in hell of winning. Get back to me when he wins it specifically for one lie and during his presidency. Lol

Awwww. You are squirming. He told so many whoppers during his campaign that they couldn’t choose the biggest and you can’t stand it.
/——/ So many you can’t name one with proof. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Oh man. You guys have a hard time with this.

Hint. I never make claims which I cannot support.

Sometime I'll hazard a guess, but I'll let you know when that is.

I am never wrong when I challenge you on a statement of fact. Learn that and your forays into the pool of embarrassment will be less frequent.
/——/ So many you can’t name one with proof. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

You should read the thread. Carefully.

Then go to politifact and see what they said in 2015 and in 2017. BTW, 2016 was also Trump indirectly.

You have lost this point and the match.
/——/. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha You got nothing. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
/——/ Obozo had CE and a free ride- Trump doesn’t

Trump had 1.3 trillion dollars added to the credit card this the middle of an economic boom. Hell, Obama only beat that number once!
/——/ WTF is credit care?

Sorry, credit card. Or let me lay it out in simpler terms for you.

your savior in the White House managed to add 1.3 trillion dollars to the national debt in a single year during a booming economy.

That is the 2nd highest amount added to the debt in a year and the record for a non-recession year.
/——/ How did he do that when only Congress can spend the money? I await the Dems balanced budget - any day now - any day.

Amazing how quickly things change...8 years of blaming Obama for the 9 trillion dollars in debt and now all of sudden the POTUS has nothing to do with it.

Must suck to be a partisan sheep, always having to change your views based upon who is sitting in the White House
/—-/ I never blamed a president for the debt. Never. I always blame Congress.
So the liberal gibberish you posted means that the economy was still shitty under Obozo after all
To a degree, yes,it was. The job recovery was slow, and inflation lagged. Geesh dude, are we your mommies? Educate yourself before commenting again.
/---/ And like that, when Trump was elected, a switch was thrown, the economy took off like a rocket and the Fed started jacking up the rates to cool it off.
View attachment 237884
You call 2.475% GDP Growth for 2017 'the economy took off like a rocket'?

United States GDP Growth Rate | 2019 | Data | Chart | Calendar | Forecast

And the GDP Growth bump from Trump's tax cuts AND huge deficit has already faded back to Post-Great Recession 'normal'...roughly 2.5%.


And forget the U-3 numbers - they mean nothing...just as Trump rightly said.

Donald Trump Calls Unemployment Rate One of the "Biggest Hoaxes in Politics"

And Powell (and the Vice Chair of the Fed) were both appointed BY TRUMP. They are his people and what they do is his responsibility.
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Put China on the ropes, got USMCA, got Kavanaugh on the USSC, made a fool out of Mueller, got NATO to pony up for their own defense, bankrupted Stormy, put Zimchi in a box and stopped the rocket shots.....I'm sure I'm leaving hundreds of things out. Gave the House back to the Rats but that's no worse than having Ryan's RINOs there, made up for it by expanding the Senate and getting rid of Corker and Flake. Oh, and continued giving the commiecrats nightmares for another year....not bad, DJ, not bad at all.

I can't believe someone is dumb enough to believe all of this nonsense.
/——/ You can’t prove any of it wrong, can you?
Most of it is nonsense and is completely fabricated by the OP.
Awwww. You are squirming. He told so many whoppers during his campaign that they couldn’t choose the biggest and you can’t stand it.
/——/ So many you can’t name one with proof. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Oh man. You guys have a hard time with this.

Hint. I never make claims which I cannot support.

Sometime I'll hazard a guess, but I'll let you know when that is.

I am never wrong when I challenge you on a statement of fact. Learn that and your forays into the pool of embarrassment will be less frequent.
/——/ So many you can’t name one with proof. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

You should read the thread. Carefully.

Then go to politifact and see what they said in 2015 and in 2017. BTW, 2016 was also Trump indirectly.

You have lost this point and the match.
/——/. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha You got nothing. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Much like jknowgood before you, you beg to be embarrassed. It's your calling.

2015. 2016. 2017. All Trump lies of the year.

What's your guess for 2018?
The OP is a bunch of bullshit. Trump made a fool out of Mueller? Laughable. The new NAFTA is the old NAFTA with a few things thrown in from the TPP which you all hated.

You're a fool, not worth another keystroke...
One would think some skeptism would be appropos when a politician tells you you're winning something ......~S~
/——/ So many you can’t name one with proof. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Oh man. You guys have a hard time with this.

Hint. I never make claims which I cannot support.

Sometime I'll hazard a guess, but I'll let you know when that is.

I am never wrong when I challenge you on a statement of fact. Learn that and your forays into the pool of embarrassment will be less frequent.
/——/ So many you can’t name one with proof. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

You should read the thread. Carefully.

Then go to politifact and see what they said in 2015 and in 2017. BTW, 2016 was also Trump indirectly.

You have lost this point and the match.
/——/. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha You got nothing. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha

Much like jknowgood before you, you beg to be embarrassed. It's your calling.

2015. 2016. 2017. All Trump lies of the year.

What's your guess for 2018?
Lol, i went and look up Trumps lie of the year 2017. That Russia didn't interfere with the election. Well prove they did. If they did, it was for Hillary not Trump.

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