Trump WON 2018

Well Sparky, if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years? Any reason for that ?
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Well Sparky, if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years? Any reason for that ?
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Get educated
The bureau took care to note that the recession, by definition, meant only the period until the economy reached its low point — not a return to its previous vigor.

“In determining that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity,” the bureau said. “Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month.”

The committee had previously met in April to consider whether an end to the recession could be declared, but members decided that the data were still inconclusive. Since then, however, the Bureau of Economic Analysis has released revised numbers for output and income growth over the last year, and the addition of this new information helped push the committee toward declaring an official turning point.

“That gave us the definitive picture of what happened in 2009,” said Robert J. Gordon, a member of the committee for over 30 years and an economics professor at Northwestern. “At this point we’re not going to get any new information to consider until July 2011. So we knew that if we’re going to do anything, we should probably do something now.”

Professor Gordon also said that nearly every indicator that the committee looked at simultaneously reached its low point in June 2009, which made that month a relatively easy selection as the official turning point. The main exception to this trend was employment, which hit its trough six months later, in December 2009.
/----/ A lot of liberal gibberish that dodges my question: if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years?

Where is the rule that QE can only be applied while in active recession?
/——/ The one right after men perverts can use the little girls room.
Well that was a quick surrender and retreat...
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Get educated
The bureau took care to note that the recession, by definition, meant only the period until the economy reached its low point — not a return to its previous vigor.

“In determining that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity,” the bureau said. “Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month.”

The committee had previously met in April to consider whether an end to the recession could be declared, but members decided that the data were still inconclusive. Since then, however, the Bureau of Economic Analysis has released revised numbers for output and income growth over the last year, and the addition of this new information helped push the committee toward declaring an official turning point.

“That gave us the definitive picture of what happened in 2009,” said Robert J. Gordon, a member of the committee for over 30 years and an economics professor at Northwestern. “At this point we’re not going to get any new information to consider until July 2011. So we knew that if we’re going to do anything, we should probably do something now.”

Professor Gordon also said that nearly every indicator that the committee looked at simultaneously reached its low point in June 2009, which made that month a relatively easy selection as the official turning point. The main exception to this trend was employment, which hit its trough six months later, in December 2009.
/----/ A lot of liberal gibberish that dodges my question: if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years?

Where is the rule that QE can only be applied while in active recession?
/——/ The one right after men perverts can use the little girls room.
Well that was a quick surrender and retreat...
/—-/ Your idiotic question deserves an idiotic response. Mission Accomplished
Get educated
The bureau took care to note that the recession, by definition, meant only the period until the economy reached its low point — not a return to its previous vigor.

“In determining that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity,” the bureau said. “Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month.”

The committee had previously met in April to consider whether an end to the recession could be declared, but members decided that the data were still inconclusive. Since then, however, the Bureau of Economic Analysis has released revised numbers for output and income growth over the last year, and the addition of this new information helped push the committee toward declaring an official turning point.

“That gave us the definitive picture of what happened in 2009,” said Robert J. Gordon, a member of the committee for over 30 years and an economics professor at Northwestern. “At this point we’re not going to get any new information to consider until July 2011. So we knew that if we’re going to do anything, we should probably do something now.”

Professor Gordon also said that nearly every indicator that the committee looked at simultaneously reached its low point in June 2009, which made that month a relatively easy selection as the official turning point. The main exception to this trend was employment, which hit its trough six months later, in December 2009.
/----/ A lot of liberal gibberish that dodges my question: if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years?

Where is the rule that QE can only be applied while in active recession?
/——/ The one right after men perverts can use the little girls room.
Well that was a quick surrender and retreat...
/—-/ Your idiotic question deserves an idiotic response. Mission Accomplished
I didn't ask you a question, genius.... But the question that was asked of you was right on point. That's why you wilted like lettuce in the sun. You can only pull so much shit out of your ass before everyone realizes it is shit.
Well Sparky, if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years? Any reason for that ?
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Well Sparky, if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years? Any reason for that ?
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Get educated
The bureau took care to note that the recession, by definition, meant only the period until the economy reached its low point — not a return to its previous vigor.

“In determining that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity,” the bureau said. “Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month.”

The committee had previously met in April to consider whether an end to the recession could be declared, but members decided that the data were still inconclusive. Since then, however, the Bureau of Economic Analysis has released revised numbers for output and income growth over the last year, and the addition of this new information helped push the committee toward declaring an official turning point.

“That gave us the definitive picture of what happened in 2009,” said Robert J. Gordon, a member of the committee for over 30 years and an economics professor at Northwestern. “At this point we’re not going to get any new information to consider until July 2011. So we knew that if we’re going to do anything, we should probably do something now.”

Professor Gordon also said that nearly every indicator that the committee looked at simultaneously reached its low point in June 2009, which made that month a relatively easy selection as the official turning point. The main exception to this trend was employment, which hit its trough six months later, in December 2009.
/----/ A lot of liberal gibberish that dodges my question: if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years?

Where is the rule that QE can only be applied while in active recession?
/——/ The one right after men perverts can use the little girls room.

That's your best answer to a subject you raised?

Yes. Thanks for asking!
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Get educated
The bureau took care to note that the recession, by definition, meant only the period until the economy reached its low point — not a return to its previous vigor.

“In determining that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity,” the bureau said. “Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month.”

The committee had previously met in April to consider whether an end to the recession could be declared, but members decided that the data were still inconclusive. Since then, however, the Bureau of Economic Analysis has released revised numbers for output and income growth over the last year, and the addition of this new information helped push the committee toward declaring an official turning point.

“That gave us the definitive picture of what happened in 2009,” said Robert J. Gordon, a member of the committee for over 30 years and an economics professor at Northwestern. “At this point we’re not going to get any new information to consider until July 2011. So we knew that if we’re going to do anything, we should probably do something now.”

Professor Gordon also said that nearly every indicator that the committee looked at simultaneously reached its low point in June 2009, which made that month a relatively easy selection as the official turning point. The main exception to this trend was employment, which hit its trough six months later, in December 2009.
/----/ A lot of liberal gibberish that dodges my question: if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years?

Where is the rule that QE can only be applied while in active recession?
/——/ The one right after men perverts can use the little girls room.

That's your best answer to a subject you raised?

/—-/ Sorry it confused you
/----/ A lot of liberal gibberish that dodges my question: if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years?

Where is the rule that QE can only be applied while in active recession?
/——/ The one right after men perverts can use the little girls room.
Well that was a quick surrender and retreat...
/—-/ Your idiotic question deserves an idiotic response. Mission Accomplished
I didn't ask you a question, genius.... But the question that was asked of you was right on point. That's why you wilted like lettuce in the sun. You can only pull so much shit out of your ass before everyone realizes it is shit.
/——-/ Revised: /—-/ Your idiotic statement deserves an idiotic response. Mission Accomplished
Where is the rule that QE can only be applied while in active recession?
/——/ The one right after men perverts can use the little girls room.
Well that was a quick surrender and retreat...
/—-/ Your idiotic question deserves an idiotic response. Mission Accomplished
I didn't ask you a question, genius.... But the question that was asked of you was right on point. That's why you wilted like lettuce in the sun. You can only pull so much shit out of your ass before everyone realizes it is shit.
/——-/ Revised: /—-/ Your idiotic statement deserves an idiotic response. Mission Accomplished
Neato! So, since you are quite the QE expert...why can't QE be applied after a recession has technically ended? This should be fascinating.
Yep, that's right, genius! Exactly 30. You are smart!

Yeah, 30 is the number of states Trump won as opposed to 20 won by Hillary.

That's right genius! Exactly 30. That's more than 20. You are smart!

And Donald J Trump is your President.

Enjoy it while you can
Trump has already won re-election.

You may have had a few more uneducated hicks join you in 2018, but in 2020 we will know exactly what we have to do to destroy you.

See what I mean? You guys reset American history in 2009 after Obama won.
It was Lincoln who said a house divided cannot stand.
You're one of the dumber ones here.

Ugh did you know nObama had the worst change in seats than any president... including Trump?

Obama saw the loss of 1000 over 8 years.

trump has seen a loss of 400 in two.

So, you have that
Put China on the ropes, got USMCA, got Kavanaugh on the USSC, made a fool out of Mueller, got NATO to pony up for their own defense, bankrupted Stormy, put Zimchi in a box and stopped the rocket shots.....I'm sure I'm leaving hundreds of things out. Gave the House back to the Rats but that's no worse than having Ryan's RINOs there, made up for it by expanding the Senate and getting rid of Corker and Flake. Oh, and continued giving the commiecrats nightmares for another year....not bad, DJ, not bad at all.

I can't believe someone is dumb enough to believe all of this nonsense.
/——/ You can’t prove any of it wrong, can you?
Most of it is nonsense and is completely fabricated by the OP.
/——/ prove it if you dare.

'if you dare'? :abgg2q.jpg:

Well, for a start, Stormy Daniels did not declare bankruptcy.
China is not in any way 'on the ropes' due to Trump (or anyone else).

Now, can you deny:
- the major index's went down in 2018?
- the Russell 2000 is now lower then when Trump took office?
- the fiscal deficit for FY 2019 is on pace for $1.8 TRILLION?
- the Trade deficit rose in 2018?
- the 'tax bump' to the GDP is apparently over?
Get educated
The bureau took care to note that the recession, by definition, meant only the period until the economy reached its low point — not a return to its previous vigor.

“In determining that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity,” the bureau said. “Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month.”

The committee had previously met in April to consider whether an end to the recession could be declared, but members decided that the data were still inconclusive. Since then, however, the Bureau of Economic Analysis has released revised numbers for output and income growth over the last year, and the addition of this new information helped push the committee toward declaring an official turning point.

“That gave us the definitive picture of what happened in 2009,” said Robert J. Gordon, a member of the committee for over 30 years and an economics professor at Northwestern. “At this point we’re not going to get any new information to consider until July 2011. So we knew that if we’re going to do anything, we should probably do something now.”

Professor Gordon also said that nearly every indicator that the committee looked at simultaneously reached its low point in June 2009, which made that month a relatively easy selection as the official turning point. The main exception to this trend was employment, which hit its trough six months later, in December 2009.
/----/ A lot of liberal gibberish that dodges my question: if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years?

Where is the rule that QE can only be applied while in active recession?
/——/ The one right after men perverts can use the little girls room.

That's your best answer to a subject you raised?

/—-/ Sorry it confused you

You're the one that seems to be confused, bathroom boi.
/----/ A lot of liberal gibberish that dodges my question: if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years?

Where is the rule that QE can only be applied while in active recession?
/——/ The one right after men perverts can use the little girls room.

That's your best answer to a subject you raised?

/—-/ Sorry it confused you

You're the one that seems to be confused, bathroom boi.
/----/ I know what bathroom to use. It has never been an issue.
He also added 40 Democrats to the House of Representatives and another seven to state governorships. #maga
40 Schmorty. A president's first midterm always sees losses in The House and Senate.
Trump gained seats in the Senate for the first time since JFK, exposed massive voter fraud in DimTard voter districts, and outperformed the average House losses of Obama and Clinton in their first midterms.
This occurred despite 40 GOP Reps retiring (most of whom were "never Trumpers")

The Rebound will be a Super Majority in 2020.
So losing 40 seats and losing the popular vote by 9 million is "winning"?
Where is the rule that QE can only be applied while in active recession?
/——/ The one right after men perverts can use the little girls room.

That's your best answer to a subject you raised?

/—-/ Sorry it confused you

You're the one that seems to be confused, bathroom boi.
/----/ I know what bathroom to use. It has never been an issue.

Right. I have no doubt you have mastered potty time. It's QE that you know nothing about, loser.
/——/ The one right after men perverts can use the little girls room.

That's your best answer to a subject you raised?

/—-/ Sorry it confused you

You're the one that seems to be confused, bathroom boi.
/----/ I know what bathroom to use. It has never been an issue.

Right. I have no doubt you have mastered potty time. It's QE that you know nothing about, loser.
/-----/ So - as you like to say in the Hood - edumafacate me.
That's your best answer to a subject you raised?

/—-/ Sorry it confused you

You're the one that seems to be confused, bathroom boi.
/----/ I know what bathroom to use. It has never been an issue.

Right. I have no doubt you have mastered potty time. It's QE that you know nothing about, loser.
/-----/ So - as you like to say in the Hood - edumafacate me.

It's your point, dope. Defend it.
/—-/ Sorry it confused you

You're the one that seems to be confused, bathroom boi.
/----/ I know what bathroom to use. It has never been an issue.

Right. I have no doubt you have mastered potty time. It's QE that you know nothing about, loser.
/-----/ So - as you like to say in the Hood - edumafacate me.

It's your point, dope. Defend it.
/----/ I'm here to mock liberal. It's a national pastime. I don't have to defend any policy.
You're the one that seems to be confused, bathroom boi.
/----/ I know what bathroom to use. It has never been an issue.

Right. I have no doubt you have mastered potty time. It's QE that you know nothing about, loser.
/-----/ So - as you like to say in the Hood - edumafacate me.

It's your point, dope. Defend it.
/----/ I'm here to mock liberal. It's a national pastime. I don't have to defend any policy.
LOL, an admitted loser.
Then dance away, fool. :laugh2:

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