Trump WON 2018

Well Sparky, if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years? Any reason for that ?
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Well Sparky, if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years? Any reason for that ?
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Get educated
The bureau took care to note that the recession, by definition, meant only the period until the economy reached its low point — not a return to its previous vigor.

“In determining that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity,” the bureau said. “Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month.”

The committee had previously met in April to consider whether an end to the recession could be declared, but members decided that the data were still inconclusive. Since then, however, the Bureau of Economic Analysis has released revised numbers for output and income growth over the last year, and the addition of this new information helped push the committee toward declaring an official turning point.

“That gave us the definitive picture of what happened in 2009,” said Robert J. Gordon, a member of the committee for over 30 years and an economics professor at Northwestern. “At this point we’re not going to get any new information to consider until July 2011. So we knew that if we’re going to do anything, we should probably do something now.”

Professor Gordon also said that nearly every indicator that the committee looked at simultaneously reached its low point in June 2009, which made that month a relatively easy selection as the official turning point. The main exception to this trend was employment, which hit its trough six months later, in December 2009.
/----/ A lot of liberal gibberish that dodges my question: if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years?
and now you folks on the "right' have been kissing Trump's ass 24/7.

Amazing how alike you sheep are, it does not matter which sheep pen you reside in.

Look at you! Both sides!! LL and this moron “jknowgood” are two sides of the same coin!

Way to go, genius.

I am glad you recognize this fact.

You ought to be more precise. When you lump morons together with thoughtful people, you lose your credibility.

That’s the same mistake that most of you “libertarians” and other fence-sitters make.

libertarians are not fence-sitters, the fact you made that statement shows that you are not a thoughtful person.

Please. You sit there with a straight face and compare me to a fucking moron and expect me to give you the benefit of the doubt. You need to add some nuance if you want to be seen as anything but a gawker pointing fingers in both directions.
Lol, coming from someone who cannot think on his own. You are told what to think and say. And you do it to a tee, good gopher!
Well Sparky, if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years? Any reason for that ?
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Well Sparky, if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years? Any reason for that ?
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Get educated
The bureau took care to note that the recession, by definition, meant only the period until the economy reached its low point — not a return to its previous vigor.

“In determining that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity,” the bureau said. “Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month.”

The committee had previously met in April to consider whether an end to the recession could be declared, but members decided that the data were still inconclusive. Since then, however, the Bureau of Economic Analysis has released revised numbers for output and income growth over the last year, and the addition of this new information helped push the committee toward declaring an official turning point.

“That gave us the definitive picture of what happened in 2009,” said Robert J. Gordon, a member of the committee for over 30 years and an economics professor at Northwestern. “At this point we’re not going to get any new information to consider until July 2011. So we knew that if we’re going to do anything, we should probably do something now.”

Professor Gordon also said that nearly every indicator that the committee looked at simultaneously reached its low point in June 2009, which made that month a relatively easy selection as the official turning point. The main exception to this trend was employment, which hit its trough six months later, in December 2009.
/----/ A lot of liberal gibberish that dodges my question: if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years?
He answered your question. Is your Google broken? The word "recession" has a clear definition.
He also added 40 Democrats to the House of Representatives and another seven to state governorships. #maga
When they lose the senate in 2020 how many here do you think will lose their minds?
Lol, when Obama won i didn't run around in a pussy hat and yelling at the sky. I just shook my head and said TO MYSELF we are fucked and i was right.

Of course you had Mitch McConnell vowing to block everything Obama tried to pass so that he would have no accomplishments to run on for a second term, all while the economy collapsed around him. It's hard to fathom a politician so venal and so determined to grasp power that he would do harm to the country in the worst fiscal crisis since the Great Depression, just to score political points, but this is the Republican Party we're talking about here.

This is the Party which has deliberately destroyed the working and middle class to the benefit of the wealthy, and then blamed the working class for not doing better. A Party which has broken every promise it made to the American people when they elected Ronald Reagan in 1980, and has lied to, cheated and stolen from the American public at every opportunity.

What happend to the big wage increase once the people got rid of unions which Reagan promised? What about the "peace dividend" after the big arms build-up to end the Cold War? Military spending was supposed to drop way down after Reagan's spending spree in the 1980's. When has the Pentagon Budget ever gone down. How many of the wars Republicans have lead you into are for the sole purpose of justifying this massive military budge you have?

Why do Americans contionue to pressure the rest of the world to spend more money on military budgets, when what is needed is infrastructure, education and health care for your people? Maybe, instead of the rest of the world increasing their military capacity, what is needed is for the USA to spend less. Because once you have all these expensive military toys, you just have to play with them.
Obama ran on transforming america, of course we didn't want him to do that. But for some reason making america great again scares you. That in itself says alot.
Well Sparky, if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years? Any reason for that ?
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Well Sparky, if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years? Any reason for that ?
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Get educated
The bureau took care to note that the recession, by definition, meant only the period until the economy reached its low point — not a return to its previous vigor.

“In determining that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity,” the bureau said. “Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month.”

The committee had previously met in April to consider whether an end to the recession could be declared, but members decided that the data were still inconclusive. Since then, however, the Bureau of Economic Analysis has released revised numbers for output and income growth over the last year, and the addition of this new information helped push the committee toward declaring an official turning point.

“That gave us the definitive picture of what happened in 2009,” said Robert J. Gordon, a member of the committee for over 30 years and an economics professor at Northwestern. “At this point we’re not going to get any new information to consider until July 2011. So we knew that if we’re going to do anything, we should probably do something now.”

Professor Gordon also said that nearly every indicator that the committee looked at simultaneously reached its low point in June 2009, which made that month a relatively easy selection as the official turning point. The main exception to this trend was employment, which hit its trough six months later, in December 2009.
/----/ A lot of liberal gibberish that dodges my question: if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years?
He answered your question. Is your Google broken? The word "recession" has a clear definition.
/----/ So the liberal gibberish you posted means that the economy was still shitty under Obozo after all and only returned to health when Trump won and the Fed jacked up rates 6 times? Oh, that makes sense. Why dod you just say so?
He also added 40 Democrats to the House of Representatives and another seven to state governorships. #maga
When they lose the senate in 2020 how many here do you think will lose their minds?
Lol, when Obama won i didn't run around in a pussy hat and yelling at the sky. I just shook my head and said TO MYSELF we are fucked and i was right.

You quite obviously don’t know the meaning of fuck.
Well Sparky, if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years? Any reason for that ?
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Well Sparky, if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years? Any reason for that ?
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Get educated
The bureau took care to note that the recession, by definition, meant only the period until the economy reached its low point — not a return to its previous vigor.

“In determining that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity,” the bureau said. “Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month.”

The committee had previously met in April to consider whether an end to the recession could be declared, but members decided that the data were still inconclusive. Since then, however, the Bureau of Economic Analysis has released revised numbers for output and income growth over the last year, and the addition of this new information helped push the committee toward declaring an official turning point.

“That gave us the definitive picture of what happened in 2009,” said Robert J. Gordon, a member of the committee for over 30 years and an economics professor at Northwestern. “At this point we’re not going to get any new information to consider until July 2011. So we knew that if we’re going to do anything, we should probably do something now.”

Professor Gordon also said that nearly every indicator that the committee looked at simultaneously reached its low point in June 2009, which made that month a relatively easy selection as the official turning point. The main exception to this trend was employment, which hit its trough six months later, in December 2009.
/----/ A lot of liberal gibberish that dodges my question: if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years?

First, your data isn’t exactly accurate. Rate was raised in 2015.

Sound monetary policy is the answer to the question.

Trump appointed the dude who’s currently in charge. Will he ever accept responsibility for anything?
p.s. He also shut this fucking monstrosity of a government DOWN until further notice. :lmao:
You Lie!!! Trump gave big government employees a huge paid vacation!!! They will get all their back-pay plus bonus when they return from their long warm tropical vacation while the rest of US freeze our asses off working in the snow.
Put China on the ropes, got USMCA, got Kavanaugh on the USSC, made a fool out of Mueller, got NATO to pony up for their own defense, bankrupted Stormy, put Zimchi in a box and stopped the rocket shots.....I'm sure I'm leaving hundreds of things out. Gave the House back to the Rats but that's no worse than having Ryan's RINOs there, made up for it by expanding the Senate and getting rid of Corker and Flake. Oh, and continued giving the commiecrats nightmares for another year....not bad, DJ, not bad at all.

Yea but, but what about those condos on the beach in North Korea?
He also added 40 Democrats to the House of Representatives and another seven to state governorships. #maga
When they lose the senate in 2020 how many here do you think will lose their minds?
Lol, when Obama won i didn't run around in a pussy hat and yelling at the sky. I just shook my head and said TO MYSELF we are fucked and i was right.

You quite obviously don’t know the meaning of fuck.
So the liberal gibberish you posted means that the economy was still shitty under Obozo after all
To a degree, yes,it was. The job recovery was slow, and inflation lagged. Geesh dude, are we your mommies? Educate yourself before commenting again.
Look at the list of swamp dwellers that chose not to seek re-election. They had to go. If it means the country is doing nothing but playing get Trump it’s ok because in 2yrs we will have the house and senate loyal to the President. His second term will be known as the time freedom returned to the USA. Greatest President since Washington.
the pos with the least votes is president? a gd shame A democracy ?? bull shit
States elect the President not the public. When you vote all you are doing is telling your state who to vote for. Trump got 30 states hillary got 20, she lost by 10. Getover it.
Eddy is a dipshit with a dipshit level of comprehension.
Very partial, nothing of consequence has stopped running or spending money. Low quality Kabuki theater.
Translation: "I have the depth of empathy of a 2 year old and don't care about things that don't personally affect me."
Look at the list of swamp dwellers that chose not to seek re-election. They had to go. If it means the country is doing nothing but playing get Trump it’s ok because in 2yrs we will have the house and senate loyal to the President. His second term will be known as the time freedom returned to the USA. Greatest President since Washington.
the pos with the least votes is president? a gd shame A democracy ?? bull shit
States elect the President not the public. When you vote all you are doing is telling your state who to vote for. Trump got 30 states hillary got 20, she lost by 10. Getover it.
Eddy is a dipshit with a dipshit level of comprehension.
Coming from an asshole trump supporter that's funny
So the liberal gibberish you posted means that the economy was still shitty under Obozo after all
To a degree, yes,it was. The job recovery was slow, and inflation lagged. Geesh dude, are we your mommies? Educate yourself before commenting again.
/---/ And like that, when Trump was elected, a switch was thrown, the economy took off like a rocket and the Fed started jacking up the rates to cool it off.
dem stupid hat.png
Well Sparky, if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years? Any reason for that ?
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Well Sparky, if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years? Any reason for that ?
Yes. Thanks for asking!
Get educated
The bureau took care to note that the recession, by definition, meant only the period until the economy reached its low point — not a return to its previous vigor.

“In determining that a trough occurred in June 2009, the committee did not conclude that economic conditions since that month have been favorable or that the economy has returned to operating at normal capacity,” the bureau said. “Rather, the committee determined only that the recession ended and a recovery began in that month.”

The committee had previously met in April to consider whether an end to the recession could be declared, but members decided that the data were still inconclusive. Since then, however, the Bureau of Economic Analysis has released revised numbers for output and income growth over the last year, and the addition of this new information helped push the committee toward declaring an official turning point.

“That gave us the definitive picture of what happened in 2009,” said Robert J. Gordon, a member of the committee for over 30 years and an economics professor at Northwestern. “At this point we’re not going to get any new information to consider until July 2011. So we knew that if we’re going to do anything, we should probably do something now.”

Professor Gordon also said that nearly every indicator that the committee looked at simultaneously reached its low point in June 2009, which made that month a relatively easy selection as the official turning point. The main exception to this trend was employment, which hit its trough six months later, in December 2009.
/----/ A lot of liberal gibberish that dodges my question: if Obozo declared the recession over in 2009, why did the Fed maintain QE for another 8 years?

First, your data isn’t exactly accurate. Rate was raised in 2015.

Sound monetary policy is the answer to the question.

Trump appointed the dude who’s currently in charge. Will he ever accept responsibility for anything?
/----/ Once in 2015, once in 2016. 4 times in 2018 and 2 more planned for 2019.
Highest and Lowest Interest Rates and Why They Changed
2015: GDP = 2.9%, Unemployment = 6%, Inflation = 0.7%
Dec 17
0.5% Growth stabilized.
2016: GDP = 1.6%, Unemployment = 4.6%, Inflation = 2.1%
Dec 15
2017: GDP = 2.2%, Unemployment = 4.1%, Inflation = 2.1%
Mar 16
1.0% Fed was steady on its path of normalizing its benchmark rate.
Jun 15 1.25%
Dec 14 1.5%
Fed Chair Jerome Powell (February 2018 - February 2022)

Mar 22
1.75% Fed projects steady growth.
Jun 14 2.0%
Sep 27 2.25%
Dec 19 2.5%
And like that, when Trump was elected, a switch was thrown, the economy took off like a rocket and the Fed started jacking up the rates to cool it off.
No, that is not why the fed started raising rates. Though, it is part of the philosophy now, as you don't want an economy to "overheat". Rates need to rise, as it is important not prevent hyperinflation, while also important to have this monetary tool at our disposal, should we encountered another recession.

Do you understand anything about any of that?

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