Trump won. Now look what is happening.

Trump won? He is currently losing Wisconsin and Michigan? What did he win?

Last report I read this morning Trump is winning Michigan but barely.
Down 9k votes and Detroit not fully in yet. Losing there and in Wisconsin. Not looking good. And its interesting as he is not hitting it with women voters. They want a kindler gentler approach aka grandpa Joe.
how can it be that all the votes weren't counted already?
Trump has won nothing of yet. Count the damn votes

They had plenty for time to count them. Funny that only the incompetent/crooked Democratic districts seem to have a problem.
Wrong, Republican Legislatures in these States mandated that they could not open the mail-in ballots ahead of time like they could in other States.

Facts, they're your friend.
but they could count them on election day. that's over.
The election is officially extended due to COVID !!!
Trump has won nothing of yet. Count the damn votes

They had plenty for time to count them. Funny that only the incompetent/crooked Democratic districts seem to have a problem.
Wrong, Republican Legislatures in these States mandated that they could not open the mail-in ballots ahead of time like they could in other States.

Facts, they're your friend.
but they could count them on election day. that's over.
Good I hope you enjoy your Vote counting hinging on the manpower to do so in the time-frame you'd prefer, even though it's literally never been a thing.
that's why they call it election day, not election month. if ballots weren't in the office at the close of the election, they don't count. what is it you need?

Let me ask a different question. why wouldn't all votes be in at the end of the day?
They call it election day because that is the day you have to vote by. Not because that's the day we necessarily know who wins the election. We often don't know on election day.
One of the reasons time limits are placed on contested events is so a resolution can be reached and a winner declared. There will always be a losing side. If the time limits are manipulated so the losers can get a favorable resolution then the credibility of the system fails and the primary ramification is the destruction of the system. That will happen here if this does not stop.
This isn't WWE wrestling. Would you not want your vote counted because they didn't get to it until after midnight? Would that seem okay to you?

Unprecedented amount of mail-in ballots and a very high turn out in general. So it's kind of a no brainer that it will take some states longer to count them. These are our VOTES, Ray. Get your grimy paws off them!
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Trump won? He is currently losing Wisconsin and Michigan? What did he win?

Last report I read this morning Trump is winning Michigan but barely.
Down 9k votes and Detroit not fully in yet. Losing there and in Wisconsin. Not looking good. And its interesting as he is not hitting it with women voters. They want a kindler gentler approach aka grandpa Joe.
how can it be that all the votes weren't counted already?
No idea. The whole process is a shitshow!
The fourth quarter was yesterday.
All the votes have not been counted.

They missed the deadline. Now they know how many they need. It should be obvious what is going on here. They stopped counting on election night because they didn’t like where it was headed. In fact, these states all stopped counting at about the same time, with the exemption of NV. Phone calls were likely made to stop. They needed to have time to “fix’ the situation that was clearly headed in the wrong direction for them.

NV is taking a day off today, which is absolutely absurd.
I heard days ago--maybe weeks ago--that they were going to stop counting at 10 pm and resume the next day. This is just another conspiracy theory to undermine our democratic elections.
Feeling better? I know I am
The fourth quarter was yesterday.
All the votes have not been counted.

They missed the deadline. Now they know how many they need. It should be obvious what is going on here. They stopped counting on election night because they didn’t like where it was headed. In fact, these states all stopped counting at about the same time, with the exemption of NV. Phone calls were likely made to stop. They needed to have time to “fix’ the situation that was clearly headed in the wrong direction for them.

NV is taking a day off today, which is absolutely absurd.
I heard days ago--maybe weeks ago--that they were going to stop counting at 10 pm and resume the next day. This is just another conspiracy theory to undermine our democratic elections.
Feeling better? I know I am
It's not over yet.
The fourth quarter was yesterday.
All the votes have not been counted.

They missed the deadline. Now they know how many they need. It should be obvious what is going on here. They stopped counting on election night because they didn’t like where it was headed. In fact, these states all stopped counting at about the same time, with the exemption of NV. Phone calls were likely made to stop. They needed to have time to “fix’ the situation that was clearly headed in the wrong direction for them.

NV is taking a day off today, which is absolutely absurd.
I heard days ago--maybe weeks ago--that they were going to stop counting at 10 pm and resume the next day. This is just another conspiracy theory to undermine our democratic elections.
Feeling better? I know I am
It's not over yet.
Trump won? He is currently losing Wisconsin and Michigan? What did he win?

Last report I read this morning Trump is winning Michigan but barely.
Down 9k votes and Detroit not fully in yet. Losing there and in Wisconsin. Not looking good. And its interesting as he is not hitting it with women voters. They want a kindler gentler approach aka grandpa Joe.
how can it be that all the votes weren't counted already?
Blame state by state voter laws. We should allow counties to prepare and count as they come in.
Everyone knows what they are trying to pull. Trump won the election on the day of the election

Well, I won't go that far Ray, last election, Trump won at 2AM, the day after, not the day of the election.

I don't buy this midnight crap, but I also find it impossible to swallow how much the Dems pushed unrestricted mail in voting then so many democrats voted that way! Why were so many democrats so afraid to just go to the poll as any other year when EVERY precaution their "science" says protects us that they use EVERY DAY was being used there?

We literally have MILLIONS of votes being counted, or are GOING to be counted as legit, which were:
  1. Never requested by the voter.
  2. Did not follow the rules.
  3. Were absent a signature or had one not remotely matching voter records.
  4. And were not even received by Election DAY.
Anyone who claims this did not invite cheating is an idiot.

If Biden wins, half this country is not going to accept him as the true, legitimate winner and is going to lose ALL faith in our government and the election process.

Their end game is to try and make it so we have mail in every election to bring us the same problems we're having today. Even if this virus situation is gone by next election, they will still insist on pushing to mail in voting claiming it worked so good this time.

I've known all along that now that the mail-in ballot door has been pushed open, the left will be pushing to make it permanent.

Just go on line and click a website and "you've" voted. :smoke:
Trump won? He is currently losing Wisconsin and Michigan? What did he win?

Last report I read this morning Trump is winning Michigan but barely.
Down 9k votes and Detroit not fully in yet. Losing there and in Wisconsin. Not looking good. And its interesting as he is not hitting it with women voters. They want a kindler gentler approach aka grandpa Joe.
how can it be that all the votes weren't counted already?
Blame state by state voter laws. We should allow counties to prepare and count as they come in.
I have election fatigue. Don't care who wins so long as the John James wins the Senate seat in Michigan.
Trump won? He is currently losing Wisconsin and Michigan? What did he win?

Last report I read this morning Trump is winning Michigan but barely.
Down 9k votes and Detroit not fully in yet. Losing there and in Wisconsin. Not looking good. And its interesting as he is not hitting it with women voters. They want a kindler gentler approach aka grandpa Joe.
how can it be that all the votes weren't counted already?
Dems are behind and they need to know just how many they need to manufacture to overcome the deficit. Too many would be suspicious. So they stop the counts last night and work hard overnight.
Down 9k votes and Detroit not fully in yet. Losing there and in Wisconsin. Not looking good. And its interesting as he is not hitting it with women voters. They want a kindler gentler approach aka grandpa Joe.

Probably those women didn't read what his platform is, which is to create a law that all public schools must allow weirdos in dresses to compete against their daughters in school athletics, thus possibly costing them a college scholarship.
Trump won? He is currently losing Wisconsin and Michigan? What did he win?

Last report I read this morning Trump is winning Michigan but barely.
Down 9k votes and Detroit not fully in yet. Losing there and in Wisconsin. Not looking good. And its interesting as he is not hitting it with women voters. They want a kindler gentler approach aka grandpa Joe.
how can it be that all the votes weren't counted already?
Dems are behind and they need to know just how many they need to manufacture to overcome the deficit. Too many would be suspicious. So they stop the counts last night and work hard overnight.
They aren't behind now. Not in Michigan or Wisconsin or Nevada. Tight races.
Trump won? He is currently losing Wisconsin and Michigan? What did he win?

Last report I read this morning Trump is winning Michigan but barely.
Down 9k votes and Detroit not fully in yet. Losing there and in Wisconsin. Not looking good. And its interesting as he is not hitting it with women voters. They want a kindler gentler approach aka grandpa Joe.
how can it be that all the votes weren't counted already?
Dems are behind and they need to know just how many they need to manufacture to overcome the deficit. Too many would be suspicious. So they stop the counts last night and work hard overnight.
They aren't behind now. Not in Michigan or Wisconsin or Nevada. Tight races.
Down 9k votes and Detroit not fully in yet. Losing there and in Wisconsin. Not looking good. And its interesting as he is not hitting it with women voters. They want a kindler gentler approach aka grandpa Joe.

Probably those women didn't read what his platform is, which is to create a law that all public schools must allow weirdos in dresses to compete against their daughters in school athletics, thus possibly costing them a college scholarship.
Of course they didn't. That is my #1 reason for voting for Trump.
The fourth quarter was yesterday.
All the votes have not been counted.

They missed the deadline. Now they know how many they need. It should be obvious what is going on here. They stopped counting on election night because they didn’t like where it was headed. In fact, these states all stopped counting at about the same time, with the exemption of NV. Phone calls were likely made to stop. They needed to have time to “fix’ the situation that was clearly headed in the wrong direction for them.

NV is taking a day off today, which is absolutely absurd.
I heard days ago--maybe weeks ago--that they were going to stop counting at 10 pm and resume the next day. This is just another conspiracy theory to undermine our democratic elections.
Feeling better? I know I am
It's not over yet.
that's why they call it election day, not election month. if ballots weren't in the office at the close of the election, they don't count. what is it you need?

PA is allowing mail ins up to three days after the election, postmarks unnecessary. If Trump loses PA, he should take that to court if it cost him the presidency.

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