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Trump won’t commit to peaceful transfer of power.

“I’ve been complaining very strongly”. What a fucking moron. The President has a 5th grade vocabulary. He can’t even threaten mayhem with elegance.

Trump will be voted out and will complain about it all the way back to Florida - which won’t be voting for him.
and you think you sound better than a 5th grader? id put your comments on the level of pre-k. oh and who really gives a shit about your complaining? it sounds like pre-k gibberish
Zzzzzz. Sorry your insults aren’t even funny. It’s because you lack cleverness. Trump is definitely your guy. Uh duh um... “He is very strong for you. He is for you like nobody can believe. “. 5th grade bullshit.
better than pre-k
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
This thread is just....'rich'. The democrats and ex-president Ear's haven't relented one iota.
I am sure in 2024 Trump will relinquish the WH and hand over the keys with grace.
Geeeze, are the democrats/socialists/communists so blind to see their hypocrisy?
LOL Trump has done nothing in his life ""with grace" In his company hold on to your wallet
Just a friendly warning
If Biden gets elected, not sure where to go to protect my capital. Seeing someone tomorrow
for some fresh eyes and maybe an idea for the preservation of what I have.
The market WILL take a hit.
But where will the money go?? It will come back When people know what lies ahead they'll invest . With Trump ?? Anything is possible He screwed up on the virus the economy ,the tariffs ,on ladies choice, on Medicare, on SS on the American system, on our debt You want 4 more years of this dolt??
I've made all my money back from him closing the economy and actually ahead.
The money will go to the government, Ed. Someone is going to have to pay for the socialism.
It will be most Americans paying for it as the taxes rise.
Biden did say tax raises only on those making 400,000 or more a year I'd like a man in our WH who says what he means and means what he says. Biden might not be perfect BUT trump is the worst
I would like a man who says what he means also. But, Biden's number just don't had up when you count up what he wants
and promises and the amount he can squeeze from those making 400,000 and more. Taxes will be trickling down to the
middle class. It always does with that type of government.
Would you rather the trickling down go to the 1% ? The middle class will spend ,bring our economy back I respectfully have to disagree with your choice of trump
here is another delusionalist for the demoncrats---there is no middle class because of the evil ways of demoncrats. whatever pennies you have now, you wont
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
This thread is just....'rich'. The democrats and ex-president Ear's haven't relented one iota.
I am sure in 2024 Trump will relinquish the WH and hand over the keys with grace.
Geeeze, are the democrats/socialists/communists so blind to see their hypocrisy?
LOL Trump has done nothing in his life ""with grace" In his company hold on to your wallet
Just a friendly warning
If Biden gets elected, not sure where to go to protect my capital. Seeing someone tomorrow
for some fresh eyes and maybe an idea for the preservation of what I have.
The market WILL take a hit.
But where will the money go?? It will come back When people know what lies ahead they'll invest . With Trump ?? Anything is possible He screwed up on the virus the economy ,the tariffs ,on ladies choice, on Medicare, on SS on the American system, on our debt You want 4 more years of this dolt??
I've made all my money back from him closing the economy and actually ahead.
The money will go to the government, Ed. Someone is going to have to pay for the socialism.
It will be most Americans paying for it as the taxes rise.
Biden did say tax raises only on those making 400,000 or more a year I'd like a man in our WH who says what he means and means what he says. Biden might not be perfect BUT trump is the worst
I would like a man who says what he means also. But, Biden's number just don't had up when you count up what he wants
and promises and the amount he can squeeze from those making 400,000 and more. Taxes will be trickling down to the
middle class. It always does with that type of government.
Would you rather the trickling down go to the 1% ? The middle class will spend ,bring our economy back I respectfully have to disagree with your choice of trump
Well, of course you disagree, Ed. I disagree with you too, it's okay.
The middle class is going to be hit with new taxes, Ed, they won't have the money to bring the economy back.
What I'm saying is that the price tag for Biden's spending ventures is going to involve the middle class to help
out with offsetting the costs. He's even admitted that their taxes will go up.
The only folks who I've heard getting raises in taxes are those making more than 400K a year and millionaires He also wants companies to pay their fair share like AMAZ who pays zip
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
This thread is just....'rich'. The democrats and ex-president Ear's haven't relented one iota.
I am sure in 2024 Trump will relinquish the WH and hand over the keys with grace.
Geeeze, are the democrats/socialists/communists so blind to see their hypocrisy?
LOL Trump has done nothing in his life ""with grace" In his company hold on to your wallet
Just a friendly warning
If Biden gets elected, not sure where to go to protect my capital. Seeing someone tomorrow
for some fresh eyes and maybe an idea for the preservation of what I have.
The market WILL take a hit.
If this were a normal election and Biden wins the market would fall but then recover by January. However since Trump will cause real chaos if he loses I expect the market to crash as Trump’s shenanigans and attempts to undermine our election go into high gear. If Trump loses and it is a close election Trump will bring us near the brink and to hell with the stock market. Yeah..you better hope Biden wins by a landslide if you care about your investments.
Dude, it isn't about democrats vs. republicans and the markets.
This election is entirely different and the reason being POLICIES.
Tax the rich, tax the business Green New Deal, open borders, 'free' education, 'free' healthcare for the illegals.
The middle class is going to be hit hard with the spending your dear wannabe has in mind.
You have a group of politicians that want to push Biden to the left, and he seems to be willing.
So please don't tell me about Trump and the market. I've seen Trump and the market for the last 4 years.
Everytime a Democrat is elected there is handwringing from the right that the markets will crash. You know what? They go up in the long term.

Now what you fail to understand is that Trump is sending us in a new direction. One that this country has never seen before. What happens when a president seeks to undermine the heart of our democracy if he loses? What happens when day after day after day following an election the president talks about voter fraud, corruption and threatens never to leave? I suspect I know what the market will do. However, we will all see what the market does soon enough.

You guys are trying to win by fraud. You will be stopped. No one buys your nonsense. Go to a other forum anti-American.
Sorry, you are once again spewing Russian propaganda and Trumpist lies. Rampant Voter fraud is a lie. A lie perpetuated by useful idiots trying to destroy our democracy.

And yet the news today is that trashed ballots have been found.

You are a fake news CNN programmed moron. Go away, no one likes you, but plenty of people hate you and your far left anti-American fraudulent nonsense. Fuck off...
Lol Snowflake.. 9 votes were found 7 of which went to Trump out of 6,000,000 cast and you idiots shall this rampant voter fraud. Grown up, you moron.

And how many votes were not found?

I thought fraud was not supposed to even exist.... it was supposed to be secure. Yet visible fraud is already here even before the election process has properly started.
The question is one of rampant fraud. 9 votes out of 6,000,000 is not rampant fraud. If there was fraud the perpetrators should be prosecuted. However, those making a big issue of this are making a mountain out of a molehill....wait not even a molehill..more like making a mountain out of a speck of dust.
Who to believe ?Trump and his lying mob or the FBI director ? Decisions decisions AND IF trump won't leave the WH on Jan 20th The FBI director might personally drag his sorry ass out He becomes a regular citizen subject to imprisonment ,as does the fat ass Barr Nixons AG spent some time in jail Why not Barr?
The trumpsters seem to labor under the false notion that somehow all Americans owe trump and them some sort of loyalty, allegiance, and obedience. It doesn't work that way. These folks are not owed anything special. They need to get over their misplaced sense of entitlement.

Americans give president Trump loyalty because he is the American president. It is not owed, Americans can recognize who the American is ourselves.

He is owed nothing on a personal level. Think of all of the presidents we have had in our lifetimes. I doubt that you were loyal to Clinton or Obama and supported them in each and every thing they did. None of this "loyalty" that you mention attaches to the individual who holds the office, which is always on a temporary basis.

This right-wing anger when someone doesn't support trump is ridiculous. I'm supporting Biden, as is my right as an American. I don't approve of anything that trump has done in office and I certainly can't stand his personal conduct and lack of accountability, respectability, and dignity. In fact, I strongly suspect him to be a criminal. Moreover, in almost every speech he has made, he has launched into a diatribe blaming the Democratic party, which must be interpreted as a statement that he is only president of republicans. This is the first time a president has sunk so low in my lifetime. There is no reason for me to support him. There is no reason for anyone to display anger toward me for my decision.

"Americans can recognize who the American is ourselves" is an absurd statement. No one who is not American is eligible to serve in the presidency. trump is an American citizen but I doubt that his loyalty is to the people of the United States. He even is attempting to subvert the election and makes no bones about it. This plan to have states with republican-dominated legislatures reject the election if republicans don't win a majority, and install electors of their choice shows a lack of loyalty to this nation.
My bottom line is you don't get respect .You EARN respect. Trump has earned the ridicule of all the world ,except Russia
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
I'd love to see the army led by the generals who know trump is a pos ,come into the WH and drag his sorry ass out ,put him against a wall and execute the traitor

They have a term for that.

Before this coup takes place I'd advise Trump to watch his ass because Generals and Admirals despise what he's done to America
3 1/2 years a and the leftists still haven't committed to a peaceful transfer of power.
Your comment is beyond fucking stupid.

The most idiotic retort of the month, if not the entire year.

Dangerous, too.

Slavish, servile cult-worshipers of the Orange Baboon-God shamefully make light of such serious concerns on the part of Americans who support the Rule of Law.

Trump won. Hillary lost. You leftists are burning down the country because you didnt get your way. That's what's dangerous and a threat to the rule of law. You will lose again in November and you leftists will throw another hissy fit, destroy the election process and burn cities again.

I don't know how you would know who is going to win the election, given that voting has just started in various jurisdictions and not in others. There is no guarantee the trump will win or that cheating will take place. The last presidential election was in 2016 and nobody burnt down the country. There has been no evidence that the Democratic Party has or will cheat. There has never been any evidence of widespread voter fraud. None. I'm casting my vote for Biden, as is my choice as an American. There is nothing unfair about it when I go to the registrar's office and do so. I know that you are trying to build up a myth, but it won't work. The presidency will be filled pursuant to the Rule of Law.

Then explain why the dems are changing the election laws 2 months before the election. Dont claim pandemic because your favorite scientist Dr. Faucci announced voting in person was fine.
More fun hypocrisy from Trump concerning Mail in ballots:
View attachment 392559

It is amazing that there is anyone still dumb enough to believe anything coming from Trump’s mouth.

So what the fuck, now that it's thing he's supposed to not use it?

You are a fucking worthless moron. You can be sure that president Trump will use ALL the arsenal against you that you provide him with, no matter how ludicrous and downright Satanic it is.

Mail in vote is obviously a ridiculous concept, especially implemented with so little time, and with it being left so open for democrat fraud. But, given that it's the here, we will be using it to defeat your communist ass.
Excuse if I am laughing, but your post is hilarious. Poor thing, lashing out at me because your cult leader has made a complete fool of you yet again. Mail-in voting is fine. Trump is endorsing it. As I saId many times, rampant voter fraud is a lie and even Trump knows it is a lie. I mean Trump wants his own voters to vote by mail!

Voter fraud is just a lie Trump is using to undermine our elections.
Trump isn't endorsing mail-in voting, you fucking moron. It's fine only for douchebags who want to commit voter fraud. Can't you ever tell the truth? Rampant voter fraud has been demonstrated over and over.
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
I'd love to see the army led by the generals who know trump is a pos ,come into the WH and drag his sorry ass out ,put him against a wall and execute the traitor

They have a term for that.

Before this coup takes place I'd advise Trump to watch his ass because Generals and Admirals despise what he's done to America
Only the kind of woke transgender generals and admirals that Obama promoted dislike Trump.
Last edited:
More fun hypocrisy from Trump concerning Mail in ballots:
View attachment 392559

It is amazing that there is anyone still dumb enough to believe anything coming from Trump’s mouth.

So what the fuck, now that it's thing he's supposed to not use it?

You are a fucking worthless moron. You can be sure that president Trump will use ALL the arsenal against you that you provide him with, no matter how ludicrous and downright Satanic it is.

Mail in vote is obviously a ridiculous concept, especially implemented with so little time, and with it being left so open for democrat fraud. But, given that it's the here, we will be using it to defeat your communist ass.
Excuse if I am laughing, but your post is hilarious. Poor thing, lashing out at me because your cult leader has made a complete fool of you yet again. Mail-in voting is fine. Trump is endorsing it. As I saId many times, rampant voter fraud is a lie and even Trump knows it is a lie. I mean Trump wants his own voters to vote by mail!

Voter fraud is just a lie Trump is using to undermine our elections.
Trump isn't endorsing mail-in voting, you fucking moron. It's fine only for douchebags who want to commit voter fraud. Can't you ever tell the truth? Rampant voter fraud has been demonstrated over and over.

LOL...Trump tweeted he wants his own supporters to vote by mail..

Trump's own appointed FBI director said rampant voter fraud is a lie.

Only zombie Trumpists take Trump's lyin' words over those of his own FBI director.
3 1/2 years a and the leftists still haven't committed to a peaceful transfer of power.
Your comment is beyond fucking stupid.

Maybe in a bizarro world where stupid means accurate.

Wrong. Trumpers really do hate our democracy. No one, I mean no real American, would ever agree with Trump’s comments.

I am sorry you haven't heard yet, obviously a bit behind the times...

If you don't vote for president Trump, you aren't an American.
Nah..unlike you I am an American who loves our constitution. Unlike you I don’t want a dictator who will overthrow our constitutional republic,..you do. Piss off..Traitor.

Then you vote for president Trump, not standing with democrat attempts of voter fraud.

This is what all Americans already figured out, months if not years ago. It's not difficult to determine which is the true American candidate.
Voter fraud is lie to undermine our election. Why are you doing Putin’s work in trying to destroy our democracy?

Mail in voting not being riddled with fraud is the only lie that we have learned so far.

And of course, that's the entire intention. They could have sent everyone an absentee ballot that needs to be verified. Or we could have had in person voting, which would have been perfectly safe. Morons such as yourself objected and once you riot come November Trumpslide with your fraud votes thrown out, that will be the last thing you do.
Wrong.. Ramoant voter fraud is a lie. It is a lie now being propagated by the Russians in addition to their useful idiot Trump hoping gullible Americans will fall for it to undermine our elections. Putin is using you Trumpists as fools.

BTW, Biden would never say anything as treasonous as he would never commit to a peaceful transfer of power.

It'a fact of having a fraudulent unsecure voting system. Everyone including yourself knows this, you can stop lying now. There is absolutely no one that buys the bullshit you spew.
Wrong..Rampant voter fraud is lie. If votes are counted after Election Day it is not fraud. Absentee And mail in ballots have been around since the civil war. Trumpers are trying to undermine the election results before a single vote is counted. Trump seems to be be indicating he will use this lie to foster chaos and maybe as an excuse to overthrow our system.

Votes being counted after the election is of course, illegal. The constitution guarantees a timely election. Sorry to inform you, but your fraud votes will be found in the trash bin.

The democrats already changed our system to one that is riddled with fraud - without producing one single piece of evidence that it will work - and without adding any checks. You will be dealt with according to your actions.

And it will be the democrat far left on the streets rioting come election day - trying to overthrow our best president in history. They will be stopped.
Wrong again...ballots postmarked before the election and counted after Election Day are valid. Stop spreading disinformation.
No they aren't. The Constitution says the election will be held on the 2nd Tuesday in Nov.

Actually, he's finally correct on something. Mailed ballots are considered to have been cast on Election Day provided they are postmarked no later than Election Day. The problem is that people who haven't voted by mail before tend not to realize that putting a ballot in the box on the day doesn't mean it will be postmarked that same day. A lot of people who haven't voted by mail before don't even know about the need for postmarking at all, and don't know things like using metered mail invalidates the ballot, because metered mail doesn't get postmarked at all.
NOT counting absentee ballots casts doubts on the election results.... counting them, does not....

Even if states allow a week or two, to count them....They should be counted, if they are ballots that have been post MARKED prior to the election.

Get it through your thick skull... IM NOT TALKING ABOUT ABSENTEE BALLOTS!!!!!

I am talking about these ridiculous “I’m too fucking lazy to go to the polls” ballots. The ballots some States are saying they make count up to multiple digit days after the election ends. These ballots shouldn’t even exist. If they do exist they should be required to be in the hands of the Election officials a week early, so they can be counted immediately.
Ignorant nonsense.

This has nothing to do with being ‘lazy.’

The right to vote is fundamental and paramount – it’s incumbent upon government to facilitate, safeguard, and encourage the exercising of that right; voting by mail is perfectly appropriate and warranted.

What’s ridiculous is the wrongheaded notion that voting in person is the only ‘legitimate’ way to exercise the right to vote.

This is about conservatives’ fear that when voter turnout is high, Republicans tend to lose, along with the right’s desire to suppress votes.

A person too lazy to go to the polls is likely to be too lazy to educate themselves on the issues.

That is the type of voters that dems love.

Hence their desire to make it as easy as possible.
Like Donald Trump, Ivanka, Kushner, Minuchin, Pompeo etc etc etc?

I have voted absentee mail in ballot since my latter years working, when I never knew ahead of 1 week, when I would or could be out of town, and there after as a homemaker, because it was informative and convenient to have the ballot in hand ahead of time, to give time, to research all of the candidates and any referendum issues being voted on. Mail in absentee voting is awesome!

Those who want to self INFORM, instead of being a puppet of a straight party vote ticket, use them, and most higher up businessmen/women, and the military, and politicians afar, and college students, and the elderly, and the disabled, and those with hourly paid jobs with the polling booth out of walking distance, who can't afford losing their hourly pay, waiting in lines, and our overseas patriots, and our diplomats, etc etc etc

It's amazing that people in this country voted in person for 230 years without the help of leftists.
It's amazing how uninformed you are....

We've had absentee ballot voting in this nation since the civil war, in the 1860s
Yes, and absentee ballots are different than what is planned with the mail-in ballots. But, we've already discussed that.
Some of the states are already saying that it can take weeks after the election to have it all sorted out. Yup, it's a good
plan to really create chaos in this country. The dems are finding it to be a good weapon these days.

I keep saying, the Democrats' mail-in voting push is a cynical, calculated plan to disenfranchise their own voters in order to create chaos. They know perfectly well that large chunks of those ballots are going to be invalidated, and they're counting on it so that they can use those invalidated ballots as a platform to scream and wail and drag out the election.
More fun hypocrisy from Trump concerning Mail in ballots:
View attachment 392559

It is amazing that there is anyone still dumb enough to believe anything coming from Trump’s mouth.
Certainly no one is dumb enough to swallow anything you post.
You know you should just for a minute take your head out of Trump's ass and take a deep breathe. Seriously, your head has taken up residence there.
More fun hypocrisy from Trump concerning Mail in ballots:
View attachment 392559

It is amazing that there is anyone still dumb enough to believe anything coming from Trump’s mouth.
Certainly no one is dumb enough to swallow anything you post.
You know you should just for a minute take your head out of Trump's ass and take a deep breathe. Seriously, your head has taken up residence there.
More excrement from the forum's leaking septic tank.
WASHINGTON — President Trump declined an opportunity on Wednesday to endorse a peaceful transfer of power after the November election, renewing his baseless warnings about extensive voting fraud before saying there would be no power transfer at all.

Asked whether he would “commit here today for a peaceful transferral of power after the November election,” Mr. Trump demurred, passing on a chance to call for a calm and orderly election process.


Is it my wonder that Putin and Xi what Trump to win. Trump is tearing this nation asunder. Is there anything closer to treason than any President saying he will not commit to a peaceful transfer of power. I love how all these so-called strict constitutionalist are silent. As has been said many times, Trumpism is a cult of personality. Trump is put above the constitution and the rule of law by his cultist.
This thread is just....'rich'. The democrats and ex-president Ear's haven't relented one iota.
I am sure in 2024 Trump will relinquish the WH and hand over the keys with grace.
Geeeze, are the democrats/socialists/communists so blind to see their hypocrisy?
LOL Trump has done nothing in his life ""with grace" In his company hold on to your wallet
Just a friendly warning
If Biden gets elected, not sure where to go to protect my capital. Seeing someone tomorrow
for some fresh eyes and maybe an idea for the preservation of what I have.
The market WILL take a hit.
But where will the money go?? It will come back When people know what lies ahead they'll invest . With Trump ?? Anything is possible He screwed up on the virus the economy ,the tariffs ,on ladies choice, on Medicare, on SS on the American system, on our debt You want 4 more years of this dolt??
I've made all my money back from him closing the economy and actually ahead.
The money will go to the government, Ed. Someone is going to have to pay for the socialism.
It will be most Americans paying for it as the taxes rise.
Biden did say tax raises only on those making 400,000 or more a year I'd like a man in our WH who says what he means and means what he says. Biden might not be perfect BUT trump is the worst
I would like a man who says what he means also. But, Biden's number just don't had up when you count up what he wants
and promises and the amount he can squeeze from those making 400,000 and more. Taxes will be trickling down to the
middle class. It always does with that type of government.
Would you rather the trickling down go to the 1% ? The middle class will spend ,bring our economy back I respectfully have to disagree with your choice of trump
Well, of course you disagree, Ed. I disagree with you too, it's okay.
The middle class is going to be hit with new taxes, Ed, they won't have the money to bring the economy back.
What I'm saying is that the price tag for Biden's spending ventures is going to involve the middle class to help
out with offsetting the costs. He's even admitted that their taxes will go up.
The only folks who I've heard getting raises in taxes are those making more than 400K a year and millionaires He also wants companies to pay their fair share like AMAZ who pays zip

Congratulations on once again proudly announcing to the world that you have the intelligence and education of an eggplant. :clap:
More fun hypocrisy from Trump concerning Mail in ballots:
View attachment 392559

It is amazing that there is anyone still dumb enough to believe anything coming from Trump’s mouth.

So what the fuck, now that it's thing he's supposed to not use it?

You are a fucking worthless moron. You can be sure that president Trump will use ALL the arsenal against you that you provide him with, no matter how ludicrous and downright Satanic it is.

Mail in vote is obviously a ridiculous concept, especially implemented with so little time, and with it being left so open for democrat fraud. But, given that it's the here, we will be using it to defeat your communist ass.
Excuse if I am laughing, but your post is hilarious. Poor thing, lashing out at me because your cult leader has made a complete fool of you yet again. Mail-in voting is fine. Trump is endorsing it. As I saId many times, rampant voter fraud is a lie and even Trump knows it is a lie. I mean Trump wants his own voters to vote by mail!

Voter fraud is just a lie Trump is using to undermine our elections.
Trump isn't endorsing mail-in voting, you fucking moron. It's fine only for douchebags who want to commit voter fraud. Can't you ever tell the truth? Rampant voter fraud has been demonstrated over and over.

LOL...Trump tweeted he wants his own supporters to vote by mail..

Trump's own appointed FBI director said rampant voter fraud is a lie.

Only zombie Trumpists take Trump's lyin' words over those of his own FBI director.

"LOL" Trump tweeted that he wanted his supporters to use absentee ballots. Only zombie leftists can't tell the difference between absentee ballots and their masters' mail-in voting scheme. And no, I'm not going to waste time explaining it for the 143rd time to someone who's too stupid to understand and too happy being stupid to want to understand.
More fun hypocrisy from Trump concerning Mail in ballots:
View attachment 392559

It is amazing that there is anyone still dumb enough to believe anything coming from Trump’s mouth.

So what the fuck, now that it's thing he's supposed to not use it?

You are a fucking worthless moron. You can be sure that president Trump will use ALL the arsenal against you that you provide him with, no matter how ludicrous and downright Satanic it is.

Mail in vote is obviously a ridiculous concept, especially implemented with so little time, and with it being left so open for democrat fraud. But, given that it's the here, we will be using it to defeat your communist ass.
Excuse if I am laughing, but your post is hilarious. Poor thing, lashing out at me because your cult leader has made a complete fool of you yet again. Mail-in voting is fine. Trump is endorsing it. As I saId many times, rampant voter fraud is a lie and even Trump knows it is a lie. I mean Trump wants his own voters to vote by mail!

Voter fraud is just a lie Trump is using to undermine our elections.
Trump isn't endorsing mail-in voting, you fucking moron. It's fine only for douchebags who want to commit voter fraud. Can't you ever tell the truth? Rampant voter fraud has been demonstrated over and over.

LOL...Trump tweeted he wants his own supporters to vote by mail..

Trump's own appointed FBI director said rampant voter fraud is a lie.

Only zombie Trumpists take Trump's lyin' words over those of his own FBI director.

"LOL" Trump tweeted that he wanted his supporters to use absentee ballots. Only zombie leftists can't tell the difference between absentee ballots and their masters' mail-in voting scheme. And no, I'm not going to waste time explaining it for the 143rd time to someone who's too stupid to understand and too happy being stupid to want to understand.
CECILIE BRI is #1 you have no chance at his crown But the good news is you're stupid enough to make the top 10
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