Trump won't enforce sanctions that passed Congress 517-5

Don't you hate it when a President fails to enforce the law?
But enough about Obama.

Whatabout your compulsion to whatabout? What about that? Do you whatabout because you simply cannot handle the fact that you're not as clever or intuitive as you think, so you want people to think you are by throwing out red herring after red herring? Is it because you recognize you are an intellectual lightweight and immoral leech who can't let a conversation go without trying to drag others down to your bottom-feeder level? Or is it because you're a troll and it's simply your job?

Obama choosing to not enforce immigration laws is no quid-pro-quo. Trump refusing to enforce sanctions on Russia for meddling in the 2016 election is quid-pro-quo.

Whatabout your compulsion to whatabout?

It's not my fault Obama was a POS.

Obama choosing to not enforce immigration laws is........

A big part of why Trump is President.
Has he revoked those Sanctions?

As I said he is refusing to enforce them. My question to you is; why? What could be the reason Trump refuses to enforce sanctions on Russia for hacking the election? Because they hacked the election to help him, duh!. It amazes me that you are so resistant to that possibility. I think that speaks to your fragile mental health state. Because it's so fragile. Like a glass menagerie. You simply cannot handle the fact that you're not half as clever or intuitive as you think; that your instincts are for shit, and you're easily conned. I think reconciling that would be so damaging to your ego that you'd end up going on a shooting rampage. That's how fragile I think your ego is.

You are talking about two separate things, the old sanction and the supposed new ones under the law passed by congress and signed by Trump.

You're a fucking idiot.

The sanctions Obama imposed on Russia from July 2015-December 2016 were by Executive Order. Those sanctions were codified into law by Congress and signed into law by Trump. It's those sanctions that were codified that Trump is refusing to enforce, specifically the ones from Executive Order 13694 that Obama placed on Russia on December 29th, 2016.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you're making this shit up as you go, aren't you?

YAgain, he released the names of the people the law required him to release. Now go read the actual law and point out where he is explicitly told to enact sanctions automatically when a certain condition is met. Under the new law, not the old ones.

You idiot, the law states that sanctions can only be waived if the President provides proof that the subjects of those sanctions have taken steps to cease their meddling. Trump's offered nothing of the sort, despite being required by law. When Congress passes a law, the President must enforce it. The reason Trump's not enforcing it is quid-pro-quo. No other reason makes sense.
Russia had such a successful hack that not a single vote has been changed!

We don't actually know that because Trump's DHS refuses to reveal the breadth and depth of Russia's hack. We know that they hacked the voter rolls of at least a dozen states. They also flooded social media with propaganda that hacked the brains of Conservatives, whose operating systems were already infected by 8 years of GOP viruses.

It was a whole thing...Congress even voted 99% to impose sanctions on Russia because of it.

They also flooded social media with propaganda that hacked the brains of Conservatives,

Darn Russians.....reminding Conservatives that Clinton and the DNC were corrupt.
No wonder why they voted against Hillary.

We know that each state certified their machines has being 100% accurate.

I never said Russia changed votes (and we're not entirely sure they didn't). What I've said is that Russia hacked your brain, which we are sure of.

No vote was changed. This is all ancient history.

It's not 100% certain votes weren't changed. But it is 100% certain that Conservative minds were changed by Russian propaganda. You are one of those whose brains were hacked.

This thread is nothing but a continuing effort to delegitimize the American election process.Have a nice night.

Run along you coward. Once you've reached the end of your talking points, you scurry away like the roach you are.

An infant wishes to continue to say, "is too!" and then gets mad when others won't play.

Anytime you want to meet, coward, just send an address.
It says he has been under sanction from the US Treasury since Dec 29, 2016.On 29 December 2016, Korobov was one of the individuals sanctioned by the United States Department of the Treasury for "malicious cyber-enabled activities" threatening the national security of the United States.[1

And recently Trump refused to impose those sanctions, and the other sanctions that Obama set forth in that December 29th Executive Order. Remember when Trump went through and nullified all of Obama's Executive Orders? This was one of those.


What is it that Trumpet is supposed to do again? Enforce something that is already being enforced?

You. Don't. Know. What. The. Fuck. You're. Talking. About.
Has he revoked those Sanctions?

As I said he is refusing to enforce them. My question to you is; why? What could be the reason Trump refuses to enforce sanctions on Russia for hacking the election? Because they hacked the election to help him, duh!. It amazes me that you are so resistant to that possibility. I think that speaks to your fragile mental health state. Because it's so fragile. Like a glass menagerie. You simply cannot handle the fact that you're not half as clever or intuitive as you think; that your instincts are for shit, and you're easily conned. I think reconciling that would be so damaging to your ego that you'd end up going on a shooting rampage. That's how fragile I think your ego is.

You are talking about two separate things, the old sanction and the supposed new ones under the law passed by congress and signed by Trump.

You're a fucking idiot.

The sanctions Obama imposed on Russia from July 2015-December 2016 were by Executive Order. Those sanctions were codified into law by Congress and signed into law by Trump. It's those sanctions that were codified that Trump is refusing to enforce, specifically the ones from Executive Order 13694 that Obama placed on Russia on December 29th, 2016.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about and you're making this shit up as you go, aren't you?

YAgain, he released the names of the people the law required him to release. Now go read the actual law and point out where he is explicitly told to enact sanctions automatically when a certain condition is met. Under the new law, not the old ones.

You idiot, the law states that sanctions can only be waived if the President provides proof that the subjects of those sanctions have taken steps to cease their meddling. Trump's offered nothing of the sort, despite being required by law. When Congress passes a law, the President must enforce it. The reason Trump's not enforcing it is quid-pro-quo. No other reason makes sense.

I notice you aren't linking anything, and considering you are one of the dumbest fucktards on the board, anything you post doesn't deserve to be believed.

Try again.
It says he has been under sanction from the US Treasury since Dec 29, 2016.On 29 December 2016, Korobov was one of the individuals sanctioned by the United States Department of the Treasury for "malicious cyber-enabled activities" threatening the national security of the United States.[1

And recently Trump refused to impose those sanctions, and the other sanctions that Obama set forth in that December 29th Executive Order. Remember when Trump went through and nullified all of Obama's Executive Orders? This was one of those.


What is it that Trumpet is supposed to do again? Enforce something that is already being enforced?

You. Don't. Know. What. The. Fuck. You're. Talking. About.

Derpy just repeats the same shit over and over with zero backup.

It's not my fault Obama was a POS.

I think you're envious of Obama; that he didn't leave behind a smoldering wreckage of an economy like you all did with Bush the Dumber. I think you resent him for not being as much a failure as you, Bush the Dumber, and your shit Conservative policy was from 2001-2009. I think you obsess over Obama and try to drag him down to your level because your shit ego simply cannot handle the fact that you're not as smart, clever, informed, or intuitive as you want people to think. I think it's pretty obvious that you are completely embarrassed by the failure of Bush the Dumber and the policies you supported for his 8 years, so you seek to diminish everyone else so you can preserve that shitpile you call an ego.

Get the fuck over yourself. No one cares about you or your feelings.
We know that each state certified their machines has being 100% accurate.

I never said Russia changed votes (and we're not entirely sure they didn't). What I've said is that Russia hacked your brain, which we are sure of.

No vote was changed. This is all ancient history.

It's not 100% certain votes weren't changed. But it is 100% certain that Conservative minds were changed by Russian propaganda. You are one of those whose brains were hacked.

This thread is nothing but a continuing effort to delegitimize the American election process.Have a nice night.

Run along you coward. Once you've reached the end of your talking points, you scurry away like the roach you are.

An infant wishes to continue to say, "is too!" and then gets mad when others won't play.

Anytime you want to meet, coward, just send an address.

I thought you were abandoning this thread. Guess that was a lie too. Chalk it up on the board, I guess.
It says he has been under sanction from the US Treasury since Dec 29, 2016.On 29 December 2016, Korobov was one of the individuals sanctioned by the United States Department of the Treasury for "malicious cyber-enabled activities" threatening the national security of the United States.[1

And recently Trump refused to impose those sanctions, and the other sanctions that Obama set forth in that December 29th Executive Order. Remember when Trump went through and nullified all of Obama's Executive Orders? This was one of those.


What is it that Trumpet is supposed to do again? Enforce something that is already being enforced?

You. Don't. Know. What. The. Fuck. You're. Talking. About.

Derpy just repeats the same shit over and over with zero backup.


I can't help it that you're deliberately obtuse.
Darn Russians.....reminding Conservatives that Clinton and the DNC were corrupt.

No, it's the damn Russians who confirmed biases that had infected Conservative minds during the prior 8 years. Conservatism turned your brain into mush, so it was rather easy for Russia to hack it.

No wonder why they voted against Hillary.DERP!

You're lying to yourself if you think DNC stacking the deck for Hillary was why people voted for Trump.
Derpy just repeats the same shit over and over with zero backup.

You're defending Russia from sanctions on a message board.

Just know that this shit stays on the internet forever, and that it's pretty easy for someone to find out who you actually are.

So don't think for a second that once the shit hits the fan you can slither away with your "No true Scotsman" like you did with Bush, Palin, and the teabags.
It says he has been under sanction from the US Treasury since Dec 29, 2016.On 29 December 2016, Korobov was one of the individuals sanctioned by the United States Department of the Treasury for "malicious cyber-enabled activities" threatening the national security of the United States.[1

And recently Trump refused to impose those sanctions, and the other sanctions that Obama set forth in that December 29th Executive Order. Remember when Trump went through and nullified all of Obama's Executive Orders? This was one of those.


What is it that Trumpet is supposed to do again? Enforce something that is already being enforced?

You. Don't. Know. What. The. Fuck. You're. Talking. About.
Why would he sell weapons to Russia's current enemy if he is a collaborator?

Any escalation in the Ukrainian conflict actually HELPS Putin to remain in power.

It is not like the Ukrainians have a chance of beating Russia, no matter what we give them.

Sent from my iPhone using

And another round of spin.

Anything to fit the narrative in your addled little mind.

So, in your little Trump zealot of a mind you think that the Ukraine can defeat Russia in a war? really?
Why won't he enforce those sanctions on Russia? Because he owes it to them not to.

There is no other reason for Trump refusing to enforce sanctions on Russia for hacking the 2016 election that passed Congress 517-5.

At this point, anyone still defending Trump and this action is a collaborator too.

can you imagine if Barack Obama did that?


damn, they're sad.
Yeah BO was surely a warmonger. I guess average lefties are too.
It says he has been under sanction from the US Treasury since Dec 29, 2016.On 29 December 2016, Korobov was one of the individuals sanctioned by the United States Department of the Treasury for "malicious cyber-enabled activities" threatening the national security of the United States.[1

And recently Trump refused to impose those sanctions, and the other sanctions that Obama set forth in that December 29th Executive Order. Remember when Trump went through and nullified all of Obama's Executive Orders? This was one of those.


What is it that Trumpet is supposed to do again? Enforce something that is already being enforced?

You. Don't. Know. What. The. Fuck. You're. Talking. About.

The law was linked to you, as has been numerous other articles. Stop being lazy, get off your entitled ass, and do some work.
It says he has been under sanction from the US Treasury since Dec 29, 2016.On 29 December 2016, Korobov was one of the individuals sanctioned by the United States Department of the Treasury for "malicious cyber-enabled activities" threatening the national security of the United States.[1

And recently Trump refused to impose those sanctions, and the other sanctions that Obama set forth in that December 29th Executive Order. Remember when Trump went through and nullified all of Obama's Executive Orders? This was one of those.


What is it that Trumpet is supposed to do again? Enforce something that is already being enforced?

You. Don't. Know. What. The. Fuck. You're. Talking. About.

The law was linked to you, as has been numerous other articles. Stop being lazy, get off your entitled ass, and do some work.
I want you to link where Trump refused to impose those sanctions and nullified the one from Dec, 29.
It's not my fault Obama was a POS.

I think you're envious of Obama; that he didn't leave behind a smoldering wreckage of an economy like you all did with Bush the Dumber. I think you resent him for not being as much a failure as you, Bush the Dumber, and your shit Conservative policy was from 2001-2009. I think you obsess over Obama and try to drag him down to your level because your shit ego simply cannot handle the fact that you're not as smart, clever, informed, or intuitive as you want people to think. I think it's pretty obvious that you are completely embarrassed by the failure of Bush the Dumber and the policies you supported for his 8 years, so you seek to diminish everyone else so you can preserve that shitpile you call an ego.

Get the fuck over yourself. No one cares about you or your feelings.
You are an amusement with your childish and ignorant opinions, yet you call everyone else dumb. LMFAO.

My guess is you get banned before the week is out. Bye bye.
Look at the lying regressives talking about things they know nothing about. So what else is new? Personally, me not being a moron like these liars are, I'd rather be on good terms with Russia.

So this is a typical abuser/abused response. Being nice to an abuser means they will stop abusing you? When has that ever been the case.

Funny watching Conservatives leaping to Russia's defense so readily. Makes you question their allegiance and loyalty to this country.
Moscow Syndrome

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