Trump won't enforce sanctions that passed Congress 517-5

Yum you do know Trump could of removed Obama's sanctions at any time right?

He can't remove them because Congress codified them in the bill, he can just choose to not enforce them. Now what reason could there possibly be for Trump to not enforce sanctions on Russia? Hmmm...I wonder....
Is that like Obama not enforcing the immigration laws that were passed by Congress?

Nope. It's nothing like that. There's a clear quid-pro-quo for Trump not enforcing sanctions on the country that helped him win; no such quid-pro-quo exists for immigration laws for Obama.
Yum you do know Trump could of removed Obama's sanctions at any time right?

He can't remove them because Congress codified them in the bill, he can just choose to not enforce them. Now what reason could there possibly be for Trump to not enforce sanctions on Russia? Hmmm...I wonder....

Prove it...once again you admit they can't force Trump to apply new sanctions
Yum you do know Trump could of removed Obama's sanctions at any time right?

He can't remove them because Congress codified them in the bill, he can just choose to not enforce them. Now what reason could there possibly be for Trump to not enforce sanctions on Russia? Hmmm...I wonder....

Prove it...once again you admit they can't force Trump to apply new sanctions

You are a troll. I posted the text from the bill where the sanctions Obama imposed at the end of 2016 for Russian hacking were codified.

Did your FSB handlers not teach you what "codified" means?

And why wouldn't Trump enforce sanctions on Russia? Simple; it's quid-pro-quo.
Why won't he enforce those sanctions on Russia? Because he owes it to them not to.

There is no other reason for Trump refusing to enforce sanctions on Russia for hacking the 2016 election that passed Congress 517-5.

At this point, anyone still defending Trump and this action is a collaborator too.

Don't you hate it when a President fails to enforce the law?
But enough about Obama.
Yum you do know Trump could of removed Obama's sanctions at any time right?

He can't remove them because Congress codified them in the bill, he can just choose to not enforce them. Now what reason could there possibly be for Trump to not enforce sanctions on Russia? Hmmm...I wonder....

Prove it...once again you admit they can't force Trump to apply new sanctions

You are a troll. I posted the text from the bill where the sanctions Obama imposed at the end of 2016 for Russian hacking were codified.

Did your FSB handlers not teach you what "codified" means?

And why wouldn't Trump enforce sanctions on Russia? Simple; it's quid-pro-quo.

Troll my butt, you are a snowflake who is upset that you can't get your way, Trump is under no obligations to put new sanctions on Russia and could remove the old ones by Obama anytime he wishes..

That was no law, Trump didn't sign it .
Don't you hate it when a President fails to enforce the law?
But enough about Obama.

Whatabout your compulsion to whatabout? What about that? Do you whatabout because you simply cannot handle the fact that you're not as clever or intuitive as you think, so you want people to think you are by throwing out red herring after red herring? Is it because you recognize you are an intellectual lightweight and immoral leech who can't let a conversation go without trying to drag others down to your bottom-feeder level? Or is it because you're a troll and it's simply your job?

Obama choosing to not enforce immigration laws is no quid-pro-quo. Trump refusing to enforce sanctions on Russia for meddling in the 2016 election is quid-pro-quo.
Troll my butt, you are a snowflake who is upset that you can't get your way, Trump is under no obligations to put new sanctions on Russia and could remove the old ones by Obama anytime he wishes..

No. That is clearly not what the law says. The law you screeched I quote, then you refuse to read the quote. You're clearly making this shit up as you go.
Those are past findings related to Ukraine

WRONG. Check the date; December 29th, 2016. That was in response to Russia's election hacking. And in order for your argument to work, you must prove those are "past findings related to Ukraine". You can't and won't be able to, because they're not.

I want to know who you believe is supposed to be sanctioned by the new law. You are claiming Trumpet is in violation of the law, you must know why.

I already provided you with the list of sanctions Obama imposed via executive order on 12/29/16. The law itself (the one you refuse to scroll through and read in order to answer your stupid questions)

Are you just playing stupid?

No, but you sure are.

(3) On April 1, 2015, President Obama issued Executive Order
No. 13694 (80 Fed. Reg. 18077; relating to blocking the property
of certain persons engaging in significant malicious cyber-
enabled activities), which authorizes the Secretary of the
Treasury, in consultation with the Attorney General and the
Secretary of State, to impose sanctions on persons determined to
be engaged in malicious cyber-hacking.

(4) On July 26, 2016, President Obama approved a
Presidential Policy Directive on United States Cyber Incident
Coordination, which states, ``certain cyber incidents that have
significant impacts on an entity, our national security, or the
broader economy require a unique approach to response efforts''.

(5) On December 29, 2016, President Obama issued an annex to
Executive Order No. 13694, which authorized sanctions on the
following entities and individuals (Already provided that list).

And here's where the law codifies those sanctions from Executive Orders:

(a) Codification.--United States sanctions provided for in Executive
Order No. 13660 (79 Fed. Reg. 13493; relating to blocking property of
certain persons contributing to the situation in Ukraine), Executive
Order No. 13661 (79 Fed. Reg. 15535; relating to blocking property of
additional persons contributing to the situation in Ukraine), Executive
Order No. 13662 (79 Fed. Reg. 16169; relating to blocking property of
additional persons contributing to the situation in Ukraine), Executive
Order No. 13685 (79 Fed. Reg. 77357; relating to blocking property of
certain persons and prohibiting certain transactions with respect to the
Crimea region of Ukraine), Executive Order No. 13694 (80 Fed. Reg.
18077; relating to blocking the property of certain persons engaging in significant malicious cyber-
enabled activities), and Executive Order No. 13757 (82 Fed. Reg. 1;
relating to taking additional steps to address the national emergency
with respect to significant malicious cyber-enabled activities), as in
effect on the day before the date of the enactment of this Act,
including with respect to all persons sanctioned under such Executive
orders, shall remain in effect except as provided in subsection (b).
(b) <<NOTE: Notice.>> Termination of Certain Sanctions.--Subject to
section 216, the President may terminate the application of sanctions
described in subsection (a) that are imposed on a person in connection
with activity conducted by the person if the President submits to the
appropriate congressional committees a notice that--
(1) the person is not engaging in the activity that was the
basis for the sanctions or has taken significant verifiable
steps toward stopping the activity; and
(2) the President has received reliable assurances that the
person will not knowingly engage in activity subject to
sanctions described in subsection (a) in the future.

#1 and #2 have never been submitted by Trump, yet he's refusing to impose the sanctions codified by Congress in a 517-5 vote.

So why are you pretending to be stupid, fat, and lazy?
Dummy, that is an Obama executive order implementing sanctions on Russians from Dec 29 2016, when he was still president. The reason for the sanctions is irrelevant, they are still past findings.

Now, one more time. Who do you believe is supposed to be sanctioned in accordance with the new law?
Russia had such a successful hack that not a single vote has been changed!

We don't actually know that because Trump's DHS refuses to reveal the breadth and depth of Russia's hack. We know that they hacked the voter rolls of at least a dozen states. They also flooded social media with propaganda that hacked the brains of Conservatives, whose operating systems were already infected by 8 years of GOP viruses.

It was a whole thing...Congress even voted 99% to impose sanctions on Russia because of it.
He's been enforcing other sanctions, and again, he's followed the letter of the law, identifying several people purportedly involved in the shenanigans.

The other sanctions are unrelated to the 2016 election meddling and were imposed by Obama. The sanctions Trump refuses to enforce are those specifically tied to the 2016 election meddling. You gotta ask, why? The answer is pretty obvious; Trump won't sanction Russia for helping him win in 2016. Why else would he not enforce sanctions that Congress passed 517-5?

Show me where in the law the sanctions you are yammering about HAVE TO BE ENFORCED.

It is literally the President's job to execute the law. The law ITSELF is literally called "Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act".

Yeah, but where in the law does it say he has to automatically enforce the sanctions after a given condition is met?
Russia had such a successful hack that not a single vote has been changed!

We don't actually know that because Trump's DHS refuses to reveal the breadth and depth of Russia's hack. We know that they hacked the voter rolls of at least a dozen states. They also flooded social media with propaganda that hacked the brains of Conservatives, whose operating systems were already infected by 8 years of GOP viruses.

It was a whole thing...Congress even voted 99% to impose sanctions on Russia because of it.
We know that each state certified their machines has being 100% accurate.

No vote was changed. This is all ancient history.

This thread is nothing but a continuing effort to delegitimize the American election process.

Have a nice night.
Dummy, that is an Obama executive order implementing sanctions on Russians from Dec 29 2016, when he was still president. The reason for the sanctions is irrelevant, they are still past findings.


The law that Trump signed codified those Obama sanctions.

As the law says, the sanctions were related to the cyber attacks.

I even quoted the part of the law where it says that when you could have just scrolled down and read it for yourself.

Now you're making shit up as you go, flailing because you realize you're full of shit.

Now, one more time. Who do you believe is supposed to be sanctioned in accordance with the new law?

One more time for the slow kid:

On December 29th, 2016, Obama by executive order imposed sanctions on Russia and Russian individuals for hacking the 2016 election. In July of 2017, Congress codified those laws in the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act. Trump signed that law on August 2nd, 2017. It's the sanctions (from Executive Order 13694 from 12/29/16) that Congress codified as they relate to Russian hacking that Trump refuses to enforce. The reason why is obvious; he owes Russia.
Yeah, but where in the law does it say he has to automatically enforce the sanctions after a given condition is met?

The part where Congress said the sanctions Obama passed by Executive Order are codified into law.

Why wouldn't Trump enforce the sanctions? Simple; he owes Russia.
Yeah, but where in the law does it say he has to automatically enforce the sanctions after a given condition is met?

The part where Congress said the sanctions Obama passed by Executive Order are codified into law.

Why wouldn't Trump enforce the sanctions? Simple; he owes Russia.

Has he revoked those Sanctions?

You are talking about two separate things, the old sanction and the supposed new ones under the law passed by congress and signed by Trump.

Again, he released the names of the people the law required him to release. Now go read the actual law and point out where he is explicitly told to enact sanctions automatically when a certain condition is met. Under the new law, not the old ones.
We know that each state certified their machines has being 100% accurate.

I never said Russia changed votes (and we're not entirely sure they didn't). What I've said is that Russia hacked your brain, which we are sure of.

No vote was changed. This is all ancient history.

It's not 100% certain votes weren't changed. But it is 100% certain that Conservative minds were changed by Russian propaganda. You are one of those whose brains were hacked.

This thread is nothing but a continuing effort to delegitimize the American election process.Have a nice night.

Run along you coward. Once you've reached the end of your talking points, you scurry away like the roach you are.
Why won't he enforce those sanctions on Russia? Because he owes it to them not to.

There is no other reason for Trump refusing to enforce sanctions on Russia for hacking the 2016 election that passed Congress 517-5.

At this point, anyone still defending Trump and this action is a collaborator too.
That's it, he is compromised to a foreign murderer
Dummy, that is an Obama executive order implementing sanctions on Russians from Dec 29 2016, when he was still president. The reason for the sanctions is irrelevant, they are still past findings.


The law that Trump signed codified those Obama sanctions.

As the law says, the sanctions were related to the cyber attacks.

I even quoted the part of the law where it says that when you could have just scrolled down and read it for yourself.

Now you're making shit up as you go, flailing because you realize you're full of shit.

Now, one more time. Who do you believe is supposed to be sanctioned in accordance with the new law?

One more time for the slow kid:

On December 29th, 2016, Obama by executive order imposed sanctions on Russia and Russian individuals for hacking the 2016 election. In July of 2017, Congress codified those laws in the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act. Trump signed that law on August 2nd, 2017. It's the sanctions (from Executive Order 13694 from 12/29/16) that Congress codified as they relate to Russian hacking that Trump refuses to enforce. The reason why is obvious; he owes Russia.
I looked up one guy from your list. Igor Korobov - Wikipedia

It says he has been under sanction from the US Treasury since Dec 29, 2016.

On 29 December 2016, Korobov was one of the individuals sanctioned by the United States Department of the Treasury for "malicious cyber-enabled activities" threatening the national security of the United States.[1

What is it that Trumpet is supposed to do again? Enforce something that is already being enforced?

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