Trump won't enforce sanctions that passed Congress 517-5

Just goes to show how the Congress is just about completely controlled by the Military Industrial Complex and the Intelligence Community.

OR, Trump had Russia's help in the election and he's been lying to you that he didn't.

Why is you being a sucker not a legitimate explanation?
It is more likely Russia was working with Big Ears and Cankles to get her elected. There is more evidence of this, then evidence they were working for Trump.

....but lefties have been inflamed once again by DNCTV and can't think.
Here is a direct link to the law.
Text - H.R.3364 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act
Please pick out the section that stipulates what sanctions are to be implemented and that you believe Trumpet to be in violation of.
If you cannot provide the requested information then kindly shut the fuck up you brain dead sheep.

Are you fucking kidding me?


Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions

Pretty self-explanatory what the bill does and means.

Here's the part of the bill where it lists out the sanctions against Russia:

Part 2--Sanctions With Respect to the Russian Federation

Sec. 221. Definitions.
Sec. 222. Codification of sanctions relating to the Russian Federation.
Sec. 223. Modification of implementation of Executive Order No. 13662.

[[Page 131 STAT. 887]]

Sec. 224. Imposition of sanctions with respect to activities of the
Russian Federation undermining cybersecurity.

Sec. 225. Imposition of sanctions relating to special Russian crude oil

Sec. 226. Imposition of sanctions with respect to Russian and other
foreign financial institutions.

Sec. 227. Mandatory imposition of sanctions with respect to significant
corruption in the Russian Federation.

Sec. 228. Mandatory imposition of sanctions with respect to certain
transactions with foreign sanctions evaders and serious human
rights abusers in the Russian Federation.

Sec. 229. Notifications to Congress under Ukraine Freedom Support Act of
Sec. 230. Standards for termination of certain sanctions with respect to
the Russian Federation.
Sec. 231. Imposition of sanctions with respect to persons engaging in
transactions with the intelligence or defense sectors of the
Government of the Russian Federation.

Sec. 232. Sanctions with respect to the development of pipelines in the
Russian Federation.

Sec. 233. Sanctions with respect to investment in or facilitation of
privatization of state-owned assets by the Russian

Sec. 234. Sanctions with respect to the transfer of arms and related
materiel to Syria.

Sec. 235. Sanctions described.
Sec. 236. Exceptions, waiver, and termination.
Sec. 237. Exception relating to activities of the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
Sec. 238. Rule of construction.

Scroll down in the text to each section to get the details.'re too fucking lazy to do that.
Here is a direct link to the law.
Text - H.R.3364 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act
Please pick out the section that stipulates what sanctions are to be implemented and that you believe Trumpet to be in violation of.
If you cannot provide the requested information then kindly shut the fuck up you brain dead sheep.

Are you fucking kidding me?


Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions

Pretty self-explanatory what the bill does and means.

Here's the part of the bill where it lists out the sanctions against Russia:

Part 2--Sanctions With Respect to the Russian Federation

Sec. 221. Definitions.
Sec. 222. Codification of sanctions relating to the Russian Federation.
Sec. 223. Modification of implementation of Executive Order No. 13662.

[[Page 131 STAT. 887]]

Sec. 224. Imposition of sanctions with respect to activities of the
Russian Federation undermining cybersecurity.
Sec. 225. Imposition of sanctions relating to special Russian crude oil
Sec. 226. Imposition of sanctions with respect to Russian and other
foreign financial institutions.
Sec. 227. Mandatory imposition of sanctions with respect to significant
corruption in the Russian Federation.
Sec. 228. Mandatory imposition of sanctions with respect to certain
transactions with foreign sanctions evaders and serious human
rights abusers in the Russian Federation.
Sec. 229. Notifications to Congress under Ukraine Freedom Support Act of
Sec. 230. Standards for termination of certain sanctions with respect to
the Russian Federation.
Sec. 231. Imposition of sanctions with respect to persons engaging in
transactions with the intelligence or defense sectors of the
Government of the Russian Federation.
Sec. 232. Sanctions with respect to the development of pipelines in the
Russian Federation.
Sec. 233. Sanctions with respect to investment in or facilitation of
privatization of state-owned assets by the Russian
Sec. 234. Sanctions with respect to the transfer of arms and related
materiel to Syria.
Sec. 235. Sanctions described.
Sec. 236. Exceptions, waiver, and termination.
Sec. 237. Exception relating to activities of the National Aeronautics
and Space Administration.
Sec. 238. Rule of construction.

Scroll down in the text to each section to get the details.'re too fucking lazy to do that.
All based on lies provided by the D Party.

Now they are really sore losers.
Yeah we need sanctions because of Facebook memes.

Facebook memes are Russian propaganda. You had a foreign power spreading propaganda in the election. You defend that only because they did so on behalf of the guy you wanted to win. Now you're here arguing we shouldn't sanction Russia for meddling in our election, why? Either you're a Russian yourself, or you know they helped Trump win.

Why did he need them? She lost the primary.

Why? Because Congress passed them for Russia meddling in our election.

Conservatives are now defending foreign meddling in our elections. What an about-face.
Why won't he enforce those sanctions on Russia? Because he owes it to them not to.

There is no other reason for Trump refusing to enforce sanctions on Russia for hacking the 2016 election that passed Congress 517-5.

At this point, anyone still defending Trump and this action is a collaborator too.
Here is a direct link to the law.
Text - H.R.3364 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act

Please pick out the section that stipulates what sanctions are to be implemented and that you believe Trumpet to be in violation of.

If you cannot provide the requested information then kindly shut the fuck up you brain dead sheep.

EC. 224. <<NOTE: President. Determination. 22 USC

(a) In General.--On and after the date that is 60 days after the
date of the enactment of this Act, the President shall--
(1) impose the sanctions described in subsection
(b) with
respect to any person that the President determines--
(A) knowingly engages in significant activities
undermining cybersecurity against any person, including
a democratic institution, or government on behalf of the
Government of the Russian Federation; or

[[Page 131 STAT. 909]]

(B) is owned or controlled by, or acts or purports
to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, a
person described in subparagraph (A);
(2) impose five or more of the sanctions described in
section 235 with respect to any person that the President
determines knowingly materially assists, sponsors, or provides
financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or
services (except financial services) in support of, an activity
described in paragraph (1)(A); and
(3) impose three or more of the sanctions described in
section 4(c) of the of the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014
(22 U.S.C. 8923(c)) with respect to any person that the
President determines knowingly provides financial services in
support of an activity described in paragraph (1)(A).

You can now kindly shut the fuck up, brain dead sheep.
It is more likely Russia was working with Big Ears and Cankles to get her elected. .

Bullshit because Obama and Clinton imposed sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine and holding illegitimate elections. Clinton even called Putin's election "illegitimate". Why would they work with Putin to elect Trump? It makes no sense.

There is more evidence of this, then evidence they were working for Trump..

No, there isn't. Not at all. Not even close.
All based on lies provided by the D Party.

It's a fact that Russia meddled in our election in 2016. Every single intelligence agency confirms this. Trump's DHS Director confirms it. Trump even said so himself.

Congress voted 517-5 to pass sanctions. Trump is refusing to enforce those sanctions. Why?
It is more likely Russia was working with Big Ears and Cankles to get her elected. .

Bullshit because Obama and Clinton imposed sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine and holding illegitimate elections. Clinton even called Putin's election "illegitimate". Why would they work with Putin to elect Trump? It makes no sense.

There is more evidence of this, then evidence they were working for Trump..

No, there isn't. Not at all. Not even close.
All bullshit. None of our business. Ukraine was a coup done by Obama's people.

Sanctions are an act of war. Why do lefties want war? They once stood for peace.
It is more likely Russia was working with Big Ears and Cankles to get her elected. .

Bullshit because Obama and Clinton imposed sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine and holding illegitimate elections. Clinton even called Putin's election "illegitimate". Why would they work with Putin to elect Trump? It makes no sense.

There is more evidence of this, then evidence they were working for Trump..

No, there isn't. Not at all. Not even close.
All bullshit. None of our business. Ukraine was a coup done by Obama's people.

Please stop talking about something you have no fucking clue about.
Facebook memes are Russian propaganda. You had a foreign power spreading propaganda in the election. You defend that only because they did so on behalf of the guy you wanted to win. Now you're here arguing we shouldn't sanction Russia for meddling in our election, why? Either you're a Russian yourself, or you know they helped Trump win.

Grow up we interfere with foreign electons/politics and foreign countries do the same. Unless they tampered with the voting machines or prevented people from voting (using force) then it isn't worth going after them.
All based on lies provided by the D Party.

It's a fact that Russia meddled in our election in 2016. Every single intelligence agency confirms this. Trump's DHS Director confirms it. Trump even said so himself.

Congress voted 517-5 to pass sanctions. Trump is refusing to enforce those sanctions. Why?
Stop buying the lies of the State.

The US meddles in elections around the world. Grow a pair...why did your Messiah do nothing to stop it....could it be he thought they were helping your fat bottomed girl?

Russia didn't think the FBI and Justice Dept were so dumb as to think that silly dossier would be taken seriously. They must be laughing their asses off at how stupid Americans are.
It is more likely Russia was working with Big Ears and Cankles to get her elected. .

Bullshit because Obama and Clinton imposed sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine and holding illegitimate elections. Clinton even called Putin's election "illegitimate". Why would they work with Putin to elect Trump? It makes no sense.

There is more evidence of this, then evidence they were working for Trump..

No, there isn't. Not at all. Not even close.
All bullshit. None of our business. Ukraine was a coup done by Obama's people.

Please stop talking about something you have no fucking clue about.
Obama's people committed a coup in Ukraine. Write it down. Believe it. FACT!!!
It is more likely Russia was working with Big Ears and Cankles to get her elected. .

Bullshit because Obama and Clinton imposed sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine and holding illegitimate elections. Clinton even called Putin's election "illegitimate". Why would they work with Putin to elect Trump? It makes no sense.

There is more evidence of this, then evidence they were working for Trump..

No, there isn't. Not at all. Not even close.
All bullshit. None of our business. Ukraine was a coup done by Obama's people.

Please stop talking about something you have no fucking clue about.
Obama's people committed a coup in Ukraine. Write it down. Believe it. FACT!!!

:rolleyes: They were Ukranians dumb-ass, there were no Americans or any other foreigners in the uprising.


Why are you spending your time pushing Russian propaganda?
Grow up we interfere with foreign electons/politics and foreign countries do the same. Unless they tampered with the voting machines or prevented people from voting (using force) then it isn't worth going after them.

More excuses..."wah, we do it to others"...yeah, and they hate us for it. So help me understand your logic here; because we "meddled" in other elections, that makes it OK for Russia to meddle in ours?

That is the position you want to have here?
Unless they tampered with the voting machines or prevented people from voting (using force) then it isn't worth going after them.

But they did hack the voting systems. We don't know the extent to which they hacked because you guys don't want to know. We already know that they hacked into the voter rolls of at least a dozen states.

You are perfectly OK with them doing that simply because your guy won the election. So now you turn a blind eye toward hacking and propaganda.

Congrats for admitting you got hoodwinked by Russian propaganda, though. That was a real gem.
It is more likely Russia was working with Big Ears and Cankles to get her elected. .

Bullshit because Obama and Clinton imposed sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine and holding illegitimate elections. Clinton even called Putin's election "illegitimate". Why would they work with Putin to elect Trump? It makes no sense.

There is more evidence of this, then evidence they were working for Trump..

No, there isn't. Not at all. Not even close.
All bullshit. None of our business. Ukraine was a coup done by Obama's people.

Please stop talking about something you have no fucking clue about.
Obama's people committed a coup in Ukraine. Write it down. Believe it. FACT!!!

:rolleyes: They were Ukranians dumb-ass, there were no Americans or any other foreigners in the uprising.

Why are you spending your time pushing Russian propaganda?

Apparently you do not how coups are started. You might educate yourself on the workings and actions of the CIA. When you get done, let me know and I will school you further.
Why won't he enforce those sanctions on Russia? Because he owes it to them not to.

There is no other reason for Trump refusing to enforce sanctions on Russia for hacking the 2016 election that passed Congress 517-5.

At this point, anyone still defending Trump and this action is a collaborator too.
Here is a direct link to the law.
Text - H.R.3364 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act

Please pick out the section that stipulates what sanctions are to be implemented and that you believe Trumpet to be in violation of.

If you cannot provide the requested information then kindly shut the fuck up you brain dead sheep.

EC. 224. <<NOTE: President. Determination. 22 USC

(a) In General.--On and after the date that is 60 days after the
date of the enactment of this Act, the President shall--
(1) impose the sanctions described in subsection
(b) with
respect to any person that the President determines--
(A) knowingly engages in significant activities
undermining cybersecurity against any person, including
a democratic institution, or government on behalf of the
Government of the Russian Federation; or

[[Page 131 STAT. 909]]

(B) is owned or controlled by, or acts or purports
to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, a
person described in subparagraph (A);
(2) impose five or more of the sanctions described in
section 235 with respect to any person that the President
determines knowingly materially assists, sponsors, or provides
financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or
services (except financial services) in support of, an activity
described in paragraph (1)(A); and
(3) impose three or more of the sanctions described in
section 4(c) of the of the Ukraine Freedom Support Act of 2014
(22 U.S.C. 8923(c)) with respect to any person that the
President determines knowingly provides financial services in
support of an activity described in paragraph (1)(A).

You can now kindly shut the fuck up, brain dead sheep.
Let's just start by picking one.

(a) In General.--On and after the date that is 60 days after the
date of the enactment of this Act, the President shall--
(1) impose the sanctions described in subsection
(b) with
respect to any person that the President determines--
(A) knowingly engages in significant activities
undermining cybersecurity against any person, including
a democratic institution, or government on behalf of the
Government of the Russian Federation

Who is this person described in this section that Trumpet is supposed to sanction? Do you have a name?
ho is this person described in this section that Trumpet is supposed to sanction? Do you have a name?

How about you scroll down to the subsection of the law where it specifically talks about who/what is being sanctioned. It's in the freaking bill you guys linked to. Why are you being so lazy?
Bullshit because Obama and Clinton imposed sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine and holding illegitimate elections. Clinton even called Putin's election "illegitimate". Why would they work with Putin to elect Trump? It makes no sense.

No, there isn't. Not at all. Not even close.
All bullshit. None of our business. Ukraine was a coup done by Obama's people.

Please stop talking about something you have no fucking clue about.
Obama's people committed a coup in Ukraine. Write it down. Believe it. FACT!!!

:rolleyes: They were Ukranians dumb-ass, there were no Americans or any other foreigners in the uprising.

Why are you spending your time pushing Russian propaganda?

Apparently you do not how coups are started. You might educate yourself on the workings and actions of the CIA. When you get done, let me know and I will school you further.

Apparently you don't know the meaning of the words "Obama's people committed a coup in Ukraine."

They DIDN'T, Ukrainians committed the coup, so please stop spreading bullshit.

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