Trump won't enforce sanctions that passed Congress 517-5

Maybe it is because there is ZERO evidence Russia hacked anything?

All our intelligence agencies confirmed Russia hacked us. Your current DHS Director says they are trying to hack again this year. 99% of Congress voted to impose sanctions on Russia because they hacked us.

Trump refuses to enforce sanctions on Russia for hacking the election because he owes it to them.

No other explanation makes sense.

Your current DHS Director says they are trying to hack again this year

Why the DNC rigging elections again?

DHS = Department of Homeland Security
DNC = Democratic National Committee

You can't even keep your abbreviations straight. What does that say about the rest of your defense?
Why the DNC rigging elections again?

They're not. You Russians are trying to rig elections again. Trump won't enforce sanctions on Russia because he owes it to them not to. There is no other reason for why he won't enforce sanctions. Total quid-pro-quo and evidence of guilt.
Maybe it is because there is ZERO evidence Russia hacked anything?

All our intelligence agencies confirmed Russia hacked us. Your current DHS Director says they are trying to hack again this year. 99% of Congress voted to impose sanctions on Russia because they hacked us.

Trump refuses to enforce sanctions on Russia for hacking the election because he owes it to them.

No other explanation makes sense.

Your current DHS Director says they are trying to hack again this year

Why the DNC rigging elections again?

DHS = Department of Homeland Security
DNC = Democratic National Committee

You can't even keep your abbreviations straight. What does that say about the rest of your defense?

What the fuck does DHC have to do with rigging DNC nominations?
Why won't he enforce those sanctions on Russia? Because he owes it to them not to.

There is no other reason for Trump refusing to enforce sanctions on Russia for hacking the 2016 election that passed Congress 517-5.

At this point, anyone still defending Trump and this action is a collaborator too.
Good. We don’t need WWIII, no matter how badly the criminal ruling class wants it.
Why the DNC rigging elections again?

They're not. You Russians are trying to rig elections again. Trump won't enforce sanctions on Russia because he owes it to them not to. There is no other reason for why he won't enforce sanctions. Total quid-pro-quo and evidence of guilt.

That's the only way they meddeled in them last time illegal wetback..

If the DNC doesn't rig their nominations, if Hillary wasn't up to her normal corruption, the Russians would of have nothing to post ...

God are you stupid
Maybe it is because there is ZERO evidence Russia hacked anything?

Maybe you live on the moon - American intelligence is pretty sure Russians hacked our political organizations, they believe it based on...wait for it....EVIDENCE. STEPPE-2016-1229.pdf

Which also includes intercept of PUTIN'S DIRECTIVES to do that

Vladimir Putin likely gave go-ahead for U.S. cyberattack, intelligence officials say
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Maybe it is because there is ZERO evidence Russia hacked anything?
So he has decided to go against Congress and do his own thing...

So when Obama doesn't follow immigration laws and let's rejects stay in the country it is moral?

When Trump trys to prevent WW3 bad.

Got it.

Why the DNC rigging elections again?

They're not. You Russians are trying to rig elections again. Trump won't enforce sanctions on Russia because he owes it to them not to. There is no other reason for why he won't enforce sanctions. Total quid-pro-quo and evidence of guilt.

The Russians and Trump didn't need to "rig the election" (still don't know what that means) since she the only electon she could win was one that she wasn't involved in.

Bill had to do all her campaigning to win NY (the only one she won). Then in 08 she lost the primary to an affirmative action candidate. Finally she lost the 16 primary to the Crypt Keeper. The only reason she got the nomination was because the DNC actually stole the nomination for her.
So then what's the reason for Trump not enforcing sanctions on Russia that passed Congress 517-5? WE NEED RUSSIA BECAUSE CHINA IS THIER ALLY AND CHINA HOLDS OUR BANK NOTE AND CHINA IS DIGGING A CANAL IN NICARAGUA.
That's the only way they meddeled in them last time illegal wetback..

So you're admitting Russia did meddle in the election. And Trump refuses to enforce sanctions, why?

If the DNC doesn't rig their nominations, if Hillary wasn't up to her normal corruption, the Russians would of have nothing to post ...

How the DNC runs its nominations isn't what we're talking about. The Conservatives and Trump enlisted Russia's help, and now Trump and the Conservatives refuse to enforce sanctions on Russia. It's pretty obvious why.
Maybe it is because there is ZERO evidence Russia hacked anything?
So he has decided to go against Congress and do his own thing...

So when Obama doesn't follow immigration laws and let's rejects stay in the country it is moral?

When Trump trys to prevent WW3 bad.

Got it.

Why the DNC rigging elections again?

They're not. You Russians are trying to rig elections again. Trump won't enforce sanctions on Russia because he owes it to them not to. There is no other reason for why he won't enforce sanctions. Total quid-pro-quo and evidence of guilt.

The Russians and Trump didn't need to "rig the election" (still don't know what that means) since she the only electon she could win was one that she wasn't involved in.

Bill had to do all her campaigning to win NY (the only one she won). Then in 08 she lost the primary to an affirmative action candidate. Finally she lost the 16 primary to the Crypt Keeper. The only reason she got the nomination was because the DNC actually stole the nomination for her.
Oblama is not president now is he?
So when Obama doesn't follow immigration laws and let's rejects stay in the country it is moral?

The sanctions were passed by 99% of Congress in response to Russia's meddling in our election. It's got nothing to do with Obama.

SWhen Trump trys to prevent WW3 bad.

So we shouldn't enforce sanctions on Russia for meddling in the 2016 election because those sanctions could start WWIII? How so? Russia already hacked the election and you don't want to punish them. It's pretty obvious why. How would sanctions on Russia for meddling in our election cause WWIII when there are already sanctions on Russia in place for them invading the Ukraine and holding illegitimate elections?

I think you're just a Russian apologist and/or collaborator.

he Russians and Trump didn't need to "rig the election" (still don't know what that means) since she the only electon she could win was one that she wasn't involved in.

But they did need them, which is why Trump won't enforce sanctions on Russia today. Not enforcing sanctions on Russia for meddling in the 2016 election means they were in on it. It's the quid-pro-quo. Russia will help Trump win and in exchange, Trump won't sanction Russia for doing so.

When the shit finally hits the fan, don't expect anyone to forgive you. Don't expect anyone to understand you. Don't expect anyone to let you get away with "No true Scotsman" like you did with Bush, Palin, and the teabags. What you can expect is public humiliation and discrediting of everything you say, think, and believe. You won't have any legitimacy and neither will your Conservatism.

Bill had to do all her campaigning to win NY (the only one she won). Then in 08 she lost the primary to an affirmative action candidate. Finally she lost the 16 primary to the Crypt Keeper. The only reason she got the nomination was because the DNC actually stole the nomination for her.

Why won't Trump enforce sanctions on Russia for meddling in the 2016 election? Because they did so on Trump's behalf and he owes it to them.
So then what's the reason for Trump not enforcing sanctions on Russia that passed Congress 517-5? WE NEED RUSSIA BECAUSE CHINA IS THIER ALLY AND CHINA HOLDS OUR BANK NOTE AND CHINA IS DIGGING A CANAL IN NICARAGUA.

Well, that makes no sense because there already are sanctions on Russia for invading the Ukraine and holding illegitimate elections.

So that explanation doesn't make any sense. Try again.
The thugs and crime bosses Trump got into bed with to steal the election are already angry enough at him for bungling up and revealing the collusion. He’s scared that if he slapped new sanctions on them, he might find some polinium in his Big Mac sauce.
I think they're already giving him Spice. He's starting to take on the aspects of a Spacing Guild Navigator.

Just goes to show how the Congress is just about completely controlled by the Military Industrial Complex and the Intelligence Community.

Only FIVE!!! Five sane un-bought congress people out of 522. That is a very small percentage.

Those lawmakers were US Reps. Justin Amash (R-Mich.), Thomas Massie (R-Ky.), John Duncan Jr. (R-Tenn.), and US Sens. Rand Paul(R-Ky.) and Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
Why won't he enforce those sanctions on Russia? Because he owes it to them not to.

There is no other reason for Trump refusing to enforce sanctions on Russia for hacking the 2016 election that passed Congress 517-5.

At this point, anyone still defending Trump and this action is a collaborator too.
Here is a direct link to the law.
Text - H.R.3364 - 115th Congress (2017-2018): Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act

Please pick out the section that stipulates what sanctions are to be implemented and that you believe Trumpet to be in violation of.

If you cannot provide the requested information then kindly shut the fuck up you brain dead sheep.
NO ADDITIONAL SANCTIONS : such as sanctions against all Russian vodka entering the country. 122571695.jpg
Maybe it is because there is ZERO evidence Russia hacked anything?
So he has decided to go against Congress and do his own thing...

So when Obama doesn't follow immigration laws and let's rejects stay in the country it is moral?

When Trump trys to prevent WW3 bad.

Got it.

Why the DNC rigging elections again?

They're not. You Russians are trying to rig elections again. Trump won't enforce sanctions on Russia because he owes it to them not to. There is no other reason for why he won't enforce sanctions. Total quid-pro-quo and evidence of guilt.

The Russians and Trump didn't need to "rig the election" (still don't know what that means) since she the only electon she could win was one that she wasn't involved in.

Bill had to do all her campaigning to win NY (the only one she won). Then in 08 she lost the primary to an affirmative action candidate. Finally she lost the 16 primary to the Crypt Keeper. The only reason she got the nomination was because the DNC actually stole the nomination for her.
Oblama is not president now is he?

Just like pointing out the double standards.

The sanctions were passed by 99% of Congress in response to Russia's meddling in our election. It's got nothing to do with Obama.

Yeah we need sanctions because of Facebook memes.

So we shouldn't enforce sanctions on Russia for meddling in the 2016 election because those sanctions could start WWIII? How so? Russia already hacked the election and you don't want to punish them. It's pretty obvious why. How would sanctions on Russia for meddling in our election cause WWIII when there are already sanctions on Russia in place for them invading the Ukraine and holding illegitimate elections?

I think you're just a Russian apologist and/or collaborator

We aren't talking about Mexico or some other 3rd world country we can steam roll over we are talking about a huge nuclear power. Things can actually escalate.

But they did need them, which is why Trump won't enforce sanctions on Russia today.

Why did he need them? She lost the primary.
Maybe it is because there is ZERO evidence Russia hacked anything?
So he has decided to go against Congress and do his own thing...

So when Obama doesn't follow immigration laws and let's rejects stay in the country it is moral?

When Trump trys to prevent WW3 bad.

Got it.

Why the DNC rigging elections again?

They're not. You Russians are trying to rig elections again. Trump won't enforce sanctions on Russia because he owes it to them not to. There is no other reason for why he won't enforce sanctions. Total quid-pro-quo and evidence of guilt.

The Russians and Trump didn't need to "rig the election" (still don't know what that means) since she the only electon she could win was one that she wasn't involved in.

Bill had to do all her campaigning to win NY (the only one she won). Then in 08 she lost the primary to an affirmative action candidate. Finally she lost the 16 primary to the Crypt Keeper. The only reason she got the nomination was because the DNC actually stole the nomination for her.
Oblama is not president now is he?

Just like pointing out the double standards.

The sanctions were passed by 99% of Congress in response to Russia's meddling in our election. It's got nothing to do with Obama.

Yeah we need sanctions because of Facebook memes.

So we shouldn't enforce sanctions on Russia for meddling in the 2016 election because those sanctions could start WWIII? How so? Russia already hacked the election and you don't want to punish them. It's pretty obvious why. How would sanctions on Russia for meddling in our election cause WWIII when there are already sanctions on Russia in place for them invading the Ukraine and holding illegitimate elections?

I think you're just a Russian apologist and/or collaborator

We aren't talking about Mexico or some other 3rd world country we can steam roll over we are talking about a huge nuclear power. Things can actually escalate.

But they did need them, which is why Trump won't enforce sanctions on Russia today.

Why did he need them? She lost the primary.
Double standards means that Trump is doing no less than Oblama..
Just goes to show how the Congress is just about completely controlled by the Military Industrial Complex and the Intelligence Community.

OR, Trump had Russia's help in the election and he's been lying to you that he didn't.

Why is you being a sucker not a legitimate explanation?

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