Trump won't enforce sanctions that passed Congress 517-5

It says he has been under sanction from the US Treasury since Dec 29, 2016.On 29 December 2016, Korobov was one of the individuals sanctioned by the United States Department of the Treasury for "malicious cyber-enabled activities" threatening the national security of the United States.[1

And recently Trump refused to impose those sanctions, and the other sanctions that Obama set forth in that December 29th Executive Order. Remember when Trump went through and nullified all of Obama's Executive Orders? This was one of those.


What is it that Trumpet is supposed to do again? Enforce something that is already being enforced?

You. Don't. Know. What. The. Fuck. You're. Talking. About.

Derpy just repeats the same shit over and over with zero backup.


I can't help it that you're deliberately obtuse.

Derpy just repeats the same shit over and over with zero backup.

You're defending Russia from sanctions on a message board.

Just know that this shit stays on the internet forever, and that it's pretty easy for someone to find out who you actually are.

So don't think for a second that once the shit hits the fan you can slither away with your "No true Scotsman" like you did with Bush, Palin, and the teabags.

There are already plenty of sanctions on Russia.

I am making fun of your sides idiotic Quixotic attempts to take down Trump, no matter how stupid they appear to people without TDS.

And I am reporting your ass for threatening me.
Why would he sell weapons to Russia's current enemy if he is a collaborator?

Any escalation in the Ukrainian conflict actually HELPS Putin to remain in power.

It is not like the Ukrainians have a chance of beating Russia, no matter what we give them.

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And another round of spin.

Anything to fit the narrative in your addled little mind.

So, in your little Trump zealot of a mind you think that the Ukraine can defeat Russia in a war? really?

Who says anything about the outcome? More weapons to the Ukraine means more dead Russian soldiers, and a pissed off at the US Russian populace that Putin has to deal with.
Why would he sell weapons to Russia's current enemy if he is a collaborator?

Any escalation in the Ukrainian conflict actually HELPS Putin to remain in power.

It is not like the Ukrainians have a chance of beating Russia, no matter what we give them.

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And another round of spin.

Anything to fit the narrative in your addled little mind.

So, in your little Trump zealot of a mind you think that the Ukraine can defeat Russia in a war? really?

Who says anything about the outcome? More weapons to the Ukraine means more dead Russian soldiers, and a pissed off at the US Russian populace that Putin has to deal with.

more dead Russian soldiers means more time in power for Putin. Do you really think he cares about a few more dead Russian soldiers? The guy that burned down an apartment complex to get elected?
Derpy just repeats the same shit over and over with zero backup.

You're defending Russia from sanctions on a message board.

Just know that this shit stays on the internet forever, and that it's pretty easy for someone to find out who you actually are.

So don't think for a second that once the shit hits the fan you can slither away with your "No true Scotsman" like you did with Bush, Palin, and the teabags.

There are already plenty of sanctions on Russia.

I am making fun of your sides idiotic Quixotic attempts to take down Trump, no matter how stupid they appear to people without TDS.

And I am reporting your ass for threatening me.

Typical snowflake
Any escalation in the Ukrainian conflict actually HELPS Putin to remain in power.

It is not like the Ukrainians have a chance of beating Russia, no matter what we give them.

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And another round of spin.

Anything to fit the narrative in your addled little mind.

So, in your little Trump zealot of a mind you think that the Ukraine can defeat Russia in a war? really?

Who says anything about the outcome? More weapons to the Ukraine means more dead Russian soldiers, and a pissed off at the US Russian populace that Putin has to deal with.

more dead Russian soldiers means more time in power for Putin. Do you really think he cares about a few more dead Russian soldiers? The guy that burned down an apartment complex to get elected?

He cares if they decide something has to "be done" about the US supporting the Ukrainian efforts.

But keep spinning stuff like this, it's comedy gold.
Derpy just repeats the same shit over and over with zero backup.

You're defending Russia from sanctions on a message board.

Just know that this shit stays on the internet forever, and that it's pretty easy for someone to find out who you actually are.

So don't think for a second that once the shit hits the fan you can slither away with your "No true Scotsman" like you did with Bush, Palin, and the teabags.

There are already plenty of sanctions on Russia.

I am making fun of your sides idiotic Quixotic attempts to take down Trump, no matter how stupid they appear to people without TDS.

And I am reporting your ass for threatening me.

Typical snowflake

How is that snowflake? He threatened me personally, and the board has rules against that.

I am not saying he's hurting my feeeewwwwings. He threatened me directly.
Derpy just repeats the same shit over and over with zero backup.

You're defending Russia from sanctions on a message board.

Just know that this shit stays on the internet forever, and that it's pretty easy for someone to find out who you actually are.

So don't think for a second that once the shit hits the fan you can slither away with your "No true Scotsman" like you did with Bush, Palin, and the teabags.

There are already plenty of sanctions on Russia.

I am making fun of your sides idiotic Quixotic attempts to take down Trump, no matter how stupid they appear to people without TDS.

And I am reporting your ass for threatening me.

Typical snowflake

How is that snowflake? He threatened me personally, and the board has rules against that.

I am not saying he's hurting my feeeewwwwings. He threatened me directly.

I hope you are able to sleep tonight, the fear might keep you up

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Derpy just repeats the same shit over and over with zero backup.

You're defending Russia from sanctions on a message board.

Just know that this shit stays on the internet forever, and that it's pretty easy for someone to find out who you actually are.

So don't think for a second that once the shit hits the fan you can slither away with your "No true Scotsman" like you did with Bush, Palin, and the teabags.

There are already plenty of sanctions on Russia.

I am making fun of your sides idiotic Quixotic attempts to take down Trump, no matter how stupid they appear to people without TDS.

And I am reporting your ass for threatening me.

Typical snowflake

How is that snowflake? He threatened me personally, and the board has rules against that.

I am not saying he's hurting my feeeewwwwings. He threatened me directly.

I hope you are able to sleep tonight, the fear might keep you up

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Would you want someone as nuts as Derp threatening to find out who you actually are?
It's not my fault Obama was a POS.

I think you're envious of Obama; that he didn't leave behind a smoldering wreckage of an economy like you all did with Bush the Dumber. I think you resent him for not being as much a failure as you, Bush the Dumber, and your shit Conservative policy was from 2001-2009. I think you obsess over Obama and try to drag him down to your level because your shit ego simply cannot handle the fact that you're not as smart, clever, informed, or intuitive as you want people to think. I think it's pretty obvious that you are completely embarrassed by the failure of Bush the Dumber and the policies you supported for his 8 years, so you seek to diminish everyone else so you can preserve that shitpile you call an ego.

Get the fuck over yourself. No one cares about you or your feelings.

Obama's crappy recovery only cost us $9 trillion in added debt. Awesome!
Darn Russians.....reminding Conservatives that Clinton and the DNC were corrupt.

No, it's the damn Russians who confirmed biases that had infected Conservative minds during the prior 8 years. Conservatism turned your brain into mush, so it was rather easy for Russia to hack it.

No wonder why they voted against Hillary.DERP!

You're lying to yourself if you think DNC stacking the deck for Hillary was why people voted for Trump.

No, it's the damn Russians who confirmed biases

Yup. Confirmed that Hillary and the DNC are corrupt. Bastards!

You're lying to yourself if you think DNC stacking the deck for Hillary was why people voted for Trump.

Why did Wisconsin and Michigan vote for Trump? LOL!
It is more likely Russia was working with Big Ears and Cankles to get her elected. .

Bullshit because Obama and Clinton imposed sanctions on Russia for invading Ukraine and holding illegitimate elections. Clinton even called Putin's election "illegitimate". Why would they work with Putin to elect Trump? It makes no sense.

There is more evidence of this, then evidence they were working for Trump..

No, there isn't. Not at all. Not even close.
All bullshit. None of our business. Ukraine was a coup done by Obama's people.

Please stop talking about something you have no fucking clue about.

JFC that would be everything!

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