Trump "Would,Would Of,Wouldn't"Mix Up VS The "Obama Navy Corpse-Man" .Which Was More Embarrassing?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Is the MSM really getting on Trumps case over a simple gaffe? Don't we all get our "Would Of,Could Of,Should Of" statements mixed up time to time? At least Trump went on television and corrected his gaffe, But did Obama ever go back on live TV and tell the world of how he mis-spoke during that agonizing speech where he kept on talking about this "Navy Corpse-Man"?, or what about the time Obama spoke of these "Fallen Heroes" in his audience? I don't recall Obama correcting that embarrassing statement to the world.
Well, of course...."Navy Corpse-man" is the most embarrassing thing of all time....except for "57 states". That's beyond the pale.
His "I'll have more flexibility" gaffe is probably the most embarrassing. You could hear a mouse fart over the media outrage of that though.
It wasn't a gaffe.
Didn’t make a difference.
Please provide the Link of the video you saw or which media outlet you saw it on.
I saw it last night and there was zero wrong with what Trump said.

Like I said. It wasn't a gaffe. He meant what he said - that he believed Putin over our own country.
Is the MSM really getting on Trumps case over a simple gaffe? Don't we all get our "Would Of,Could Of,Should Of" statements mixed up time to time? At least Trump went on television and corrected his gaffe, But did Obama ever go back on live TV and tell the world of how he mis-spoke during that agonizing speech where he kept on talking about this "Navy Corpse-Man"?, or what about the time Obama spoke of these "Fallen Heroes" in his audience? I don't recall Obama correcting that embarrassing statement to the world.

They are not even remotely the same thing. Mispronouncing a word is one thing, using the totally wrong word is another. Then when you take the totality of his statements on that day his lie about using the wrong word makes no sense as it does not fit with the rest of what he said.
His "I'll have more flexibility" gaffe is probably the most embarrassing. You could hear a mouse fart over the media outrage of that though.

How far back to you have to reach to prop up our current president?
Is the MSM really getting on Trumps case over a simple gaffe? Don't we all get our "Would Of,Could Of,Should Of" statements mixed up time to time? At least Trump went on television and corrected his gaffe, But did Obama ever go back on live TV and tell the world of how he mis-spoke during that agonizing speech where he kept on talking about this "Navy Corpse-Man"?, or what about the time Obama spoke of these "Fallen Heroes" in his audience? I don't recall Obama correcting that embarrassing statement to the world.

First of all we don't get our "would of/wouldn't of" mixed up since there's no such thing. What you're trying to say is "would have/wouldn't have". "Would of" has no meaning whatsoever.

Second, "would" and "would not" are complete OPPOSITES. One is the negative of the other. It means the reverse.

"Corpsman" by contrast is a mispronunciation, obviously by a reader who wasn't used to seeing the word in print and therefore knowing that it has a French silent letter, which would not be silent under the structure of English. It does not mean the opposite of its accepted pronunciation. It can't. "Would" on the other hand is a far simpler more elemental word that any third grader understands the meaning of and would not use "would" if they meant "would not".
How many "gaffes" and "gaffe" corrections (ie walk backs) are we going to end up with here? The Corrections
His "I'll have more flexibility" gaffe is probably the most embarrassing. You could hear a mouse fart over the media outrage of that though.

On what planet exactly does any politician NOT have more flexibility after his election?

Y'all seem to keep parroting this line without it ever occurring to you that it makes no sense.

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