Trump wrote his own physical exam memo...

Trump's simply a con man liar...and those around this bad apple, end up rotting as well...

He brought a new low of all lows to the primary and then election process, and has done the same with the Presidency.

He is the man of lawlessness and chaos and division....and thrives on it..... :eek:

I don't know how anyone, anyone at all, can support this abomination of a man/ mankind????
Remember the doctor that said "If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."....yea, Trump wrote that himself. What a freaking joke the right elected to POTUS.

Exclusive: Bornstein claims Trump dictated the glowing health letter - CNNPolitics

Sorry your girl lost. :laughing0301:
When else in American history have supporters of the winner been totally fixated on the loser a year and a half later........:71:

When else in American history have supporters of the loser been totally fixated on the winner a year and a half later, and fixated on the idea that their candidate by all rights, should have won?
When Obama was president. The right cried for all 8 years that he wasn't eligible to be president. The left stopped talking about McCain and Romney right after their respective elections.

Goes to show just how crazy Hillary drives the right.

It's not so much that Hillary "drives us crazy". It that she's the laughingstock of the American political stage. Hillary will forever be held up for ridicule and referred to as a shining example of what it means to be a "loser".

Think about it: She was convinced that she was going to win. The media was convinced that she was going to win. The Democrats, the DNC, the bookmakers, the pollsters, and half the voters in this country were fooled into believing that "'s just her time."

But then she fuckin' lost. She lost against some rich white guy, who had no previous experience in the government.


Actually, considering the blitz the right ran since 2012 when Obama was reelected and it was clear Hillary was going to be a candidate for 2016, and the amount of misinformation spread by internet trolls with the help of a country that used to be considered a mortal enemy since Reagan was in office, to only win by 77k votes because "middle 'murica" fell for a David Duke lite, is not really something to be excited about.
Trump lied and conned his way into the White House with help from Putin and the Russian propaganda machine.
Remember the doctor that said "If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."....yea, Trump wrote that himself. What a freaking joke the right elected to POTUS.

Exclusive: Bornstein claims Trump dictated the glowing health letter - CNNPolitics

Sorry your girl lost. :laughing0301:
Sorry you were conned by a liar. Now we all suffer

"We" aren't suffering. You might be but I am winning.
Remember the doctor that said "If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."....yea, Trump wrote that himself. What a freaking joke the right elected to POTUS.

Exclusive: Bornstein claims Trump dictated the glowing health letter - CNNPolitics

Sorry your girl lost. :laughing0301:
Sorry you were conned by a liar. Now we all suffer

"We" aren't suffering. You might be but I am winning.
I was winning in 2016 when you were complaining and I'm winning now. How have things changed for you personally so that now you are winning all of the sudden.

How were you losing personally in 2016?
Remember the doctor that said "If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."....yea, Trump wrote that himself. What a freaking joke the right elected to POTUS.

Exclusive: Bornstein claims Trump dictated the glowing health letter - CNNPolitics
Trumpanzees don't care about the lies...they thrive on them.
And they’re so stupid, they don’t differentiate between trump lying to "the establishment" and this, where he is lying to the people he was trying to get to vote for him by stating his health was excellent.

Wait until they find out he’s not rich, either, and certainly not a billionaire.
Remember the doctor that said "If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."....yea, Trump wrote that himself. What a freaking joke the right elected to POTUS.

Exclusive: Bornstein claims Trump dictated the glowing health letter - CNNPolitics

Sorry your girl lost. :laughing0301:
When else in American history have supporters of the winner been totally fixated on the loser a year and a half later........:71:

When else in American history have supporters of the loser been totally fixated on the winner a year and a half later, and fixated on the idea that their candidate by all rights, should have won?
You haven’t heard of Sarah Palin?
Remember the doctor that said "If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."....yea, Trump wrote that himself. What a freaking joke the right elected to POTUS.

Exclusive: Bornstein claims Trump dictated the glowing health letter - CNNPolitics

Sorry your girl lost. :laughing0301:
When else in American history have supporters of the winner been totally fixated on the loser a year and a half later........:71:

When else in American history have supporters of the loser been totally fixated on the winner a year and a half later, and fixated on the idea that their candidate by all rights, should have won?
When Obama was president. The right cried for all 8 years that he wasn't eligible to be president. The left stopped talking about McCain and Romney right after their respective elections.

Goes to show just how crazy Hillary drives the right.

It's not so much that Hillary "drives us crazy". It that she's the laughingstock of the American political stage. Hillary will forever be held up for ridicule and referred to as a shining example of what it means to be a "loser".

Think about it: She was convinced that she was going to win. The media was convinced that she was going to win. The Democrats, the DNC, the bookmakers, the pollsters, and half the voters in this country were fooled into believing that "'s just her time."

But then she fuckin' lost. She lost against some rich white guy, who had no previous experience in the government.

Except, she didn’t lose. She was cheated.
Remember the doctor that said "If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."....yea, Trump wrote that himself. What a freaking joke the right elected to POTUS.

Exclusive: Bornstein claims Trump dictated the glowing health letter - CNNPolitics
Trumpanzees don't care about the lies...they thrive on them.
And they’re so stupid, they don’t differentiate between trump lying to "the establishment" and this, where he is lying to the people he was trying to get to vote for him by stating his health was excellent.

Wait until they find out he’s not rich, either, and certainly not a billionaire.

Lets take a look at the people who were FURIOUS that Obama said if you like your plan you can keep your plan under the ACA.

President Donald Trump on Wednesday floated the idea of increasing taxes on the wealthiest Americans as part of a push for tax reform.

"I think the wealthywill be pretty much where they are, pretty much where they are," Trump said at a bipartisan meeting of lawmakers when asked by a reporter about tax rates for the rich.

"If they have to go higher, they'll go higher," he added.

In the past, Trump administration officials said the tax rate for higher-income people would decrease, but that it would be offset by eliminating deductions. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said during his confirmation hearing that the tax burden for wealthy Americans would not decrease under Trump's tax plan, something that was coined as the "Mnuchin rule."

They lied.

Trump has mounted a push in recent days to try and get Democrats on board with his plan, gearing rhetoric around the tax plan as "unrigging the economy." Such a move could also make the budgetary math line up better to secure lower rates for corporations or maintain some exemptions.

Trump said it was an option because the goal of tax reform was to help middle-class Americans and create jobs.

He totally rigged the economy.
Remember the doctor that said "If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."....yea, Trump wrote that himself. What a freaking joke the right elected to POTUS.

Exclusive: Bornstein claims Trump dictated the glowing health letter - CNNPolitics

Sorry your girl lost. :laughing0301:
Sorry you were conned by a liar. Now we all suffer

"We" aren't suffering. You might be but I am winning.
I was winning in 2016 when you were complaining and I'm winning now. How have things changed for you personally so that now you are winning all of the sudden.

How were you losing personally in 2016?

You won nothing in 2016: Not a single control bill to speak of, a massive increase in the sales of firearms and ammunition, no real private sector jobs created, a doubling of the national debt, ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism ravaging the entire Middle East, racial unrest and black poverty increasing here in the states, dwindling median personal income, increased food stamp usage and welfare, further dependence on foreign oil, and the destruction of the medical industry, thanks to Obamacare.

Well I'll take that back. You probably did experience the cathartic effects of electing what you thought was the first black President, even though he was half white. That most likely made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, possibly causing a tingle to run down your leg. After all, by voting for the "first black President", you could prove to all your friends that even though you were white, you were by no means "racist". So you did win the chance to virtue-signal to your liberal friends and flaunt your phony "moral superiority", didn't you?

But when you found out that he was more a a friend to rich Wall Street investors and one-percenters, that tingle probably went away.
Remember the doctor that said "If elected, Mr. Trump, I can state unequivocally, will be the healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency."....yea, Trump wrote that himself. What a freaking joke the right elected to POTUS.

Exclusive: Bornstein claims Trump dictated the glowing health letter - CNNPolitics

Sorry your girl lost. :laughing0301:
When else in American history have supporters of the winner been totally fixated on the loser a year and a half later........:71:

When else in American history have supporters of the loser been totally fixated on the winner a year and a half later, and fixated on the idea that their candidate by all rights, should have won?
You haven’t heard of Sarah Palin?

Sarah Palin unlike yourself, my pseudo-Bolshevik friend, is a great American patriot.

You could do well to emulate her.

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