Trump wrote The Art of the Deal


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020
The Art of the Steal - American Thinker

Biden and the demrats the Art of the Steal

For every American, the fallout from Democratic control of the presidency and both Houses is to be slowly dispossessed of their freedom to choose, speak, assemble, bear arms, and to be assured that your children will be given a proper education free of political animus, gender confusion, and allegations of racial privilege. Putting 52 stars on the flag, overstuffing the Supreme Court, and loading up the voter rolls with illegal aliens will usher in a permanent political class exercising one-party rule. Apart from a bit of moaning and groaning, there seems little backbone from the Republican political establishment to hold the hill. As for the working class, COVID has been instructive to the far left on how fearmongering and shaming can bring Americans to heel and condone the theft of their rights and privileges.

For the entire country, the legitimacy of the past presidential election remains an open wound that will not soon heal. Tens of millions are concerned that Biden was installed, not elected, and that Democrat majority rule will set the stage for an encore in two years’ time.

To stir the coals, Nancy Pelosi secured passage of House Resolution 1. It would extend the use of mail-in ballots to all 50 states, trample federalism underfoot, destroy state’s rights to regulate the conduct of their own elections, and codify forthcoming fraud.

Congress has also introduced H.R. 127, a broadside on gun rights through the creation of a federal firearms registration system. The database would be accessible at all levels of government, as well as the military and the public. With retroactivity, gun owners would be ordered to federally register all legally owned weapons, where they are stored, require costly insurance, and subject owners and their families to a psychological interview.

While a fearful nation spent a whole year locked down and beholding to the doyens of pandemic science, state lawmakers and the high courts of the land turned a blind’s eye to the straightforward and immutable laws of mathematics. A bit of wizardry in five swing states gave immaculate conception to a statistically impossible number of Democrat voters. State legislatures held unproductive hearings that gave lip service to whistleblowers and number crunchers armed with irksome statistical and technical proofs.

Voter fraud started early in the election year by co-opting COVID fears to unleash a salvo of intimidating lawsuits that effected changes to state voting protocols and left unlocked the backdoor to political hijinks by blue state governors. Since the election, we have been browbeaten daily to accept the outcome and all evidence to the contrary as extremism.

No federal court wanted to touch the third rail of state-controlled elections. Good men and women in black robes dispatched plaintiffs without further discourse and cleared away all roadblocks to the greatest deception in American political history. The Supreme Court trotted out brusque statements to deny standing to serious challenges from Pennsylvania and Texas, sounding the death knell to a continued Trump presidency.
Congress did not submit the bill H.R. 127 but two members of Congress did.
This is the book where he explains how he fools low intellect people. I remember being disgusted by some of the stuff he said in there.
This is the book where he explains how he fools low intellect people. I remember being disgusted by some of the stuff he said in there.
Trump has his warts like anyone else. That being said the demrats act as if they have none at all.
The Art of the Steal - American Thinker

Biden and the demrats the Art of the Steal

For every American, the fallout from Democratic control of the presidency and both Houses is to be slowly dispossessed of their freedom to choose, speak, assemble, bear arms, and to be assured that your children will be given a proper education free of political animus, gender confusion, and allegations of racial privilege. Putting 52 stars on the flag, overstuffing the Supreme Court, and loading up the voter rolls with illegal aliens will usher in a permanent political class exercising one-party rule. Apart from a bit of moaning and groaning, there seems little backbone from the Republican political establishment to hold the hill. As for the working class, COVID has been instructive to the far left on how fearmongering and shaming can bring Americans to heel and condone the theft of their rights and privileges.

For the entire country, the legitimacy of the past presidential election remains an open wound that will not soon heal. Tens of millions are concerned that Biden was installed, not elected, and that Democrat majority rule will set the stage for an encore in two years’ time.

To stir the coals, Nancy Pelosi secured passage of House Resolution 1. It would extend the use of mail-in ballots to all 50 states, trample federalism underfoot, destroy state’s rights to regulate the conduct of their own elections, and codify forthcoming fraud.

Congress has also introduced H.R. 127, a broadside on gun rights through the creation of a federal firearms registration system. The database would be accessible at all levels of government, as well as the military and the public. With retroactivity, gun owners would be ordered to federally register all legally owned weapons, where they are stored, require costly insurance, and subject owners and their families to a psychological interview.

While a fearful nation spent a whole year locked down and beholding to the doyens of pandemic science, state lawmakers and the high courts of the land turned a blind’s eye to the straightforward and immutable laws of mathematics. A bit of wizardry in five swing states gave immaculate conception to a statistically impossible number of Democrat voters. State legislatures held unproductive hearings that gave lip service to whistleblowers and number crunchers armed with irksome statistical and technical proofs.

Voter fraud started early in the election year by co-opting COVID fears to unleash a salvo of intimidating lawsuits that effected changes to state voting protocols and left unlocked the backdoor to political hijinks by blue state governors. Since the election, we have been browbeaten daily to accept the outcome and all evidence to the contrary as extremism.

No federal court wanted to touch the third rail of state-controlled elections. Good men and women in black robes dispatched plaintiffs without further discourse and cleared away all roadblocks to the greatest deception in American political history. The Supreme Court trotted out brusque statements to deny standing to serious challenges from Pennsylvania and Texas, sounding the death knell to a continued Trump presidency.

Trump didn't write The Art of the Deal. He paid Tony Schwartz to ghost write it for him. I doubt Trump ever even read most of it.
The Art of the Steal - American Thinker

Biden and the demrats the Art of the Steal

For every American, the fallout from Democratic control of the presidency and both Houses is to be slowly dispossessed of their freedom to choose, speak, assemble, bear arms, and to be assured that your children will be given a proper education free of political animus, gender confusion, and allegations of racial privilege. Putting 52 stars on the flag, overstuffing the Supreme Court, and loading up the voter rolls with illegal aliens will usher in a permanent political class exercising one-party rule. Apart from a bit of moaning and groaning, there seems little backbone from the Republican political establishment to hold the hill. As for the working class, COVID has been instructive to the far left on how fearmongering and shaming can bring Americans to heel and condone the theft of their rights and privileges.

For the entire country, the legitimacy of the past presidential election remains an open wound that will not soon heal. Tens of millions are concerned that Biden was installed, not elected, and that Democrat majority rule will set the stage for an encore in two years’ time.

To stir the coals, Nancy Pelosi secured passage of House Resolution 1. It would extend the use of mail-in ballots to all 50 states, trample federalism underfoot, destroy state’s rights to regulate the conduct of their own elections, and codify forthcoming fraud.

Congress has also introduced H.R. 127, a broadside on gun rights through the creation of a federal firearms registration system. The database would be accessible at all levels of government, as well as the military and the public. With retroactivity, gun owners would be ordered to federally register all legally owned weapons, where they are stored, require costly insurance, and subject owners and their families to a psychological interview.

While a fearful nation spent a whole year locked down and beholding to the doyens of pandemic science, state lawmakers and the high courts of the land turned a blind’s eye to the straightforward and immutable laws of mathematics. A bit of wizardry in five swing states gave immaculate conception to a statistically impossible number of Democrat voters. State legislatures held unproductive hearings that gave lip service to whistleblowers and number crunchers armed with irksome statistical and technical proofs.

Voter fraud started early in the election year by co-opting COVID fears to unleash a salvo of intimidating lawsuits that effected changes to state voting protocols and left unlocked the backdoor to political hijinks by blue state governors. Since the election, we have been browbeaten daily to accept the outcome and all evidence to the contrary as extremism.

No federal court wanted to touch the third rail of state-controlled elections. Good men and women in black robes dispatched plaintiffs without further discourse and cleared away all roadblocks to the greatest deception in American political history. The Supreme Court trotted out brusque statements to deny standing to serious challenges from Pennsylvania and Texas, sounding the death knell to a continued Trump presidency.

Trump didn't write The Art of the Deal. He paid Tony Schwartz to ghost write it for him. I doubt Trump ever even read most of it.
Ghost writers have been known to be employed. So what?
This is the book where he explains how he fools low intellect people. I remember being disgusted by some of the stuff he said in there.
Trump has his warts like anyone else. That being said the demrats act as if they have none at all.

Warts??? Trump is an open pustule of hatred and racism. And he’s incompetent.

The only way Trump runs a businesses into the ground. He did the same thing with the United States economy.

Trump is a liar a ConMan and a bully. Why anyone would vote for such a person is beyond me. Everyone warned you what would happen with Trump as president but you wouldn’t listen.

Trump didn’t write the art of the deal. Tony Schwartz wrote it. He just listened to Trump ramble on like a fool and then try to make some sense of it all. None of the bullshit that Trump put in that book as effective as a strategy for business.
Steve Bannon and Rodger Stone wrote the "Art of the Squeal""

Or "How DJT Conned the GOP into supporting Insurrection as a political option!"

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